Weirdest thing that's ever happened to you?

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New member
Jan 3, 2007
Plus the fact that many experiences are due to lack of sleep or extreme times of emotion (such as grief). Hate to be a realist but it simply shows the power of the human mind and how it can work at times of anxiety, stress and tiredness.

I agree with you mostly. Though have had a few experiences that cannot be explained like Clapham woods. Was genuinely in the happiest, healthiest period of my life and was a shared experience devoid of even so much as booze. Most of the weird things I experienced were clearly when I was in a bit of a mess.


LUZZING chairs about
Sep 19, 2003
I agree with you mostly. Though have had a few experiences that cannot be explained like Clapham woods. Was genuinely in the happiest, healthiest period of my life and was a shared experience devoid of even so much as booze. Most of the weird things I experienced were clearly when I was in a bit of a mess.

I have suffered sleep paralysis many times- it is always when I have an afternoon snooze or not slept well the previous night. Body locks up but the mind is still wildly active. A very odd and weird experience but perfectly logical.


CTRL+W to change this
Nov 25, 2012
This has literally just happened, my girlfriend has just woke up (American). She'd had a bad nightmare trapped in her car and people trying to grab her from the back seat. Woke up, went to get in the shower and there is a hand print that doesn't fit her own on her stomach.

I would probably cry and never stop if that happened to me haha... very weird

Northstand CAT

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Earlier this summer I was walking from near the old cement works near Upper Beeding to my girlfriends in Steyning. It was about 11pm and I was on quiet secluded pathway that runs close to the river adur. I didn't expect to see anyone, but noticed a large shape moving out of a bush onto the path about 15 metres ahead of me. It was dark and I couldn't work out what it was, but guessed it was probably a cow or horse moving from the nearby field. I slowed down a bit and soon realised it wasn't a cow, but a really fat old man wearing nothing but small, white Y-fronts. As I kept walking towards him, things became pretty tense. He was sweating, breathing heavy and had a barely concealed rager poking out those grubby y-fronts. He looked startled, then thanfully walked past me muttering something about what a lovely warm evening it was (it wasn't). I half expected someone else to walk out the bush, but there was no one there- except for a sheep! Did he :sheep: ? i'll never know. But it was still pretty weird either way.


Jun 9, 2013

Mohammed Al Fayed

New member
Jul 30, 2011
About 15 years ago (as a youngster) myself and some friends would go up to Cissbury Ring once a week at night time. Normally 4 or 5 of us would drive up in a car and either get out and walk up the ring, or sit in the car and just have a bit of a smoke. One evening we had driven up to the car park nearest the Findon roundabout (Nepcote?), it was pitch black with the only light coming from the stars in what was a clear summers night. We were sat in the car facing towards the A24, with the the Ring to our left hand side.

We had been up there a while, I was sat in the back of the car and we were all chatting. All of a sudden, what I would describe as a marble sized ball of white light passed through the car at mega high speed with a whooshing noise accompanying it. The car fell silent though I piped up and asked 'did I just imagine that?'....everyone confirmed they had seen the same and the mood changed. I didn't feel comfortable and said to the driver to get moving and we should go. We stayed for a couple more minutes.

Next thing, to the left on the Ring, massive green lights were coming out of the ground into the looked like spot lights, green spotlights...we all crapped ourselves, and the driver started the car and started burning it off. He was driving at high speed back towards thea24 and away from the Ring, but as we were going down we hit some unexplainable mist / fog....the fog was green! The car was travelling at 60 odd miles an hour, and as we got to the bottom of the road (by Findon village) more green lights were coming out the ground....we all panicked but as soon as we got to the main road it was like we were free from it all.....

Totally bizarre, unexplainable and haven't been back since!


Apr 21, 2009
The Coast
when I was young we had a really impressive book in red leather titled something like "Hutchinson's History of the British Empire", full of old paintings of historical events. For some reason the one (in colour) which stuck in my mind was a graphic painting of THe White Ship; this was a tragedy that happened back in the 12th(?) Century when the son of the King Henry (I think) drowned on his way back from France just outside Honfleur when his ship capsized whilst the crew were drunk.
Tonight at Seaford Bonfire I ended up walking alongside a White Ship in the procession - it looked eerie in the full moon and it eventually went up in smoke, along with the SS "Shag" which must have incorporated most of the pallets in the area! Great show..


Nov 11, 2012
About 15 years ago (as a youngster) myself and some friends would go up to Cissbury Ring once a week at night time. Normally 4 or 5 of us would drive up in a car and either get out and walk up the ring, or sit in the car and just have a bit of a smoke. One evening we had driven up to the car park nearest the Findon roundabout (Nepcote?), it was pitch black with the only light coming from the stars in what was a clear summers night. We were sat in the car facing towards the A24, with the the Ring to our left hand side.

We had been up there a while, I was sat in the back of the car and we were all chatting. All of a sudden, what I would describe as a marble sized ball of white light passed through the car at mega high speed with a whooshing noise accompanying it. The car fell silent though I piped up and asked 'did I just imagine that?'....everyone confirmed they had seen the same and the mood changed. I didn't feel comfortable and said to the driver to get moving and we should go. We stayed for a couple more minutes.

Next thing, to the left on the Ring, massive green lights were coming out of the ground into the looked like spot lights, green spotlights...we all crapped ourselves, and the driver started the car and started burning it off. He was driving at high speed back towards thea24 and away from the Ring, but as we were going down we hit some unexplainable mist / fog....the fog was green! The car was travelling at 60 odd miles an hour, and as we got to the bottom of the road (by Findon village) more green lights were coming out the ground....we all panicked but as soon as we got to the main road it was like we were free from it all.....

Totally bizarre, unexplainable and haven't been back since!



C'mon the Albion!
Oct 2, 2003
Still Somewhere in Sussex!
Several years back, after driving back from Great Yarmouth late at night to our holiday let in Horning, me and an ex. witnessed something together that we both couldn't explain, but we both definitely felt and saw it.

We were going along a country lane, when all of a sudden there seemed to be this massive deer at the side of the road, it then seemed to charge at the side of the car and go through us to the other side of the road and it disappeared! :( No noise, no damage, just a "whoosh"!

I just carried on driving and we looked at each other in astonishment! And we both said to each other "Did that really happen??!!"

We drove back that same route for the rest of the holiday, and nothing else happened, which was a bit disappointing.

I've always believed in ghosts, but I can't say that I've heard of Ghost animals, and this event was very weird and it's still in my mind today, about 8 years after the event. And before anyone asks, no I hadn't taken anything, and I'd been drinking Cokes all night as I was driving!!


NSC Patron
Jul 14, 2013
About 15 years ago (as a youngster) myself and some friends would go up to Cissbury Ring once a week at night time. Normally 4 or 5 of us would drive up in a car and either get out and walk up the ring, or sit in the car and just have a bit of a smoke. One evening we had driven up to the car park nearest the Findon roundabout (Nepcote?), it was pitch black with the only light coming from the stars in what was a clear summers night. We were sat in the car facing towards the A24, with the the Ring to our left hand side.

We had been up there a while, I was sat in the back of the car and we were all chatting. All of a sudden, what I would describe as a marble sized ball of white light passed through the car at mega high speed with a whooshing noise accompanying it. The car fell silent though I piped up and asked 'did I just imagine that?'....everyone confirmed they had seen the same and the mood changed. I didn't feel comfortable and said to the driver to get moving and we should go. We stayed for a couple more minutes.

Next thing, to the left on the Ring, massive green lights were coming out of the ground into the looked like spot lights, green spotlights...we all crapped ourselves, and the driver started the car and started burning it off. He was driving at high speed back towards thea24 and away from the Ring, but as we were going down we hit some unexplainable mist / fog....the fog was green! The car was travelling at 60 odd miles an hour, and as we got to the bottom of the road (by Findon village) more green lights were coming out the ground....we all panicked but as soon as we got to the main road it was like we were free from it all.....

Totally bizarre, unexplainable and haven't been back since!

You and your friends having a bit of a smoke :smokin: :smokin:


Unregistered User
Nov 7, 2009
Brighton seafront
I was brushing my teeth in my bathroom earlier this year and looked down at the bidet where the missus had chucked her jeans. Saw this - had to take a photo. Absolutely as they were left, no manipulation at all. Mother Theresa? Or The Emperor?



Unregistered User
Nov 7, 2009
Brighton seafront
Yeah. I wanted her to leave them there so our en suite would become a pilgrimage destination like Lourdes but she wasn't having any of it.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
I genuinely think there is something in that. Not so much as in taking drugs and hallucinating or forgetting how you got somewhere but too many class A's certainly bring a darkness into life. It's why I stopped them completely. Not that I was a huge consumer of them. Done Mushrooms 3 times and acid about 3 and pills a few times ,was all in a fairly short time period though. That is all it takes with some people. They definitely affect ones mental health for a long time.

The weirdest things I've ever experienced were NOTHING to do with class As. I've done pretty much everything from weed to opium via Ketamine in mega doses...but all of that came after the oddness.

I've seen the other dimensions, I've been to the edge and back but the paranormal stuff.?.totally clean and straight. It might sound strange but I can tell the difference between altered mental states on drugs and things that go bump in the night.

I remember doing so much flake Charlie on a stag do that when I closed my eyes I could see all these Mayan temples and whatnot, I did so much nitrous that I saw armies of chinamen marching through my room...none of that was paranormal I was ripped off my tits.


Nov 2, 2009
Brighton / Hove actually
The weirdest things I've ever experienced were NOTHING to do with class As. I've done pretty much everything from weed to opium via Ketamine in mega doses...but all of that came after the oddness.

I've seen the other dimensions, I've been to the edge and back but the paranormal stuff.?.totally clean and straight. It might sound strange but I can tell the difference between altered mental states on drugs and things that go bump in the night.

I remember doing so much flake Charlie on a stag do that when I closed my eyes I could see all these Mayan temples and whatnot, I did so much nitrous that I saw armies of chinamen marching through my room...none of that was paranormal I was ripped off my tits.



New member
Dec 27, 2012
I have mentioned it here before but a few years ago I was working in a house in Horsham which was part of the old Baynards Manor house which burnt down decades ago. When I got there the pair of Nurses I was relieving couldn't wait to get out, they were clearly happy that I had arrived and the woman said how "spooky" the place was...

Let me set the scene for you. The house was owned by a very old Gent who was clearly very wealthy, the place was oak panelled throughout and had beautiful antiques and furniture throughout. In his younger days the old boy had owned thousands of acres of Tea plantations in Ceylon and clearly enjoyed hunting judging by the huge tiger, elephant and Buffalo heads mounted on the well as a Massive tiger skin rug in the living room. The house had previously been one long building which had been divided into several separate houses although, if you looked in the loft,it shared a common roof space.

The two nurses mentioned that the chaps son had been killed in a motorbike crash in the 1960s and that his room had been left exactly the same as he died since then. Guess where I was sleeping?

Anyway, I was sharing the job with a young woman who, subseuently, became my girlfriend but at that time I had never met. We agreed I would do " nights" while she did the day shift.

To start with things were OK but it was a very oppressive atmosphere but on night 3 my colleague came down to ask me why I was banging on her door ( the old boy was immobile) and telling me it wasn't funny. As I was telling her that I hadn't there was a loud bang from the laundry area and suddenly the washing machine went into a fast spin. It wasn't the type you can Pre program and there was nothing it it. Neither of us could figure it out. After that there was regular switching on and off of electrical stuff as well as ( I kid you not) the sound of horses hooves in a part of the house that had cobbled flooring. This had once been a courtyard which he'd been covered over and joined to the house but it had the original massive Oak gate acting as a side door. This gate was regularly banged on by, what sounded like, a sledgehammer at 3am. In my room ( among the previous occupants books and belongings, I used to smell cigarette smoke...I don't if someone was literally puffing away in there. It got to the point where I didn't sleep at all because my colleague was too scared to sit on her own even during the day.

We had,one morning, piles of dry leaves appear on the upstairs landing ( it was the middle of Summer) where there were no open windows of doors to allow them in and would regularly have doors slam in remote parts of the house where no one was.

Visitors ( one of who was his housekeeper) wouldn't say anything if you asked them if the place was haunted but you could tell they all knew it wasn't right there.

After I left I tried to forget about it but did pick up a bit of history from tinternet. I'll tell you a bit more when I have time.

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