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    • GOM
      GOM replied to the thread [Film] Westerns.
      Neatly back to the OP.
    • GOM
      GOM reacted to Paulie Gualtieri's post in the thread [Misc] Electric Cars with Like Like.
      I’ve downloaded the app and ordered one thanks I will compare the BG gas EV tariff and the octopus one as currently with BG and will...
    • GOM
      GOM reacted to Chicken Run's post in the thread [News] Amazon v GMB. with Like Like.
      I wonder if there are any actual Amazon employees on this board that can give us the inside line rather than us bunch of middle aged...
    • GOM
      GOM replied to the thread [Misc] Electric Cars.
      and to add that you don't need to have your electric from Octopus to get the Electroverse card (it's free). You just link your...
    • GOM
      GOM replied to the thread [Misc] Electric Cars.
    • GOM
      GOM reacted to Audax's post in the thread [Misc] Electric Cars with Like Like.
      For what reason? Last I saw, the "credible" research that's been done says that an ICE is more likely to require the attention of fire...
    • GOM
      GOM replied to the thread [Misc] Electric Cars.
      I can’t see how spending upwards of £30k makes sense to do 1-2000 miles a year in any type of car. Battery degradation is proving to be...
    • GOM
      GOM replied to the thread [Misc] Electric Cars.
      Maybe with age I've become a little bit more leisurely in my attitudes and despite wanting to get there I enjoy a break somewhere on a...
    • GOM
      GOM replied to the thread [Misc] Electric Cars.
      Worst of both worlds. Why lug around a heavy engine/gearbox/exhaust etc while in EV mode? Why drag around a heavy battery and motor...
    • GOM
      GOM reacted to Audax's post in the thread [Other Sport] F1 2024 with Like Like.
      Lots of people who follow F1 spoke negatively about Hamilton after that incident. If you didn't see it / don't remember it, you weren't...
    • GOM
      I have, a weirdly enjoyable silly, totally bonkers, don't have to think, just sit back and enjoy the madness. The ending is completely...
    • GOM
      Depends on which half has Depends on which half has the top of the slice and which half has the bottom of the slice.
    • GOM
      GOM replied to the thread [Drinking] Milk.
      Can we stop calling the extracted juice of nuts and cereals milk ? It's not milk it's nut juice. :)
    • GOM
      GOM reacted to The Oldman's post in the thread [Albion] North/South divide with Like Like.
      When I lived in Suffolk for over 20 years I did not regard myself as living in the North or South but in East Anglia. The real locals...
    • GOM
      GOM reacted to Sid and the Sharknados's post in the thread [Albion] North/South divide with Like Like.
      I've lived in most parts of the country (not the north west, but I'm happy enough with that) and barring a bit of variation in the type...
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