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  1. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    So, so true and can be found by the bucket-load on NSC even today. Well, the joke's on them...again. And it will continue to be so until they realise that they aren't any cleverer than people with different views neither do they have any claim of moral superiority. Tories and socialists both...
  2. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    Indeed. And not above a little self-promotion. I believe that he edited his own Wiki page to describe himself as Britain's answer to Obama. And he's a Palace fan.
  3. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    They'll recover. I don't know if you've ever been to the rural South West but the Lib Dems are the opposition in the areas where they aren't in the majority. They've had a very bad night but it's no different from the Tories in 97 and they will be back.
  4. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    Yet more sneering at people who have the temerity to vote the 'wrong' way.
  5. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    It makes an utter mockery of claims that UKIP voters fit any narrow and specific demographic. Sorry DaveinPrague, Machiavelli et al but you're wrong. UKIP voters come in all shapes and sizes.
  6. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    But that can't be all of the story with UKIP or the Tory would be losing share of the votes. They've broadly held it and a large part of the UKIP vote is clearly from Labour voters. I'm from the Ken Clarke side of the party too but don't accept that UKIP are overwhelmingly just ex-Tory voters...
  7. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    Or maybe people are as passionate about all the things you mention but just have different views on how to deal with them. A word to the wise, you'll never ever, ever, ever win hearts and minds with an attitude like yours. That attitude is a big part of the problem and why the Tories are doing...
  8. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    For a government in such a difficult time, a lacklustre campaign, 10% behind in the polls about a year ago and just coming out of the worst financial crisis in history and with what was thought to be a resurgent Labour Party - for that government to then increase their majority, something...
  9. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    Sussex to be entirely blue apart from Brighton Pavilion with an excellent local MP in Caroline Lucas, Norman Baker losing...Ed Ball losing...George Galloway losing...Tories increasing their votes and seats across the board and something north of 310 seats... If even a few of these come to...
  10. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    I wouldn't stress too much about it, I only posted it to be mischievous. There was a poll a year or two back that said that left-wingers had a higher IQ which amused, baffled and insulted me in equal measure!
  11. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    Po-faced, humourless people are more inclined to vote Labour. Sticklers for the rules tend to vote Tory. Comes as no surprise, I've got to say.
  12. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    It auto-corrected bear to bare and breathe to breath but didn't auto-capitalise a word starting a new sentence and it didn't auto-correct "Im" as "I'm"?
  13. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    Far be it for me to call the kettle black but if you're going to go down the route of intellectual willy-waving you might want to make extra sure you understand the difference between bare and bear and breath and breathe.
  14. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    Shit just got real. Political heavyweights Ant & Dec deliver a scathing attack on Ed Miliband* *No, this is not a parody. Seriously, who the hell cares about what Ant & Dec think of the...
  15. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    Ladbrokes political betting has the Tories as favourite to win most seats for the first time since 2012.
  16. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    All eyes on Norwich and Oxford, I think, with Norwich looking more likely, I would have thought. Lucas deserves many plaudits for increasing her popularity here in Brighton against a very strong local Labour party and a piss-poor excuse for a local Green party. I'm unsure if it's down to her...
  17. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    I suspect that saying that you intend to vote Tory is a lot less toxic in 2014 than it was in 1992 but that there are an awful lot of floating Tories that have been saying they will vote UKIP but will switch nearer the day. This feels like the first few weeks for a long time when UKIP haven't...
  18. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    By 'objectively' it appears to mean 'agree with you'. Sorry but life doesn't always work like that and definitely not in this case. And I'm not setting myself up as moral arbiter, I'll leave this to you in this thread, what with your strange rules about who can and can't post. I simply thought...
  19. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    You're wriggling. Very poor show. Maybe in the morning, you'll have a change of heart. Night night.
  20. Buzzer

    General Election 2015

    That'll be a 'no' then. Look matey, you called it wrong, made a big thing about it too and now you've not got the good manners simply to say an unequivocal 'sorry'. Poor show.

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