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"White Lives Matter Burnley" banner flown over the Etihad


Languidly clinical
Oct 9, 2010
Are you able to substantiate any of that ? It comes across as a bit of a superiority complex about your social group and where you live. Not a good look to casually insult people although the ‘5 years’ bit is probably the giveaway (referendum reference by any chance ?). This thread has descended into the same old name calling and hopefully is headed to the bear pit.

He's right though, isn't he? Those with bigoted views do seem to have been emboldened in recent years (see organisations such as Britain First and the EDL) - perhaps this notion is amplified as the internet has connected us more to those outside our social bubble. Like it or not, the unpleasantness of 2016 added to it.


Active member
Dec 30, 2007
Please be careful, sheebo there appears to be a lack of logic and lots of emotion ruling the heads of many.
We all know that racism has been In decline for years, but a political agenda is driving it back to the slave years.
We only need to look on the football pitch to see that there is a fair balance. But make no mistake they are there on ability, for that role, like the amount of British black sprinters, are also.
Should some of the white sprinters be showing the race card?
No of course, not they are not good enough, results speak.

Floyd was a nasty man, although the murder was wrong, as you say it was hyped as a racial killing, I am still awaiting the evidence to prove this also.

The real big issue is emotion, and political agenda is powering a machine that will divide hatred throughout all society, and all that back BLM our contributing to that hatred.

Backing kick out racism was working. The word BLACK in their movement is wrong.

The scale of racist in this country was at an all-time low.

That will now change on both side, oh what joy just because the lefties want a fight.

I have always said this far-left movement is far more dangerous than the far right, and the country knew that with their heads when sinking Corbyn at the elections.

Meantime I will stay safe and use my head, fair play to having the bolloxs to say what your head says on here.

Any more people on here prepared to say the same?

As there is a massive clouding of judgement being lead by their emotion or political agenda or scaredness of being labelled a racist, by the bullies.

I know you're having a joke, but also you are showing a real prejudice against the people of Burnley, how come?

Thought you despised this sort of going on?

Booker T Washington was warning about the sort of race-baiter we see far too many of today over a century ago. People like Rev. Al Sharpton, so conspicuous at George Floyd's funeral) pour oil on the flames instead of seeking to douse them. True racial harmony would mean no money for Sharpton and his ilk.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2010
Tommy the tit Robinson infecting society with his bullshit again. It's a win-win for people like him as they get the reaction they wanted.

Neville's Breakfast

Well-known member
May 1, 2016
Oxton, Birkenhead
He's right though, isn't he? Those with bigoted views do seem to have been emboldened in recent years (see organisations such as Britain First and the EDL) - perhaps this notion is amplified as the internet has connected us more to those outside our social bubble. Like it or not, the unpleasantness of 2016 added to it.[/QUOTE

More unsubstantiated generalization. Thank goodness I don’t open the Brexit thread anymore.

cunning fergus

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 18, 2009
You would agree its capitalism in context though, right? IE its those capitalistic structures that disproportionately reduce equality for black people?

I suppose the wider point here is, do you support capitalism at any cost, if it inherently creates inequalities in society that are nothing to do with a person's innate ability or efforts but everything to do with their background and factors out of their control?


Thats my main point, but I will always say that's its a cheap shot to ask someone who wants to reform our capitalistic society to 'give up their capital'. Anti-capitalism does not mean anti - capital, a world of no money or other socialist ideals, instead it is a broad church of ideas aimed at creating fairness in our society. You could argue that one-nation-toryism is just a version of anti - capitalism, or at least that's how it's sold to the voters 'anyone can be successful if they study hard, work hard and follow the rules' . But it's not really true is it.

But even if you want to take things to the extreme, I'll quote a line from the last season of Westworld "it took money to build this society, it will take money to tear it down" :lol:

In this country, what are the capitalist structures that need dismantling?

For example if It’s proved that BAME communities have more difficulties accessing mortgages to buy property than whites, how do you “dismantle the capitalist system” to create fairness?

Do you:

a) take the private/public owned banks into state ownership, so the state controls finance, and forces the banks to make lump sum or regular “reparation” payments to individuals from BAME communities seeking mortgages?
b) completely end the capitalist system of banks, just have the Bank of England as the one single state lender, with different mortgage rates and deposits for whites and individuals from BAME communities?
c) take all property into state ownership and the state allocates who lives in what house, with BAME communities getting preferences?
d) re-organise the current system so that white mortgagees pay an additional reparation levy to offset the deposits and interest rates for mortgage holders from BAME communities?

By the way I don’t think capitalism is fair, but I would rather not have communism, you certainly don’t see the world’s poor migrating to Venezuela and North Korea.

It’s not a cheap shot either, many may not like it, myself included at times, but there is a reason why one of the world’s foremost revolutionaries remarked over 200 years ago that this country was full of capitalists.......and culturally due to the largesse of professional footballers I think we have got worse.


Feb 20, 2004
a galaxy far far away
Booker T Washington was warning about the sort of race-baiter we see far too many of today over a century ago. People like Rev. Al Sharpton, so conspicuous at George Floyd's funeral) pour oil on the flames instead of seeking to douse them. True racial harmony would mean no money for Sharpton and his ilk.

Didn't see any of this, Was he anti-white or just calling out the racism he sees?


Languidly clinical
Oct 9, 2010
He's right though, isn't he? Those with bigoted views do seem to have been emboldened in recent years (see organisations such as Britain First and the EDL) - perhaps this notion is amplified as the internet has connected us more to those outside our social bubble. Like it or not, the unpleasantness of 2016 added to it.

More unsubstantiated generalization. Thank goodness I don’t open the Brexit thread anymore.

I said "seem." It's my perception but based on what I see, read and hear. Maybe I missed the far right marching through the streets in the 90s and 00s.


Active member
Dec 30, 2007
What box would the right have blacks stay in? Honest question - and no way to say it without sounding provocative (which I'm not.).

This might well be the crux of the matter - BLM does not want any black person to sit in any box that has been constructed by someone else for them to stay in.

The right, as I see it, doesn't want them in any box. Each black person is their own self as any free born person is. I have read several comments from black people in the last three weeks or so who are angry and saddened by the actions of BLM. They don't believe BLM has any right to speak for them and fear BLM is damaging race-relations. I'm afraid you're mistaken if you believe BLM doesn't want every black person to sit in the box BLM will create for them.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
Preston Park
The right, as I see it, doesn't want them in any box. Each black person is their own self as any free born person is. I have read several comments from black people in the last three weeks or so who are angry and saddened by the actions of BLM. They don't believe BLM has any right to speak for them and fear BLM is damaging race-relations. I'm afraid you're mistaken if you believe BLM doesn't want every black person to sit in the box BLM will create for them.

I’m sure there are many black voices that are wary of any coordinated black-focussed and led protests because they have generations of experience of vested and white-privileged interests doing everything they can to shut their calls for substantive, systemic change down. In the 60s they faced violent, systemic oppression but they have every right to be more fearful of assiduous white people, in the 21st century, talking about the “wrong type” of protests to try and right a 500 year old injustice.

If you are White you have no skin in this game.


New member
Aug 31, 2018
Only racists would defend it tbh Its an idiotic protest towards a legitimate protest. As much as I dislike Burnley, credit to them for their immediate response.


Active member
Dec 30, 2007
Only racists would defend it tbh Its an idiotic protest towards a legitimate protest. As much as I dislike Burnley, credit to them for their immediate response.

What about a black person who defends it on the grounds of free speech?


Deleted member 2719

It's only BANTZ you SNOWFLAKE :rolleyes:

I thought you lefties hated BANTER, you could be leaning towards the right, I will open the door you can come in and we can talk some good old commonsense issues, while supping some Guinness. :drink::smile:

What have you based that on?

A five year prison sentence for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon.

'The scale of racist in this country was at an all-time low.'

What barometer are you applying to this ?

It rather seems that it is more evident than it has been for a while.

Whether the UK left the EU or not was not really of that much importance to me. What I did worry about was an increase in racist and xenophobic attitudes that would be subtly led by the right wing media. Sadly it has come to pass.

Some of this, of course, has come to pass as a result of concerns, whether realistic or not, being ignored or not addressed at all. But all the while you have governments who play the triumphant Britain is best card it will fester.

Sad times.

If you wanted to get on in this country, you can we gave people the platform, knuckle down and you can achieve what you want.

Prejudice will always be out there and you can't stop it, but we were heading the right way. How many people have missed out on a job because they are too fat, too thin, too ugly, too hot, too ginger, there are a millions of reasons.

But you really just to have to suck it up and get on with stuff.

All this BLM has done is divide it back to the seventies.

Like you I thought that racism was a thing of the past in Britain - but what the events of the past few weeks have taught me is that that very much isn't true. I have learned many things that have horrified me, and its been a very valuable experience.

Black Lives Matter should be lauded as a powerful, peaceful and intelligent movement that is very clearly not anti-white and embracing people from across the spectrum of race, colour and creed. At its heart is a call to meet society's ideals of equality for all without fear or favour, and anyone who has suffered inequality for any reason can feel uplifted by this. I see nothing but positivity in this, at I do for any movement that seeks to make our society a more just place.

Some people feel threatened by it - including those who should be, but also many who shouldn't, and that is a shame.

Come on, it's politically driven by the media which has got a load of gullible people on board harping on about slave trading 100's of years in the PAST, the reason we call it the PAST is because that exactly what it is, lets look to the FUTURE and respect all. As we were doing before BLM got involved and sucked in a load of sheep.

Booker T Washington was warning about the sort of race-baiter we see far too many of today over a century ago. People like Rev. Al Sharpton, so conspicuous at George Floyd's funeral) pour oil on the flames instead of seeking to douse them. True racial harmony would mean no money for Sharpton and his ilk.

I don't know a lot about america, but I have would not be surprised in what you say. You say oil has been poured on I would describe it as more flammable than that high octane aviation fuel.


Languidly clinical
Oct 9, 2010
I thought you lefties hated BANTER, you could be leaning towards the right, I will open the door you can come in and we can talk some good old commonsense issues, while supping some Guinness. :drink::smile:

A five year prison sentence for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon.

If you wanted to get on in this country, you can we gave people the platform, knuckle down and you can achieve what you want.

Prejudice will always be out there and you can't stop it, but we were heading the right way. How many people have missed out on a job because they are too fat, too thin, too ugly, too hot, too ginger, there are a millions of reasons.

But you really just to have to suck it up and get on with stuff.

All this BLM has done is divide it back to the seventies.

Come on, it's politically driven by the media which has got a load of gullible people on board harping on about slave trading 100's of years in the PAST, the reason we call it the PAST is because that exactly what it is, lets look to the FUTURE and respect all. As we were doing before BLM got involved and sucked in a load of sheep.

I don't know a lot about america, but I have would not be surprised in what you say. You say oil has been poured on I would describe it as more flammable than that high octane aviation fuel.

Clearly, it's not just your boots that are mouldy.


Big heart, hot blood and balls. Big balls
Nov 18, 2004
The right, as I see it, doesn't want them in any box. Each black person is their own self as any free born person is. I have read several comments from black people in the last three weeks or so who are angry and saddened by the actions of BLM. They don't believe BLM has any right to speak for them and fear BLM is damaging race-relations. I'm afraid you're mistaken if you believe BLM doesn't want every black person to sit in the box BLM will create for them.

What box?


New member
Aug 31, 2018
What about a black person who defends it on the grounds of free speech?

Free speech? A racially inspired protest against a legitimate protest? What about it, and how likely? I certainly dont know any black people who have not been subjected to racism in one form or another, and most level headed people know the reasons for BLM, and why it IS necessary. Its 2020 ffs, its time to end it. You have an example?

hoof hearted

New member
Sep 14, 2019
I wonder could anything scream "white privilege" louder than the hiring of a light aircraft to protest against the promotion of racial equality?

Maybe it was in regards to the young white girls trafficked and raped by the grooming gang in Rochdale. What 'white privilege' did they get? Their lives didn't matter according to the police.

Of course racism and inequality should eradicated, but lets not pretend white people are never let down by those that are supposed to protect them.

The stunt was definitely insensitive though and deliberately so. So I'm not defending it, before anyone cries racist..

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