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I don't care, tonight I'm proud of the 10 Men and 1500 fans


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
I don't care about what's happened so far this season or the feelings on Adams or the players. To the 10 men who fought bravely tonight, to the 1500who travelled I'm proud of you tonight. To Micky, I support you and the team for the rest of season. You'll get my full support because I'm a Brighton and you need my support.


Mmmmm? Marvellous
Aug 9, 2008
Nice to see your supporting a manager who is going to take us down to the basement of the football league. Our future now lies in Dick and the boards hands.

Guillem Balague

New member
Jun 28, 2008
Well said Twickers

I am proud of the team tonight, and the tremendous support.

I am however braced for all the neagitivity and bile to be posted on here over the next 24 hours.

Had we stuck together like the players and supporters did tonight over the entire season we would not be in this mess.

R. Slicker

Well-known member
Jan 1, 2009
Have we fallen so far that we are now proud to hold a team, a league lower than us, to a draw?


Jul 7, 2003
In a pile of football shirts
Adams just admitted he will be having a discussion with the Chairman this week.


Go Jazz Go
Sep 21, 2003
The team did well (first 60 seconds aside) especially after the APPALLING decision to send Livermore off. I'm far more gutted than I thought I would be about this.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
I'm not proud, there is no excuses for getting completely outplayed by a team in the league below you.

Chesney Christ

New member
Sep 3, 2003
Location, Location
I don't care about what's happened so far this season or the feelings on Adams or the players. To the 10 men who fought bravely tonight, to the 1500who travelled I'm proud of you tonight. To Micky, I support you and the team for the rest of season. You'll get my full support because I'm a Brighton and you need my support.

I'm nearly with you.

I'm proud of the players, because despite most of our actual "football" being dreadful they worked their nuts off. Their confidence is now completely shot to pieces, but they battled and battled and battled. Fair play.

Obvious respect to any fans who went as well.

But Micky?? He can f*** off...... and he can f*** off RIGHT NOW please.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
The fans were great, the 10 men got us to penalties which is all you could ask, but I bet Livermore right now is as popular as a fart in a spacesuit.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Outplayed? What game were you watching? No football was played tonight let alone anyone being outplayed.

Perhaps it was because at the start of this season I felt we weren't a top 10 side, I still don't regardless of the manager, but somehow there's a sentiment that seems to think a change of manager will somehow change the players.


Feb 8, 2005
Can't same I'm proud at scoring once against the team bottom of the football league 10 men for 45 minutes or not.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
I'm nearly with you.

I'm proud of the players, because despite most of our actual "football" being dreadful they worked their nuts off. Their confidence is now completely shot to pieces, but they battled and battled and battled. Fair play.

Obvious respect to any fans who went as well.

But Micky?? He can f*** off...... and he can f*** off RIGHT NOW please.

I say he fucks of at the end of the season because
a) I could only see us taking a desperate bet such as Paul Ince or someone like Tony Adams drifting in and out of rehab
b) I can't see what difference it will make
c) I'd rather we had a better negotiating position and saved ourself a few £'s
d) I'm not convinced we'll be relegated and if we are I'm not convinced that's as terrible as we think...our funding is still dependent on Dick and the the tiny stadium, if anyone can be arsed to turn up, hardly pays the bills anyway.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I say he fucks of at the end of the season because
a) I could only see us taking a desperate bet such as Paul Ince or someone like Tony Adams drifting in and out of rehab
b) I can't see what difference it will make
c) I'd rather we had a better negotiating position and saved ourself a few £'s
d) I'm not convinced we'll be relegated and if we are I'm not convinced that's as terrible as we think...our funding is still dependent on Dick and the the tiny stadium, if anyone can be arsed to turn up, hardly pays the bills anyway.

Here we go again, someone else linking this season to the financial situation. Quite how you can reconcile that view with the reality of this season is beyond me.

You've obviously missed out on the fact that we sacked (wrongly or rightly) a manager who liked to play the home grown players.

Messages coming out of the club suggest this wasn't a good long term strategy.

We sacked that manager (who we are still paying) and replaced him with one who was given a fair bit of cash to spend in the transfer window.

He also retained players (who had been released), but have really figured at all this season.

I'm not sure whether you've had your head in the sand for the last year, but money doesn't appear to have been "the problem".

If money "was" the problem, the comings and goings havent exactly helped now have they ?

I'm angry, particular how the departure of the last manager was cynically linked to the stadium issue by suggesting he wasn't the man to take us forward to Falmer.

Being "drunk on the success" of the stadium has led to this.
Last edited:


New member
Aug 20, 2006
I thought it was pretty funny

You must be in cohorts with the fat twat who came into the bar where i was watching the game with his equally gormless mate with about 10 mins to go, who was wanting Luton to win and cheered when we went out and left sharpish after.

You presumably live and work in Sussex (like the twat who came in to the bar) and you cheer when the local team lose, WHY

Actually it was my lucky day in some ways, because the fat twat left when I told him to f*** off, saves a court appearance for ABH in the morrow


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
Here we go again, someone else linking this season to the financial situation. Quite how you can reconcile that view with the reality of this season is beyond me.

You've obviously missed out on the fact that we sacked (wrongly or rightly) a manager who liked to play the home grown players.

Messages coming out of the club suggest this wasn't a good long term strategy.

We sacked that manager (who we are still paying) and replaced him with one who was given a fair bit of cash to spend in the transfer window.

He also retained players (who had been released), but have really figured at all this season.

I'm not sure whether you've had your head in the sand for the last year, but money doesn't appear to have been "the problem".

If money "was" the problem, the comings and goings havent exactly helped now have they ?

I'm angry, particular how the departure of the last manager was cynically linked to the stadium issue by suggesting he wasn't the man to take us forward to Falmer.

Being "drunk on the success" of the stadium has led to this.

Crikey another one who never got over Wilkies departure. Get over it.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Crikey another one who never got over Wilkies departure. Get over it.

I got well over it and I'm not convinced actually sacking Adams in the answer to this mess. It potentially makes the situation worse.

The point is, the club have got themselves in this mess. Irrespective of whatever went on between Knight and Wilkins, they got ahead of themselves when I believe a period of stability (however forced) would have far more pragmatic.

They've tried to address the situation by releasing funds in the transfer window, but to no avail.

My point is simply that absolutely no external factors at all have lead to this, however much you think they have.

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