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[Albion] Joe Cole


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Christ, I thought for a moment he'd died too.


Shite Supporter
Jul 6, 2003
Wish someone would revoke his access to Channel 4 and TNT studios.

Caught a bit of the Man Utd game last night too, with Ferdinand and Savage. Unlistenable for non-Man U fans. It's like that failed fan commentary experiment from 20 years ago.

I really miss professional commentary and punditry. Just a muppet show now.

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
Wish someone would revoke his access to Channel 4 and TNT studios.

Caught a bit of the Man Utd game last night too, with Ferdinand and Savage. Unlistenable for non-Man U fans. It's like that failed fan commentary experiment from 20 years ago.

I really miss professional commentary and punditry. Just a muppet show now.
Indeed - just constant over-excited, biased, SHOUTING. Tone it down and try, just for a bit to be tiny bit professional. Maybe even try to add SOME insight, lads.

Darren 'Fletch' Fletcher is a terrible, terrible commentator, too. Get in the sea.


Solly March Fan Club
Nov 22, 2007
Sarisbury Green, Southampton
Indeed - just constant over-excited, biased, SHOUTING. Tone it down and try, just for a bit to be tiny bit professional. Maybe even try to add SOME insight, lads.

Darren 'Fletch' Fletcher is a terrible, terrible commentator, too. Get in the sea.
'Fletch' is an absolute bellend. His attempts to be one of the lads are as cringeworthy as Jake 'High Performing Wanker' Humphrey's.

Can't believe 5 Live lower themselves to allow 'Fletch' air time. Mark Chapman must be so embarrassed having to share that microphone with the moron.

Happy Exile

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 19, 2018
I like that Dunk says James Milner has achieved more than himself "so far in his career". It's good to hear he's not ruling out he'll get a few FA Cup wins, at least one Champions League and a couple of Premier League titles in before he retires!



In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
Wish someone would revoke his access to Channel 4 and TNT studios.

Caught a bit of the Man Utd game last night too, with Ferdinand and Savage. Unlistenable for non-Man U fans. It's like that failed fan commentary experiment from 20 years ago.

I really miss professional commentary and punditry. Just a muppet show now.
Savage doesn't shout at all, does he? Just a dull, uninformative monotone delivery.

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