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[Albion] Player of the Season - male and female


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Voted for Der Kaiser, just pipping Pervis.

In all honesty, it could have been loads of players

Ooh it’s a corner

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2016
Nr. Coventry
I think the top seven have all had at least one mention and a case could be made for any of them
Dunky, Karou, Alexis, Pascal, Pervis and Solly all brilliant
but I voted for Moises


Apr 30, 2016
Very hard to choose just one player this season, they've all been very good, but went for Solly as I think Roberto has taken him to another level this season.

Jimmy Grimble

Well-known member
It’s still open to abuse given you can vote without a fan number.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2013
Back in Sussex
Tough call, I voted Estupinon as I thought he has been superb all season, and also, and this probably has nothing to do with pots, he has played every game, we have had no cover, which has made him so invaluable


Jul 14, 2008
The Astral Planes, man...
I actually can't decide, either Pascal, Lewis or Pervis for me. May have to chuck the names in a hat and pull out the winner.

(Yes I know Ale Mac is a world cup winner and Moises is wanted by every club on the planet but they're off so don't need my support any more).

Mad as my Mother

Well-known member
May 21, 2013
Have we ever had a season that there's so many real candidates for PotS?
I've not voted yet as it's such a difficult choice.
I want to vote for Pervis as our left side looks so damn good with him supporting the likes of Karou and Enciso,(not to mention his outstanding defending capabilities)
Then there's Solly having the season of his life.
Moises is quite simply the best in the world in his role and would be in my top 3 must starts this season, (Lewis and Alexis are the others)
Pascal is the work horse that makes it all tick and has also had the best season we could have ever wanted.
Lewis has also been an absolute rock and has changed his game/role, to be the basis on which we can achieve the RDZ style of play.
Alexis is an absolute superstar and it would be doing him a disservice to rule him out.

Wish I could vote for the whole team, who have delivered a season I would have laughed at myself for even thinking was possible!


I've changed this
Nov 1, 2017
I went with Caicedo. Hard to not go for Pascal (or a couple of others) but it's no coincidence that our amazing form started when Moises did.

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
I went for Gross.

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
Poppy Pattinson got my female vote.

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