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[Misc] Mundane celebrity encounters

lawros left foot

Glory hunting since 1969
Jun 11, 2011
Held the door open for Keira Knightley at a Citarella in New York as I was leaving. She said I was cute and asked for my number but I was with my ex at the time so had to turn her down.

You too?

She’s a real menace, isn’t she.


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
Just remembered another absolute classic... boutique hotel in Kefalonia, next table on the restaurant balcony, only Craig Revel Horwood. We shared a moment over the Greek yoghurt, honey and fruit buffet. I passed him the walnuts.

He was with his mum.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
When I was serving in the 1960s, Denis Healey was Defence Minister. He paid a visit to our Comcen, and was listening to the officer explaining what was what. He looked at me and said Hello.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly
Seb Coe, met him on a fun run a few years back. Seemed like a nice guy...

lawros left foot

Glory hunting since 1969
Jun 11, 2011
Patrick Moore on a train, he was sitting opposite me, and there was a young boy running up and down the aisle being a pain in the arse. Mr Moore sneakily stuck out a foot as the said boy was running past tripping him up.

Cue tears and tantrums from the little sod, and Patrick Moore, on realising that I had seen what he had done, just gave me a small smile.

The kid was quite for the rest of the journey.

Penelope Keith, in the Bag of Nails pub in Victoria, Her husband bought me a pint and asked me to join them and their friends, as at the time I had recently broken my neck, and had a rather fetching pink neck brace on, and he was intrigued as how I had done it.

Taking part in an episode of Floyd on Fish back in the 80s. He came to our Petty Officers course at HMS Raleigh when we we’re being taught how to build a working kitchen from scrap. They flew him in, on a Seaking helicopter who’s downdraught blew what we had spent 2 days building to shit.
The course was then botched, and we were all given a pass, after we rigged up a stove for him to cook some fish on.

His researcher did most of the off camera cooking, and he was a huge arse.

I think the programme is on You Tube somewhere.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Me and Paul Simon walked into each other on the strand. He was coming out the Savoy, turned the corner and smashed into as I walking to Kings College.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I potted some snooker balls for Steve Davis when he couldn't get his trick shot to work. We just cut it in, in the edit.


Old Brightonian
Nov 7, 2003
East Wales
I said a rather surprised "good morning" to Paul McCartney and Heather Mills by the entrance to the Palace Pier, Paul was on a bike, Heather wearing roller boots. She was pretty good on them all things considered.

I've served Jeremy Bowen, Dewi Morris and Nicky Cusack at our family pub and my missus gave John Nettles (and his wife Kathy) horse riding lessons.

I've had a pee next to Barney Curley and Gary Moore and given a leg up to Hayley Turner.


Greg Bobkin

Silver Seagull
May 22, 2012
No toilet-based encounters, but:

Been in a lift with Russell Brand.
Followed Jonathan Ross down to his dressing room by accident at the 2006 Comedy Awards and he told me where to go (like, literally, not to fack off).
Saw Connor Goldson in a Heathrow business lounge.
Stood at a bar in Brighton with Bobby Zamora. Asked him to stay at the Albion; a few weeks later he moved to Spuds.
Walked up the steps into a hotel just before Rhianna was walking down (I wondered why there were so many paps around).
Met Ellie Simmons in late 2012 (she had her medals with her).
Was driven around Goodwood race circuit by David Coulthard (and, more recently, a car park by a young Swedish rally champion).
Watched Arsenal play Boro (I think) next to Jake Humphrey.
Played a couple of holes of golf with Lee Westwood and Retief Goosen.
Bumped into (not literally, thankfully) Iain Paisley (Snr) in Stuttgart Airport.
Was on a work trip with AJ from Strictly.
Used to chat with Gerry Armstrong when he worked in our school's tuck shop.
Served Burnside and Karron Eubank when I worked in Halfords.
Saw – and chatted to – Chris Hughton buying champagne in M&S before the Albion Christmas do.

There may be some more but they are possibly too mundane to even remember.

Edit: just remembered one. Lads holiday to Tenerife in 1996, Nigel Benn was DJing and my mate decided to chant 'Eubank, Eubank' at him. It didn't go down too well. On another trip abroad, we were in a VIP area of a club in Ibiza. Mr Tumble was in the one next to our one, much to the delight of the Palace supporter in our group. Think we gave him some Albion-related 'banter', too.

The Mole

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
Bowdon actually , Cheshire
I served Denise Walsh burgers for her family at a charity cricket match (I’m guessing that I must have also served Matt Healy one as well as she was with her children). Later Tim Healy came up for a burger but he was a lot more miserable.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Buxted Harbour
Shared a lift with Des Lynam in Eindhoven during Euro 2000. I was on a corporate vibe and our box was next to the BBC studio. Des is huge!

Whilst on a lift and size vibe. Several years back when we had that pre season trip to Madrid. We stayed in a very nice Madrid hotel. Real Madrid had just signed Isco and he was saying there. I was walking into the lift as he was coming out. He is tiny but his minders not so much.

Cheltenham festival a few years back my mate (public school type) who I was with was wearing his school blazer. Johnny Barestow was in our tent (he wasn't meant to be, he had blagged his way in) and he went to the rival school so was drawn to my mate for a chat. Tremendous chap, bought me a pint.

Have been on several occasions to either the Derby or the Oaks to an event put on by Andy Woodman's promotions company consequently there are always lots of footballers/sporty types there. Pardew is always there and is a bellend. Year before last I was talking to a lovely woman who I had no idea who she was until she introduced her husband....Mark Bright. Also a very nice man. Said he never really understood the Brighton/Palace rivalry.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
When I lived in Zambia in the early/mid 70s, I was playing Rugby for the Kitwe 3rd team. This particular Subday we were playing Ndola 3rds and in their team was Peter Stag, the ex Scotland and British Lions player, now living in Zambia and returning from injury with a game in the 3rd team. I have never seen such power from one player, all 6ft 10 of him. What an honour to be on the same pitch.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
LA...wishing it was devon..
went to a comedy talk at Pompey Guildhall...was on front row... after the event, ex and I sensibly went to the loo before journeying home.. John Thompson (jazz club.. nice!) was coming down the stairway to ablute and said hello and thanked us for coming... Least he was observant about his audience - we didn't collar him in case he was 'in need'...


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2019
my son once splashed Norman Cook in the face at the Hove Lagoon paddling pool


Super Moderator
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Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
Playing golf in Puerto Banus, picked up a headcover on the 15th tee. It had the initials JP on it.

When we got the the 19th, there he was, sitting in the bar with some chums... it was only John Parrott.

He used a 3 wood off the tee.

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