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[Albion] Brexit party handing out leaflets outside Falmer station..


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
Look no further than the bellend representing Kemptown

Why are you on this forum ? You have never posted anything Albion related unless it involves fictitious handbag triumphs of yesteryear.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2019
I collected some of the undistributed, shall be delivering them to needy residences later.

drop them round mine if you like, I've recently run out of toilet paper


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2019
on a side not why on earth are UKIP and Brexit Party both standing in Pavilion?

Brexit Party have clearly been selective about what seats they're standing in so lord knows why they've chosen this one


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
drop them round mine if you like, I've recently run out of toilet paper

Sainsbury's won't be seeing you for a while


Unsurprisingly, mainly glossy photos with very little words (strangely appropriate though) :lolol:

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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
Given the Brexit Party is basically a money-making racket for several prominent individuals it's no different to when they've been handing out pyramid scheme fliers and the like TBH

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
One day you may get a fact right

I have never threatened anyone, unlike most leftie remainers do like yourself.


Total aside but that is some of the worst written English I have ever seen on here.
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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Sussex, by the sea
I rather like it.

Some team has to be the government. You can't have a coalition government of parties that oppose one another like labour and tory here.

I was never happy under Thatcher, and I am very unhappy under Boris (he weighs a ****ing ton) but I absolutely cannot complain about the general election that gave me Boris . . . .

oh, hang on...... :lolol:

Fair do, if he wins a general election then so be it. I won't be happy, but I'm not going to blame the system....

It is what it is . . . . but proportional representation and compulsory voting would be better.

yes we'd have coalition until we actually got enough decent politicians to form a sensible viable party . . .thats another problem entirely, 630 odd MPS, about 400 of which are a waste of oxygen.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
It is what it is . . . . but proportional representation and compulsory voting would be better.

yes we'd have coalition until we actually got enough decent politicians to form a sensible viable party . . .thats another problem entirely, 630 odd MPS, about 400 of which are a waste of oxygen.

As a sensible compel me to reconsider my position....

Well my position is predicated by the time-honoured fact that PR allows minority parties to obtain seats and provide representation. For whom and to whom? Minority and vested opinion. Is that OK? Not when it includes racists and nazis. After all, it was PR in Germany that let Hitler in. It took quite a few elections to gain momentum (pun not intended) but the credibility of having a seat or two in the house is the springboard. Governments don't automatically get more stable and consensual in time with PR, they can get more extreme. This (getting his foot in the door) is a springboard (to mix metaphors) that the toad-faced spiv, Farage, has repeatedly failed to bounce on. FPTP has kept him out, precluding any credibility as a voice of 'reason' (or however he bills himself these days). (Being and MEP doesn't count because of the psychological dilutution and detatchment that comes from having a county (or double county) MEP as opposed to a proper local rep (I must confess I do not know what EU constituency I am in or who my MEP is, or what party he/she represents; but I digress)).

I would also say that any system where you don't vote directly for the talking head who you want as your rep is a poor system. If I were voting say for a small group of reps with, say, 3 votes to apply to a list of 15 candidates, four of whom (perhaps) were standing for my party of choice....knowing that in the previous election using this system we ended up with one of my four and two from other parties . . . .I might be inclined to say 'bollocks to this'. Perhaps PR is partly why turnout and interest are so poor for the elections in which it is used.

So that's what's bad about PR. But is there anything good? Well, you can design a system that provides a number of MP in exact proportion to the national vote which, on the face of it is fairer than the system we have now where getting 45% of the vote can get you 55% of the seats and a working majority. With that, I agree. However there are caveats....

......If we use PR and the outcome is 45% tory, 25% labour, 15% liberal, 5% Brexit, 5% DUP and 5% SNP, with let's say a 500 seat house, you'd then take forward (presumably from a prior published list) 225 tories, 125 labouries, 75 libdems, 25 Brexititties, 25 wee krankies and 25 no surrenderers. So to have a working majority, the tories would have to coalesce with two from the the three of Brexit, the DUP and the Libdems (or just the libdems). Well with this scenario, it could indeed force the tories to soften (and coalesce with the libs again - and that wen so well last time...). On the other hand they could of course go 'full mental jacket' and coalesce with Farrage and that horrible ulsterwoman with the disturbingly low hairline. I am not sure I'd call this a more gentle and stable political landscape.....

Another issue here is if you do PR properly fair (as above) on % support you have to delocalize representation and rely in a list. OK the list can be published, but who is going to read up on a lits of, say, 500 tories in order to consider the top 300 in published preference to see the weft of the likely blue bench after the outcome? I have only just enough time to check whether my local candidates are to be supported or actively opposed (I vote more often against one party han for another) and looking at a national list is a nonstarter.

So PR is great for retired geography teachers with plenty of time on their hands, but it is going to put a lot of others off. Turnout will fall. And in my view representation is far better with FPTP and a 70% turnout than some form of very fair PR and a 30% turnout. And, as I say, Farage will gain legitimacy and the credibility he needs to go to the next level if we use any sort of PR.

As a side issue, the idea of compulsory voting would of course mitigate gainst low turnout. However my guess is that it would pollute the election with noise or even unintended bias (I use the terms in their mathematical sense). Consider, we will soon be moving to online voting (bound to happen). If voting became compulsory this would be facilitated (laws would have to be made to make voting easier if it were compulsory - think of the housebound and the shiftworker). If I were made by law to vote when I was a lifelong nonvoter, or someone who thinks all the parties are shit at the moment, or even a bit of an awkward ******* like myself, when casting my PR vote for a selection of candidates off a list.....remember when the lottery started and 10 million people had to be told that selecting the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 would result in a very small jackpot.....countless voters would tick the first three names on the list. I probably would. I don't like PR for multiple reasons, and would not be bothered at all to muck about in a compulsory election.

I remember a TV programme where sociologists interviewed prisoners to get a better handle on their attitudes to help rehabilitation. The data came out as nonsense. At the end of the programme the lead researcher said along the lines of 'the one thing we didn't factor into the experimental design was the possibility the subjects might tell lies'. They were....prisoners. FFS. My point is: never underestimate the spikiness and resentfulness of a coerced British electorate.

No, I can't convince myself that the benefits of a parliament that exactly reflects the % of votes for each party (the only point of PR) outweighs all the downsides that come with it. But please rebut me if you will. :thumbsup:

Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
Told them to F off.

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Surely this is what we should be about - rather than telling someone to F off - whatever your views on Brexit?

They were handing out leaflets, not abusing people on a tube train,or chasing people down the street.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2013
Waiting for a pal I watched what was happening around their stall for 2 train load of arrivals; I would say it was 90% completely ignored them and 10% took the p1ss or swore at them. I didn't see anyone go up and congratulate their brothers in arms. They did get upset though when a bloke who took the p1ss out of them pinched a sweet out of their Cadburys selection tin...

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Surely this is what we should be about - rather than telling someone to F off - whatever your views on Brexit?

They were handing out leaflets, not abusing people on a tube train,or chasing people down the street.

As the stewards seem to have moved them on, do we suppose they hadn't got permission to be there, either from the club or Network Rail?
We arrived at 13.50 and they weren't on the stadium side of the station.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
Always rough to see your "opponents" actually fighting for their cause when you are too lazy and apathetic to raise a finger yourself.

I dont know who you are - or want to . But the point the "poster" was trying to make is that it was wrong place , wrong time - I don't think Brexit Party should be written on a Brighton flag - we are "a political" as a football team . Plus they are a nasty bunch of borderline racists - so kif I see that flag there again it comes down


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
One day you may get a fact right

I have never threatened anyone, unlike most leftie remainers do like yourself.


This is not a political forum . Clearly not only are you stupid enough not to realise that - it appears that you are stupid enough to support Brexit . Please keep politics out of football


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
Whereabouts is the middle ground in politics these days for us the voters to be able to point to the 'far right' and the 'far left' on the political compass. Do you really think that the Brexit Party are far right GB, if so, this is very worrying as many people voted for them in the recent Euro elections and at one point recently they were polling 23%, similar to Labour and just behind the Conservatives, so now are we to consider nearly a quarter of the voters to be of the 'far right'?

You do seem to have gone into overdrive lately GB to prove your anti-racist credentials ever since you were accused (unfairly) in your mod capacity by one poster of condoning the presence of another poster on the board. Everyone knows that you're not racist GB so you don't have to make silly statements about the Brexit Party being far right.
Good points but there is an underlying or latent racism present in British society - not unlike other European countries . Brexit has made this acceptable with about 23 % of the population . Very very sad indeed

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