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[Albion] Good Window?


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2005
Genuine question…

Taking the Caceido farce out of the equation (well done to the club by the way) has this been a good window for the club?

Yes a couple of young lads with potential bought in but feel De Zerbi will feel he’s not been backed as much as he hoped he would be.

Lots of clubs have recruited well this window, have we potentially missed an opportunity to strengthen from a position of strength? We have a lot of games to squeeze in over a short period of time and I think it’s fair to say we hardly have strength in depth currently to change things around a great deal.

I for one, am delighted we have held on to a key player for us but a tad disappointed we haven’t been a bit more proactive.

I’m pretty certain RDZ will feel a little frustrated as well, let’s hope he’s supported in the summer.

What’s your thoughts?
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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2005
He’s got a £75M+ midfielder in the squad, he should be over the moon!

Johnny RoastBeef

These aren't the players you're looking for.
Jan 11, 2016
Genuine question…

Taking the Caceido farce out of the equation (well done to the club by the way) has this been a good window for the club?

Yes a couple of young lads with potential bought in but feel De Zerbi will feel he’s not been backed as much as he hoped he would be.

Lots of clubs have recruited well this window, have we potentially missed an opportunity to strengthen from a position of strength?

I for one, am delighted we have held on to a key player for us but a tad disappointed we haven’t been a bit more proactive.

I’m pretty certain RDZ will feel a little frustrated as well, let’s hope he’s supported in the summer.

What’s your thoughts?
He said he'd like some new players, but he's also said that he needs a squad of 20 first choice players to pick from. Well he's got that, and without moving anyone out, we don't have the space for any new signings.

I'm sure that the club has assured him that, come the summer, when the seller's market suits us better, well make some space and he'll get the players he wants.

And with Moder approaching fitness, Caicedo retained and 2 more wonder kids signed, I'm more than satisfied with our business.


British and Proud
Oct 15, 2014
Disappointing window for me and probably for De Zerbi. Lost two senior first team players and not replaced them. We always buy youngsters so that never really comes into it.
On the plus side I'm happy in which Bloom deal with the Caicedo situation. I'm also pleased we never paid the asking price for the Ukrainian chap. 30 million for a defender who is 27 this year is ridiculous.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Overall not too disappointed other than I really feel we should have paid the extra £5/10m for Mitvienko. Left sided centre half is a weakness and the one option we do have is injured and isn’t likely to stay beyond the summer.

I agree with those saying we shouldn’t splash silly money around but what’s the point of making such huge profits in transfer sales if the one time we need a player and the manager wants him we can’t go that little bit extra and get it done. Frustrating and doesn’t make much sense from the outside.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
Enjoyed ripping the piss out of delusional Arsenal plastics, top window


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Genuine question…

Taking the Caceido farce out of the equation (well done to the club by the way) has this been a good window for the club?

Yes a couple of young lads with potential bought in but feel De Zerbi will feel he’s not been backed as much as he hoped he would be.

Lots of clubs have recruited well this window, have we potentially missed an opportunity to strengthen from a position of strength? We have a lot of games to squeeze in over a short period of time and I think it’s fair to say we hardly have strength in depth currently to change things around a great deal.

I for one, am delighted we have held on to a key player for us but a tad disappointed we haven’t been a bit more proactive.

I’m pretty certain RDZ will feel a little frustrated as well, let’s hope he’s supported in the summer.

What’s your thoughts?
I think the point you make about a lot of games is a very important one. With the Newcastle game now moving due to their final appearance we now have three league games and a cup run to squeeze in. The bench on Sunday showed we really need some luck with injuries.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Disappointing window for me and probably for De Zerbi. Lost two senior first team players and not replaced them.
Trossard and?

Obviously Mwepu was well before the window. Who else did we lose?

Icy Gull

Back on the rollercoaster
Jul 5, 2003
Have to confess to being disappointed we didn’t get the Ukranian CB and the striker who went to Marseilles, that one sounded like a goer for a few hours. I really doubt he was cover in case Ferguson had a bad injury. 20 million is not the sort of price you pay for cover at our level is it?

Main thing is we kept Caicedo for a while longer, which was the most important thing.

A window with not much excitement just concern.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
Right untie him and let him out of the broom cupboard.


Shite Supporter
Jul 6, 2003
Disappointing window for me and probably for De Zerbi. Lost two senior first team players and not replaced them. We always buy youngsters so that never really comes into it.
Two fantastic players have become first-teamers since the last window closed - Mitoma and Ferguson.

The youngsters come in, almost under the radar, and we barely notice when they become regulars.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
Fergusons emergence has meant there really wasn’t much we needed imo. Maybe a CB in to learn the ropes of how we play if Colwill not coming next season. No point going over the odds in Jan. Most of our ‘signings’ end up being lads like the 2 we’ve signed - in about 2-3 years they may be ready or established. We don’t often do big signings…


Dangerous Idiot
Jun 21, 2012
Born In Shoreham
I can see RDZ’s thinking two or three injuries and we are very thin on the ground judging by Sundays bench. Like @Reddleman says there is no point laughing at clubs paying these ridiculous fees for our players if we don’t spend it on some first team ready players when we need them. It was reported we pulled out of the striker deal as Ferguson’s injury wasn’t that bad isn’t that a warning rather than a green light not to do anything. Really surprised going by our record we didn’t have twenty CB’s lined up 🤣


Shite Supporter
Jul 6, 2003
Fergusons emergence has meant there really wasn’t much we needed imo.
First window for YEARS where we haven't all been GAGGING for a new striker.

As an aside...

I know you shouldn't wish your life away but I can't bloody wait until 3 or 4 years time when Chelsea realise why sane clubs don't give players 8-year contracts.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
First window for YEARS where we haven't all been GAGGING for a new striker.
Yep I think that’s a fair comment. I still wouldn’t mind one I’m the Summer as Evan is young and Welbs still has fitness issues but a lot depends on Zaq / Connolly / Sima / USG bloke I think. If they’re not deemed up to it, I think we may need one. But think there’s other options where some of our midfielders and wingers can do that sort of role like le sulk did.

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