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Is Keir really credible?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2719
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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
Man gets ill during global health crisis

Weather at 11

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
Sir Keir again bottling PMQ's.

Call me cynical but is Labour keeping him away from facing Big Bad Boris?

Positive test again............yeah right.

Perhaps he has been snuggling up with some anti-vaxers???

The time appears to be ticking for him, McDonnell loves a good lynching apparently.

That's quite an accusation to put in public. Do you have medical evidence to prove he isn't testing positive? If so, how did you obtain confidential medical evidence?


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
You tell me, you're obviously in the know?

For the record, I have not been in the pit for some time as it was getting repetitive.

Just wanted to get the current view on the left and whether they think Keir is doing a great job and nailing Boris down.

But it appears Keir is taking a sickie most of the time.

This is what happened to your 'opposition' thread, I'm surprised you didn't remember ???

The "opposition" thread

Unfortunately someone chose to post a photo on the thread about Labour that has subsequently been successfully legally challenged.

This has left no option but to move the whole thread to avoid NSC getting into legal trouble. This is NOT political. The thread could have carried on without that picture being posted.

As with the behaviour post from Bozza, posting libellous photoshopped images will earn a permanent ban from now on.


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
People who insist on calling politicians by their first names only (as if they are actually acquainted with them) are always a bit suspect; they do not know them of course but insinuate a sort of knowledge of their character that is delusional and misleading; they dumb down our politics by personalising it.....

Randy McNob

Now go home and get your f#cking Shinebox
Jun 13, 2020
Mouldy does raise a good point, there should be a dedicated thread for the right wing sheeple to celebrate a weak opposition, and the erosion of their democracy

Maybe they can adopt this one?


Deleted member 2719

Some of the leftie stuff I have seen today on here and in social media is quite hilarious, you would have thought they had won the next general election by a landslide majority.


The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
Some of the leftie stuff I have seen today on here and in social media is quite hilarious, you would have thought they had won the next general election by a landslide majority.


What “leftie stuff”?


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
....says the person who professes to be 'Right behind Boris' (recently surreptitiously discarded of course)... now that's hilarious!
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The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
It’s been interesting (kind of) seeing each of the Right Wing Bear Pitter mob try and engage and troll people over on the main board. Each one in turn summarily ignored until they slink off back here :lolol:

Which is where I’ll leave you.


Deleted member 2719

It’s been interesting (kind of) seeing each of the Right Wing Bear Pitter mob try and engage and troll people over on the main board. Each one in turn summarily ignored until they slink off back here :lolol:

Which is where I’ll leave you.

I haven't been on the mainboard for any more than 2 mins today, and after laughing at all my leftie Fb friends giving it large, I just found it funny, if not very spiteful.

Keir is the main man, he will lead Labour on to................................another spanking......oh errr missus.:lolol:


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
Beware of posters who habitually use only the first name of public figures; they insinuate some familiarity with people they have not actually met. They personalise and trivialise important issues and reduce the level of mature debate to children's playground stuff.... just so they can participate at their own intellectual level.

Thanks PotG for your usual thumbs up. A written endorsement would be just great thanks.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2014

I haven't been on the mainboard for any more than 2 mins today, and after laughing at all my leftie Fb friends giving it large, I just found it funny, if not very spiteful.

Keir is the main man, he will lead Labour on to................................another spanking......oh errr missus.:lolol:

what stimulated you to abandon your "right behind boris" bit?


Deleted member 2719

what stimulated you to abandon your "right behind boris" bit?

Because I like eating cheese and wine.

So is King Keir going to slay the mighty dragon or will it be Cummings and his beloved media that slide the final sword into him???


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
Let's just hope that all those who are right behind Boris Johnston follow him off the scene when he goes...... the British people deserve better.

After that we can assess the alternatives......
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Randy McNob

Now go home and get your f#cking Shinebox
Jun 13, 2020
Because I like eating cheese and wine.

So is King Keir going to slay the mighty dragon or will it be Cummings and his beloved media that slide the final sword into him???

I'm quite partial to a bacon sarnie, i'm gonna have that as my sign off, thanks for the tip

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