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You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
Went to the gym.

Had a swim and a shower.

Opened my locker - some fucker had stolen:

- all my clothes
- my mobile
- my wallet and all contents
- my keys.

Kindly, they left me my shoes.

They then stole my car and contents (including baby car seat and laptop computer).

My 8 month old daughter goes to nursery in the gym building. My wife, the only person with a house key, was in London, and was intending to spend the night there.

I had no way of contacting anyone, no way of safely getting my daughter home, no way of getting into home and, bizarrely, no clothes to wear.

These people are fuckers of the highest order. I hope they're enjoying the warm evening in MY BMW convertible. I hope the police shoot the fuckers.

Was about the use the 'report this post to a moderator' feature after the language in the title but given the situation that probably wouldn't be appropriate.

That's f***ing shitty, I feel for you. How did they get in the locker in the first place if you had the key, presuming it was locked again on your return?

Jeez, makes the drunk throwing up on the bus home today seem rather trivial.

Shizuoka Dolphin

Jul 8, 2003
I know it doesn't help, but I'm gutted to hear that Bozza - it's one of the most f***ed up things people can do. I hope the police catch the arseholes that did it and you get some of your possesions back.


New member
Jul 5, 2003
Sorry to hear that, fella. After the Reading vs Brighton game I came on here raging about my car windows being smashed in Whitley, but that's no comparison compared to this.

Hope the fuckers burn.


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
I am so sorry to hear about that.

What did you do? I presume you managed to ring someone?

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
Sorry to hear that.

How did they get in it ? Forced or duplicate keys ?

If the door wasn't forced perhaps there's a scam going on.


New member
Jul 5, 2003
The corner quietly rusting
When my car got broke into some years back in the wonderful peak district just south of Sheffield they stole the biggest back pack they could find in the car and the camera case. I was on my way back from photgraphing in the scottish mountains, slowly (on me way back slowly that is). In the camera case was only a cheap long lens, a flash gun and all the roles of film I had shot. The rest of me camera gear was with me I was photgraphing hills (I even saw the barstewards breaking into the car as I looked back towards where the car was parked from the top of a hill with a pair of bins)

In the backpack was all the dirty wshing from the week (I go under canvas when doing this type of trip need somewhere too shove the washing).

The only thing that worried me then and worries me still is what did they do with me dirty undies!

1 thing to learn from this Boz (If its not, do not go to the Gym) if you do put your valubles in your shoes!

Chin up mate its only money there are things of far more value they never touched.


Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 6, 2003
Haywards Heath
Taking your wallet was bad enough!

But why take everything?

There are some scum around.

Sorry to hear your bad news.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
My theory:

Take the clothes because when I discover stuff has gone, I am less equipped to get to the car quickly. I was dripping with only a towel to protect my modesty (calm down Safeway).

They took my boxers for christ's sake.

Good news is my wife was able to get hold of a girl from her ante-natal class who was able to pick me up with, most importantly, a baby seat for Madison. They get us fed and watered (lagered, in my case) until my wife got back from London.

Upon arrival my wife said I looked like a tramp, attired in a "Commit to get fit" t-shirt and tracky bottoms - the only clothes the gym could find for me. I am still not wearing any underwear (calm down Safeway).

Bad news is the police have pointed out that the fuckers have my house keys, and my address (bills in my laptop bag). Odds on some surprise visitors in the middle of the night?

Further bad news is the digital photos of my daughter that were only on the laptop and I had never got printed or stored elsewhere - my own stupid fault.


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Is your house alarmed?

If not you can call a locksmith out 24/7 to get the locks changed.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
House is alarmed. However having paid nearly £200 to have a 24/7 locksmith change a single lock before in the middle of the night, I'm going to leave the lights on and stay up tonight and get them done tomorrow, as the keys they have are for 3 entrances to the house and 1 for the garage *shudders at the cost*

brighton rock

New member
Jul 5, 2003
not funny these kind of people need a good kicking, just hope it was know one you know or a reg at the gym seem to know what they wanted??
Last edited:


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Surely most of it can be covered by your insurance?


New member
Jul 5, 2003
With any luck the gym will have some form of CCTV in the place, and any suspicious suspects can be seen. Most leisure centres I've been to tend to have something around the reception area, and you'll have a good idea of a rough time period whereby they could've done the deed.

I know how you feel... we were burgled in the only non-army house we ever lived in during '96. They took everything, but worst of all it was the sentimental things like the jewellery passed down from late relatives and the like, that were damn frustrating.

Even worse was that we know who did it, and we trusted them. Didn't even occur to us that telling them we were away was an issue.

Similarly, I imagine when you closed your locker you didn't expect some fucker to do you over. Hurts, fella. Have (another) beer :drink: :wave:

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Sorry to hear that Bozza. Probably some pikey scumbags, arseholes. I suppose the gym had the old "management accepts no responsibility" bollocks up somewhere, but gyms are expensive enough to use, you'd expect a modicum of security there.

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