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[Football] Millwall fans covering themselves in glory again

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    Votes: 34 10.2%
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    Votes: 299 89.8%

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Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
As much as it was a terrible incident that brought the attention of the world to the BLM campaign, at some point its time to move on and this knee thing has been done respectively for some time now.
Not defending the Millwall fans for today's incident though.

Hooray! Racism is over. Time to move on.


Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
I tend to agree - I’m of an age that remembers going to the cinema and standing after the main feature for the National Anthem. Over the years fewer and fewer people remained and it got to the point where the vast majority just walked out whilst the anthem was playing. This wasn’t because they were specifically wishing to insult the anthem or had republican tendencies, simply that it no longer meant anything.

The first few times I saw teams ‘take the knee’ was very poignant and made me think of the hurt racism in our society causes - now it’s just another ritual.

It isn't the same. Nobody walking out during the anthem wanted to overthrow the royal family, or make the point that we have had it about up to here with all these over-sensitive royals (the queen should grow some, and move jolly well on).


One Teddy Maybank

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 4, 2006
I don’t agree with the booing but I’m not surprised.

People have had enough of being preached to and this has run its cause. Players are told to do it across the board, which means it means less. I’d let those that want to continue to do so but there shouldn’t be an ultimatum to all clubs.

Like the NHS clapping it has served its purposes.

All of this.

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Billy the Fish

Oct 18, 2005
Haywards Heath
Footballers talking a knee is now just a pointless gesture.

Is it the only thing keeping BLM in the news these days? Millwall fans have probably done them a massive favour here. Where are the BLM leadership? Why isn't anyone else doing anything to support their campaign?

As far as can tell a few people fancied a bit of a tear up in the sunshine and have now all gone back to their comfortable lives, although happy to complain on social media.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Footballers talking a knee is now just a pointless gesture.

Is it the only thing keeping BLM in the news these days? Millwall fans have probably done them a massive favour here. Where are the BLM leadership? Why isn't anyone else doing anything to support their campaign?

As far as can tell a few people fancied a bit of a tear up in the sunshine and have now all gone back to their comfortable lives, although happy to complain on social media.


Black lives matter, the meme, and Black Lives Matter, the much more recently-formed small assemblage of idiots, are not the same thing.

Do try to keep up before spouting off :shrug:

(and you do realise you are now complaining on social media? Apparently not. Would you like to point out that you're not racist, but....?)


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
This is quite "Disgraceful"

Millwall as a Club do more than any other Club to tackle Racism and they must act against this.

Players should take the knee next match again. They should make it clear in advance that if it happens again that they will empty the Stadium before kicking off. Only when the Peers of the culprits turn on them will they see consequences will it be stopped. With Stadiums only partially filled. Never will there be a perfect opportunity to take it seriously.

And I say all of this as someone who held a season ticket at Millwall during the 20 years or more that I lived in London.

There are loads of great Millwall fans and they are a great Club but this is just WRONG


New member
Mar 2, 2016
People getting outraged because others don’t believe in ‘taking the knee’.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Back in East Sussex
The American BLM is anything but Christian. They are radical left wingers. They care more about transgender issues than the single parent issue in the US.

As this prominent sports host points out they want to destroy the "patriarchal" nuclear family model. The total opposite of any Christian view on the family unit.

Well, Jesus was also quite keen on breaking up the family too: "For I come to divide a man against his father and a daughter against her mother" etc.

But really I was thinking of the broad movement of people who marched in favour of BLM, not the individual leaders who are bound to contain the whole rent-a-mob group, just like in Britain I the SWP are in the middle of every demo about almost anything. Just like most of the people who say "defund the police" in America don't tend to actually want to give the police no money - while I'm sure the radical "leaders" do mean exactly that.

There was a study in 2019 that found the movement was mostly social based - not radically led. It's true that this year might have changed that. My objection to it is that it is an American movement that means different things here.

Whether of course all these nuances have much to do with footballers before a game, I doubt.

Jim in the West

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 13, 2003
Way out West
I don’t agree with the booing but I’m not surprised.

People have had enough of being preached to and this has run its cause. Players are told to do it across the board, which means it means less. I’d let those that want to continue to do so but there shouldn’t be an ultimatum to all clubs.

Like the NHS clapping it has served its purposes.

If the “preaching” stops, what takes its place? The only long term solution is education. Unfortunately I don’t see a whole load of evidence of (white) people wanting to be educated. So, taking the knee is a weekly reminder to most of us to educate ourselves. Until things start to change, we need that reminder. In fact, things seem to be getting worse, so we need a whole load more reminders, too.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
This is quite "Disgraceful"

Millwall as a Club do more than any other Club to tackle Racism and they must act against this.

Players should take the knee next match again. They should make it clear in advance that if it happens again that they will empty the Stadium before kicking off. Only when the Peers of the culprits turn on them will they see consequences will it be stopped. With Stadiums only partially filled. Never will there be a perfect opportunity to take it seriously.

And I say all of this as someone who held a season ticket at Millwall during the 20 years or more that I lived in London.

There are loads of great Millwall fans and they are a great Club but this is just WRONG


Very good post.


Active member
Jun 24, 2011
Sad to see today - as others have said, imagine waiting 9 months to get back to watch your team and 15 seconds of players kneeling to highlight a fundamental inequality in society has you frothing at the mouth... Totally agree with HWT - too many conflating BLM itself with highlighting endemic racism. The FA’s campaign is not linked to BLM.

Also, think of the next gen - surely it’s a healthy thing for a kid watching at home on TV to ask and learn why the footballers they look up to are taking a knee?

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
If the “preaching” stops, what takes its place? The only long term solution is education. Unfortunately I don’t see a whole load of evidence of (white) people wanting to be educated. So, taking the knee is a weekly reminder to most of us to educate ourselves. Until things start to change, we need that reminder. In fact, things seem to be getting worse, so we need a whole load more reminders, too.


How can the fight against racism be counterproductive it if annoys or upsets or bores people? What people?

Every bitter 'enough is enough' merchant needs to take a good look at himself. How ****ing difficult is it to watch some footballers spending 10 seconds to acknowledge the fight against racism? From the comfort of your own sofa? Go and make a cup of tea if it offends you.


'Enough is enough about racism, now'


Some, too stupid to even realise they're racists. :shrug:


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
I am not :censored: around. Either back up your libellous statement that I am defending racists or retract it. I have been posting on the various forms of this board for well over 20 years and this is far and away the most annoyed anyone has ever made me. You just have to look a few posts down on this very thread. Or look at the Chelsea thread to see it was me that called out the person who did it at the Chelsea game, Or the multiple times I have called out Goldstone amongst others for his bigotry. I am genuinely steaming right now.

If you're fuming so am i Bruv.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
Exactly the way I see it. It's largely an American issue, so I find it confusing exactly why it is still the most prevalent issue for footballers over here.

That said, it would take a neanderthal to boo it.

Racism and discrimination is rife in football from some sections of fans. Players themselves wanted to do something further than warming up in a Kick it Out t shirt. If players want to continue, then why not? They see what happens to their team mates.


Well-known member
May 5, 2012
They’ll know who it was. They should have their season ticket details. They should ban them for life. But they won’t.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

The Millwall fans who booed have done something that is not illegal.

Abhorent yes. But we can’t just ban people because they think differently or caused offences to others.

Iggle Piggle

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2010
This was the most predictable event of 2020. Just surprised it didn't happen at Burnley unless I've missed it.Who knew people in a shit area of London, surrounded by cash with none of it filtering their way would be resentful about black live matters? I'm not saying it's right but it was obvious (and I said so on the F1 thread before I get accused of aftertiming)

They should have ditched this at the end of last season. It is just a gesture now and a mile away from where this started with Colin Kaepernick.That meant something.

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