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Official Running Thread

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Brighton marathon just postponed until later in the year

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Brighton gone now - 20 Sept

I know this contradicts some of the things I've posted earlier but I'm really glad about this. Getting to the day involves enough maranoia without worrying about if you'll get Coronvirus the day before. I much prefer summer training to winter training, it's postponed rather than cancelled and I suspect I might now enter a smaller trail based event that should be ok.

Meanwhile I am going to do a parkrun tomorrow before they all get called off as well. As I've cracked a commiseration based bottle of red I don't expect to be troubling the scorers.

big nuts

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
Any other recommended marathons going ahead anytime between now and May? I’ve done the training seems a shame to waste it.

big nuts

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
Three forts? I’m contemplating at least the half.

I did look at that. Wanted a time ideally but it would still be a good run and 27 miles from memory.

20th September now means Barns Green becomes a recovery run the week after.

The cancellation also means I’d now run Hastings but again quite likely to be cancelled I’d imagine.

Artie Fufkin

like to run
Mar 30, 2008
out running
Any other recommended marathons going ahead anytime between now and May? I’ve done the training seems a shame to waste it.

Milton Keynes Marathon is May 3rd at the moment. I ran it in 2018 on a very hot day. Not a particularly exciting course but flat-ish. £48 for EA affiliated / £50 for non EA Affiliated.

If you don't mind travelling Edinburgh Marathon is May 24th at the moment. Supposed to be excellent!

I'm guessing their websites will struggle with a lot people trying to scramble to enter alternatives today.

RunBritain is a decent website to search for races -

as [MENTION=27279]dazzer6666[/MENTION] has mentioned, there's the Phoenix Running events -

Greg Bobkin

Silver Seagull
May 22, 2012
Any other recommended marathons going ahead anytime between now and May? I’ve done the training seems a shame to waste it.

Phoenix has announced two for VLM day. One in Walton, the other at Denbies Vineyard. The trouble is, I'm not convinced that they'll go ahead either. The situation is moving so quickly that nothing is guaranteed. Enter an alternative race now and it could be binned by this time next week...

big nuts

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
Phoenix has announced two for VLM day. One in Walton, the other at Denbies Vineyard. The trouble is, I'm not convinced that they'll go ahead either. The situation is moving so quickly that nothing is guaranteed. Enter an alternative race now and it could be binned by this time next week...

I’m guessing the Phoenix one in Walton will be flat. That could be a good alternative.

big nuts

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
Phoenix has announced two for VLM day. One in Walton, the other at Denbies Vineyard. The trouble is, I'm not convinced that they'll go ahead either. The situation is moving so quickly that nothing is guaranteed. Enter an alternative race now and it could be binned by this time next week...

I’m guessing the Phoenix one in Walton will be flat? That could be a good alternative.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
I’m guessing the Phoenix one in Walton will be flat. That could be a good alternative.'ll be along the River path. Just spoken to Rick about all this, he's pretty sure all his events will go ahead, has several contingency plans (unless it's unsafe to do so). Pretty sure he would also refund or give a future race credit if he did have to cancel


Je Suis Rhino
Apr 25, 2009
Semi gutted! The rescheduled date for Brighton is the final day of my Kenyan Ultra (see appallingly timed charity thread below) so I won't be able to make it. It's pretty much my favourite weekend of the year so I shall miss it desperately.

Pleased about deferrals though. Count me in for 2021 at least. See you all there.

And if anybody is after a marathon, albeit a daft one, I'm hoping to still be able to run the Coniston Marathon in early June. Might just be small enough to be allowed to go ahead.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2003
They just cancelled Fleet half marathon the day before the race! Gutted. I know the world is different, but I’m still very disappointed.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2010
Just watched one of the last sporting occassions of this Spring. Self isolating near a seafront shelter I saw [MENTION=13055]Ninja Elephant[/MENTION] leading Hove Prom Parkrun. Impressive effort. As lap 2 came round he'd slipped back into second by 100m but still impressive and he was fully capable of holding a quick conversation at anaerobic pace. Saw [MENTION=616]Guinness Boy[/MENTION] looking none the worse for a bottle of red last night and missed anyone else.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Just watched one of the last sporting occassions of this Spring. Self isolating near a seafront shelter I saw [MENTION=13055]Ninja Elephant[/MENTION] leading Hove Prom Parkrun. Impressive effort. As lap 2 came round he'd slipped back into second by 100m but still impressive and he was fully capable of holding a quick conversation at anaerobic pace. Saw [MENTION=616]Guinness Boy[/MENTION] looking none the worse for a bottle of red last night and missed anyone else.

Unofficial SB for me. 22.32 if my strava / watch is backed up by an official result. 10 seconds down on last December but I was hiding a world of wine induced agony :lolol:

You missed [MENTION=26634]Simgull[/MENTION] who beat me easily. So in possibly the last NSC contest for a while I picked up both a table update and a wooden spoon!


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
Apologies if it's already been mentioned but I see a decision to go ahead or not with the Hastings Half Marathon is to be made on Monday.
I haven't taken part in that one for the past three years and am not really fit for that distance yet, but if they postpone it I hope they will extend the entry period; I would be up for doing it in a couple of months time.....


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2013
Just watched one of the last sporting occassions of this Spring. Self isolating near a seafront shelter I saw [MENTION=13055]Ninja Elephant[/MENTION] leading Hove Prom Parkrun. Impressive effort. As lap 2 came round he'd slipped back into second by 100m but still impressive and he was fully capable of holding a quick conversation at anaerobic pace. Saw [MENTION=616]Guinness Boy[/MENTION] looking none the worse for a bottle of red last night and missed anyone else.

Missed you - Mrs Simgull did say she saw you though. Around 21:40 for me - was hoping for better but legs not quite there at the meeting moment.

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