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[Albion] Fan advisory board


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
Isn't the content of a planning application meant to be based on consulting beforehand, rather than the Planning Permission being granted and then the applicant working out what they actually want to build?
If PP has already been applied for the size/shape etc of the building will already be designed - some consultation about the content would be nice though……


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
PBOBE starts the meeting by saying he doesn't believe it's needed, states a few things then buggers off. These type of engagement group needs buy in from the top or it becomes a talking shop with no improvement.
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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003

"The meeting started with an overview from Paul on his thoughts around FAB. He said that he does not believe that BHAFC needs a FAB...."
Blimey. One could argue that if the CEO says that there is 'no need ' for a FAB then a FAB is actually precisely what we need.

We all accept that we don't need a BISA-type organisation as the circumstances are so far removed from the late 90s as they can possibly be. However sadly even the existence of a club-approved, sanitised body seems to be a step too far. This might be another example of the club's sometimes thin-skin when it comes to criticism, or their exasperation at the apparent ungrateful nature of the fans: we're in Europe playing the best football of our existence and people are moaning about the buses and train queues.

EDIT: Thinking about it, it could also be an example of PB's honesty. The FAB is just a talking shop and whilst we might give the impression of listening to it we will in fact ignore it, and if we do enact any of its recommendations that will be pure co-incidence.

Brian Fantana

Well-known member
Oct 8, 2006
In the field
It's an incredible statement, not least given the quote at the launch of the FAB:

“The fan advisory board is designed to build on the regular fans’ forums that we hold in person and online each season, and also the constant dialogue we have with fans through our responses to the many thousands of letters, emails and phone calls we receive each season.​
“We now want to further update and improve our fan engagement to ensure that views, opinions and ideas on a variety of topics are formally heard, recorded and open to an even wider and representative cross-section of fans throughout the season.”​
It's extraordinary.

I wonder if he said it in exactly the way that it comes across in the minutes, although I suspect they'd have been circulated for approval before being published.

It really doesn't do anything to dispell the argument from some that the FAB is a purely a tickbox exercise for the club, so that they avoid further more stringent regulations around mandated fan involvement.

Hastings gull

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2013
We don't need a roof for the train queue going East, we just need everybody on the platform to be made to get on the first train in and if necessary change at Lewes, queue will clear twice as quick and cost nothing.
To be fair, I feel that a cover of some sort is needed, though you are quite right in that the queue would be shorter if everyone got on the first train, though the queues would still be quite long. We always take the first available train, and if it is one going to Seaford, then get on the Hastings train at Lewes by which time hundreds have got off. Just out of interest: The chap at the gate on to the platform presumably knows how many carriages the next train is composed of and counts the number allowed through due to safety concerns, but what about those still on the platform?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003

"The meeting started with an overview from Paul on his thoughts around FAB. He said that he does not believe that BHAFC needs a FAB...."
That’s a bit selective though Bozza. The full sentence does put it in context “He said that he does not believe that BHAFC needs a FAB as there is already great communication via many fan forums and email responses to fans, however it is positive to have the FAB in place and trust and confidentiality are key.”


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
That’s a bit selective though Bozza. The full sentence does put it in context “He said that he does not believe that BHAFC needs a FAB as there is already great communication via many fan forums and email responses to fans, however it is positive to have the FAB in place and trust and confidentiality are key.”
I certainly wasn't intending to be duplicitous in any way - I was just somewhat surprised to read that.

I'd be interested to hear from @Barry Izbak on how that came across? Were the FAB surprised to hear that.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
That’s a bit selective though Bozza. The full sentence does put it in context “He said that he does not believe that BHAFC needs a FAB as there is already great communication via many fan forums and email responses to fans, however it is positive to have the FAB in place and trust and confidentiality are key.”

Exactly this. This is exactly how media storms are created today, where selective quotes are used or taken out of context. With the full quote he is clearly saying he thinks things are ok as they are, but FAB will add to the existing.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Fair enough. Without going through the whole thread, isn’t this FAB thing a nationwide response as part of a bid to avert external regulation? It does read as if Albion resent having to adopt something that is probably less necessary here than at some clubs, and also potentially a bit of a smokescreen rather than genuine engagement.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Buxted Harbour
Blimey. One could argue that if the CEO says that there is 'no need ' for a FAB then a FAB is actually precisely what we need.
We all accept that we don't need a BISA-type organisation
Disagree and as I've already said on this thread the FAB should be completely independent of the club.
as the circumstances are so far removed from the late 90s as they can possibly be. However sadly even the existence of a club-approved, sanitised body seems to be a step too far. This might be another example of the club's sometimes thin-skin when it comes to criticism, or their exasperation at the apparent ungrateful nature of the fans: we're in Europe playing the best football of our existence and people are moaning about the buses and train queues.
Oh absolutely, we're fighting different battles now many of which could be seen as "first world problems" and not for the existence of the club. To a point there may be some substance if the club holds the view in your last sentence (which I think it does). They may view it as what does it matter all the time the club is selling out pretty much every game home and away which is short sighted IMO. Our fan base isn't as strong as they think it is, people will disappear as quickly as they arrived if the entertainment value that we have currently goes. So working on fixing things like bus and train queues is important.
EDIT: Thinking about it, it could also be an example of PB's honesty. The FAB is just a talking shop and whilst we might give the impression of listening to it we will in fact ignore it, and if we do enact any of its recommendations that will be pure co-incidence.
Well ultimately it's always going to be the clubs ball and they can take it home whenever they like and that appears to be what we have here, the club paying lip service to the fans by having a body of yes wo/men who are a "go-between" between both parties.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003

Disagree and as I've already said on this thread the FAB should be completely independent of the club.

Oh absolutely, we're fighting different battles now many of which could be seen as "first world problems" and not for the existence of the club. To a point there may be some substance if the club holds the view in your last sentence (which I think it does). They may view it as what does it matter all the time the club is selling out pretty much every game home and away which is short sighted IMO. Our fan base isn't as strong as they think it is, people will disappear as quickly as they arrived if the entertainment value that we have currently goes. So working on fixing things like bus and train queues is important.

Well ultimately it's always going to be the clubs ball and they can take it home whenever they like and that appears to be what we have here, the club paying lip service to the fans by having a body of yes wo/men who are a "go-between" between both parties.
Yeah, all fair points.

Barry Izbak

Dec 7, 2005
Lancing By Sea
I certainly wasn't intending to be duplicitous in any way - I was just somewhat surprised to read that.

I'd be interested to hear from @Barry Izbak on how that came across? Were the FAB surprised to hear that.
No, we were not surprised at all. He said similar at our first meeting in 2022. Tony Bloom also said something similar at SOL last October.

The reason that they have this view is because the club feel that they are already really good at gathering feedback from fans and have a good relationship with the fanbase. And I don't disagree. Certainly compared to many other clubs.

We have the fans forum at the start of every season, PB and TB go out visiting the various supporters groups, they appear on Albion podcasts and PB especially is super responsive to the thousands of emails he receives.

But the Premier League have said all clubs have to have a FAB and so the Albion wanted to be amongst the first and not be caught on the naughty step, unlike several other Premier League clubs who have yet to get up and running.

Barry Izbak

Dec 7, 2005
Lancing By Sea
If PP has already been applied for the size/shape etc of the building will already be designed - some consultation about the content would be nice though……
That is the consultation they have spoken about. We're not involved in what the building looks like, but what is inside.
The problem is we don't know the shape, size, make-up, single or multi space, age-groups or the catering facilities.

Sid and the Sharknados

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 4, 2022
If PP has already been applied for the size/shape etc of the building will already be designed - some consultation about the content would be nice though……
Inevitably, when consulted people will ask for something that in itself would be desirable and not that hard, but would require a change just large enough to put it outside the PP.

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
That is the consultation they have spoken about. We're not involved in what the building looks like, but what is inside.
The problem is we don't know the shape, size, make-up, single or multi space, age-groups or the catering facilities.
Will it have space for an older fan in a huge wheelchair to shelter from the rain before the game, instead of blocking up the entrance to the club shop, and distracting the chap managing the queue?

Tom Hark Preston Park

Will Post For Cash
Jul 6, 2003
Fan Advisory Board weekly update - November 6th

1. FAB update to be published in Sundays programme (Sheffield United)
2. Following PBOBE's Albion Unlimited Podcast, when he said he'd asked the FAB to go away and come back with ideas for the Fanzone, the FAB contacted the club to ask for the terms of reference for this project, so we can gather useful feedback from fans. The response was that we wait until the Planning Permission had been granted.
3. A date for the FAB to meet with Zoe Johnson (Managing Director Women & Girls) is being arranged to discuss issues affecting the Women’s game.
4. A sub group of FAB setting up the Disabled Supporters Association (DSA) making progress getting things in place, talking to Level Playing Field, and meeting with club arranged for early December.
5. X account set up. Follow us at
6. Gerry has made progress on webinar set up. More details tbc
7. Gerry has discussed with @Bozza how best to communicate through NSC and we hope to introduce a new catch all thread for the Fan Advisory Board soon.
8. Recent minutes published on both FAB website
and the club website
'2. Following PBOBE's Albion Unlimited Podcast, when he said he'd asked the FAB to go away' :ohmy:

Barry Izbak

Dec 7, 2005
Lancing By Sea
Will it have space for an older fan in a huge wheelchair to shelter from the rain before the game, instead of blocking up the entrance to the club shop, and distracting the chap managing the queue?
that will always depend on the Jobsworth they employ on the door ;)

Peacehaven Wild Kids

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2022
The Avenue then Maloncho
Personally It’s so great being an Albion fan at the moment it’s TINY things that bother me.

1) the prospect of getting wet In Amsterdam.

2) paying 5p a pint more in an away pub on matchdays

3) The words to GOSBTS on the big screens esp in view of the away fans.

4) playing Hey Jude when we play Liverpool or Everton (or indeed anyone) It’s a fine song, but we can do better Shirley?

However, just to repeat, my Albion mojo is literally so “up there” at the moment I’m not even gonna slag off the transport.


New member
Aug 15, 2023
No, we were not surprised at all. He said similar at our first meeting in 2022. Tony Bloom also said something similar at SOL last October.

The reason that they have this view is because the club feel that they are already really good at gathering feedback from fans and have a good relationship with the fanbase. And I don't disagree. Certainly compared to many other clubs.

We have the fans forum at the start of every season, PB and TB go out visiting the various supporters groups, they appear on Albion podcasts and PB especially is super responsive to the thousands of emails he receives.

But the Premier League have said all clubs have to have a FAB and so the Albion wanted to be amongst the first and not be caught on the naughty step, unlike several other Premier League clubs who have yet to get up and running.
No, we were not surprised at all. He said similar at our first meeting in 2022. Tony Bloom also said something similar at SOL last October.

The reason that they have this view is because the club feel that they are already really good at gathering feedback from fans and have a good relationship with the fanbase. And I don't disagree. Certainly compared to many other clubs.

We have the fans forum at the start of every season, PB and TB go out visiting the various supporters groups, they appear on Albion podcasts and PB especially is super responsive to the thousands of emails he receives.

But the Premier League have said all clubs have to have a FAB and so the Albion wanted to be amongst the first and not be caught on the naughty step, unlike several other Premier League clubs who have yet to get up and running.
as writer of the minutes I just wanted to endorse what has already been said - I like PB’s honesty on the subject tbh and the key is not to take one bit of the sentence out of context 😊

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