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[Misc] Festival Of Remembrance


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 13, 2015
My daughter served in the Royal Marines Band for 11 years, she performed at this event most years, that of course, usually meant we bought tickets and had a night or two up in London.... the entire tone of this event, plus the weekends events, were always a very humbling and proud experience.... long may they continue.

Note: never once saw any disruption... the authorities even set a slot aside for the white poppy brigade to lay some wreaths.... that they did with dignity and respect.

I hope this weekend isn't trashed by the various 'nay-sayers'.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2014
Blimey, how far is the march if its taking 24 days :wink:
:oops::oops: Now edited... lol...I had just been talking to the postman about Brentford beating West Ham...he is a West ham fan...must of stuck in my mind...


Well-known member
Only ever been once, would love to go again one year. Very emotional. I will be marching in London on Sunday with the Falklands Vets so missing the Sheffield United game...
I marched last year.
Don't forget your hip flask full of rum as there are lots of sippers before the march sets off.
I ended up in a pub with about 15 other ex matelots next to Charing Cross Nick.
Had a great session and no idea how I made it back to Salisbury 🫣⚓🏴‍☠️🍻


Well-known member
May 25, 2007
My late father in law was a Signaller with the Guards Armoured Division, went over D-Day plus 2 and then all the way to Berlin. Never spoke about it to me very much but was a staunch Royal British Legionnaire and was proud to take the salute of the veterans when he was Chairman of Horsham District Council.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
I thought the Princess Royal and the Battle of the Atlantic memories were very well portrayed. I’d seen an article about the Wren Officer, Christian Lamb, earlier in the day. A remarkable lady.
I’m pleased the Merchant Navy got recognition, as well as the RN, as they kept the country going throughout the war. My Dad got the Atlantic star, and Arctic star for convoys. I had a weep, and then a small tot, to drink to his memory.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2016
Very poignant and important that we retain Remembrance weekend as the people have given their lives to allow future generations to live in relative peace.
I think we should have a dedicated month of Remembrance like other groups seem to have. As we only have one weekend a year to officially reflect on those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. A cause far more important than some who are provided with a full 4 weeks celebrations for their cause.
Says a lot about our country and who we have become.
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Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
Very poignant and important that we retain Remembrance weekend as the people have given their lives to allow future generations to live in relative peace.
I think we should have a dedicated month of Remembrance like other groups seem to have. As we only have one weekend a year to officially reflect on those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. A cause far more important than some who are provided with a full 4 weeks celebrations for their cause.
Says a lot about our country and who we have become.
There are other remembrance days throughout the year coinciding with dates of battles etc. Trafalgar Day for the RN. DDay every June 6th, Falklands every 13th June, & 24th May for the sinking of HMS Hood. They don’t get much publicity, but they still go ahead every year.
Some are every day, like the Menin Gate at Ypres.

Couldn't Be Hyypia

We've come a long long way together
NSC Patron
Nov 12, 2006
Near Dorchester, Dorset

As this year's festival of remembrance is on this coming weekend, I thought this was very poignant.

I am not for one second trying to one up this post. But I recall learning about WW1 at school and being staggered by the numbers. I could never, and still can't, get my head around the scale.

"On even a quiet day on the Western Front, many hundreds of Allied and German soldiers died. The heaviest loss of life for a single day occurred on July 1, 1916, during the Battle of the Somme, when the British Army suffered 57,470 casualties".

When you're standing at the Amex today, just imagine everyone being injured and killed, and then another whole Amex full again. In one battle, on one day!

We owe these long dead people so much.
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Trainee Spy 🕵️‍♂️
Feb 2, 2014
I am not for one second trying to one up this post. But I recall learning about WW1 at school and being staggered by the numbers. I could never, and still can't, get my head around the scale.

"On even a quiet day on the Western Front, many hundreds of Allied and German soldiers died. The heaviest loss of life for a single day occurred on July 1, 1916, during the Battle of the Somme, when the British Army suffered 57,470 casualties".

When you're standing at the Amex today, just imagine everyone being injured and killed, and then another whole Amex full again. In one battle, on one day!

We owe these long draw people so much.
Indeed, it's the thought that keeps everyone remembering those events and the great loss of lives on both sides.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
I watch the 45 minutes or so of the event shown before the news last night. Not my normal sort of viewing. It was really very good. Top work :thumbsup:

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