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[Help] Ernest's pussy


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2005
Surely someone’s created another hilarious thread by now

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
I'll keep this brief.

His cat is not well, needs help to pay vet's fees.

As he was a top NSCer I have chipped in. If you are interested PM me.
Done. He’s made me smile on many occasions; it’s the least I can do.

Peacehaven Wild Kids

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2022
The Avenue then Maloncho
Surely someone’s created another hilarious thread by now
Indeed, if the boot was on the other foot and all that….

A question, is there a reason it wasn’t insured/the insurance isn’t covering it?

Anyhoo, I like the bloke having first met him at Elland Rd in 1982 and he’s always been a laugh so if there’s an easy way to donate he can have the price of two pints.

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
Indeed, if the boot was on the other foot and all that….

A question, is there a reason it wasn’t insured/the insurance isn’t covering it?

Anyhoo, I like the bloke having first met him at Elland Rd in 1982 and he’s always been a laugh so if there’s an easy way to donate he can have the price of two pints.
The cat is insured but the condition is pre-existing so not covered. He explains everything in his GoFundMe page .

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Surely someone’s created another hilarious thread by now

Which is why I put the old sausage on ignore.

But....moving on....

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