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[Finance] Premium Bonds - prize pool increased again - you ever have any luck?


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2015
£150 this month. £550 over the last 5 months which is almost identical to how much I'd have got if it was in an ISA.

At least this way you get a bit of excitement and the chance for a bigger win. Which is ok if the interest gained from an ISA isn't the be all and end all.


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2013
£50 this month, but nothing February and March, on £35,000 holding. I’ll be taking 20k out later this week to put in an ISA, as not impressed.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
I watched the Martin Lewis video on it and he basically said that it's only worth doing if you have 40/50k invested. But even then you lose out the thousands you would get from a normal 3/5% ISA on just on a small chance you get the big money. If I've got that right then I think I will pass.
you have got that right (y)

Shropshire Seagull

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
I've lost confidence in PBs - it's like gambling without ever losing your stake - but way more disappointment than joy ....

So, I've gone fixed rate ISA for half on the assumption that in 12 months time the rate I've locked in will be great after interest rates fall.

The other half is now in easy access savings, so I've got simple / quick access if I need it and £150 winnings EVERY month.


Mar 13, 2013
I think so... not 100% sure tbh. A lady from National Savings came to my home, then work to find me and give news.
Can you imagine if you got that letter nowadays? Send me the winning bond and a plane ticket to Heathrow from Lagos and I promise I'll send it back with your Naira! :thumbsup:

Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
I watched the Martin Lewis video on it and he basically said that it's only worth doing if you have 40/50k invested. But even then you lose out the thousands you would get from a normal 3/5% ISA on just on a small chance you get the big money. If I've got that right then I think I will pass.
Fixed rate ISAs (for one year are currently around 4 / 4.5% - lower (which is clearly not normal, but rates are expected to fall) if you fix for two years.

I've earnt slightly more than that this year on PBs, without any 'big' wins - maybe we've just been lucky.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
Both of us have maximum holding and zilch between us, this month. Pfft!
Edit: There was nothing yesterday, but having read the thread, I thought I'd check again so it seems it's £100 for me and £75 for o/h. Could be worse, could be better....but I'm okay with that.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2014
North West Sussex
I hadn’t realised until recently that there is such a thing as a personal savings allowance. If I recall correctly, basic taxpayers can earn £1000 in interest from savings before tax kicks in. Useful to know when looking at spreading savings across ISA, premium bonds, non ISA savings accounts etc.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2020
£50 this month. Over the last 6 months I'm winning about the same as an instant access cash ISA pays in interest..

Me Atome

Mar 10, 2024
I hadn’t realised until recently that there is such a thing as a personal savings allowance. If I recall correctly, basic taxpayers can earn £1000 in interest from savings before tax kicks in. Useful to know when looking at spreading savings across ISA, premium bonds, non ISA savings accounts etc.
The savings allowance doesn't apply to ISA's - they are tax exempt already.


Living the dream
NSC Patron
May 8, 2013
I left £13000 in my bonds and won £125.00 this month.🤔🤔
See what happens next month when the new bonds I bought are valid for the draw.
I’ve just cashed in £25k and reinvested it into new bonds.
Let’s see what May & June hold🤞


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
I watched the Martin Lewis video on it and he basically said that it's only worth doing if you have 40/50k invested. But even then you lose out the thousands you would get from a normal 3/5% ISA on just on a small chance you get the big money. If I've got that right then I think I will pass.
Not our experience……..been averaging around the ‘expected’ return over the last 4-5 years, plus it’s tax free. Happy to forgo a bit of extra interest for the off-chance of a bigger win. £400 this month which is slightly above ‘par’


Oooh Matron, I'm an
NSC Patron
Jun 26, 2009
I bought premium bonds 15+ years ago and forgot about them (didn't even remember how many or exactly when).

I moved house. Changed job (had registered the account to my work email address) and changed mobile number.

So essentially, NS&I had no way of contacting me.

After remembering, I started the process of accessing the account a few weeks ago. After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, I got a letter through with my NS&I number and holder's number and my account balance...

It turns out I bought a token £300 of bonds on the 1st December 2006.

After taking into account the winnings from every prize draw since then, my balance is....

...wait for it....

...wait for it....

...wait for it....




Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jun 3, 2004
Bath, Somerset.
May Draw

Me = £225
Mrs Peteinblack = £175

Will use as spending money on our Scandinavian cruise at the end of this month.

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