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[Football] Gary Lineker to step back from presenting MOTD


Super Moderator
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Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex

Gary Lineker is to step back from presenting Match of the Day until an agreement is reached on his social media use - BBC statement.
It follows an impartiality row over comments he made criticising the government's new asylum policy.
In a tweet, the presenter had compared the language used by the government to set out its plan to "that used by Germany in the 30s".


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly

Take a bow fella, this guy nails all the main points.

Make no mistake, the Beeb has been well and truly infiltrated by the current government. They want to state broadcaster not a public service one.

The sad thing is they and their non dom media mates will be loving all this. What we now see is bricks being thrown at the organisation from all sides. They want those who usually love the Beeb to turn on it.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
He could be employed by both, in the same way that anyone can have two or more PAYE jobs.

It’s tax beneficial by both parties to say it isn’t. The public purse loses out.
Don’t forget Walkers Crisps. Advertising whilst working for the Beeb?
His partner in business is his ex wife.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2011
Lineker’s key mistake was to throw Nazi Germany in there. However fine and nuanced his understanding of the semiotics of National Socialist messaging in the years 1930-1940, it would be good generally if people could stop using Nazi Germany as a kind of bad things emoji. Better to explain and use detail. Save Nazi Germany. Keep it in your back pocket for those occasions when only Nazi Germany will do.
This ^

cunning fergus

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 18, 2009
The state broadcaster, as you refer to it, isn’t making a political decision, it’s making an economic one.

Licence fee evasion is on the up for a number of reasons, in Scotland it’s as high as 13%. On current trends the BBC’s licence fee model is failing miserably, and the outlook is not good.

I know plenty of people that don’t pay the licence, I stopped 2 years ago and my old man don’t pay his and beyond a bit of Capita led harassment that can be dealt with by claiming penury and mental health issues, they have given up chasing.

The issue with Gary is that his views are polarising, from a political perspective and a moral perspective. Like it or not multi millionaire Gary is merely feeding the flames of non payment, for those with a political or economic axe to grind.

It’s ironic then that Gary’s views will likely hasten the collapse of the BBC licence fee model. If it goes to subscription we will see just how popular he and the BBC really are.

Go Gary!!


May 13, 2019
The state broadcaster, as you refer to it, isn’t making a political decision, it’s making an economic one.

Licence fee evasion is on the up for a number of reasons, in Scotland it’s as high as 13%. On current trends the BBC’s licence fee model is failing miserably, and the outlook is not good.

I know plenty of people that don’t pay the licence, I stopped 2 years ago and my old man don’t pay his and beyond a bit of Capita led harassment that can be dealt with by claiming penury and mental health issues, they have given up chasing.

The issue with Gary is that his views are polarising, from a political perspective and a moral perspective. Like it or not multi millionaire Gary is merely feeding the flames of non payment, for those with a political or economic axe to grind.

It’s ironic then that Gary’s views will likely hasten the collapse of the BBC licence fee model. If it goes to subscription we will see just how popular he and the BBC really are.

Go Gary!!
Well, perhaps then it should say that it is doing a economic decision rather than claiming it is a political one.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2017
I worry that in the time between now and then, they will re open the barely healed divisions of the referendum, using the same tools of immigration fears and border controls, ECHR preventing us from securing the borders, Labour willing to cede sovereignty to ECHR, etc. to get enough support to cling on, and take us out of the ECHR. If they have the support of the papers that usually promote them, it is a real possibility
The danger here is the opposition running on a campaign footing of "well the voting public couldn't possibly be that daft - it'll never happen" a la Remain/Clinton, rather than offering a compelling alternative, which is where we end up with another Brexit/Trumplestiltskin/dose of these lying sacks of b*****d.

Oh shite, now we're in trouble 'fast daddy' wants answers

Certainly a better idea than catching a boat in the current circumstances


Je Suis Rhino
Apr 25, 2009
Take a bow fella, this guy nails all the main points.

Make no mistake, the Beeb has been well and truly infiltrated by the current government. They want to state broadcaster not a public service one.

The sad thing is they and their non dom media mates will be loving all this. What we now see is bricks being thrown at the organisation from all sides. They want those who usually love the Beeb to turn on it.
This is so true and I'm one of them. I really got a sense of the high regard the BBC was held in across the globe while living abroad. On my return, I was struck by the amount of BBC product I consumed in the digital era. I've never begrudged the licence fee until now. I sense the organisation is either run by the government or sufficiently terrified of it to have the same effect. I'm disgusted at their capitulation to the government and resent them even while I know I'm being played. Grim.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2005
This is so true and I'm one of them. I really got a sense of the high regard the BBC was held in across the globe while living abroad. On my return, I was struck by the amount of BBC product I consumed in the digital era. I've never begrudged the licence fee until now. I sense the organisation is either run by the government or sufficiently terrified of it to have the same effect. I'm disgusted at their capitulation to the government and resent them even while I know I'm being played. Grim.

Ignore the text, look at the diagram


VERY part time moderator
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Aug 8, 2005
Looking forward to tonight’s MOTD. Should be more highlights and less generally disappointing analysis. I’d rather see more of the matches and less of the three fawning over the big six. Let’s face it we all moan when they do the typical Brighton we’re great but my how rubbish were Liverpool etc and then talk about that forever.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2014
The state broadcaster, as you refer to it, isn’t making a political decision, it’s making an economic one.

Licence fee evasion is on the up for a number of reasons, in Scotland it’s as high as 13%. On current trends the BBC’s licence fee model is failing miserably, and the outlook is not good.

I know plenty of people that don’t pay the licence, I stopped 2 years ago and my old man don’t pay his and beyond a bit of Capita led harassment that can be dealt with by claiming penury and mental health issues, they have given up chasing.

The issue with Gary is that his views are polarising, from a political perspective and a moral perspective. Like it or not multi millionaire Gary is merely feeding the flames of non payment, for those with a political or economic axe to grind.

It’s ironic then that Gary’s views will likely hasten the collapse of the BBC licence fee model. If it goes to subscription we will see just how popular he and the BBC really are.

Go Gary!!
or pay for it out of the big kitty

Perfidious Albion

Well-known member
Oct 25, 2011
At the end of my tether
“Saturday's Match of the Day will now "focus on match action without studio presentation or punditry", a BBC spokesperson says”

If that is literally true…. That is a great improvement.. I might even watch it for the first time in ages….


Have you considered masterly inactivity?
NSC Patron
Oct 12, 2022
You say no one…except the Home sec who I believe would be thinking about it still?! :)

She’d have one more on a plane to Rwanda. Eventually the country would contain her, and Jacob Rees-Mogg, each screaming at the other to “get on the plane.”

portlock seagull

Why? Why us?
Jul 28, 2003
He's talking about the language. Incredible how many people are missing that point. And the language surrounding immigrants from many Tories is almost identical to the language surrounding Jews in the 1930s Germany. I'd suggest he did history at school and you didn't if you can't understand that.

Of course, another thing that happened during the regime was propaganda by the media and the politicising of sports events.
Disingenuous, in the extreme.


May 13, 2019
Looking forward to tonight’s MOTD. Should be more highlights and less generally disappointing analysis. I’d rather see more of the matches and less of the three fawning over the big six. Let’s face it we all moan when they do the typical Brighton we’re great but my how rubbish were Liverpool etc and then talk about that forever.
Fascinating how you Tory boys seem more interested in the quality of tonights MOTD than the issue itself. I suppose it is the only way to cope with knowing you'll vote for the same blokes next time around.

fly high

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
in a house
“Saturday's Match of the Day will now "focus on match action without studio presentation or punditry", a BBC spokesperson says”

If that is literally true…. That is a great improvement.. I might even watch it for the first time in ages….
Agree with this, got fed up with 'boys down the pub one upmanship' always banging on about 'their' teams, how many goals they scored or golden boots they won, get rid preeminently.

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