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bush joke

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
looney said:
The thing is leftist fear "intelligent propoganda".

The thing is leftist fear "intelligent propoganda".

LOL, you really should try out that edit function looney,nothing too intelligent in that statement. and just how does a 'leftist' fear anything, and indeed, what is 'a' leftist. let alone 'propoganda'. whatever that is.

many members of the right like to dress up their namecalling/mudslinging/goalpost moving as intelligent, informed debate. quite often it just doesn't stand up to scrutiny though


Jul 7, 2003
HampshireSeagull said:
Looney, it's just the hypocrisy. I perfectly understand why such tyrants have to be taken out of power: They're mis-using the weapons and training the Yanks gave them in the first place.

America cannot stand up and complain to the rest of the world about the tyranny and violence abroad when it is their own fault it's taking place!

you see what wepeon is in the picture? Its a Russian AK- 47, most tyrants have been butressed by the former soviet Union.

Its always Kalashnikovs, I haven't seen an M-16 in any news what so ever. Put simply you are wrong, The russians armed Saddam. He had initial support as he was perceived as a butress against an even more dangerous Iran but that was a long time ago.

keep posting the Socialist BS and I'll keep discrediting it.


Jul 7, 2003
The thing is leftist fear "intelligent propoganda".

yea ok so that was blustering hyperbole but it makes my posts far more enetertaining.

looney said:
The picture is of the leader of the afghanistan womens movement being executed in a stadium in Kabul by the Taliban. [/B]

So that would be the taliban that were created and armed by G Bush senior and supported as little as 3 moinths before Sept 11 by G Bush junior then would it. The same taliban that the US are currently in negotiations with for them to re-enter the Afghan government. Really looney, your are incredibly naive sometimes.

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
everybody!!!listen up..looney has never seen a terrorist or native of a 'rogue state' use anything other than a ak-47

from his priviledged position from infront of his tv/computer screen and behind his newspaper, and as an international expert in arms and weapons manufacture, looney can now say that the idea that the US ever provided any organisation/country with weapons is socialist bs. all cleared up now.

i thankyou

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
looney said:
The thing is leftist fear "intelligent propoganda".

yea ok so that was blustering hyperbole but it makes my posts far more enetertaining.

no mate, blusteringly bad spelling!;)


Jul 7, 2003
Bull shit

That would be the Taliban created in Pakistani Madrasses(religous schools) by the ISI(Pakistani secret service) under the rule of fellow Pashtun.........wait for it............Benaziar Buhtto.

Reading stockport you are incredibly ignorant sometimes.

I know, f***ing astonishing isn't it. Maybe he didn't see the contras in Nicaragua, the death squads in Columbia, the death squads in Mexico, the bay of pigs invasion.

Or maybe they were freedom fighters not terrorists. Or maybe looney's a hypocrite.

I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

And the post about laundry was IMHO a bit out of order, on that I do agree.

looney said:
Bull shit

That would be the Taliban created in Pakistani Madrasses(religous schools) by the ISI(Pakistani secret service) under the rule of fellow Pashtun.........wait for it............Benaziar Buhtto.

Reading stockport you are incredibly ignorant sometimes.

Utter bolocks, the taliban were supported and funded by the US totally. Cheny and Rumsfeld both visited them in 2000/2001 to negotiate oil and defence contracts and pipeline deals. This was the same taliban who were at the time imposing a most extreme form of sharia, didn'ty notice the US complaining too much when they stood a chance of making a buck, did you?

Get your head out of your rear looney, sometimes you talk sense, in this you're simply spouting US government bullshit propoganda.

Albion Dan

Jul 8, 2003
The hypocristy makes me sick!!!!!!

While George W Bush focuses on London, his fellow Texas oilmen have a much more obscure country on their minds: Equatorial Guinea.

This week sees a major investment conference in Houston and all the big oil companies will be present.

Equatorial Guinea is a tiny country in West Africa, incorporating a slice of the mainland and five islands with less than half a million inhabitants.

Vast oil reserves have been found off shore, and its GDP shot up 60 per cent last year.

The US already gets 15 per cent of its oil from West Africa - they hope that will soon increase to 25 per cent.

Equatorial Guinea is at the centre of the American oil strategy, despite evidence of corruption and a human rights record amongst the worst in Africa.

Our Diplomatic Correspondent Lindsey Hilsum has been to Equatorial Guinea to investigate:

Sometimes you wonder how the heavens can hold so much rain.

It floods the gutters and the pot-holed streets. It brings diarrhoea and dysentery to the children. It is falling on the luckiest people in Africa. They live in the capital of Equatorial Guinea, the world's fastest growing economy. Their President says this is a time of plenty. But so far the people have been left out in the rain.

In the jungle beyond the city the rain has cleared. They're hacking back the rainforest to build a deep water port for the offshore oil industry. As yet, it can take only a couple of ships. But they have a vision for Equatorial Guinea.

Gordon Paton, Luba Freeport:

"In future, between five, seven,ten years, this place could be another Kuwait or Singapore, and it will happen, it's already starting to happen."

The oil reserves are deep beneath the ocean. The plan is for Luba to be the regional hub. Giant American oil companies like Exxon Mobil, Amarada Hess and Marathon will unload offshore rig equipment, and store some crude oil here. The initial investment was $82m. The potential is enormous, because the reserves are untapped and the Bush administration has a strategic interest in West African oil.

Gordon Paton:

"We're only touching the tip of it at the moment, and there are huge reserves out there that we've not started taking. I think America's keen on investing here because it wants to diversify away from the Middle East and not have their oil reserves purely dependent on the Middle East. This is a far safer haven for them."

In Luba town, the only source of running water is the river or the rain. Electricity is intermittent. The people need the oil companies and the government to plough back the oil profits to bring lights and clean water.

Lindsey Hilsum:

"Is there big money to be made here?"

Gordon Paton:

"Absolutely! (laughs) Yes is the answer and I'd like to think that a lot of that is to be ploughed back in."

But will it? The sole hospital in the capital Malabo was built half a century ago when the country was a Spanish colony. The wards are full of children with malaria and respiratory diseases - illnesses bred by poverty and poor sanitation.

Dr Isabel Jones, director of Malabo Hospital:

"In the rainy season you a lot of cases of diarrhoea. A lot. A lot. A lot. In the dry season, mostly malaria. Most of the time you see children with more than one problem - malaria, intestinal worms, malnutrition. More than one thing."

No electricity in the maternity wing this morning. A recent International Monetary Fund report shows a drop in the proportion of the budget spent on health from six to just over one per cent.

We flew from the capital on the island to the mainland part of Guinea. Condensation pouring from the air conditioning on the ancient Russian aircraft. We sped through the rainforest, trying to catch up with President Teodoro Nguema Obiang who has ruled since he overthrew and executed his uncle 24 years ago.

He was expected at the village of Anisok.

The people of this village are waiting for the President to arrive, and they're still waiting to see the real benefit of the petro-dollars as well. Yes, there are a few new buildings, a new road but the Equatorial Guineans are still amongst the poorest people in Africa. As for education and freedom of speech, in the whole country there's no daily newspaper, no bookshop, not even a public library.

Woe betide anyone who doesn't turn up. Attendance at Presidential speeches is compulsory; enthusiasm obligatory. The local dignitaries are all there. State radio recently declared that President Obiang was like God. He can kill without anyone calling him to account and without going to hell, it said. At last the big man arrived. The US State Department says there's little evidence that oil wealth is used for the public good but his people do not protest and if anyone did, the President's Moroccan bodyguards are always on hand to protect him.

Eventually I got to meet President Obiang. I was quite surprised at the picture of his country that he painted.

Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mbasogo, president of Equatorial Guinea:

"I can assure you that there's no poverty in Guinea."

Lindsey Hilsum:

"Well, deprivation, then."

Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mbasogo, president of Equatorial Guinea:

"No. There's no deprivation either. No. You have to understand the level we're at in Guinea. The first problem is the people's cultural level. The people are used to living in a very different way, which you people think is poverty. In Guinea what we have are shortages."

The President says his country's oil revenue is a state secret. The World Bank says it's about $700,000m this year. Campaigning groups like Global Witness are calling for more transparency but the oil companies are as resistant to change as the government. It's not illegal, but they're reported to pay up to $50m per month into a Washington bank account. The President is the sole signatory.

President Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mbasogo:

"I am the one who arranges things in this country because in Africa there are a lot of problems of corruption, the diversion of money. If there is corruption, diversion of funds, then I'm responsible. That's why I'm a hundred per cent sure of all the oil revenue because the one who signs is me."

And the ones who benefit are his family. His son Teodorino - Minister of Forests - loves Paris. In a video shown on French TV a few years ago, he was seen cruising in one of his two Bentleys. He also has Rolls, a Ferrari, and a Lamborghini, and that's just in France. He was on a shopping spree, with the then Ambassador to Paris. He buys no less than 30 personally tailored suits. No protest from the national treasury, maybe because it's run by another relative, his brother-in-law.

Later, Teodorino decides not to buy a watch, because none are encrusted with enough diamonds. His father, the President, has recently spent $3.5m on two mansions near Washington, using mortgages from the same Washington bank where the oil revenue goes.

President Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mbasogo:

"I think Equatorial Guinea's democracy is the most open, the most transparent. We are following a kind of democracy which fits the style and customs of Equatorial Guinea."

The cinema in the capital is special to Equatorial Guinea too. Last May they stopped showing films here and instead used it as a courtroom to try 68 people accused of attempting to overthrow the government. Lawyer Fabien Nguema was amongst those tried. he won't forget how a confession was extracted from him.

Fabien Nguema, human rights lawyer:

"Look at the marks. There are scars. Here as well. It was a cable. An electrical cable, with which they tied my elbows behind me. Then they tied my feet together and pulled them up to my elbows and I was hung like a slaughtered antelope. They inserted a stick between my hands and my feet and suspended me in-between two tables. I stayed there tied up. Then they began to beat me on the soles of my feet."

He was kept in this notorious prison called Black Beach. Some 30 others are still there.

Celestino Bacale shows me the photographs from last year when he ran for President. In place of his party leader who was in Black Beach at the time. He lost - President Obiang got 97 per cent of the vote. He's not sure that oil is such a blessing.

Celestino Bacale, Convergence For Social Democracy:

"It's a curse, because if it weren't for the oil I don't believe Obiang would still be in power. Because of the oil, he's receiving less pressure from the international community, because they know Obiang doesn't depend on foreign aid very much any more. If the oil companies let him do as he wants, we'll have Obiang for a while, then when he dies Obiang will hand over power to his son - one or other of his sons - and the country will go from bad to worse, and the probable result will be violence."

None of which deters the American companies. Marathon is building a new natural gas processing plant on this land which they lease from President Obiang - he says it's his personal property. They let us film but refused to talk, confident of their backing from the American administration, and mindful that they get a bigger share of the profits here than in other oil-producing African countries.

The president told me he wanted British business to come to Equatorial Guinea. The US has just reopened its embassy - he wants a British Embassy too.

In Malabo, the rains have been long and heavy this year. The hospital is full. To the children it's a game; they've never known any different. Unless the oil companies and the Bush administration exert more pressure on the government of Equatorial Guinea, they never will.


Registered Abuser
Oct 1, 2003
Can someone point me in the direction of a football message board, I seem to have got lost?


Jul 7, 2003
alan partridge said:
everybody!!!listen up..looney has never seen a terrorist or native of a 'rogue state' use anything other than a ak-47

from his priviledged position from infront of his tv/computer screen and behind his newspaper, and as an international expert in arms and weapons manufacture, looney can now say that the idea that the US ever provided any organisation/country with weapons is socialist bs. all cleared up now.

i thankyou

OK give me an example of some nasties with US arms?

Oh and FTR i'm dyslexic but spelling is only the last straw your clutching at, sad but sort of expected.

Stockports gone into Cretin mode..................

I know, f***ing astonishing isn't it. Maybe he didn't see the contras in Nicaragua, the death squads in Columbia, the death squads in Mexico, the bay of pigs invasion.

Nicaragua and bay of pigs were fighting dictatorships. Death squads in Mexico and Colubia?
Never heard of em so you'd better post some links.

Or maybe they were freedom fighters not terrorists. Or maybe looney's a hypocrite.

I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Now let me see you gave 4, allthough 2 are questioned, examples.

now let me see of the top of my head.....

Soviets invaded

the 3 baltic states
Supplied armes etc in Angola
Cambodia(khymer rouge)

Funded sedition in virtually all democratic countries, usually by funding Unions or sepratist/terror groups.

america helped speed the end of WW 1 and 2.
With British navy stopped slavery on Barbery Coast.

me a hypocrit? More like your semi educated, and theres prolly loads ive missed.

Seirre leone
Ivory Coast

For example.

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Congratulations, Looney. That should win you the 'most spelling errors in one post' award at the forthcoming gathering...

looney said:
OK give me an example of some nasties with US arms?

Oh and FTR i'm dyslexic but spelling is only the last straw your clutching at, sad but sort of expected.

Stockports gone into Cretin mode..................

I know, f***ing astonishing isn't it. Maybe he didn't see the contras in Nicaragua, the death squads in Columbia, the death squads in Mexico, the bay of pigs invasion.

Nicaragua and bay of pigs were fighting dictatorships. Death squads in Mexico and Colubia?
Never heard of em so you'd better post some links.

Or maybe they were freedom fighters not terrorists. Or maybe looney's a hypocrite.

I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Now let me see you gave 4, allthough 2 are questioned, examples.

now let me see of the top of my head.....

Soviets invaded

the 3 baltic states
Supplied armes etc in Angola
Cambodia(khymer rouge)

Funded sedition in virtually all democratic countries, usually by funding Unions or sepratist/terror groups.

america helped speed the end of WW 1 and 2.
With British navy stopped slavery on Barbery Coast.

me a hypocrit? More like your semi educated, and theres prolly loads ive missed.

Seirre leone
Ivory Coast

For example.

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
ever heard of the term blowback looney? (no i'm not talking about puff)

the cia use it to describe something you say doesn't happen. (nasties with us arms)......i'm confused surely looney isn't wrong????????:eek:


Jul 7, 2003
In a pile of football shirts
The photo is from Afganistan right.

That will be the country the Americans waded into, f***ed up and have all but left gripped with poverty, crime and starvation.

I guess that might be why the Iraq people are mistrusting of them.

Mr Bush and Mr Blair mislead their own people to try abnd justify going to war with Iraq. Maybe if thay had of been honest with us completely then there would be less resentment both here and in Iraq.


In London village.
looney said:
The thing is leftist fear "intelligent propoganda".

They say a pictures worth a thousand words, hence the plethora of pictures of the holocaust but few of the Gulags.

A correction,

the picture i first posted was not the Rawa leader, I think a few of them have been assasinated though by the communists and Taliban.

I'd be interested to know the source for your fantasy that the Left ever supported the taliban. As far as I can remember these brave "freedom fighters" armed and trained by the CIA. Afganistan also appears to be rather fuller of misogynist warlords and the Yanks old friend Osama Bin Looney than any freedom loving democrats, just at the moment.

The CIA also encouraged the the growth of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950's to counter the secular pan-Arab nationalism lead by Nasser.

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