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[Albion] Moises Caicedo - New contract signed until summer 2027 with 1 year extra option.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
New agents trying to cash in for their %. Only way to deal with these ‘demands’ is to let him sit it out until the summer then sell him. Players really should honour contracts until the end of season at least. I won’t happen but unless TB draws a line and says no unless we are paid what we want then the player or agent shouldn’t be dictating anything unless it’s a short contract.
Wait 5 months and they’ll get their cut based on 100m. Clubs play agents too.
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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2012
This isn’t ideal is it. No Alexis vs Bournemouth either. Adam L might still be injured. Running a bit low now!

A year ago he was not even in the first team so if he goes then he goes. The club will go on. But we will get loads of cash. Players come and go. Cucurella was irreplaceable. But then he was. Let’s just trust them to replace caicedo. UTA.


Feb 8, 2005
One of the strangest statements, there is poorly advised and then there is that.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2005
the amount of current players ‘liking’ his message is concerning and a fascinating insight into the mind of a footballer. Not unexpected but the fact so many have been so quick they must have known


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
He just posted this on Instagram?

Yes Moises, I do understand you wanting to take this opportunity. I hope you understand that I, and many others, hope that the club don't let you go mid-season. Without a chance to replace you, it would mess up our chances of a decent finish to the season. It would also be quite demoralising for your teammates. And you will still have similar opportunities in the summer, so waiting will not have much of a negative impact on you.

Moshe Gariani

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2005
DeZerbi said that he wants a player in if one goes out. With hindsight now I guess he knew this was likely.


Habitual User
Oct 18, 2006
This isn’t ideal is it. No Alexis vs Bournemouth either. Adam L might still be injured. Running a bit low now!

A year ago he was not even in the first team so if he goes then he goes. The club will go on. But we will get loads of cash. Players come and go. Cucurella was irreplaceable. But then he was. Let’s just trust them to replace caicedo. UTA.
I’ve been a bit flat the last hour but hey…. This is right.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
Meh. Leave him out until the window has closed. These wankers Jacobs (who one of our own fan podcast entertained recently without going after them, are they on here?) and Romano have unsettled the kid. They'vegot what they wanted, they probably get a bonus now.

Hold firm. Don't accept less then £100m
Edu/Arteta have quite deliberately fed them the propaganda.

It’s a newish thing or it’s certainly escalated. Real Madrid were the sly masters for decades.

Arsenal seemed to have very much joined other clubs doing this, do it or be left behind. Hurt by Mudryk double crossing them by choosing Chelsea?

Hugo Rune

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2012
Has something been agreed? Some of the wording makes it sound like it has been agreed.
I suspect everything has been agreed between his agent and Arsenal.

I also suspect Arsenal have come back to the agent (tonight) and instructed him to pull the stunt as part of their negotiating tactics.

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