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[Politics] Labour has suspended former leader Jeremy Corbyn

Live by the sea

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2016
Such an anti-democratic move by Starmer. What terrible options the two main parties are.
Not really anti democratic, Corbyn’s unpleasant views and alliances are the reason labour lost the last election .

Starmer who is a much more sensible and balanced person and leader has rightly decided Corbyn alienates a lot of fair minded people & doesn’t want him tainting the Labour Party .


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2007
Not really anti democratic, Corbyn’s unpleasant views and alliances are the reason labour lost the last election .

Starmer who is a much more sensible and balanced person and leader has rightly decided Corbyn alienates a lot of fair minded people & doesn’t want him tainting the Labour Party .

Funny thing is , I remember Corbyn's Labour running a loosely prancing Mrs May pretty close.

What lost Labour the last election, and a load of "red wall" seats on top, is that a lot of rather stupid people believed one of the biggest liars to have ever graced our useless political system.
A certain flopsy haired lovable rogue, with a penchant for three word slogans that rather stupid people could understand. You know, a bit like this month's "Stop the Boats" - that sort of wheeze.
My apologies, not one of the biggest liars, THE biggest liar.

And do you know what, I know who I would want on my side in a fight. Someone with principles, (whether they were right or wrong), rather than a man with none.

Live by the sea

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2016
Funny thing is , I remember Corbyn's Labour running a loosely prancing Mrs May pretty close.

What lost Labour the last election, and a load of "red wall" seats on top, is that a lot of rather stupid people believed one of the biggest liars to have ever graced our useless political system.
A certain flopsy haired lovable rogue, with a penchant for three word slogans that rather stupid people could understand. You know, a bit like this month's "Stop the Boats" - that sort of wheeze.
My apologies, not one of the biggest liars, THE biggest liar.

And do you know what, I know who I would want on my side in a fight. Someone with principles, (whether they were right or wrong), rather than a man with none.
Corbyn lost Labour the election , Boris would not have won with anyone half decent and sensible in charge . Labour will win the next election because they have a decent leader now .


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area

Cheshire Cat

The most curious thing..
Glastonbury is mainly a bunch of extreme lefty students , not exactly a representative cross section of society .
I thought it has become mostly a load of middle class well heeled adults trying to remember their mis-spent youth that they never had in the first place - the tickets aren't exactly cheap.

Getting down wiv da kidz.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
I thought it has become mostly a load of middle class well heeled adults trying to remember their mis-spent youth that they never had in the first place - the tickets aren't exactly cheap.

Getting down wiv da kidz.
Precisely. Extreme lefty students mostly can't afford it these days - and let's face it, the headline acts are more Radio 2 than Radio 1 these days anyway. Elton John, Paul McCartney, anyone?
............................ and I'm not even sure adio 1 is up with the hippest of hip leftie students these days anyway.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2011
Precisely. Extreme lefty students mostly can't afford it these days - and let's face it, the headline acts are more Radio 2 than Radio 1 these days anyway. Elton John, Paul McCartney, anyone?
............................ and I'm not even sure adio 1 is up with the hippest of hip leftie students these days anyway.
Tbf, extreme lefty students tend to be posh & privately educated. Like Jezz & all his closest advisers


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
A vote mady by 40 of his stooges overriding the 35,000 members of the public that voted for Corbyn in the last general election?
So does a mandate from the public trump the breaking of rules?

Have you considered a career in law because there’s a former PM who could use some advice like that right now…


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2022
‘‘Twas ever thus”

In 2016 and 2018 there was much wrangling between Corbyn/momentum and the moderates in the party for control of the National Executive. Each side have changed the rules for re selection and deselection of MPs whilst they have had control of the Executive.

This is simply the next round of the internal battle of the party

In the past moderate councillors (edit) were deselected when previously unseen momentum voters arrived en masse at local party selection votes.

This sort of infighting is and always has been music to the Conservatives’ ears.
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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
I feel sorry for Corbyn in that - whilst leader - he was a man of his word and adopted policies that were the fruition of all that he had espoused his whole political career. He is - and always will be - a man of the far Left.

The problem was not Corbyn, but that Labour thought their best choice of leader and winning a General Election was Corbyn.

I think this was - in part - a reaction against the Blairite years and the party's lurch to the Right.

If Starmer was a Tory he'd buy Corbyn offer with the promise of a knighthood. I understand why he needs Corbyn out of the Labour Party and so be able to present a more consistent party line. The Tories love to bash Starmer with the Corbyn thing but with him removed, and with Liz Truss more deserving of ridicule than Corbyn, that line of attack will be nullified.

North of the border, I think Starmer needs to hope that Hamza Yusuf doesn't start to present a more anti-Brexit / pro-immigration agenda that could play well for the SNP but not so much for Labour. Scotland's population has flatlined and is projected to fall, and it needs more immigrants, so this is at odds with Westminster policy.

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