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Epic NYE Fail


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
BGC Manila
Step 1 of epic fail - write down someone who wants swimming lesson's name and no. on only thing to hand..... your business card
Step 2 of epic fail - give a business card at random from your wallet to a pleasant young lady you met at 00.01 New Years, who requests your number following a nice long chat and who has insisted you walk her to and enter same bar she's frequenting
Step 3 of epic fail - when you get the evil eye for the rest of the night and brushed off instantly on approach, don't enquire as to why....... just shrug and get to the shot bar with the lads instead!!! It's NYE In Hastings after all so best thing to do is drink. Alot.
Step 4 of epic fail - Get home and realise next day you don't even have the details to ring up and book the lady who wanted swimming lessons into your empty 2013 diary :(


Oct 18, 2008
I think you need punctuation lessons rather than swimming lessons. :facepalm:

Get a life. :facepalm: Every single post you make contributes nothing to any thread other than to complain about punctuation or the subject matter. Tossers like you, Titus and Blackadder are a blight on NSC.

Get a life. :facepalm: Every single post you make contributes nothing to any thread other than to complain about punctuation or the subject matter. Tossers like you, Titus and Blackadder are a blight on NSC.

Excellent use of the word blight, a word that does not get used enough, GUS OUT.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2012
Get a life. :facepalm: Every single post you make contributes nothing to any thread other than to complain about punctuation or the subject matter. Tossers like you, Titus and Blackadder are a blight on NSC.
I think you'll find that my 750 posts are of more use than your 5.7k, with most of yours proving that you're a blubbering idiot. :facepalm:
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
BGC Manila
Did the women you walked to the bar make you pay for entrance ?

No she already had a stamp showing she'd paid. So did her 2 mates. Thus I just waved my hand vaguely at the desk person and carried on walking confidently into the wateringhole. If I'd had a tenner less for alcohol though it would have probably been a good thing!

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