*makes note to bounce this thread when you reply to threads about trains, Ed Miliband, Europe, England football team.....
And I'll bounce it myself in 5 years time
*makes note to bounce this thread when you reply to threads about trains, Ed Miliband, Europe, England football team.....
I think you underestimate the strength of anti-German resentment amongst the basket-case economies.
It's irrelevant. Germany OWNS them and they have to dance to Berlin's tune regardless of their resentment. Banco Espirito Santo found this out to their cost recently. It doesn't matter how many mates you have at the Bank of Portugal, when the German organ grinder runs out of patience the music stops playing and there are no free chairs to sit on.
This included 3 billion euros for submarines that didn't work and were unfit for purpose and that Greece simply didn't need to buy.
I don't know why that amongst a serious well written piece I find the idea of the Greeks having submarines as funny.
'Quick the Turks are preparing to attack, you must get your submarines down there NOW.'
'Oh avrio avrio'
Crazy isn't it? Germany has a fantastic balance to its GDP with a healthy mix across Services, high quality Manufacturing, Tech and finance. Yet its inability to establish its own Monetary policy will slowly kill the prosperity.
Even funnier is that the Greeks found the German-built weapons sub-standard (pun intended).
Vorsprung a leak durch Technik.
There in a nutshell is the reason why Merkel will do all she can in her power to make sure the EU remains. Wether that is the best for rest of Europe is irrelevant. As long as Germany remains in control and let's face it they are,the rest of us will have to lump it.I think that quote right there sums up everything that is wrong with German attitudes to the EU and the Euro. What is good for Germany is good for the whole of the EU and if Germany is doing alright then the EU is doing alright.