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[Albion] Moises Caicedo - New contract signed until summer 2027 with 1 year extra option.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2007
The narrative from loss of oppo fans is insane.

“You only paid 5 million so not accepting 60 million is ridiculous”

That would be like a record expert going to a market stall and finding the first release of a Beatles album and buying it for five quid and then a collector of Beatles memorabilia demanding they sell it for 60 quid. Just because you buy something cheap doesn’t mean it isn’t worth more to someone else!

Plus his relatively low wages mean he is worth even more to us because a replacement might want higher wages.
It's a frustrating situation for us as fans and as much as we hate the fact the agent is stoking this up, it is his job to get the best financial reward for his client. MC is only 21 but let's not forget that he has seen a team mate have to retire unexpectedly this season. If I was MC, I'd probably be doing the same. If I could triple my wages by going to Arsenal, I'd go, who wouldn't. He's one serious injury from having no career.
THIS. Why don’t people understand this. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
The player won't care, even if he stays for 6 months how much of an impact will it have on him? The players won't turn on him as I imagine most of them understand the positions his in, the manager will be pissed but will play him and he will be in front of fans 20 or so times, who at worst will be indifferent to him.

Taking the Brighton Bias out of it, what is better for his long term future? Being on 3k a week on 60k a week in a career that is short?

Brighton will sell to the highest bidder, if other clubs were interested they would bid anyway his actions won't change that.

Will they have failed? They have made it know he wants to go publicly, if your point about other clubs now being interested stands, he's just been able to ask for more money in wages.
Absolutely. Any agent could get him a good move in the summer.

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
Taking the Brighton Bias out of it, what is better for his long term future? Being on 3k a week on 60k a week in a career that is short?
why do people insist on keep repeating this nonsense? It’s embarrassing.

The Wizard

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
I don’t blame MC by the way. To try and bring forward by 6 months a massive wage increase is a rational financial move. It’s just TB shouldn’t allow it unless it suits him and the club and now does not need to be that time.
How can you not apportion some blame on Moises?

Yes, this is agent led but doesn’t mean he’s infallible, he allowed that statement to go out.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
Why do people keep saying life changing amounts of money blah blah blah. If as expected he's on around £25k a week I'd say that's f***ing life changing if he came from a poor back ground. Yes he can earn even more but his current deal isn't too shabby.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
The narrative from loss of oppo fans is insane.

“You only paid 5 million so not accepting 60 million is ridiculous”

That would be like a record expert going to a market stall and finding the first release of a Beatles album and buying it for five quid and then a collector of Beatles memorabilia demanding they sell it for 60 quid. Just because you buy something cheap doesn’t mean it isn’t worth more to someone else!

Plus his relatively low wages mean he is worth even more to us because a replacement might want higher wages.
Bit like when someone was trying to buy the Coca Cola kid - “you got him for nothing so why ask for so much “

What we got him for is absolutely irrelevant.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
£90m per the independent is what we will accept. Seems about right.

Think only chance we see of that happening is if partey has a long term injury.

Tom Hark Preston Park

Will Post For Cash
Jul 6, 2003
Why do people keep saying life changing amounts of money blah blah blah. If as expected he's on around £25k a week I'd say that's f***ing life changing if he came from a poor back ground. Yes he can earn even more but his current deal isn't too shabby.
A million+ quid a year is none too shabby full stop

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