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[Albion] Held back after the game


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2004
Was very good fun - excellent Albion experience for junior especially. We had to break out of the West Stand to be able to join in.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2017
In other news, billions of people are starving, Russia is brutalising the people of Ukraine and China will inevitably attack Taiwan causing a major conflict with the US.


I changed this.
Jul 28, 2011
In other news, billions of people are starving, Russia is brutalising the people of Ukraine and China will inevitably attack Taiwan causing a major conflict with the US.
Oh yeah, sorry about that, completely forgot people can't enjoy anything because bad shit is happening somewhere literally all the time.

How rude of us.

Change at Barnham

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
Bognor Regis
In other news, billions of people are starving, Russia is brutalising the people of Ukraine and China will inevitably attack Taiwan causing a major conflict with the US.
Football is our escape from the world's depressing problems for a few hours.
Can't you let us enjoy this delicious moment after so much previous heartbreak against them?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2017
Football is our escape from the world's depressing problems for a few hours.
Can't you let us enjoy this delicious moment after so much previous heartbreak against them?
Too much hate in the world as it is. Surely it’s possible to enjoy the win and the ride we are on without having to have a pop at their heavily guarded fans on the way out too? Just my view, I appreciate other views are out there too.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
I left early last night, but I am fully behind those who enjoyed some mockery after the game. After the mayhem the good caused previously. As someone who was stuck with the Millwall supporters after me and a mate went to the Den in the home end (tickets had been made available to us) and witnessed the response of a losing team (Forster, 1-0 to the Albion) first hand, I have to day that the deliciousness was one of the highlights of an otherwise drab year. Being incognito and so close a bit of personal jeopardy was also part of the fun. What was I like? ??? :wink:

Paulie Gualtieri

Bada Bing
NSC Patron
May 8, 2018

They were far from happy


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 11, 2009
View attachment 158367
They were far from happy
Say goodbye to the comfy seats, working bogs and modern 21st century facilities.

Off back to your crumbling dilapidated 19th century dump/relegation scrap.

Run from the foreign concept of progression back to the more familiar comforts of stagnation and decline

Garry Nelson's Left Foot

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
It's quite easy to do, really.
@Bozza or any other mod. Acker has quoted a post of 'mine' that I haven't made. This is the second time today that has happened. @Albion my Albion quoted a post I hadn't made in a different thread.

When I say a post I hadn't made I don't mean they've changed a post I made, I mean I haven't even made a post at all. I've scrolled through the thread and there is no post by me. Also, the posts quoted make absolutely no sense in relation to the thread.

What's going on? Is there a glitch in the matrix? How are people quoting non existent posts by me? It's all a bit strange.


Plastic JCL
Sep 14, 2016
@Bozza or any other mod. Acker has quoted a post of 'mine' that I haven't made. This is the second time today that has happened. @Albion my Albion quoted a post I hadn't made in a different thread.

When I say a post I hadn't made I don't mean they've changed a post I made, I mean I haven't even made a post at all. I've scrolled through the thread and there is no post by me. Also, the posts quoted make absolutely no sense in relation to the thread.

What's going on? Is there a glitch in the matrix? How are people quoting non existent posts by me? It's all a bit strange.

I had exactly the same issue. Can't remember who it was but got XXXXX has quoted you but go to the post in question and I'm not quoted at all. I'm guessing they did a multi-quote by mistake then edited mine out.

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