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London Marathon


New member
May 11, 2004
I'm running the marathon this Sunday, and after months of hard work and training (and 5 weeks without a :drink: ) I'm really looking forward to the big day. Just wondered if anyone else on here has taken part before, and how they got on, any last minute advice etc?!
I was thinking of running in my Albion shirt but I don't think the nipples would approve after 26 miles of close contact
:nono: and the hospice I'm running for probably wouldn't be too pleased - so a normal running vest it is for me...and my John Prescott mask.

Unfortunately it means I won't be going to Burnley so give 'em a :clap2: for me, I am very confident we'll win this weekend...

Hampden Park

Ex R.N.
Oct 7, 2003
good luck to you as its quite a long old hike. either cover your nipples with elastoplast (round waterproofs are best) and or vaseline or wear a cotton vest underneath. drink at every station and enjoy the views.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
as 10cc say, not in hove
good luck! if you've done the training you'll be fine!


1) don't wear the shirt unless you tape youre raspberries with micropore, it's fab. otherwise the pain is intense!

2) drink at every station even if you don't think you neede to

3) early on carry a bottle of water to avoid (2) and getting caught in the queues

4) have a target time and stick to it as best possible. you'll soon know what is possible. 4 hours is good (very good) for a first time

5) save a little for a sprint finish...take a little walk a couple of hundred metres from the end...then go for it. fantastic feeling!

6)vaseline around your balls or see (1) above

7) enjoy it...if you've trained you'll finish for sure. and don't be scared to walk a little's not a problem!


lost in london

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2003
I've only done a half marathon but vaseline in the testicular area is thoroughly recommended. But if you've done even a bit of training i'm sure you'll have learnt that from experience, I did!


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Meopham, Kent.
I ran it about 10 years ago, and it bloody hurt! It's absolutely true that muscles you didn't realise you had ache for days. My calves were really stiff until about Tuesday.

BUT, I sustained a knee injury during training and therefore had not done the miles I needed to in training. For the last 6 weeks, I was only doing 3 x 4-5 miles a week, and one longer run of between 7-9 miles, simply to try and conserve my knee. I only did one training run in excess of 10 miles, and I paid for it!

That was enough to get me round, so if you've trained more than that you should be ok. I couldn't believe how much more energy I got from having the crowds cheering me on. However, you get to Canary Wharf at about 18 miles, and for the next 4 miles you don't see many people at all, it's the city and no-one lives around there ... that was by far the hardest stage of the race for me.

After that, you are going along the Embankment and start to feel close enough to the end that you just don't let yourself stop.

Good luck, you'll have a great day, one you'll never forget. And whatever you do, make a herculean effort as you cross the line to look relaxed composed and happy, because that is the moment they take your picture. You can shuffle along for 26 miles, as long as you cross the line looking like Seb Coe on a morning jog, then the picture will always make it look like you found it easy.

Good luck matey.


New member
May 11, 2004
Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated!

Nipple and testical regions will be well vaselined!!

I've got up to 18 miles in training, so I'm hoping the atmosphere / adrenaline will do the rest. I'll get my 'support team' to be around the 20 mile mark then...if they can stay out the pub long enough!
I hope to get round somewhere near 4hrs 15mins, but wont let the time spoil the day if it goes wrong.
If I'm with it enough for the final straight I'll try to take your advice regarding the photo, last thing I want is to be photographed crossing the line the same time as a nutter in his rhino outfit!! Cheers.


New member
Jul 26, 2004
Best of luck Elms. I ran the marathon in 2002 and then again in 2003 and it's great!

Good advice already posted but my only suggestion would be to write your name in big letters on the front of whichever top you wear. I did the second year and it's great to have complete strangers shouting your name out encouraging you all the way, helped me loads through those more painfull miles.

Best of luck and enjoy the day!


Active member
Jul 7, 2003
At the foot of the downs
All the best mate, check out water stop 14, me Bird is running it :)


Captain Of The Crew
Oct 10, 2004
Mr. Starry is running it for the fifth time, in aid of Naomi House hospice where our daughter spends time and from whom we receive fantastic support and care.

Mr Starry said if you do want to run in the football shirt cover your nipples with plasters, not sure how he found that out and am too afraid to ask him.

He said keep at your own pace, you know what you are capable of, just because the person beside you on the start line sprinted off you don't have to keep up - chances are you'll pass him collapsed in a heap around the next corner.

Always take the lucozade/fluid/water when it's offered, even if you only take one sip and chuck the rest you'll regret not drinking enough about 2 hours after you finish the race and feel lousy.

Good luck, and enjoy it! We should be on the finish line providing Starry Jnr is well.


New member
May 9, 2004
Good luck Elms !

Take a black bin liner with you to wear before you start the race - sounds daft but everyone does it, be aware of rogue ones that have been discarded at the start line - I managed to get one tangled round my feet at the start of the GSR in October 2004 !

The atmosphere and adrenalin will help you round !


Coffee Buyer
Jul 5, 2003
Good Luck Elms, I ran London 2 years ago. Great Fun, but like Gritt I had injury problems throughout training.

Managed to get round in just over 5 hrs 30 mins, have kept up the running since, and haven't had the injury problems with more miles behind me.

Ran the Great North in my Albion Shirt (see avator), I used vaseline. Wouldn't recommend running in a footie shirt though, it gets very warm & smelly.

Ran Reading half in 1hr 53 a month or so ago, didn't get into London this year, so am doing Edinburgh Marathon on June 12 instead. Still got 8 weeks of training to go!!

Like others have said, get your name on the front of your running vest and enjoy the day!!!

Have Fun!

Eddie the Seagull

New member
Jul 6, 2003
Starve yourself of carbohydrates for 72 hours before, then on Friday night stuff a shedload of pasta down your throat - whilst starving yourself of carbs you body produces its own. The pasta will give you a carb boost - vital energy for the last few miles.

Take a couple of bananas in a bum bag or something. Or at least get your support team stocked up with some.

Do bugger all running 3 days before.


New member
May 9, 2004
Good luck. You're doing a great job.

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