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He's now back
Jul 6, 2003
Shoreham of course
Inquiry day 18 (Wednesday) The chipping away of Mr Carpenter

My View of the Inquiry day 18 (Wednesday) “The chipping away of Mr Carpenter”

“SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER”; well until April the 12th anyway.
Considering this was the last day of the public inquiry before we all adjourn for a 4 week break, you could say that there was a slight end of school atmosphere about it. Everyone wanted to get away early, some people weren’t interested in answering questions and the bullies were picking on the little kids or in our case, Seagulls supporters taking the piss out of the Nimbys.
We all returned to our usually seats, me 3 rows directly behind Cute Megan, Gaffer sitting next to me so he can stick his tongue out at the Nimbys and Tim Carder sitting 3 seats along from me just so he can throw paper aeroplanes at Martin Perry.
Lord B had his seat in the councils section just to keep himself out of trouble and away from the bullies. They were a few late comers coming in from both sides, but the inspector felt it unwise to give out detentions today.

Mr Carpenter was still suffering from last night’s detention and at the start of todays play had to sit in the dock for about 45 minutes before he said a word. This was because of the lengthy discussion over the future timetable of the inquiry due to Mr Ellis (Cooks Estates) being absent from the inquiry. “Yes more delaying tactics”
Before Mr Carpenter or as I called him Mr MDF got cross examined by Mr Clay he was probably sitting there feeling that he should of received a gold star for keeping his mouth shut.
Mr MDF must of felt that Mr Clay was the inquiries version of the class bully and he would have to eventually tell the teacher (the inspector) about his method of questioning.

Mr Clay asked Mr MDF if he was aware that the City council didn’t want THV built on because of its AONB status and it should stay protected from development, Mr MDF was not shaw what to answer because he had no evidence of the City councils views of the site.
A few questions were put in reference to Falmer where at one point Mr Clay, MDF man and Mr Brier were all trying to unfold one of those big fold-out maps and hold them up and study the surrounding area around Falmer. This would have been a great moment for Roz to capture on camera, because all three of them were looking at the maps with clueless expressions on their faces.
I looked across at Mr Wade (LDC) and found him studying the article in today’s Evening Argus headlined “Albion reject free land for stadium”, I just wondered what he was thinking.

Mr MDF suggested the site at Falmer is within open down land and should not be touched, for which sniggering was heard from our side and the chap sitting in front of me with his mobile ejector seat laughed the loudest, and ended up getting a nasty glare from Mr MDF.
By this stage Mr Clay had put Mr MDF in a body bag and zipped him up with his cross examination, but Mr MDF was slowly trying to get unzipped again by coming back with answers that he though could get him out of trouble.
Mr MDF suggested that THV had good flexibility and the club had a good opportunity to locate a stadium at that site when the club was being run by its previous owners. (not mentioning who)
Mr MDF yet again was not talking into his microphone properly, Mr Brier pipes in and says “can you please speak into your microphone Mr Carpenter” for which he replied “I keep getting away from my nine inches”, I won’t say anymore, I’ll just say the room went silent for a while.
A lot of the opposition witnesses at this inquiry have had problems answering questions with a simple “yes” or “no”, Mr MDF carried on that tradition and said to Mr Brier when challenged “it’s a bit difficult for me to answer “yes” or “no”, Mr Brier not hesitating in his reply said “just a “yes” or “no” will do thank you”.
Mr Clay completed his questioning not long after morning break and seemed pretty satisfied with his work once he sat down, or it may be the fact that Martin Perry had not beaten his score on Doom on Martin’s Laptop.

Miss Mother of the inquiry McPherson performed her questions on poor old Mr MDF, of which on one occasion he called her “Mrs McPherson and not Miss McPherson as it should be.
It was a day of quite a few confusions, Mr Clay got the names of Sheepcote Valley and Toads Hole Valley mixed up, Mr MDF got Mr Hoile confused with Mr Collyer and of course his Miss/Mrs McPherson embarrassing moment as mentioned in the above paragraph. I think they all will be staying behind to do 100 lines.
Mr MDF faced questions from Miss McPherson, Mr Blaney (Cooks Estates) and Mr Brier which took us up to lunch time and the completion of todays work, the end of Mr MDF, and the close of term until April.

There was about a 10 minutes discussion about Mr Briers site visits that will start tomorrow. He had received a message from Mrs McKay who was not in attendance today because her wig got stuck in the blender and was totally ruined. She says that it might be possible to see the Shoreham Harbour site from the water and a perhaps a boat could be provided. But if that goes wrong Mr Brier will be swimming around Shoreham Harbour in his swimming trunks and armbands.
I dedicate my last part to beautiful Megan because I hardly ever mention her do I? She really looked at her best for the last day, and was wearing her usually smartly fitted suit. I could not help but see a slight hint of eye liner around her eyes, and she was wearing her hair up into a small bunch. I am going to miss her for 4 weeks and I may have to leave my Megan report to either Lord B or Gaffer to do because I may not be able to attend in April due to work commitments.
So this may or may not be my last report, but I will let you all know what is happening. Hope you have enjoyed my reports because I enjoyed writing them and have learnt a lot from the inquiry during my time down at the town hall.

SG News at not quite 11 o’clock, Brighton Town Hall


Kiss my (_!_)
Jul 14, 2003
Thanks for the report(s) SG.

For us exiles who can't make it to the Town Hall (why isn't it now "City Hall"?) you guys do a great job of keeping us informed.

Unfortunately, I'm losing the will to live with all of these wankers and their conspiracy to get the whole process delayed for an indefinite period. Clearly, there is a lot of collusion going on and annoyingly, all from outside of the jurisdiction where the stadium will be built.

I'm beginning to seriously hate these people who are living with their heads up their butts and who are stuck in a time warp. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Curious Orange

Punxsatawney Phil
Jul 5, 2003
On NSC for over two decades...
Bwian said:
For us exiles who can't make it to the Town Hall (why isn't it now "City Hall"?) you guys do a great job of keeping us informed.

Probably for the same reason there is a "Guildford City Swimming Club" when Guildford isn't a city.

But I digress, thanks for the report ShorehamGull, your atmosphere reports have been a great compliment to the more technical reports of Lord B; and fascinating reading for a bloke who is varacious for information but unlikely to ever get to the said Town Hall.
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Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Well played again SG, top reporting sir.

I dunno how you and Lord B can put up with it, day after day in that chamber. I've attended two Friday morning sessions and whilst some of the sessions can be entertaining (in a warped kind of way), there were plenty of other times when I was nearly chewing my own arm off, so the hours you chaps have been putting in...well, I doff my cap.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Didn't really need saying twice though, did it. Tch.
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Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
cheeseroll said:
I read it all but i think i need an executive summary. Was it a good day for the Albion ?

In a way yes because it looks like the THV plan is unlikely to happen.
In a way no because these fuckers are one of the reasons the inquiry is dragging on and on costing us money and wasting time even though their plan is a load of shite.

My report ...

Every parent who has ever driven small children on a long journey will be familiar with the question. “Are we nearly there?” The answer is usually reassuring, but vague.

And so it was at Wednesday’s session of the Inquiry. The simplest of questions had no answer. How much longer will this Inquiry last? Apart from the fact that there will be a break until Tuesday 12 April, we don’t know.

Things had started to look difficult on Tuesday, when the representatives of the Cook Estates Ltd, the owners of Toads Hole Valley started on their evidence. They have four witnesses and a lawyer. One of their experts, the transport man, Mr Ellis, was unable to be there on Tuesday. Late on Tuesday afternoon, though, it was admitted that he couldn’t be there on Wednesday either.

What is it about transport experts? Lewes District Council’s transport witness had already had his appearance postponed because of illness. That’s why the end of the Inquiry had already been put back until mid-April. But now the Inspector had another transport man go missing. Could they both be squeezed into the sessions programmed for April and still leave time for the important Closing Submissions that all the lawyers want to deliver?

It didn’t look possible. Transport and highway issues are very important at this Inquiry. The outcome will depend upon site specific transport evidence. All of the major parties need their own expert to help them make their case. They present their evidence and they get cross-examined by the lawyers – in great detail. Miss a question, miss a trick. It is very time consuming.

So Wednesday began with the “Are we nearly there?” question. The answer was obvious. No.

It looked certain that the four days that have been set aside from Tuesday 12 April would be taken up mainly with transport and highways arguments. With luck, we could start to hear the Closing Submissions towards the end of that week, with Charlie Hopkins starting for Falmer and Robert White following on for Lewes.

When could the Closing Submissions for the City Council and the Albion be fitted in? Hmmm. Diaries were checked. Important people turned out to be busy people. We were now looking at the first week of May.

And then Dereck Wade, who was the only Lewes District Council representative present, was on his feet. “I’m afraid that Robert White won’t be available on Friday 15 April”. And then Bob Bruce, from the City Council, whispered to Mary Macpherson, the City Council’s barrister. “Pssst … we haven’t got a room anywhere in Brighton or Hove in the first week of May”. Mary addressed the Inspector. “I have some very bad news …”

It crossed my mind that if, back in January, the Albion had got a draw at White Hart Lane, we’d still be trying to organise a replay.

And then something astonishing happened. Trevor Blaney, lawyer for the Toads Hole Valley owners, stood up to suggest that it might be a good idea if the various transport experts could get together. “We’d like to explore whether a statement of common ground could save Inquiry time”.

Well, yes. But why were Toads Hole Valley employing a transport consultant in the first place, if it wasn’t to try to rubbish the Albion’s own transport evidence? This offer looked unpromising, to say the least. But, at least, it was an offer. A weary Inspector said something about “Joy to my ears”. Trying to move things forward, he tentatively reminded the City Council that Brighton seemed to be a place with a few hotels that might have a spare meeting room that could be booked in the first week of May.

And then Dereck Wade announced that the Lewes lawyer would only be available in the second week of May.

“I find this absolutely astonishing”, said the Inspector. “I’m astonished too”, said Jonathan Clay. “Join the club”, I thought.

But at least we were now able to get on with the cross-examination of Martin Carpenter, the combative planning expert representing Toads Hole Valley. Jonathan Clay and Mary Macpherson got stuck in. It was all very predictable. Mr Carpenter tried to prove that Toads Hole Valley would be available for a stadium and commercial development. The Albion and the City Council persisted with the facts. There is no basis in any planning policy for thinking that the site could be developed in any way, and no plans for any new policies for Toads Hole Valley being adopted before 2009.

By lunchtime, it was more or less over. There was just time for a brief opportunity to be given to the Toads Hole Valley representatives to question Martin Perry’s assertion that their offer of “free land” (trumpeted in an Argus headline earlier in the day) came with an obligation to spend £19.4 million on supporting infrastructure. Actually, Martin had recalculated the figure overnight. It was now £24,795,000 and, even then, didn’t include everything.

Mr Blaney announced calmly that his clients had no questions about Martin Perry’s figures and weren’t going to challenge them.

The Inquiry then adjourned until Tuesday 12 April. Are we nearly there? The answer, I’m afraid, can only be vague. But be reassured. We are getting there. Falmer, that is.
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He's now back
Jul 6, 2003
Shoreham of course
Excellent report Lord B,

We are having so much fun down at the inquiry it's going to be difficult having the break, well there is always day time TV I suppose. :D
I am making a real effort to try and be there is April and into May if it runs over. I will probably try and get hold of a final timetable of the inquiry for that period so I can work my timetable around it. I really want to be there again when Mr Ellis is cross examined and we get close of submission because I feel we have alot more to write about yet. :wave:


He's now back
Jul 6, 2003
Shoreham of course
Gaffer said:
Top Marks SG. A gold star for you. What's all this about work getting in the way of your attendance in April? Do you want a sick note for the teacher?:)

Thanks Gaffer,

Yes, I may have work commitments that I may not be able to get out of, but will be trying hard to rearrange things for that period so I can possibly attend. I would like to be there again because I have found this whole episode educational but also I good laugh.
Not to sure if I will get a sick note, but if I am laid up I think you will know who I would want to play my Nurse.

ShorehamGull said:
Excellent report Lord B
And your's SG.

Credit also to THPP for his earlier contributions to the series.

But we really ought to pass on a comment that Martin Perry came out with as everybody wound down after the end of the sitting yesterday ...

"Easy 10's reports on North Stand Chat have given me some of the best laughs I've ever had". Or something like that.

Not that Martin reads NSC. Oh no.


He's now back
Jul 6, 2003
Shoreham of course
Yes I remember Martin's Comments about Easy's reports, you have a fan Easy.
I remember when Martin, Tim Carder, Lord B and myself were all standing there talking, Martin Perry just couldn't stop laughing about what happen during the morning.
Martin Perry picked up yesterdays argus which was on his seat, looked at the backpage headlined "Mcghee wants to sign striker", Martin Perry just looked up at us all and made a comment while laughing "Mcghee wants to sign striker, it would be nice if he told me wouldn't it", he had us all laughing.


He's now back
Jul 6, 2003
Shoreham of course
Cheers Gaffer, If I am not there you will have to keep Miss Hall company for me and tell her that I am missing her.
I will be at Withdean tuesday, hoping for a good win.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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