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[Albion] Brighton & Hove Albion vs Wolverhampton Wanderers *** Official Match Thread ***


The Flux Capacitor
Nov 7, 2009
We are so poor at clearing the ball from our box. Always back into the danger area. Gash from biss. And our finishing is so poor. Yet again the opposition are clinical.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2004

Wolves not scored on how many hours. Up step bhafc….

You could tell it was coming after Burn (I think) did that crap little back pass that nearly ended with Sanchez taking their striker out.
Those five minutes before HT are a white hot conceding zone for us, especially when we’ve had most of the ball.
The defence gets jittery. We nearly concede, then we do actually concede.
Time and time and time again.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Zabbar- Malta
Right, I’m all set watch us dominate for a bit longer. Miss a few chances.
Then concede just before half time.
Then watch a painful second half. Miss a few more chances.
Possibly watch Traore smash in another. .
Swear a bit, cup of tea, then off to bed.

Sadly so correct so far.

How do we so often get a shot from inside the 6 yard box over the bar?

hart's shirt

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Kitbag in Dubai
Mwepu snatched at it with the keeper stranded on the ground.

Awful finishing.

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
The sad thing is we are so so so predictable….

Lazy clearance by Biss, I just have no faith in Connolly never mind anyone else scoring full stop.

Bring on Ferguson, Lallana asap


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Just so fed up with looking the better side and losing.

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Lower West Stander

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2012
Back in Sussex
Before that open goal miss we hadn’t created much really. Couple of half chances.

But we look so lightweight. Without Maupay I just don’t see where a goal comes from

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Raleigh Chopper

New member
Sep 1, 2011
Very disappointing. But with injuries and we can't score anyway, this is game over in terms of winning the game. Struggling to care atm, more important things going on in the world.

Why do you always say the game is over half way through a game only to be proved wrong every time have you not learnt anything.
The game is over when the final whistle blows, if we lose then you can post your usual negative crap.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2020
West Worthing
Thank God we won 4 of first 5 or we would be in the bottom 3

If we don’t come back from this that’s no win in 11 games and only 8 points worrying times but still 45
Minutes to try and bounce back

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