Can anyone explain---

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lawros left foot

Glory hunting since 1969
Jun 11, 2011
what Gender fluid, Gender queer,Tri-gender, Demi boy, Demi girl, and trans- boy are?

These are some of the choices for a government backed, sexual orientation survey for 14-15 year old schoolkids, rolled out at Blatchington Mills school.
I seriously havent got a scoobie on which one of these i am, although i notice our esteemed Prime Minister preference for porcine fellatio isnt there either.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
The world has got intself caught in some mad cluster**** in an attempt to define sexuality, uttter ****ing madness.

Gender is not sexuality. A female can be a tomboy but heterosexual.

It's a stupid questionnaire that shouldn't be given to kids imo.

Bright Un

New member
Dec 11, 2015
what Gender fluid, Gender queer,Tri-gender, Demi boy, Demi girl, and trans- boy are?

These are some of the choices for a government backed, sexual orientation survey for 14-15 year old schoolkids, rolled out at Blatchington Mills school.
I seriously havent got a scoobie on which one of these i am, although i notice our esteemed Prime Minister preference for porcine fellatio isnt there either.

Absolute nonsense, in 2 minds whether to google some of them.


Well-known member
May 12, 2009
Does this help?

AFAB - Assigned female at birth.
Agender, Agendered - A non-binary identity, meaning without a gender or gender identity.
Alia, Aliagender - “A gender experience which is “other”, or stands apart from existing gender constructs” (from askanonbinary)
AMAB - Assigned male at birth.
Ambigender - 1. Available or common to more than one gender. 2. A non-binary identity related to androgyne, bigender, and/or genderfluid.
Androgens - Hormones such as testosterone, sometimes called “male sex hormones,” although people of any gender can have high androgen levels, and not all men have high androgen levels.
Androgyne - A non-binary identity, meaning a combination, blending, or in-between point between two genders (usually between male and female). Androgynes may or may not present androgynously, and may or may not experience multiple genders..
Androgynous, Androgyny - 1. Related to an androgyne gender identity. 2. A gender presentation that is ambiguous between male and female, or which blends them, or lies in the middle between them.
Androgynous of Center - Any of several gender identities that lean closer to “androgyne” than to male or female.
Androsexual - Sexually attracted to masculinity or to men. Warning: this word is sometimes used in transphobic ways.
Anti-Androgens - Drugs that negate the effects of testosterone, usually given during adolescence to trans youth who do not wish to develop conventionally “masculine” features. A type of hormone blockers.
Anti-Estrogens - Drugs that negate the effects of estradiol and other estrogens, usually given during adolescence to trans youth who do not wish to develop conventionally “feminine features.” A type of hormone blockers.
ASAB - Assigned sex at birth.
Assigned Sex (At Birth) - The gender identity imposed on someone by their family and by society. This gender is usually decided at birth or in utero, and is usually based on genitalia. Almost all people are assigned male or female at birth, even if they are intersex.
Autoandrophilia - Pleasure, sexual or otherwise, derived from imagining oneself as a man. The much rarer counterpart to autogynephilia, and also not recommended.
Autogynephilia - Pleasure, sexual or otherwise, derived from imagining oneself as a woman. Historically, diagnosis of autogynephilia was/is commonly used to restrict trans women’s access to transitioning, and to pathologize them as mentally ill. Not recommended for general discourse.
Being Read - An alternative phrase to “passing” that shifts responsibility of correct gendering onto onlookers, instead of on the person who is read. A trans person who is read correctly is recognized as their correct gender.
Bigender - A non-binary identity in which a person has two or more genders. Any combination of genders is possible, not just male/female. These genders may be present simultaneously, they may fluctuate, or both.
Binarism - The belief, prejudice or social force that claims only two genders exist, male and female, and that all non-binary and genderqueer gender identities are invalid. Binarism is inextricably tied to colonialism and racism, and is a way that Western European cultures attack the gender expression of other cultures and ethnic groups.
Binary Gender - A gender that is either strictly male or strictly female. This is not affected by whether a person is cis or trans: a trans man or trans woman has a binary gender, unless he or she also identifies as non-binary.
Binder - In trans discussions, a garment used to minimize or alter the appearance of breasts.
Binding - The practice of hiding or reshaping breasts, usually to achieve a more masculine or androgynous appearance.
Biological Essentialism - In trans discussions, the belief that a person’s gender can only be defined by their genes and/or genitalia at birth. Biological essentialism usually ignores the existence of intersex people and is a major component of transphobia.
Biological Sex - A social construct that categorizes human bodies as male or female based on chromosomes or genitalia. Contrary to popular belief, there are not two biological sexes, because people can be born with a wide variety of sexual characteristics, and many different combinations of sexual characteristics. Many trans and/or intersex people find the phrase or concept offensive, and prefer the phrase “assigned sex,” or “designated sex.”
Body Dysphoria - A feeling of stress or unhappiness related to one’s body. In trans discussions, it is a type of gender dysphoria caused by the body’s appearance clashing with one’s internal gender identity.
Bottom Surgery - A colloquial term for surgery that corrects one’s genitalia to better match one’s preferred gender presentation.
Brain Sex - A controversial idea that posits that a person’s gender identity may be reflected by the structure of their brain.
Butch - More reminiscent of what is traditionally considered boyish or masculine than feminine. May refer to a gender identity, gender presentation, or a style of dress. Often associated with lesbian culture.
CAFAB - Coercively assigned female at birth.
CAMAB - Coercively assigned male at birth.
CASAB - Coercively assigned sex at birth. See assigned sex at birth.
Cis - Short for cisgender or cissexual.
Cis Privilege - Short for cisgender privilege.
Cisgender - Consistently experiencing your gender in a way that matches the gender assigned to you at birth. Not trans.
Cisgender Privilege - The benefits, opportunities and everyday courtesies that cisgender people are able to take for granted, and which trans and non-binary people may not be able to count on.
Cishet - A person who is cisgender, hetero-romantic and heterosexual.
Cissexism - The unjust social institution that validates cisgender identities more than trans identities, and which grants privileges to cis people while oppressing trans people.
Cissexual - Usually a synonym for cisgender, though some people make a distinction, similar to the transgender/transsexual distinction.
Chaser - A person who seeks out trans people for dating or sex. Chasers have a bad reputation for fetishizing, disrespecting and mistreating trans people, especially trans women.
Chromosomes - Gene sequences that determine how an organism’s body develops and reproduces. The human sex chromosomes, X and Y, usually determine whether a fetus develops typical egg-producing anatomy or typical sperm-producing anatomy. However, other factors can affect a person’s anatomical and psychological development, and the chromosomes do not necessarily reflect a person’s true gender.
Clocking - An event in which an observer notices or realizes a trans person’s assigned sex at birth, without the trans person’s consent.
Colonialism - In trans discussions, colonialism is the practice of imposing Western systems of gender onto non-Western cultures, invalidating native people’s gender identities in the process. Colonialism can involve either denying that a gender exists, or reinterpreting the gender to fit a Western model, e.g. by claiming that a hijra person must be transgender. Binarism is a form of colonialism.
Coming Out - In trans discussions, the process of telling someone that one is trans. This applies both to trans people who have transitioned to live as their correct gender, as well as to those who have not.
Correct Pronouns - Alternate phrase for “preferred pronouns.
Corrective Rape - Sexual assault done with the intent to change someone’s sexual or romantic orientation, or gender identity. Trans people, especially trans women and sex workers, are sometimes victimized by corrective rape.
Crossdresser - A person who chooses to wear clothing that does not match their gender identity or usual gender presentation. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms. This is a loaded term and should not be used without the permission of the person being referred to.
Crossdressing - The act of wearing clothing that does not match one’s gender identity. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms. Trans people who wear the clothing of their assigned sex may consider themselves as crossdressing; when wearing clothing of their actual gender, they are not crossdressing, though they may appear that way to uninformed people.
Crossplay - To dress up as a fictional or historical character that is of a different gender than oneself. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms.
Deep Stealth - Living full-time as one’s correct gender, without any of the people one regularly interacts with knowing that one is trans.
Degender - To ignore or invalidate someone’s gender. Similar to misgendering, but does not necessarily impose a different, inaccurate gender onto the target person while invalidating them.
Dehumanization - A kind of stigma that lessens a person by making them seem less than human; often likening them to an animal, machine or monster. A common component of transphobia.
Demiboy - See demiguy.
Demienby - A gender that is partly one non-biinary gender, and partly another non-binary gender.
Demigender - Umbrella term for demigirl, demiguy, demienby, demiboy, and similar genders.
Demigirl - A gender that is partly female and partly non-binary. Can be AFAB or AMAB.
Demiguy - A gender that is partly male and partly non-binary. Can be AMAB or AFAB.
Detransition - To stop, pause, or reverse some or all of the effects of transitioning.
DFAB - Designated female at birth. Alternative to AFAB.
Desexualization - A stigma that denies a person’s sexuality or sexual agency. A common component of transphobia.
Designated Sex (At Birth) - An alternative phrase for assigned sex at birth.
DMAB - Designated male at birth. Alternative to AMAB.
Drag - Crossdressing. Drag is done for a wide variety of reasons and purposes. People in drag may attempt to plausibly appear as their target gender, parody gender, exaggerate gender, or deconstruct gender. Some people who wear drag are trans and some are not. See "Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
Drag King - A person who does not identify as male but dresses up to resemble one. Trans men are not drag kings, because they are men. However, some people who appear to be drag kings may later come to identify as trans men. See “Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
Drag Queen - A person who does not identify as female but dresses up to resemble one. Trans women are not drag queens, because they are women. However, some people who appear to be drag queens may later come to identify as trans women. See “Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
DSM - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-IV includes Gender Identity Disorder, which was renamed Gender Dysphoria in the DSM-V. There is controversy over whether these ideas should be included in the DSM or not.
Dysphoria - In trans discussions, a feeling of displeasure, stress, anxiety or depression related to one’s gender. See gender dysphoria.
Dyadic - Having a stereotypically male or female anatomy, as Western culture would define it; not intersex.
Electrolysis - Permanent hair removal. Sometimes taken by trans people to achieve a better gender presentation or feel more comfortable in their bodies.
Enby - Casual term for a non-binary person. Not all non-binary people want to be referred to as enbies, so individual preferences should be respected here.
Endocrinologist - A doctor who specializes in hormones. Trans people may need to see endocrinologists as they transition.
Epicene - An archaic term for someone who has characteristics of both genders, or who can’t be classified as purely male or female. Most often used for male-assigned people with feminine tendencies. Like most of these older terms, you shouldn’t refer to someone this way unless they give you permission.
Erasure - A lack of representation of a group in media, news and pop culture. Erasure may be either deliberate or accidental, and targets all queer identities to varying degrees.
Estradiol - The most potent and common form of estrogen in the human body. Supplemental estradiol is sometimes taken by trans people, usually with the intent of achieving a more feminine appearance.
Estrogens - Hormones such as estradiol. Sometimes called “female hormones,” although people of any gender can have high levels of estrogens, and not all women have high estrogen levels.
Eunuch - A man whose penis has been removed, or (rarely) a man who has been sterilized. This term should not be used to refer to trans people.
FAAB - Female-assigned at birth. Alternative to AFAB.
Female-bodied - A common but problematic term used for cis women and AFAB trans people who have not undergone transitional surgery. AFAB and DFAB are recommended instead.
Feminine of Center - Having a gender that is closer to “female” than to “male” or other genders.
Femme - Reminiscent of what is traditionally considered femininity. May refer to a gender identity, gender presentation, or a style of dress. Strongly associated with lesbian culture.
Fluid - Changeable, not static. Some people have fluid sexual orientations or gender identities. See genderfluid.
FTM, F2M - Female to male.
FTN, F2N - Female to neutral.
FTX, F2X - Female to an unspecified gender.
Full Time - Living as one’s correct gender every day, in all circumstances, in a way publicly visible to all people. Gatekeepers often require a period of living full-time before they are willing to approve of hormone therapy or surgery; this restriction can be dangerous or impossible for some trans people.
Gaff - Underwear used for tucking. Sometimes used by DMAB trans people.
Gatekeepers - People who have the power to progress or halt a trans person’s journey of transition. These can include doctors, government officials, employers, family members, and more.
Gender (noun) - A person’s internal mental experience of themself and their relationship to “male,” “female,” “androgynous,” “genderless,” and other identities. It is distinct from a person’s assigned sex, anatomy, gender presentation, pronouns, socialization, and sexual orientation. Some people do not have a gender.
Gender (verb) - To treat someone as if they are of a particular gender. This takes many forms, the most common of which are pronouns.
Gender Affirmation Surgery - Surgery that alters a person’s appearance to better reflect their preferred gender presentation. Also called gender confirmation surgery.
Gender Bender, Gender Bending - 1. Altering or playing with gender presentation. 2. In fiction, changing either a character’s gender identity, gender presentation, or both. A problematic concept because it tends to conflate gender identity with gender presentation or assigned sex.
Gender Binary - The Western social construct that only grants legitimacy to two genders, male and female. Is frequently oppressive towards people who are trans and/or intersex.
Gender Confirmation Surgery - Surgery that alters a person’s appearance to better reflect their preferred gender presentation. Also called gender affirmation surgery.
Gender Diversity - The inclusion of many or all genders, not just male and female.
Gender Dysphoria - 1. A feeling of discomfort, stress, confusion or negativity that is caused by a mismatch between one’s assigned sex and one’s actual gender. Can be either body dysphoria or social dysphoria, or both. Many trans and/or non-binary people experience gender dysphoria, but not all do. 2. The phrase used for transgender experiences in the DSM-V.
Gender Identity Disorder - The phrase used for transgender experiences in the DSM-IV.
Gender Essentialism - The belief that there are intrinsic and unchangeable differences between genders, and that these differences manifest as anatomy, chromosomes, behavior, socialization and/or gender roles. A key component of transphobia.
Gender Expression - The speech, clothing, body modification choices, gestures, behavior, and social role through which a person demonstrates their gender.
Gender Neutral - Not specific or restricted to any particular gender.
Gender Neutral Language - The use of nouns, titles and pronouns in such a way as to avoid specifying gender. This is useful for making environments and discussions more accessible to trans and non-binary people.
Gender Nonconformity - Acting, speaking or dressing in a manner that is not traditionally encouraged for members of one’s gender.
Gender Norm - An arbitrary expectation or standard that is applied to people of a certain gender.
Gender Presentation - The way that a person’s gender superficially appears to onlookers, which may be affected by anatomy, clothing, makeup, hairstyle, speech patterns and body language. May also include a person’s stated desire to be treated as a certain gender and referred to with certain pronouns.
Gender Reassignment Surgery - An older term for gender affirmation surgery or gender confirmation surgery. It is rather inaccurate because the surgery does not change the recipient’s gender, but alters the body to better reflect the gender.
Gender Role - A set of expectations, standards, and cultural pressures associated with a particular gender. People may freely choose to follow or disregard gender roles. Conformity to gender roles does not reflect a person’s actual gender; cis people who violate gender roles do not become trans, nor do trans people need to follow traditional gender roles in order for their genders to be valid.
Gender-Variant - 1. Behaving or presenting one’s gender in a way that does not fit traditional models of male or female. 2. An umbrella term, similar to non-binary and genderqueer.
Genderflexible - See genderfluid.
Genderfluid - Having a gender that is changeable. Genderfluid people may shift between multiple genders over time, or feel gender in different ways over time. Their preferred pronouns and gender presentation may or may not reflect these changes. Related to but distinct from genderflux.
Genderflux - Having a gender that varies in intensity or degree over time; related to but distinct from genderfluid.
Gender**** - Gender presentation that deliberately seeks to violate conventional standards of male or female presentation.
Genderless - Without a gender or gender identity. Similar to agender.
Genderqueer - 1. An umbrella term that includes all gender identities other than strictly male or strictly female. Covers the same set of people as “non-binary,” but it has different social and political connotations, and is more strongly associated with “queering gender” and the queer political movement. 2. Gender presentation that is not strictly male or female.
Genetic Sex - See biological sex.
Graygender, greygender - “A person who identifies as (at least partially) outside the gender binary and has a strong natural ambivalence about their gender identity or gender expression.” Coined by invernom; see link for more details.
GSD - Gender and sexual diversity. See GSM.
GSM, GSRM - Gender, sexual (and romantic) minorities. An alternative acronym to LGBT+.
Gynecomastia - Uncommonly large breast tissue in non-female persons.
Gynosexual - Sexually attracted to femininity, or to women. This word has also been wrongly used to mean “attracted to women with vaginas,” and to thus exclude trans women. (Note that gyno- is a prefix meaning “woman,” not “vagina.”) Because of this, many trans people do not like this word.
Harry Benjamin Syndrome - An outdated term for transgender or transsexual experiences. Not recommended because of problematic associations about what constitutes “true” transsexuality.
HBS - Harry Benjamin Syndrome.
Hermaphrodite - A creature with both male and female sexual characteristics. This term should not be applied to humans.
Heteronormativity - The cultural force that expects all people to be cisgender, heteroromantic and heterosexual. Major problem that affects all queer identities, including asexuals. Closely linked to homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and acephobia.
Heterosexism - See heteronormativity.
Hijra - More information here. (Definition not provided because of potential colonialist issues.)
Hormone Blockers - Drugs used to negate or prevent the effects of hormones, particularly sex hormones. These include anti-androgens and anti-estrogens. Also called puberty blockers, puberty suppressors, puberty inhibitors, or hormone suppressors.
Hormone Replacement Therapy - Therapy in which a person is given hormones that their body lacks, or does not have enough of. Many, but not all, trans people choose to use hormones to alter their gender presentation. Some cis people also undergo hormone replacement therapy for other purposes, e.g. estrogen replacement for postmenopausal women.
HRT - Hormone replacement therapy.
Hypersexualization - Treating a person as highly or overly sexual, or sexually objectifying them, at the cost of respecting them as a person. Commonly done by chasers and trans fetishists to trans people, especially trans women.
Identity Policing - Telling a person that the way they identify, or the labels they use to describe themselves, are wrong.
Internalization - The unconscious process in which a person accepts society’s values and applies them to themself. Internalized homophobia, misogyny, cissexism and transphobia can hinder a person’s understanding and acceptance of their gender.
Intersex - Born with anatomy or genetics that do not easily fit into the Western cultural stereotypes of "male bodies" or “female bodies.” This should not be considered a defect or disorder. Intersex people can be cisgender or transgender, and of any gender identity. There are many ways that a person can be intersex.
Intergender - A gender identity that is particularly intended for intersex people to use.
Invalidation - In trans discussions, a refusal to acknowledge someone’s gender as real and worthy of respect, or to acknowledge the value of their experiences.
Kathoey - More information here. (Definition not provided due to potential colonialist issues.)
LGBT+ - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and others. An acronym for the cultural and political community of people who are not heterosexual, hetero-romantic and cisgender. Sometimes expanded up to LGBT*QQIAUP+, in which T* = all transgender, non-binary and genderqueer people; Q = queer/questioning; I = intersex; A = asexual; U = undecided; and P = pansexual.
MAAB - Male-assigned at birth. Alternative to AMAB.
Male-bodied - A common but problematic term used for cis men and AMAB trans people who have not undergone transitional surgery. AMAB and DMAB are recommended instead.
Masculine of Center - Having a gender that is closer to “male” than to “female” or other genders.
Masculinization - 1. The process by which a person’s gender presentation becomes closer to what is traditionally considered masculine. 2. In fetal development, the process by which androgen hormones affect the developing brain.
Misgender - To treat someone as the incorrect gender.
Mispronoun - To misgender someone by using an incorrect pronoun for them.
MTF, M2F - Male to female.
MTN, M2N - Male to neutral.
MTX, M2X - Male to an unspecified gender.
Multigender - An umbrella term for all people with multiple genders, including bigender, trigender, polygender and pangender, as well as genderfluid people who identify as multigender.
Muxe - More information here. (Definition not provided due to potential colonialist issues.)
Mx. - A gender-neutral honorific, analogous to Mr. or Ms.
Natal Man/Woman - A cisgender woman. This term is sometimes used by transphobic people to invalidate trans people, and as such, it is not recommended.
Neutrois - 1. Having a gender that is specifically neutral, or a neutral third gender that is neither male nor female. 2. Without a gender or gender identity, similar to agender. 3. A form of gender presentation without prominent sexual characteristics.
No Gender - Without a gender or gender identity. See also agender and genderless.
Non-binary - 1. Any gender, or lack of gender, or mix of genders, that is not strictly male or female. 2. “Non-binary is a term for people who are not men or women, or are both men and women, or who are something else entirely, or are some combination of these things, or some of these things some of the time.” –askanonbinary
Non-Gendered - Without a gender or gender identity. Similar to agender and genderless.
Packer - A prosthetic penis or similar tool, often used by trans men and transmasculine AFAB people.
Packing - The act of using a packer.
Pangender - Having or experiencing all genders, or many genders, either simultaneously or over time; may also include an agender or genderless experience. (Note: This term may have racist/colonialist implications if a person uses it to claim an identity from a culture they are not part of or are not treating with respect.)
Passing - The state of being perceived as the gender one wishes to be seen as.
Pathologization - The act of treating something as an illness or disorder, which is abnormal and needs to be fixed. Transgender status is often pathologized, especially for trans women.
Polygender - Having or experiencing several genders, either simultaneously or over time; may also include an agender or genderless experience.
Preferred Pronouns - The pronouns that a person wished to be called by. Using a person’s preferred pronouns is a key part of respecting their gender. Also called “correct pronouns.”
Presentation, Presenting - See gender presentation.
Primary Sex Characteristics - Anatomical organs that play a direct role in reproduction, such as the genitals.
Pronouns - Small words such as he, she, her, them, and us, which are used to refer to people. In English, there are four common third-person pronoun groups: he/his/him, she/hers/her, they/their/them, and it/its/it. Individual people may decide which of these pronouns they wish to be referred to as, or they may use pronouns that have been more recently coined.
Puberty Blocker - See hormone blockers.
Queer - An umbrella term for all people who are not heterosexual, heteroromantic and cisgender, and who self-identify as queer. A sensitive issue because of its history as a slur. Some trans and/or non-binary people identify as queer, and others do not.
Queering Gender - The act of playing with, deconstructing, transforming or reclaiming gender, moving it from a heteronormative, patriarchal and cissexist perspective into a queer perspective.
Radscum - Feminists who exclude, invalidate or attack trans people, especially toward trans women.
Rape Culture - The social expectations that make rape and sexual assault more socially acceptable, or which cause people to deny importance or recognition to acts of sexual assault.
Read - In trans discussions, to correctly perceive someone as their true gender, which may or may not be their assigned sex at birth.
Real Life Test - A requirement some gatekeepers require trans people to go through before they are willing to provide hormone therapy or surgery; may last anywhere from a few month to several years. This restriction can be dangerous or impossible for some trans people.
Secondary Sex Characteristics - Anatomical features that develop during puberty, and which are related to sex hormones but not directly involved in reproduction. Examples include facial hair and rounded breasts.
Sex Change - An outdated and inaccurate term for what is now called transitioning.
Sex Reassignment Surgery - An older term for what is often now called gender confirmation surgery or gender affirmation surgery.
Sexual Orientation - The group of people or genders to which a person can become sexually attracted, if at all.
Singular They - Yes, this is grammatical. “They” is a convenient way to refer to a person of uncertain gender, or whose preferred pronouns are unknown. Some people also adopt “they” as their correct pronoun.
Situational Genderfluid - Someone who is situationally genderfluid moves between genders based on their enviroment. As a sub-section of genderfluid, it implies a pattern. (From genderqueeries.)
Skoliosexual - Sexually attracted to gender-variant or non-binary people. Not to be confused with fetishization of trans or non-binary people. Some trans and/or non-binary folks don’t like this because of problematic etymology or fetishistic usage, so I don’t advise using this.
Social Dysphoria - In trans discussions, dysphoria that is caused by being perceived or treated by other people as an incorrect gender.
Spivak Pronouns - E(y)/eir/em/emself. A set of gender-neutral pronouns.
SRS - Sex reassignment surgery.
Stand-to-pee - A device used to enable someone to urinate while standing up, in the manner that people with penises sometimes do.
Standards of Care - Full name: “Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People.” These are non-binding guidelines that influence the decisions of many doctors and other gatekeepers in determining whether trans people are allowed to get transitional medical care. Often criticized for being overly strict, for preventing trans youth from transitioning, and for compelling non-binary trans people to hide or lie about their experiences in order to receive treatment.
Stealth - Living publicly as one’s correct gender without being open about the fact that one is trans.
STP - Stand-to-pee.
T - Testosterone
TCR - Thyroid cartilage reduction surgery.
TERF - Trans-exclusive radical feminist. That is, they exclude trans people from their feminist movement, and are transphobic and transmisogynistic. See also TWERF.
Testosterone - The main androgen hormone in the human body. Supplemental testosterone is sometimes taken by trans people, usually with the intent of achieving a more masculine appearance.
The Surgery - A mysterious and frightening transformation spoken of by cis people who don’t know anything about how trans people actually transition.
They (singular) - See singular they.
Third Gender - A phrase used in anthropology for genders and gender roles that do not fit the Western constructs of “man” or “woman.” The phrase is problematic because of its colonialist or Eurocentric associations.
Tomboy - 1. A woman, usually a young girl, who behaves or dresses in a traditionally masculine or boyish way. 2. Occasionally used as a non-binary gender or presentation.
Top Surgery - A colloquial term for surgery that corrects one’s chest area to better match one’s gender presentation.
Trans - Short for transgender, or (less often) transsexual.
Trans* - Variant of “trans” that specifically denotes inclusion of non-binary, genderqueer and gender-variant people. The asterisk is controversial.
Trans Exclusive Radical Feminism - A sector of the feminist movement that does not accept trans people, especially trans women.
Trans man - A man who is also trans.
Trans woman - A woman who is also trans.
Transexual - Alternative spelling for transsexual.
Transfeminine - Having a gender that is female or feminine-of-center, and being trans.
Transgender - An umbrella term for all people and genders that do not match the gender that they were assigned at birth, or which was imposed on them by society, or which they were raised as.
Transition - To change one’s presentation to reflect a gender other than the one assigned at birth. Transitioning may include, but does not require, any of the following: changing one’s pronouns, wearing different clothing than before, altering one’s legal gender, taking hormone therapy, and undergoing surgery.
Transman - Alternative spelling for trans man. Not recommended because it is sometimes seen as implying that “transman” is separate from “man,” a form of cissexism.
Transmasculine - Having a gender that is male or masculine-of-center, and being trans.
Transmisogyny - Transphobia and misogyny combined, forming an especially virulent form of oppression against trans women and other transfeminine people.
Transphobe - A person who acts, thinks or speaks with transphobia.
Transphobia - Prejudice, stigma, or discrimination against trans, non-binary and/or genderqueer people. Can occur as both an individual attitude and as a widespread social force.
Transsexual - 1. A person whose gender does not match their assigned sex (similar to transgender). 2. A person who has changed, or wishes to change, their anatomy to better reflect their true gender. This is a loaded term and should not be used to refer to someone without their permission. Some transsexual people do not identify as transgender.
Transtrender - A derogatory word used by some trans people to invalidate other trans people’s identities. Not recommended for use, as it is frequently associated with respectability politics.
Transvestic Fetishism - A kink in which one derives pleasure (usually sexual) from wearing clothes of a different gender. This phrase is discredited in trans communities because it has often been used to delegitimize trans identities, especially those of trans women.
Transvestite - Old-fashioned word for a person who wears clothing of another gender. Not to be confused with transgender or transsexual. A loaded term, not recommended.
Transwoman - Alternative spelling for trans woman. Not recommended because it is sometimes seen as implying that “transwoman” is separate from “woman,” a form of cissexism.
Trigender - 1. Not identifying as male, female or androgynous, but constructing one’s own distinct gender. 2. Having a gender identity that includes or shifts between three or more distinct genders, similarly to bigender.
Truscum - Trans people who invalidate or perpetuate prejudice against other trans people, often by claiming that others are not “truly” trans or “trans enough.” This is often related to respectability politics.
Tucking - Moving the genitals into place to make the presence of a penis less obvious.
TWERF - Trans woman exclusive radical feminist. That is, they exclude trans woman from their feminist movement, and are transmisogynistic.
Two-Spirit, Two-Spirited - More information here. (Definition not provided because of potential colonialist issues.)
Woman-Born-Woman - A cisgender woman. This term is sometimes used by transphobic people to invalidate trans people, and as such, it is not recommended

The Rivet

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
After that list who is volunteering to be a social/sexual therapist? Plenty of potential work there. It's laughable.


Soup! Why didn’t I get any Soup?
Feb 1, 2011
Probably working!
Does this help?

AFAB - Assigned female at birth.
Agender, Agendered - A non-binary identity, meaning without a gender or gender identity.
Alia, Aliagender - “A gender experience which is “other”, or stands apart from existing gender constructs” (from askanonbinary)
AMAB - Assigned male at birth.
Ambigender - 1. Available or common to more than one gender. 2. A non-binary identity related to androgyne, bigender, and/or genderfluid.
Androgens - Hormones such as testosterone, sometimes called “male sex hormones,” although people of any gender can have high androgen levels, and not all men have high androgen levels.
Androgyne - A non-binary identity, meaning a combination, blending, or in-between point between two genders (usually between male and female). Androgynes may or may not present androgynously, and may or may not experience multiple genders..
Androgynous, Androgyny - 1. Related to an androgyne gender identity. 2. A gender presentation that is ambiguous between male and female, or which blends them, or lies in the middle between them.
Androgynous of Center - Any of several gender identities that lean closer to “androgyne” than to male or female.
Androsexual - Sexually attracted to masculinity or to men. Warning: this word is sometimes used in transphobic ways.
Anti-Androgens - Drugs that negate the effects of testosterone, usually given during adolescence to trans youth who do not wish to develop conventionally “masculine” features. A type of hormone blockers.
Anti-Estrogens - Drugs that negate the effects of estradiol and other estrogens, usually given during adolescence to trans youth who do not wish to develop conventionally “feminine features.” A type of hormone blockers.
ASAB - Assigned sex at birth.
Assigned Sex (At Birth) - The gender identity imposed on someone by their family and by society. This gender is usually decided at birth or in utero, and is usually based on genitalia. Almost all people are assigned male or female at birth, even if they are intersex.
Autoandrophilia - Pleasure, sexual or otherwise, derived from imagining oneself as a man. The much rarer counterpart to autogynephilia, and also not recommended.
Autogynephilia - Pleasure, sexual or otherwise, derived from imagining oneself as a woman. Historically, diagnosis of autogynephilia was/is commonly used to restrict trans women’s access to transitioning, and to pathologize them as mentally ill. Not recommended for general discourse.
Being Read - An alternative phrase to “passing” that shifts responsibility of correct gendering onto onlookers, instead of on the person who is read. A trans person who is read correctly is recognized as their correct gender.
Bigender - A non-binary identity in which a person has two or more genders. Any combination of genders is possible, not just male/female. These genders may be present simultaneously, they may fluctuate, or both.
Binarism - The belief, prejudice or social force that claims only two genders exist, male and female, and that all non-binary and genderqueer gender identities are invalid. Binarism is inextricably tied to colonialism and racism, and is a way that Western European cultures attack the gender expression of other cultures and ethnic groups.
Binary Gender - A gender that is either strictly male or strictly female. This is not affected by whether a person is cis or trans: a trans man or trans woman has a binary gender, unless he or she also identifies as non-binary.
Binder - In trans discussions, a garment used to minimize or alter the appearance of breasts.
Binding - The practice of hiding or reshaping breasts, usually to achieve a more masculine or androgynous appearance.
Biological Essentialism - In trans discussions, the belief that a person’s gender can only be defined by their genes and/or genitalia at birth. Biological essentialism usually ignores the existence of intersex people and is a major component of transphobia.
Biological Sex - A social construct that categorizes human bodies as male or female based on chromosomes or genitalia. Contrary to popular belief, there are not two biological sexes, because people can be born with a wide variety of sexual characteristics, and many different combinations of sexual characteristics. Many trans and/or intersex people find the phrase or concept offensive, and prefer the phrase “assigned sex,” or “designated sex.”
Body Dysphoria - A feeling of stress or unhappiness related to one’s body. In trans discussions, it is a type of gender dysphoria caused by the body’s appearance clashing with one’s internal gender identity.
Bottom Surgery - A colloquial term for surgery that corrects one’s genitalia to better match one’s preferred gender presentation.
Brain Sex - A controversial idea that posits that a person’s gender identity may be reflected by the structure of their brain.
Butch - More reminiscent of what is traditionally considered boyish or masculine than feminine. May refer to a gender identity, gender presentation, or a style of dress. Often associated with lesbian culture.
CAFAB - Coercively assigned female at birth.
CAMAB - Coercively assigned male at birth.
CASAB - Coercively assigned sex at birth. See assigned sex at birth.
Cis - Short for cisgender or cissexual.
Cis Privilege - Short for cisgender privilege.
Cisgender - Consistently experiencing your gender in a way that matches the gender assigned to you at birth. Not trans.
Cisgender Privilege - The benefits, opportunities and everyday courtesies that cisgender people are able to take for granted, and which trans and non-binary people may not be able to count on.
Cishet - A person who is cisgender, hetero-romantic and heterosexual.
Cissexism - The unjust social institution that validates cisgender identities more than trans identities, and which grants privileges to cis people while oppressing trans people.
Cissexual - Usually a synonym for cisgender, though some people make a distinction, similar to the transgender/transsexual distinction.
Chaser - A person who seeks out trans people for dating or sex. Chasers have a bad reputation for fetishizing, disrespecting and mistreating trans people, especially trans women.
Chromosomes - Gene sequences that determine how an organism’s body develops and reproduces. The human sex chromosomes, X and Y, usually determine whether a fetus develops typical egg-producing anatomy or typical sperm-producing anatomy. However, other factors can affect a person’s anatomical and psychological development, and the chromosomes do not necessarily reflect a person’s true gender.
Clocking - An event in which an observer notices or realizes a trans person’s assigned sex at birth, without the trans person’s consent.
Colonialism - In trans discussions, colonialism is the practice of imposing Western systems of gender onto non-Western cultures, invalidating native people’s gender identities in the process. Colonialism can involve either denying that a gender exists, or reinterpreting the gender to fit a Western model, e.g. by claiming that a hijra person must be transgender. Binarism is a form of colonialism.
Coming Out - In trans discussions, the process of telling someone that one is trans. This applies both to trans people who have transitioned to live as their correct gender, as well as to those who have not.
Correct Pronouns - Alternate phrase for “preferred pronouns.
Corrective Rape - Sexual assault done with the intent to change someone’s sexual or romantic orientation, or gender identity. Trans people, especially trans women and sex workers, are sometimes victimized by corrective rape.
Crossdresser - A person who chooses to wear clothing that does not match their gender identity or usual gender presentation. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms. This is a loaded term and should not be used without the permission of the person being referred to.
Crossdressing - The act of wearing clothing that does not match one’s gender identity. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms. Trans people who wear the clothing of their assigned sex may consider themselves as crossdressing; when wearing clothing of their actual gender, they are not crossdressing, though they may appear that way to uninformed people.
Crossplay - To dress up as a fictional or historical character that is of a different gender than oneself. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms.
Deep Stealth - Living full-time as one’s correct gender, without any of the people one regularly interacts with knowing that one is trans.
Degender - To ignore or invalidate someone’s gender. Similar to misgendering, but does not necessarily impose a different, inaccurate gender onto the target person while invalidating them.
Dehumanization - A kind of stigma that lessens a person by making them seem less than human; often likening them to an animal, machine or monster. A common component of transphobia.
Demiboy - See demiguy.
Demienby - A gender that is partly one non-biinary gender, and partly another non-binary gender.
Demigender - Umbrella term for demigirl, demiguy, demienby, demiboy, and similar genders.
Demigirl - A gender that is partly female and partly non-binary. Can be AFAB or AMAB.
Demiguy - A gender that is partly male and partly non-binary. Can be AMAB or AFAB.
Detransition - To stop, pause, or reverse some or all of the effects of transitioning.
DFAB - Designated female at birth. Alternative to AFAB.
Desexualization - A stigma that denies a person’s sexuality or sexual agency. A common component of transphobia.
Designated Sex (At Birth) - An alternative phrase for assigned sex at birth.
DMAB - Designated male at birth. Alternative to AMAB.
Drag - Crossdressing. Drag is done for a wide variety of reasons and purposes. People in drag may attempt to plausibly appear as their target gender, parody gender, exaggerate gender, or deconstruct gender. Some people who wear drag are trans and some are not. See "Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
Drag King - A person who does not identify as male but dresses up to resemble one. Trans men are not drag kings, because they are men. However, some people who appear to be drag kings may later come to identify as trans men. See “Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
Drag Queen - A person who does not identify as female but dresses up to resemble one. Trans women are not drag queens, because they are women. However, some people who appear to be drag queens may later come to identify as trans women. See “Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
DSM - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-IV includes Gender Identity Disorder, which was renamed Gender Dysphoria in the DSM-V. There is controversy over whether these ideas should be included in the DSM or not.
Dysphoria - In trans discussions, a feeling of displeasure, stress, anxiety or depression related to one’s gender. See gender dysphoria.
Dyadic - Having a stereotypically male or female anatomy, as Western culture would define it; not intersex.
Electrolysis - Permanent hair removal. Sometimes taken by trans people to achieve a better gender presentation or feel more comfortable in their bodies.
Enby - Casual term for a non-binary person. Not all non-binary people want to be referred to as enbies, so individual preferences should be respected here.
Endocrinologist - A doctor who specializes in hormones. Trans people may need to see endocrinologists as they transition.
Epicene - An archaic term for someone who has characteristics of both genders, or who can’t be classified as purely male or female. Most often used for male-assigned people with feminine tendencies. Like most of these older terms, you shouldn’t refer to someone this way unless they give you permission.
Erasure - A lack of representation of a group in media, news and pop culture. Erasure may be either deliberate or accidental, and targets all queer identities to varying degrees.
Estradiol - The most potent and common form of estrogen in the human body. Supplemental estradiol is sometimes taken by trans people, usually with the intent of achieving a more feminine appearance.
Estrogens - Hormones such as estradiol. Sometimes called “female hormones,” although people of any gender can have high levels of estrogens, and not all women have high estrogen levels.
Eunuch - A man whose penis has been removed, or (rarely) a man who has been sterilized. This term should not be used to refer to trans people.
FAAB - Female-assigned at birth. Alternative to AFAB.
Female-bodied - A common but problematic term used for cis women and AFAB trans people who have not undergone transitional surgery. AFAB and DFAB are recommended instead.
Feminine of Center - Having a gender that is closer to “female” than to “male” or other genders.
Femme - Reminiscent of what is traditionally considered femininity. May refer to a gender identity, gender presentation, or a style of dress. Strongly associated with lesbian culture.
Fluid - Changeable, not static. Some people have fluid sexual orientations or gender identities. See genderfluid.
FTM, F2M - Female to male.
FTN, F2N - Female to neutral.
FTX, F2X - Female to an unspecified gender.
Full Time - Living as one’s correct gender every day, in all circumstances, in a way publicly visible to all people. Gatekeepers often require a period of living full-time before they are willing to approve of hormone therapy or surgery; this restriction can be dangerous or impossible for some trans people.
Gaff - Underwear used for tucking. Sometimes used by DMAB trans people.
Gatekeepers - People who have the power to progress or halt a trans person’s journey of transition. These can include doctors, government officials, employers, family members, and more.
Gender (noun) - A person’s internal mental experience of themself and their relationship to “male,” “female,” “androgynous,” “genderless,” and other identities. It is distinct from a person’s assigned sex, anatomy, gender presentation, pronouns, socialization, and sexual orientation. Some people do not have a gender.
Gender (verb) - To treat someone as if they are of a particular gender. This takes many forms, the most common of which are pronouns.
Gender Affirmation Surgery - Surgery that alters a person’s appearance to better reflect their preferred gender presentation. Also called gender confirmation surgery.
Gender Bender, Gender Bending - 1. Altering or playing with gender presentation. 2. In fiction, changing either a character’s gender identity, gender presentation, or both. A problematic concept because it tends to conflate gender identity with gender presentation or assigned sex.
Gender Binary - The Western social construct that only grants legitimacy to two genders, male and female. Is frequently oppressive towards people who are trans and/or intersex.
Gender Confirmation Surgery - Surgery that alters a person’s appearance to better reflect their preferred gender presentation. Also called gender affirmation surgery.
Gender Diversity - The inclusion of many or all genders, not just male and female.
Gender Dysphoria - 1. A feeling of discomfort, stress, confusion or negativity that is caused by a mismatch between one’s assigned sex and one’s actual gender. Can be either body dysphoria or social dysphoria, or both. Many trans and/or non-binary people experience gender dysphoria, but not all do. 2. The phrase used for transgender experiences in the DSM-V.
Gender Identity Disorder - The phrase used for transgender experiences in the DSM-IV.
Gender Essentialism - The belief that there are intrinsic and unchangeable differences between genders, and that these differences manifest as anatomy, chromosomes, behavior, socialization and/or gender roles. A key component of transphobia.
Gender Expression - The speech, clothing, body modification choices, gestures, behavior, and social role through which a person demonstrates their gender.
Gender Neutral - Not specific or restricted to any particular gender.
Gender Neutral Language - The use of nouns, titles and pronouns in such a way as to avoid specifying gender. This is useful for making environments and discussions more accessible to trans and non-binary people.
Gender Nonconformity - Acting, speaking or dressing in a manner that is not traditionally encouraged for members of one’s gender.
Gender Norm - An arbitrary expectation or standard that is applied to people of a certain gender.
Gender Presentation - The way that a person’s gender superficially appears to onlookers, which may be affected by anatomy, clothing, makeup, hairstyle, speech patterns and body language. May also include a person’s stated desire to be treated as a certain gender and referred to with certain pronouns.
Gender Reassignment Surgery - An older term for gender affirmation surgery or gender confirmation surgery. It is rather inaccurate because the surgery does not change the recipient’s gender, but alters the body to better reflect the gender.
Gender Role - A set of expectations, standards, and cultural pressures associated with a particular gender. People may freely choose to follow or disregard gender roles. Conformity to gender roles does not reflect a person’s actual gender; cis people who violate gender roles do not become trans, nor do trans people need to follow traditional gender roles in order for their genders to be valid.
Gender-Variant - 1. Behaving or presenting one’s gender in a way that does not fit traditional models of male or female. 2. An umbrella term, similar to non-binary and genderqueer.
Genderflexible - See genderfluid.
Genderfluid - Having a gender that is changeable. Genderfluid people may shift between multiple genders over time, or feel gender in different ways over time. Their preferred pronouns and gender presentation may or may not reflect these changes. Related to but distinct from genderflux.
Genderflux - Having a gender that varies in intensity or degree over time; related to but distinct from genderfluid.
Gender**** - Gender presentation that deliberately seeks to violate conventional standards of male or female presentation.
Genderless - Without a gender or gender identity. Similar to agender.
Genderqueer - 1. An umbrella term that includes all gender identities other than strictly male or strictly female. Covers the same set of people as “non-binary,” but it has different social and political connotations, and is more strongly associated with “queering gender” and the queer political movement. 2. Gender presentation that is not strictly male or female.
Genetic Sex - See biological sex.
Graygender, greygender - “A person who identifies as (at least partially) outside the gender binary and has a strong natural ambivalence about their gender identity or gender expression.” Coined by invernom; see link for more details.
GSD - Gender and sexual diversity. See GSM.
GSM, GSRM - Gender, sexual (and romantic) minorities. An alternative acronym to LGBT+.
Gynecomastia - Uncommonly large breast tissue in non-female persons.
Gynosexual - Sexually attracted to femininity, or to women. This word has also been wrongly used to mean “attracted to women with vaginas,” and to thus exclude trans women. (Note that gyno- is a prefix meaning “woman,” not “vagina.”) Because of this, many trans people do not like this word.
Harry Benjamin Syndrome - An outdated term for transgender or transsexual experiences. Not recommended because of problematic associations about what constitutes “true” transsexuality.
HBS - Harry Benjamin Syndrome.
Hermaphrodite - A creature with both male and female sexual characteristics. This term should not be applied to humans.
Heteronormativity - The cultural force that expects all people to be cisgender, heteroromantic and heterosexual. Major problem that affects all queer identities, including asexuals. Closely linked to homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and acephobia.
Heterosexism - See heteronormativity.
Hijra - More information here. (Definition not provided because of potential colonialist issues.)
Hormone Blockers - Drugs used to negate or prevent the effects of hormones, particularly sex hormones. These include anti-androgens and anti-estrogens. Also called puberty blockers, puberty suppressors, puberty inhibitors, or hormone suppressors.
Hormone Replacement Therapy - Therapy in which a person is given hormones that their body lacks, or does not have enough of. Many, but not all, trans people choose to use hormones to alter their gender presentation. Some cis people also undergo hormone replacement therapy for other purposes, e.g. estrogen replacement for postmenopausal women.
HRT - Hormone replacement therapy.
Hypersexualization - Treating a person as highly or overly sexual, or sexually objectifying them, at the cost of respecting them as a person. Commonly done by chasers and trans fetishists to trans people, especially trans women.
Identity Policing - Telling a person that the way they identify, or the labels they use to describe themselves, are wrong.
Internalization - The unconscious process in which a person accepts society’s values and applies them to themself. Internalized homophobia, misogyny, cissexism and transphobia can hinder a person’s understanding and acceptance of their gender.
Intersex - Born with anatomy or genetics that do not easily fit into the Western cultural stereotypes of "male bodies" or “female bodies.” This should not be considered a defect or disorder. Intersex people can be cisgender or transgender, and of any gender identity. There are many ways that a person can be intersex.
Intergender - A gender identity that is particularly intended for intersex people to use.
Invalidation - In trans discussions, a refusal to acknowledge someone’s gender as real and worthy of respect, or to acknowledge the value of their experiences.
Kathoey - More information here. (Definition not provided due to potential colonialist issues.)
LGBT+ - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and others. An acronym for the cultural and political community of people who are not heterosexual, hetero-romantic and cisgender. Sometimes expanded up to LGBT*QQIAUP+, in which T* = all transgender, non-binary and genderqueer people; Q = queer/questioning; I = intersex; A = asexual; U = undecided; and P = pansexual.
MAAB - Male-assigned at birth. Alternative to AMAB.
Male-bodied - A common but problematic term used for cis men and AMAB trans people who have not undergone transitional surgery. AMAB and DMAB are recommended instead.
Masculine of Center - Having a gender that is closer to “male” than to “female” or other genders.
Masculinization - 1. The process by which a person’s gender presentation becomes closer to what is traditionally considered masculine. 2. In fetal development, the process by which androgen hormones affect the developing brain.
Misgender - To treat someone as the incorrect gender.
Mispronoun - To misgender someone by using an incorrect pronoun for them.
MTF, M2F - Male to female.
MTN, M2N - Male to neutral.
MTX, M2X - Male to an unspecified gender.
Multigender - An umbrella term for all people with multiple genders, including bigender, trigender, polygender and pangender, as well as genderfluid people who identify as multigender.
Muxe - More information here. (Definition not provided due to potential colonialist issues.)
Mx. - A gender-neutral honorific, analogous to Mr. or Ms.
Natal Man/Woman - A cisgender woman. This term is sometimes used by transphobic people to invalidate trans people, and as such, it is not recommended.
Neutrois - 1. Having a gender that is specifically neutral, or a neutral third gender that is neither male nor female. 2. Without a gender or gender identity, similar to agender. 3. A form of gender presentation without prominent sexual characteristics.
No Gender - Without a gender or gender identity. See also agender and genderless.
Non-binary - 1. Any gender, or lack of gender, or mix of genders, that is not strictly male or female. 2. “Non-binary is a term for people who are not men or women, or are both men and women, or who are something else entirely, or are some combination of these things, or some of these things some of the time.” –askanonbinary
Non-Gendered - Without a gender or gender identity. Similar to agender and genderless.
Packer - A prosthetic penis or similar tool, often used by trans men and transmasculine AFAB people.
Packing - The act of using a packer.
Pangender - Having or experiencing all genders, or many genders, either simultaneously or over time; may also include an agender or genderless experience. (Note: This term may have racist/colonialist implications if a person uses it to claim an identity from a culture they are not part of or are not treating with respect.)
Passing - The state of being perceived as the gender one wishes to be seen as.
Pathologization - The act of treating something as an illness or disorder, which is abnormal and needs to be fixed. Transgender status is often pathologized, especially for trans women.
Polygender - Having or experiencing several genders, either simultaneously or over time; may also include an agender or genderless experience.
Preferred Pronouns - The pronouns that a person wished to be called by. Using a person’s preferred pronouns is a key part of respecting their gender. Also called “correct pronouns.”
Presentation, Presenting - See gender presentation.
Primary Sex Characteristics - Anatomical organs that play a direct role in reproduction, such as the genitals.
Pronouns - Small words such as he, she, her, them, and us, which are used to refer to people. In English, there are four common third-person pronoun groups: he/his/him, she/hers/her, they/their/them, and it/its/it. Individual people may decide which of these pronouns they wish to be referred to as, or they may use pronouns that have been more recently coined.
Puberty Blocker - See hormone blockers.
Queer - An umbrella term for all people who are not heterosexual, heteroromantic and cisgender, and who self-identify as queer. A sensitive issue because of its history as a slur. Some trans and/or non-binary people identify as queer, and others do not.
Queering Gender - The act of playing with, deconstructing, transforming or reclaiming gender, moving it from a heteronormative, patriarchal and cissexist perspective into a queer perspective.
Radscum - Feminists who exclude, invalidate or attack trans people, especially toward trans women.
Rape Culture - The social expectations that make rape and sexual assault more socially acceptable, or which cause people to deny importance or recognition to acts of sexual assault.
Read - In trans discussions, to correctly perceive someone as their true gender, which may or may not be their assigned sex at birth.
Real Life Test - A requirement some gatekeepers require trans people to go through before they are willing to provide hormone therapy or surgery; may last anywhere from a few month to several years. This restriction can be dangerous or impossible for some trans people.
Secondary Sex Characteristics - Anatomical features that develop during puberty, and which are related to sex hormones but not directly involved in reproduction. Examples include facial hair and rounded breasts.
Sex Change - An outdated and inaccurate term for what is now called transitioning.
Sex Reassignment Surgery - An older term for what is often now called gender confirmation surgery or gender affirmation surgery.
Sexual Orientation - The group of people or genders to which a person can become sexually attracted, if at all.
Singular They - Yes, this is grammatical. “They” is a convenient way to refer to a person of uncertain gender, or whose preferred pronouns are unknown. Some people also adopt “they” as their correct pronoun.
Situational Genderfluid - Someone who is situationally genderfluid moves between genders based on their enviroment. As a sub-section of genderfluid, it implies a pattern. (From genderqueeries.)
Skoliosexual - Sexually attracted to gender-variant or non-binary people. Not to be confused with fetishization of trans or non-binary people. Some trans and/or non-binary folks don’t like this because of problematic etymology or fetishistic usage, so I don’t advise using this.
Social Dysphoria - In trans discussions, dysphoria that is caused by being perceived or treated by other people as an incorrect gender.
Spivak Pronouns - E(y)/eir/em/emself. A set of gender-neutral pronouns.
SRS - Sex reassignment surgery.
Stand-to-pee - A device used to enable someone to urinate while standing up, in the manner that people with penises sometimes do.
Standards of Care - Full name: “Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People.” These are non-binding guidelines that influence the decisions of many doctors and other gatekeepers in determining whether trans people are allowed to get transitional medical care. Often criticized for being overly strict, for preventing trans youth from transitioning, and for compelling non-binary trans people to hide or lie about their experiences in order to receive treatment.
Stealth - Living publicly as one’s correct gender without being open about the fact that one is trans.
STP - Stand-to-pee.
T - Testosterone
TCR - Thyroid cartilage reduction surgery.
TERF - Trans-exclusive radical feminist. That is, they exclude trans people from their feminist movement, and are transphobic and transmisogynistic. See also TWERF.
Testosterone - The main androgen hormone in the human body. Supplemental testosterone is sometimes taken by trans people, usually with the intent of achieving a more masculine appearance.
The Surgery - A mysterious and frightening transformation spoken of by cis people who don’t know anything about how trans people actually transition.
They (singular) - See singular they.
Third Gender - A phrase used in anthropology for genders and gender roles that do not fit the Western constructs of “man” or “woman.” The phrase is problematic because of its colonialist or Eurocentric associations.
Tomboy - 1. A woman, usually a young girl, who behaves or dresses in a traditionally masculine or boyish way. 2. Occasionally used as a non-binary gender or presentation.
Top Surgery - A colloquial term for surgery that corrects one’s chest area to better match one’s gender presentation.
Trans - Short for transgender, or (less often) transsexual.
Trans* - Variant of “trans” that specifically denotes inclusion of non-binary, genderqueer and gender-variant people. The asterisk is controversial.
Trans Exclusive Radical Feminism - A sector of the feminist movement that does not accept trans people, especially trans women.
Trans man - A man who is also trans.
Trans woman - A woman who is also trans.
Transexual - Alternative spelling for transsexual.
Transfeminine - Having a gender that is female or feminine-of-center, and being trans.
Transgender - An umbrella term for all people and genders that do not match the gender that they were assigned at birth, or which was imposed on them by society, or which they were raised as.
Transition - To change one’s presentation to reflect a gender other than the one assigned at birth. Transitioning may include, but does not require, any of the following: changing one’s pronouns, wearing different clothing than before, altering one’s legal gender, taking hormone therapy, and undergoing surgery.
Transman - Alternative spelling for trans man. Not recommended because it is sometimes seen as implying that “transman” is separate from “man,” a form of cissexism.
Transmasculine - Having a gender that is male or masculine-of-center, and being trans.
Transmisogyny - Transphobia and misogyny combined, forming an especially virulent form of oppression against trans women and other transfeminine people.
Transphobe - A person who acts, thinks or speaks with transphobia.
Transphobia - Prejudice, stigma, or discrimination against trans, non-binary and/or genderqueer people. Can occur as both an individual attitude and as a widespread social force.
Transsexual - 1. A person whose gender does not match their assigned sex (similar to transgender). 2. A person who has changed, or wishes to change, their anatomy to better reflect their true gender. This is a loaded term and should not be used to refer to someone without their permission. Some transsexual people do not identify as transgender.
Transtrender - A derogatory word used by some trans people to invalidate other trans people’s identities. Not recommended for use, as it is frequently associated with respectability politics.
Transvestic Fetishism - A kink in which one derives pleasure (usually sexual) from wearing clothes of a different gender. This phrase is discredited in trans communities because it has often been used to delegitimize trans identities, especially those of trans women.
Transvestite - Old-fashioned word for a person who wears clothing of another gender. Not to be confused with transgender or transsexual. A loaded term, not recommended.
Transwoman - Alternative spelling for trans woman. Not recommended because it is sometimes seen as implying that “transwoman” is separate from “woman,” a form of cissexism.
Trigender - 1. Not identifying as male, female or androgynous, but constructing one’s own distinct gender. 2. Having a gender identity that includes or shifts between three or more distinct genders, similarly to bigender.
Truscum - Trans people who invalidate or perpetuate prejudice against other trans people, often by claiming that others are not “truly” trans or “trans enough.” This is often related to respectability politics.
Tucking - Moving the genitals into place to make the presence of a penis less obvious.
TWERF - Trans woman exclusive radical feminist. That is, they exclude trans woman from their feminist movement, and are transmisogynistic.
Two-Spirit, Two-Spirited - More information here. (Definition not provided because of potential colonialist issues.)
Woman-Born-Woman - A cisgender woman. This term is sometimes used by transphobic people to invalidate trans people, and as such, it is not recommended

Well that clears that up then!

Phat Baz 68

Get a ****ing life mate !
Apr 16, 2011
So i am led to believe " Gender Fluid " is not wanting to be recognised as male or female just as a person i could be wrong but im pretty sure that's what it is.


Radio User
Jan 15, 2008
Does this help?

AFAB - Assigned female at birth.
Agender, Agendered - A non-binary identity, meaning without a gender or gender identity.
Alia, Aliagender - “A gender experience which is “other”, or stands apart from existing gender constructs” (from askanonbinary)
AMAB - Assigned male at birth.
Ambigender - 1. Available or common to more than one gender. 2. A non-binary identity related to androgyne, bigender, and/or genderfluid.
Androgens - Hormones such as testosterone, sometimes called “male sex hormones,” although people of any gender can have high androgen levels, and not all men have high androgen levels.
Androgyne - A non-binary identity, meaning a combination, blending, or in-between point between two genders (usually between male and female). Androgynes may or may not present androgynously, and may or may not experience multiple genders..
Androgynous, Androgyny - 1. Related to an androgyne gender identity. 2. A gender presentation that is ambiguous between male and female, or which blends them, or lies in the middle between them.
Androgynous of Center - Any of several gender identities that lean closer to “androgyne” than to male or female.
Androsexual - Sexually attracted to masculinity or to men. Warning: this word is sometimes used in transphobic ways.
Anti-Androgens - Drugs that negate the effects of testosterone, usually given during adolescence to trans youth who do not wish to develop conventionally “masculine” features. A type of hormone blockers.
Anti-Estrogens - Drugs that negate the effects of estradiol and other estrogens, usually given during adolescence to trans youth who do not wish to develop conventionally “feminine features.” A type of hormone blockers.
ASAB - Assigned sex at birth.
Assigned Sex (At Birth) - The gender identity imposed on someone by their family and by society. This gender is usually decided at birth or in utero, and is usually based on genitalia. Almost all people are assigned male or female at birth, even if they are intersex.
Autoandrophilia - Pleasure, sexual or otherwise, derived from imagining oneself as a man. The much rarer counterpart to autogynephilia, and also not recommended.
Autogynephilia - Pleasure, sexual or otherwise, derived from imagining oneself as a woman. Historically, diagnosis of autogynephilia was/is commonly used to restrict trans women’s access to transitioning, and to pathologize them as mentally ill. Not recommended for general discourse.
Being Read - An alternative phrase to “passing” that shifts responsibility of correct gendering onto onlookers, instead of on the person who is read. A trans person who is read correctly is recognized as their correct gender.
Bigender - A non-binary identity in which a person has two or more genders. Any combination of genders is possible, not just male/female. These genders may be present simultaneously, they may fluctuate, or both.
Binarism - The belief, prejudice or social force that claims only two genders exist, male and female, and that all non-binary and genderqueer gender identities are invalid. Binarism is inextricably tied to colonialism and racism, and is a way that Western European cultures attack the gender expression of other cultures and ethnic groups.
Binary Gender - A gender that is either strictly male or strictly female. This is not affected by whether a person is cis or trans: a trans man or trans woman has a binary gender, unless he or she also identifies as non-binary.
Binder - In trans discussions, a garment used to minimize or alter the appearance of breasts.
Binding - The practice of hiding or reshaping breasts, usually to achieve a more masculine or androgynous appearance.
Biological Essentialism - In trans discussions, the belief that a person’s gender can only be defined by their genes and/or genitalia at birth. Biological essentialism usually ignores the existence of intersex people and is a major component of transphobia.
Biological Sex - A social construct that categorizes human bodies as male or female based on chromosomes or genitalia. Contrary to popular belief, there are not two biological sexes, because people can be born with a wide variety of sexual characteristics, and many different combinations of sexual characteristics. Many trans and/or intersex people find the phrase or concept offensive, and prefer the phrase “assigned sex,” or “designated sex.”
Body Dysphoria - A feeling of stress or unhappiness related to one’s body. In trans discussions, it is a type of gender dysphoria caused by the body’s appearance clashing with one’s internal gender identity.
Bottom Surgery - A colloquial term for surgery that corrects one’s genitalia to better match one’s preferred gender presentation.
Brain Sex - A controversial idea that posits that a person’s gender identity may be reflected by the structure of their brain.
Butch - More reminiscent of what is traditionally considered boyish or masculine than feminine. May refer to a gender identity, gender presentation, or a style of dress. Often associated with lesbian culture.
CAFAB - Coercively assigned female at birth.
CAMAB - Coercively assigned male at birth.
CASAB - Coercively assigned sex at birth. See assigned sex at birth.
Cis - Short for cisgender or cissexual.
Cis Privilege - Short for cisgender privilege.
Cisgender - Consistently experiencing your gender in a way that matches the gender assigned to you at birth. Not trans.
Cisgender Privilege - The benefits, opportunities and everyday courtesies that cisgender people are able to take for granted, and which trans and non-binary people may not be able to count on.
Cishet - A person who is cisgender, hetero-romantic and heterosexual.
Cissexism - The unjust social institution that validates cisgender identities more than trans identities, and which grants privileges to cis people while oppressing trans people.
Cissexual - Usually a synonym for cisgender, though some people make a distinction, similar to the transgender/transsexual distinction.
Chaser - A person who seeks out trans people for dating or sex. Chasers have a bad reputation for fetishizing, disrespecting and mistreating trans people, especially trans women.
Chromosomes - Gene sequences that determine how an organism’s body develops and reproduces. The human sex chromosomes, X and Y, usually determine whether a fetus develops typical egg-producing anatomy or typical sperm-producing anatomy. However, other factors can affect a person’s anatomical and psychological development, and the chromosomes do not necessarily reflect a person’s true gender.
Clocking - An event in which an observer notices or realizes a trans person’s assigned sex at birth, without the trans person’s consent.
Colonialism - In trans discussions, colonialism is the practice of imposing Western systems of gender onto non-Western cultures, invalidating native people’s gender identities in the process. Colonialism can involve either denying that a gender exists, or reinterpreting the gender to fit a Western model, e.g. by claiming that a hijra person must be transgender. Binarism is a form of colonialism.
Coming Out - In trans discussions, the process of telling someone that one is trans. This applies both to trans people who have transitioned to live as their correct gender, as well as to those who have not.
Correct Pronouns - Alternate phrase for “preferred pronouns.
Corrective Rape - Sexual assault done with the intent to change someone’s sexual or romantic orientation, or gender identity. Trans people, especially trans women and sex workers, are sometimes victimized by corrective rape.
Crossdresser - A person who chooses to wear clothing that does not match their gender identity or usual gender presentation. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms. This is a loaded term and should not be used without the permission of the person being referred to.
Crossdressing - The act of wearing clothing that does not match one’s gender identity. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms. Trans people who wear the clothing of their assigned sex may consider themselves as crossdressing; when wearing clothing of their actual gender, they are not crossdressing, though they may appear that way to uninformed people.
Crossplay - To dress up as a fictional or historical character that is of a different gender than oneself. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms.
Deep Stealth - Living full-time as one’s correct gender, without any of the people one regularly interacts with knowing that one is trans.
Degender - To ignore or invalidate someone’s gender. Similar to misgendering, but does not necessarily impose a different, inaccurate gender onto the target person while invalidating them.
Dehumanization - A kind of stigma that lessens a person by making them seem less than human; often likening them to an animal, machine or monster. A common component of transphobia.
Demiboy - See demiguy.
Demienby - A gender that is partly one non-biinary gender, and partly another non-binary gender.
Demigender - Umbrella term for demigirl, demiguy, demienby, demiboy, and similar genders.
Demigirl - A gender that is partly female and partly non-binary. Can be AFAB or AMAB.
Demiguy - A gender that is partly male and partly non-binary. Can be AMAB or AFAB.
Detransition - To stop, pause, or reverse some or all of the effects of transitioning.
DFAB - Designated female at birth. Alternative to AFAB.
Desexualization - A stigma that denies a person’s sexuality or sexual agency. A common component of transphobia.
Designated Sex (At Birth) - An alternative phrase for assigned sex at birth.
DMAB - Designated male at birth. Alternative to AMAB.
Drag - Crossdressing. Drag is done for a wide variety of reasons and purposes. People in drag may attempt to plausibly appear as their target gender, parody gender, exaggerate gender, or deconstruct gender. Some people who wear drag are trans and some are not. See "Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
Drag King - A person who does not identify as male but dresses up to resemble one. Trans men are not drag kings, because they are men. However, some people who appear to be drag kings may later come to identify as trans men. See “Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
Drag Queen - A person who does not identify as female but dresses up to resemble one. Trans women are not drag queens, because they are women. However, some people who appear to be drag queens may later come to identify as trans women. See “Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
DSM - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-IV includes Gender Identity Disorder, which was renamed Gender Dysphoria in the DSM-V. There is controversy over whether these ideas should be included in the DSM or not.
Dysphoria - In trans discussions, a feeling of displeasure, stress, anxiety or depression related to one’s gender. See gender dysphoria.
Dyadic - Having a stereotypically male or female anatomy, as Western culture would define it; not intersex.
Electrolysis - Permanent hair removal. Sometimes taken by trans people to achieve a better gender presentation or feel more comfortable in their bodies.
Enby - Casual term for a non-binary person. Not all non-binary people want to be referred to as enbies, so individual preferences should be respected here.
Endocrinologist - A doctor who specializes in hormones. Trans people may need to see endocrinologists as they transition.
Epicene - An archaic term for someone who has characteristics of both genders, or who can’t be classified as purely male or female. Most often used for male-assigned people with feminine tendencies. Like most of these older terms, you shouldn’t refer to someone this way unless they give you permission.
Erasure - A lack of representation of a group in media, news and pop culture. Erasure may be either deliberate or accidental, and targets all queer identities to varying degrees.
Estradiol - The most potent and common form of estrogen in the human body. Supplemental estradiol is sometimes taken by trans people, usually with the intent of achieving a more feminine appearance.
Estrogens - Hormones such as estradiol. Sometimes called “female hormones,” although people of any gender can have high levels of estrogens, and not all women have high estrogen levels.
Eunuch - A man whose penis has been removed, or (rarely) a man who has been sterilized. This term should not be used to refer to trans people.
FAAB - Female-assigned at birth. Alternative to AFAB.
Female-bodied - A common but problematic term used for cis women and AFAB trans people who have not undergone transitional surgery. AFAB and DFAB are recommended instead.
Feminine of Center - Having a gender that is closer to “female” than to “male” or other genders.
Femme - Reminiscent of what is traditionally considered femininity. May refer to a gender identity, gender presentation, or a style of dress. Strongly associated with lesbian culture.
Fluid - Changeable, not static. Some people have fluid sexual orientations or gender identities. See genderfluid.
FTM, F2M - Female to male.
FTN, F2N - Female to neutral.
FTX, F2X - Female to an unspecified gender.
Full Time - Living as one’s correct gender every day, in all circumstances, in a way publicly visible to all people. Gatekeepers often require a period of living full-time before they are willing to approve of hormone therapy or surgery; this restriction can be dangerous or impossible for some trans people.
Gaff - Underwear used for tucking. Sometimes used by DMAB trans people.
Gatekeepers - People who have the power to progress or halt a trans person’s journey of transition. These can include doctors, government officials, employers, family members, and more.
Gender (noun) - A person’s internal mental experience of themself and their relationship to “male,” “female,” “androgynous,” “genderless,” and other identities. It is distinct from a person’s assigned sex, anatomy, gender presentation, pronouns, socialization, and sexual orientation. Some people do not have a gender.
Gender (verb) - To treat someone as if they are of a particular gender. This takes many forms, the most common of which are pronouns.
Gender Affirmation Surgery - Surgery that alters a person’s appearance to better reflect their preferred gender presentation. Also called gender confirmation surgery.
Gender Bender, Gender Bending - 1. Altering or playing with gender presentation. 2. In fiction, changing either a character’s gender identity, gender presentation, or both. A problematic concept because it tends to conflate gender identity with gender presentation or assigned sex.
Gender Binary - The Western social construct that only grants legitimacy to two genders, male and female. Is frequently oppressive towards people who are trans and/or intersex.
Gender Confirmation Surgery - Surgery that alters a person’s appearance to better reflect their preferred gender presentation. Also called gender affirmation surgery.
Gender Diversity - The inclusion of many or all genders, not just male and female.
Gender Dysphoria - 1. A feeling of discomfort, stress, confusion or negativity that is caused by a mismatch between one’s assigned sex and one’s actual gender. Can be either body dysphoria or social dysphoria, or both. Many trans and/or non-binary people experience gender dysphoria, but not all do. 2. The phrase used for transgender experiences in the DSM-V.
Gender Identity Disorder - The phrase used for transgender experiences in the DSM-IV.
Gender Essentialism - The belief that there are intrinsic and unchangeable differences between genders, and that these differences manifest as anatomy, chromosomes, behavior, socialization and/or gender roles. A key component of transphobia.
Gender Expression - The speech, clothing, body modification choices, gestures, behavior, and social role through which a person demonstrates their gender.
Gender Neutral - Not specific or restricted to any particular gender.
Gender Neutral Language - The use of nouns, titles and pronouns in such a way as to avoid specifying gender. This is useful for making environments and discussions more accessible to trans and non-binary people.
Gender Nonconformity - Acting, speaking or dressing in a manner that is not traditionally encouraged for members of one’s gender.
Gender Norm - An arbitrary expectation or standard that is applied to people of a certain gender.
Gender Presentation - The way that a person’s gender superficially appears to onlookers, which may be affected by anatomy, clothing, makeup, hairstyle, speech patterns and body language. May also include a person’s stated desire to be treated as a certain gender and referred to with certain pronouns.
Gender Reassignment Surgery - An older term for gender affirmation surgery or gender confirmation surgery. It is rather inaccurate because the surgery does not change the recipient’s gender, but alters the body to better reflect the gender.
Gender Role - A set of expectations, standards, and cultural pressures associated with a particular gender. People may freely choose to follow or disregard gender roles. Conformity to gender roles does not reflect a person’s actual gender; cis people who violate gender roles do not become trans, nor do trans people need to follow traditional gender roles in order for their genders to be valid.
Gender-Variant - 1. Behaving or presenting one’s gender in a way that does not fit traditional models of male or female. 2. An umbrella term, similar to non-binary and genderqueer.
Genderflexible - See genderfluid.
Genderfluid - Having a gender that is changeable. Genderfluid people may shift between multiple genders over time, or feel gender in different ways over time. Their preferred pronouns and gender presentation may or may not reflect these changes. Related to but distinct from genderflux.
Genderflux - Having a gender that varies in intensity or degree over time; related to but distinct from genderfluid.
Gender**** - Gender presentation that deliberately seeks to violate conventional standards of male or female presentation.
Genderless - Without a gender or gender identity. Similar to agender.
Genderqueer - 1. An umbrella term that includes all gender identities other than strictly male or strictly female. Covers the same set of people as “non-binary,” but it has different social and political connotations, and is more strongly associated with “queering gender” and the queer political movement. 2. Gender presentation that is not strictly male or female.
Genetic Sex - See biological sex.
Graygender, greygender - “A person who identifies as (at least partially) outside the gender binary and has a strong natural ambivalence about their gender identity or gender expression.” Coined by invernom; see link for more details.
GSD - Gender and sexual diversity. See GSM.
GSM, GSRM - Gender, sexual (and romantic) minorities. An alternative acronym to LGBT+.
Gynecomastia - Uncommonly large breast tissue in non-female persons.
Gynosexual - Sexually attracted to femininity, or to women. This word has also been wrongly used to mean “attracted to women with vaginas,” and to thus exclude trans women. (Note that gyno- is a prefix meaning “woman,” not “vagina.”) Because of this, many trans people do not like this word.
Harry Benjamin Syndrome - An outdated term for transgender or transsexual experiences. Not recommended because of problematic associations about what constitutes “true” transsexuality.
HBS - Harry Benjamin Syndrome.
Hermaphrodite - A creature with both male and female sexual characteristics. This term should not be applied to humans.
Heteronormativity - The cultural force that expects all people to be cisgender, heteroromantic and heterosexual. Major problem that affects all queer identities, including asexuals. Closely linked to homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and acephobia.
Heterosexism - See heteronormativity.
Hijra - More information here. (Definition not provided because of potential colonialist issues.)
Hormone Blockers - Drugs used to negate or prevent the effects of hormones, particularly sex hormones. These include anti-androgens and anti-estrogens. Also called puberty blockers, puberty suppressors, puberty inhibitors, or hormone suppressors.
Hormone Replacement Therapy - Therapy in which a person is given hormones that their body lacks, or does not have enough of. Many, but not all, trans people choose to use hormones to alter their gender presentation. Some cis people also undergo hormone replacement therapy for other purposes, e.g. estrogen replacement for postmenopausal women.
HRT - Hormone replacement therapy.
Hypersexualization - Treating a person as highly or overly sexual, or sexually objectifying them, at the cost of respecting them as a person. Commonly done by chasers and trans fetishists to trans people, especially trans women.
Identity Policing - Telling a person that the way they identify, or the labels they use to describe themselves, are wrong.
Internalization - The unconscious process in which a person accepts society’s values and applies them to themself. Internalized homophobia, misogyny, cissexism and transphobia can hinder a person’s understanding and acceptance of their gender.
Intersex - Born with anatomy or genetics that do not easily fit into the Western cultural stereotypes of "male bodies" or “female bodies.” This should not be considered a defect or disorder. Intersex people can be cisgender or transgender, and of any gender identity. There are many ways that a person can be intersex.
Intergender - A gender identity that is particularly intended for intersex people to use.
Invalidation - In trans discussions, a refusal to acknowledge someone’s gender as real and worthy of respect, or to acknowledge the value of their experiences.
Kathoey - More information here. (Definition not provided due to potential colonialist issues.)
LGBT+ - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and others. An acronym for the cultural and political community of people who are not heterosexual, hetero-romantic and cisgender. Sometimes expanded up to LGBT*QQIAUP+, in which T* = all transgender, non-binary and genderqueer people; Q = queer/questioning; I = intersex; A = asexual; U = undecided; and P = pansexual.
MAAB - Male-assigned at birth. Alternative to AMAB.
Male-bodied - A common but problematic term used for cis men and AMAB trans people who have not undergone transitional surgery. AMAB and DMAB are recommended instead.
Masculine of Center - Having a gender that is closer to “male” than to “female” or other genders.
Masculinization - 1. The process by which a person’s gender presentation becomes closer to what is traditionally considered masculine. 2. In fetal development, the process by which androgen hormones affect the developing brain.
Misgender - To treat someone as the incorrect gender.
Mispronoun - To misgender someone by using an incorrect pronoun for them.
MTF, M2F - Male to female.
MTN, M2N - Male to neutral.
MTX, M2X - Male to an unspecified gender.
Multigender - An umbrella term for all people with multiple genders, including bigender, trigender, polygender and pangender, as well as genderfluid people who identify as multigender.
Muxe - More information here. (Definition not provided due to potential colonialist issues.)
Mx. - A gender-neutral honorific, analogous to Mr. or Ms.
Natal Man/Woman - A cisgender woman. This term is sometimes used by transphobic people to invalidate trans people, and as such, it is not recommended.
Neutrois - 1. Having a gender that is specifically neutral, or a neutral third gender that is neither male nor female. 2. Without a gender or gender identity, similar to agender. 3. A form of gender presentation without prominent sexual characteristics.
No Gender - Without a gender or gender identity. See also agender and genderless.
Non-binary - 1. Any gender, or lack of gender, or mix of genders, that is not strictly male or female. 2. “Non-binary is a term for people who are not men or women, or are both men and women, or who are something else entirely, or are some combination of these things, or some of these things some of the time.” –askanonbinary
Non-Gendered - Without a gender or gender identity. Similar to agender and genderless.
Packer - A prosthetic penis or similar tool, often used by trans men and transmasculine AFAB people.
Packing - The act of using a packer.
Pangender - Having or experiencing all genders, or many genders, either simultaneously or over time; may also include an agender or genderless experience. (Note: This term may have racist/colonialist implications if a person uses it to claim an identity from a culture they are not part of or are not treating with respect.)
Passing - The state of being perceived as the gender one wishes to be seen as.
Pathologization - The act of treating something as an illness or disorder, which is abnormal and needs to be fixed. Transgender status is often pathologized, especially for trans women.
Polygender - Having or experiencing several genders, either simultaneously or over time; may also include an agender or genderless experience.
Preferred Pronouns - The pronouns that a person wished to be called by. Using a person’s preferred pronouns is a key part of respecting their gender. Also called “correct pronouns.”
Presentation, Presenting - See gender presentation.
Primary Sex Characteristics - Anatomical organs that play a direct role in reproduction, such as the genitals.
Pronouns - Small words such as he, she, her, them, and us, which are used to refer to people. In English, there are four common third-person pronoun groups: he/his/him, she/hers/her, they/their/them, and it/its/it. Individual people may decide which of these pronouns they wish to be referred to as, or they may use pronouns that have been more recently coined.
Puberty Blocker - See hormone blockers.
Queer - An umbrella term for all people who are not heterosexual, heteroromantic and cisgender, and who self-identify as queer. A sensitive issue because of its history as a slur. Some trans and/or non-binary people identify as queer, and others do not.
Queering Gender - The act of playing with, deconstructing, transforming or reclaiming gender, moving it from a heteronormative, patriarchal and cissexist perspective into a queer perspective.
Radscum - Feminists who exclude, invalidate or attack trans people, especially toward trans women.
Rape Culture - The social expectations that make rape and sexual assault more socially acceptable, or which cause people to deny importance or recognition to acts of sexual assault.
Read - In trans discussions, to correctly perceive someone as their true gender, which may or may not be their assigned sex at birth.
Real Life Test - A requirement some gatekeepers require trans people to go through before they are willing to provide hormone therapy or surgery; may last anywhere from a few month to several years. This restriction can be dangerous or impossible for some trans people.
Secondary Sex Characteristics - Anatomical features that develop during puberty, and which are related to sex hormones but not directly involved in reproduction. Examples include facial hair and rounded breasts.
Sex Change - An outdated and inaccurate term for what is now called transitioning.
Sex Reassignment Surgery - An older term for what is often now called gender confirmation surgery or gender affirmation surgery.
Sexual Orientation - The group of people or genders to which a person can become sexually attracted, if at all.
Singular They - Yes, this is grammatical. “They” is a convenient way to refer to a person of uncertain gender, or whose preferred pronouns are unknown. Some people also adopt “they” as their correct pronoun.
Situational Genderfluid - Someone who is situationally genderfluid moves between genders based on their enviroment. As a sub-section of genderfluid, it implies a pattern. (From genderqueeries.)
Skoliosexual - Sexually attracted to gender-variant or non-binary people. Not to be confused with fetishization of trans or non-binary people. Some trans and/or non-binary folks don’t like this because of problematic etymology or fetishistic usage, so I don’t advise using this.
Social Dysphoria - In trans discussions, dysphoria that is caused by being perceived or treated by other people as an incorrect gender.
Spivak Pronouns - E(y)/eir/em/emself. A set of gender-neutral pronouns.
SRS - Sex reassignment surgery.
Stand-to-pee - A device used to enable someone to urinate while standing up, in the manner that people with penises sometimes do.
Standards of Care - Full name: “Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People.” These are non-binding guidelines that influence the decisions of many doctors and other gatekeepers in determining whether trans people are allowed to get transitional medical care. Often criticized for being overly strict, for preventing trans youth from transitioning, and for compelling non-binary trans people to hide or lie about their experiences in order to receive treatment.
Stealth - Living publicly as one’s correct gender without being open about the fact that one is trans.
STP - Stand-to-pee.
T - Testosterone
TCR - Thyroid cartilage reduction surgery.
TERF - Trans-exclusive radical feminist. That is, they exclude trans people from their feminist movement, and are transphobic and transmisogynistic. See also TWERF.
Testosterone - The main androgen hormone in the human body. Supplemental testosterone is sometimes taken by trans people, usually with the intent of achieving a more masculine appearance.
The Surgery - A mysterious and frightening transformation spoken of by cis people who don’t know anything about how trans people actually transition.
They (singular) - See singular they.
Third Gender - A phrase used in anthropology for genders and gender roles that do not fit the Western constructs of “man” or “woman.” The phrase is problematic because of its colonialist or Eurocentric associations.
Tomboy - 1. A woman, usually a young girl, who behaves or dresses in a traditionally masculine or boyish way. 2. Occasionally used as a non-binary gender or presentation.
Top Surgery - A colloquial term for surgery that corrects one’s chest area to better match one’s gender presentation.
Trans - Short for transgender, or (less often) transsexual.
Trans* - Variant of “trans” that specifically denotes inclusion of non-binary, genderqueer and gender-variant people. The asterisk is controversial.
Trans Exclusive Radical Feminism - A sector of the feminist movement that does not accept trans people, especially trans women.
Trans man - A man who is also trans.
Trans woman - A woman who is also trans.
Transexual - Alternative spelling for transsexual.
Transfeminine - Having a gender that is female or feminine-of-center, and being trans.
Transgender - An umbrella term for all people and genders that do not match the gender that they were assigned at birth, or which was imposed on them by society, or which they were raised as.
Transition - To change one’s presentation to reflect a gender other than the one assigned at birth. Transitioning may include, but does not require, any of the following: changing one’s pronouns, wearing different clothing than before, altering one’s legal gender, taking hormone therapy, and undergoing surgery.
Transman - Alternative spelling for trans man. Not recommended because it is sometimes seen as implying that “transman” is separate from “man,” a form of cissexism.
Transmasculine - Having a gender that is male or masculine-of-center, and being trans.
Transmisogyny - Transphobia and misogyny combined, forming an especially virulent form of oppression against trans women and other transfeminine people.
Transphobe - A person who acts, thinks or speaks with transphobia.
Transphobia - Prejudice, stigma, or discrimination against trans, non-binary and/or genderqueer people. Can occur as both an individual attitude and as a widespread social force.
Transsexual - 1. A person whose gender does not match their assigned sex (similar to transgender). 2. A person who has changed, or wishes to change, their anatomy to better reflect their true gender. This is a loaded term and should not be used to refer to someone without their permission. Some transsexual people do not identify as transgender.
Transtrender - A derogatory word used by some trans people to invalidate other trans people’s identities. Not recommended for use, as it is frequently associated with respectability politics.
Transvestic Fetishism - A kink in which one derives pleasure (usually sexual) from wearing clothes of a different gender. This phrase is discredited in trans communities because it has often been used to delegitimize trans identities, especially those of trans women.
Transvestite - Old-fashioned word for a person who wears clothing of another gender. Not to be confused with transgender or transsexual. A loaded term, not recommended.
Transwoman - Alternative spelling for trans woman. Not recommended because it is sometimes seen as implying that “transwoman” is separate from “woman,” a form of cissexism.
Trigender - 1. Not identifying as male, female or androgynous, but constructing one’s own distinct gender. 2. Having a gender identity that includes or shifts between three or more distinct genders, similarly to bigender.
Truscum - Trans people who invalidate or perpetuate prejudice against other trans people, often by claiming that others are not “truly” trans or “trans enough.” This is often related to respectability politics.
Tucking - Moving the genitals into place to make the presence of a penis less obvious.
TWERF - Trans woman exclusive radical feminist. That is, they exclude trans woman from their feminist movement, and are transmisogynistic.
Two-Spirit, Two-Spirited - More information here. (Definition not provided because of potential colonialist issues.)
Woman-Born-Woman - A cisgender woman. This term is sometimes used by transphobic people to invalidate trans people, and as such, it is not recommended

There's a degree course in there somewhere, shirley?


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
Gender is not sexuality. A female can be a tomboy but heterosexual.

true, but i think that misunderstanding highlights exactly the problem. in an attempt to become all inclusive and in fear of offence, people can now identify a rainbow of genders, when really they are exploring/struggling with sexuality.

bottome line there are two genders, you cant change your chromosomes, no matter how many ops and hormones are taken.

Surf's Up

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2011
Vote Honey Badger, if yr not too exhausted by the time you've finished reading this thread


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
As a bloke who likes women,I'm starting to feel like I am an endangered species.

Does this help?

AFAB - Assigned female at birth.
Agender, Agendered - A non-binary identity, meaning without a gender or gender identity.
Alia, Aliagender - “A gender experience which is “other”, or stands apart from existing gender constructs” (from askanonbinary)
AMAB - Assigned male at birth.
Ambigender - 1. Available or common to more than one gender. 2. A non-binary identity related to androgyne, bigender, and/or genderfluid.
Androgens - Hormones such as testosterone, sometimes called “male sex hormones,” although people of any gender can have high androgen levels, and not all men have high androgen levels.
Androgyne - A non-binary identity, meaning a combination, blending, or in-between point between two genders (usually between male and female). Androgynes may or may not present androgynously, and may or may not experience multiple genders..
Androgynous, Androgyny - 1. Related to an androgyne gender identity. 2. A gender presentation that is ambiguous between male and female, or which blends them, or lies in the middle between them.
Androgynous of Center - Any of several gender identities that lean closer to “androgyne” than to male or female.
Androsexual - Sexually attracted to masculinity or to men. Warning: this word is sometimes used in transphobic ways.
Anti-Androgens - Drugs that negate the effects of testosterone, usually given during adolescence to trans youth who do not wish to develop conventionally “masculine” features. A type of hormone blockers.
Anti-Estrogens - Drugs that negate the effects of estradiol and other estrogens, usually given during adolescence to trans youth who do not wish to develop conventionally “feminine features.” A type of hormone blockers.
ASAB - Assigned sex at birth.
Assigned Sex (At Birth) - The gender identity imposed on someone by their family and by society. This gender is usually decided at birth or in utero, and is usually based on genitalia. Almost all people are assigned male or female at birth, even if they are intersex.
Autoandrophilia - Pleasure, sexual or otherwise, derived from imagining oneself as a man. The much rarer counterpart to autogynephilia, and also not recommended.
Autogynephilia - Pleasure, sexual or otherwise, derived from imagining oneself as a woman. Historically, diagnosis of autogynephilia was/is commonly used to restrict trans women’s access to transitioning, and to pathologize them as mentally ill. Not recommended for general discourse.
Being Read - An alternative phrase to “passing” that shifts responsibility of correct gendering onto onlookers, instead of on the person who is read. A trans person who is read correctly is recognized as their correct gender.
Bigender - A non-binary identity in which a person has two or more genders. Any combination of genders is possible, not just male/female. These genders may be present simultaneously, they may fluctuate, or both.
Binarism - The belief, prejudice or social force that claims only two genders exist, male and female, and that all non-binary and genderqueer gender identities are invalid. Binarism is inextricably tied to colonialism and racism, and is a way that Western European cultures attack the gender expression of other cultures and ethnic groups.
Binary Gender - A gender that is either strictly male or strictly female. This is not affected by whether a person is cis or trans: a trans man or trans woman has a binary gender, unless he or she also identifies as non-binary.
Binder - In trans discussions, a garment used to minimize or alter the appearance of breasts.
Binding - The practice of hiding or reshaping breasts, usually to achieve a more masculine or androgynous appearance.
Biological Essentialism - In trans discussions, the belief that a person’s gender can only be defined by their genes and/or genitalia at birth. Biological essentialism usually ignores the existence of intersex people and is a major component of transphobia.
Biological Sex - A social construct that categorizes human bodies as male or female based on chromosomes or genitalia. Contrary to popular belief, there are not two biological sexes, because people can be born with a wide variety of sexual characteristics, and many different combinations of sexual characteristics. Many trans and/or intersex people find the phrase or concept offensive, and prefer the phrase “assigned sex,” or “designated sex.”
Body Dysphoria - A feeling of stress or unhappiness related to one’s body. In trans discussions, it is a type of gender dysphoria caused by the body’s appearance clashing with one’s internal gender identity.
Bottom Surgery - A colloquial term for surgery that corrects one’s genitalia to better match one’s preferred gender presentation.
Brain Sex - A controversial idea that posits that a person’s gender identity may be reflected by the structure of their brain.
Butch - More reminiscent of what is traditionally considered boyish or masculine than feminine. May refer to a gender identity, gender presentation, or a style of dress. Often associated with lesbian culture.
CAFAB - Coercively assigned female at birth.
CAMAB - Coercively assigned male at birth.
CASAB - Coercively assigned sex at birth. See assigned sex at birth.
Cis - Short for cisgender or cissexual.
Cis Privilege - Short for cisgender privilege.
Cisgender - Consistently experiencing your gender in a way that matches the gender assigned to you at birth. Not trans.
Cisgender Privilege - The benefits, opportunities and everyday courtesies that cisgender people are able to take for granted, and which trans and non-binary people may not be able to count on.
Cishet - A person who is cisgender, hetero-romantic and heterosexual.
Cissexism - The unjust social institution that validates cisgender identities more than trans identities, and which grants privileges to cis people while oppressing trans people.
Cissexual - Usually a synonym for cisgender, though some people make a distinction, similar to the transgender/transsexual distinction.
Chaser - A person who seeks out trans people for dating or sex. Chasers have a bad reputation for fetishizing, disrespecting and mistreating trans people, especially trans women.
Chromosomes - Gene sequences that determine how an organism’s body develops and reproduces. The human sex chromosomes, X and Y, usually determine whether a fetus develops typical egg-producing anatomy or typical sperm-producing anatomy. However, other factors can affect a person’s anatomical and psychological development, and the chromosomes do not necessarily reflect a person’s true gender.
Clocking - An event in which an observer notices or realizes a trans person’s assigned sex at birth, without the trans person’s consent.
Colonialism - In trans discussions, colonialism is the practice of imposing Western systems of gender onto non-Western cultures, invalidating native people’s gender identities in the process. Colonialism can involve either denying that a gender exists, or reinterpreting the gender to fit a Western model, e.g. by claiming that a hijra person must be transgender. Binarism is a form of colonialism.
Coming Out - In trans discussions, the process of telling someone that one is trans. This applies both to trans people who have transitioned to live as their correct gender, as well as to those who have not.
Correct Pronouns - Alternate phrase for “preferred pronouns.
Corrective Rape - Sexual assault done with the intent to change someone’s sexual or romantic orientation, or gender identity. Trans people, especially trans women and sex workers, are sometimes victimized by corrective rape.
Crossdresser - A person who chooses to wear clothing that does not match their gender identity or usual gender presentation. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms. This is a loaded term and should not be used without the permission of the person being referred to.
Crossdressing - The act of wearing clothing that does not match one’s gender identity. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms. Trans people who wear the clothing of their assigned sex may consider themselves as crossdressing; when wearing clothing of their actual gender, they are not crossdressing, though they may appear that way to uninformed people.
Crossplay - To dress up as a fictional or historical character that is of a different gender than oneself. A controversial concept because clothing is not intrinsically gendered, and the wearer may define it as appropriate to their own gender regardless of social norms.
Deep Stealth - Living full-time as one’s correct gender, without any of the people one regularly interacts with knowing that one is trans.
Degender - To ignore or invalidate someone’s gender. Similar to misgendering, but does not necessarily impose a different, inaccurate gender onto the target person while invalidating them.
Dehumanization - A kind of stigma that lessens a person by making them seem less than human; often likening them to an animal, machine or monster. A common component of transphobia.
Demiboy - See demiguy.
Demienby - A gender that is partly one non-biinary gender, and partly another non-binary gender.
Demigender - Umbrella term for demigirl, demiguy, demienby, demiboy, and similar genders.
Demigirl - A gender that is partly female and partly non-binary. Can be AFAB or AMAB.
Demiguy - A gender that is partly male and partly non-binary. Can be AMAB or AFAB.
Detransition - To stop, pause, or reverse some or all of the effects of transitioning.
DFAB - Designated female at birth. Alternative to AFAB.
Desexualization - A stigma that denies a person’s sexuality or sexual agency. A common component of transphobia.
Designated Sex (At Birth) - An alternative phrase for assigned sex at birth.
DMAB - Designated male at birth. Alternative to AMAB.
Drag - Crossdressing. Drag is done for a wide variety of reasons and purposes. People in drag may attempt to plausibly appear as their target gender, parody gender, exaggerate gender, or deconstruct gender. Some people who wear drag are trans and some are not. See "Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
Drag King - A person who does not identify as male but dresses up to resemble one. Trans men are not drag kings, because they are men. However, some people who appear to be drag kings may later come to identify as trans men. See “Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
Drag Queen - A person who does not identify as female but dresses up to resemble one. Trans women are not drag queens, because they are women. However, some people who appear to be drag queens may later come to identify as trans women. See “Crossdressing” for problematic elements of this concept.
DSM - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-IV includes Gender Identity Disorder, which was renamed Gender Dysphoria in the DSM-V. There is controversy over whether these ideas should be included in the DSM or not.
Dysphoria - In trans discussions, a feeling of displeasure, stress, anxiety or depression related to one’s gender. See gender dysphoria.
Dyadic - Having a stereotypically male or female anatomy, as Western culture would define it; not intersex.
Electrolysis - Permanent hair removal. Sometimes taken by trans people to achieve a better gender presentation or feel more comfortable in their bodies.
Enby - Casual term for a non-binary person. Not all non-binary people want to be referred to as enbies, so individual preferences should be respected here.
Endocrinologist - A doctor who specializes in hormones. Trans people may need to see endocrinologists as they transition.
Epicene - An archaic term for someone who has characteristics of both genders, or who can’t be classified as purely male or female. Most often used for male-assigned people with feminine tendencies. Like most of these older terms, you shouldn’t refer to someone this way unless they give you permission.
Erasure - A lack of representation of a group in media, news and pop culture. Erasure may be either deliberate or accidental, and targets all queer identities to varying degrees.
Estradiol - The most potent and common form of estrogen in the human body. Supplemental estradiol is sometimes taken by trans people, usually with the intent of achieving a more feminine appearance.
Estrogens - Hormones such as estradiol. Sometimes called “female hormones,” although people of any gender can have high levels of estrogens, and not all women have high estrogen levels.
Eunuch - A man whose penis has been removed, or (rarely) a man who has been sterilized. This term should not be used to refer to trans people.
FAAB - Female-assigned at birth. Alternative to AFAB.
Female-bodied - A common but problematic term used for cis women and AFAB trans people who have not undergone transitional surgery. AFAB and DFAB are recommended instead.
Feminine of Center - Having a gender that is closer to “female” than to “male” or other genders.
Femme - Reminiscent of what is traditionally considered femininity. May refer to a gender identity, gender presentation, or a style of dress. Strongly associated with lesbian culture.
Fluid - Changeable, not static. Some people have fluid sexual orientations or gender identities. See genderfluid.
FTM, F2M - Female to male.
FTN, F2N - Female to neutral.
FTX, F2X - Female to an unspecified gender.
Full Time - Living as one’s correct gender every day, in all circumstances, in a way publicly visible to all people. Gatekeepers often require a period of living full-time before they are willing to approve of hormone therapy or surgery; this restriction can be dangerous or impossible for some trans people.
Gaff - Underwear used for tucking. Sometimes used by DMAB trans people.
Gatekeepers - People who have the power to progress or halt a trans person’s journey of transition. These can include doctors, government officials, employers, family members, and more.
Gender (noun) - A person’s internal mental experience of themself and their relationship to “male,” “female,” “androgynous,” “genderless,” and other identities. It is distinct from a person’s assigned sex, anatomy, gender presentation, pronouns, socialization, and sexual orientation. Some people do not have a gender.
Gender (verb) - To treat someone as if they are of a particular gender. This takes many forms, the most common of which are pronouns.
Gender Affirmation Surgery - Surgery that alters a person’s appearance to better reflect their preferred gender presentation. Also called gender confirmation surgery.
Gender Bender, Gender Bending - 1. Altering or playing with gender presentation. 2. In fiction, changing either a character’s gender identity, gender presentation, or both. A problematic concept because it tends to conflate gender identity with gender presentation or assigned sex.
Gender Binary - The Western social construct that only grants legitimacy to two genders, male and female. Is frequently oppressive towards people who are trans and/or intersex.
Gender Confirmation Surgery - Surgery that alters a person’s appearance to better reflect their preferred gender presentation. Also called gender affirmation surgery.
Gender Diversity - The inclusion of many or all genders, not just male and female.
Gender Dysphoria - 1. A feeling of discomfort, stress, confusion or negativity that is caused by a mismatch between one’s assigned sex and one’s actual gender. Can be either body dysphoria or social dysphoria, or both. Many trans and/or non-binary people experience gender dysphoria, but not all do. 2. The phrase used for transgender experiences in the DSM-V.
Gender Identity Disorder - The phrase used for transgender experiences in the DSM-IV.
Gender Essentialism - The belief that there are intrinsic and unchangeable differences between genders, and that these differences manifest as anatomy, chromosomes, behavior, socialization and/or gender roles. A key component of transphobia.
Gender Expression - The speech, clothing, body modification choices, gestures, behavior, and social role through which a person demonstrates their gender.
Gender Neutral - Not specific or restricted to any particular gender.
Gender Neutral Language - The use of nouns, titles and pronouns in such a way as to avoid specifying gender. This is useful for making environments and discussions more accessible to trans and non-binary people.
Gender Nonconformity - Acting, speaking or dressing in a manner that is not traditionally encouraged for members of one’s gender.
Gender Norm - An arbitrary expectation or standard that is applied to people of a certain gender.
Gender Presentation - The way that a person’s gender superficially appears to onlookers, which may be affected by anatomy, clothing, makeup, hairstyle, speech patterns and body language. May also include a person’s stated desire to be treated as a certain gender and referred to with certain pronouns.
Gender Reassignment Surgery - An older term for gender affirmation surgery or gender confirmation surgery. It is rather inaccurate because the surgery does not change the recipient’s gender, but alters the body to better reflect the gender.
Gender Role - A set of expectations, standards, and cultural pressures associated with a particular gender. People may freely choose to follow or disregard gender roles. Conformity to gender roles does not reflect a person’s actual gender; cis people who violate gender roles do not become trans, nor do trans people need to follow traditional gender roles in order for their genders to be valid.
Gender-Variant - 1. Behaving or presenting one’s gender in a way that does not fit traditional models of male or female. 2. An umbrella term, similar to non-binary and genderqueer.
Genderflexible - See genderfluid.
Genderfluid - Having a gender that is changeable. Genderfluid people may shift between multiple genders over time, or feel gender in different ways over time. Their preferred pronouns and gender presentation may or may not reflect these changes. Related to but distinct from genderflux.
Genderflux - Having a gender that varies in intensity or degree over time; related to but distinct from genderfluid.
Gender**** - Gender presentation that deliberately seeks to violate conventional standards of male or female presentation.
Genderless - Without a gender or gender identity. Similar to agender.
Genderqueer - 1. An umbrella term that includes all gender identities other than strictly male or strictly female. Covers the same set of people as “non-binary,” but it has different social and political connotations, and is more strongly associated with “queering gender” and the queer political movement. 2. Gender presentation that is not strictly male or female.
Genetic Sex - See biological sex.
Graygender, greygender - “A person who identifies as (at least partially) outside the gender binary and has a strong natural ambivalence about their gender identity or gender expression.” Coined by invernom; see link for more details.
GSD - Gender and sexual diversity. See GSM.
GSM, GSRM - Gender, sexual (and romantic) minorities. An alternative acronym to LGBT+.
Gynecomastia - Uncommonly large breast tissue in non-female persons.
Gynosexual - Sexually attracted to femininity, or to women. This word has also been wrongly used to mean “attracted to women with vaginas,” and to thus exclude trans women. (Note that gyno- is a prefix meaning “woman,” not “vagina.”) Because of this, many trans people do not like this word.
Harry Benjamin Syndrome - An outdated term for transgender or transsexual experiences. Not recommended because of problematic associations about what constitutes “true” transsexuality.
HBS - Harry Benjamin Syndrome.
Hermaphrodite - A creature with both male and female sexual characteristics. This term should not be applied to humans.
Heteronormativity - The cultural force that expects all people to be cisgender, heteroromantic and heterosexual. Major problem that affects all queer identities, including asexuals. Closely linked to homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and acephobia.
Heterosexism - See heteronormativity.
Hijra - More information here. (Definition not provided because of potential colonialist issues.)
Hormone Blockers - Drugs used to negate or prevent the effects of hormones, particularly sex hormones. These include anti-androgens and anti-estrogens. Also called puberty blockers, puberty suppressors, puberty inhibitors, or hormone suppressors.
Hormone Replacement Therapy - Therapy in which a person is given hormones that their body lacks, or does not have enough of. Many, but not all, trans people choose to use hormones to alter their gender presentation. Some cis people also undergo hormone replacement therapy for other purposes, e.g. estrogen replacement for postmenopausal women.
HRT - Hormone replacement therapy.
Hypersexualization - Treating a person as highly or overly sexual, or sexually objectifying them, at the cost of respecting them as a person. Commonly done by chasers and trans fetishists to trans people, especially trans women.
Identity Policing - Telling a person that the way they identify, or the labels they use to describe themselves, are wrong.
Internalization - The unconscious process in which a person accepts society’s values and applies them to themself. Internalized homophobia, misogyny, cissexism and transphobia can hinder a person’s understanding and acceptance of their gender.
Intersex - Born with anatomy or genetics that do not easily fit into the Western cultural stereotypes of "male bodies" or “female bodies.” This should not be considered a defect or disorder. Intersex people can be cisgender or transgender, and of any gender identity. There are many ways that a person can be intersex.
Intergender - A gender identity that is particularly intended for intersex people to use.
Invalidation - In trans discussions, a refusal to acknowledge someone’s gender as real and worthy of respect, or to acknowledge the value of their experiences.
Kathoey - More information here. (Definition not provided due to potential colonialist issues.)
LGBT+ - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and others. An acronym for the cultural and political community of people who are not heterosexual, hetero-romantic and cisgender. Sometimes expanded up to LGBT*QQIAUP+, in which T* = all transgender, non-binary and genderqueer people; Q = queer/questioning; I = intersex; A = asexual; U = undecided; and P = pansexual.
MAAB - Male-assigned at birth. Alternative to AMAB.
Male-bodied - A common but problematic term used for cis men and AMAB trans people who have not undergone transitional surgery. AMAB and DMAB are recommended instead.
Masculine of Center - Having a gender that is closer to “male” than to “female” or other genders.
Masculinization - 1. The process by which a person’s gender presentation becomes closer to what is traditionally considered masculine. 2. In fetal development, the process by which androgen hormones affect the developing brain.
Misgender - To treat someone as the incorrect gender.
Mispronoun - To misgender someone by using an incorrect pronoun for them.
MTF, M2F - Male to female.
MTN, M2N - Male to neutral.
MTX, M2X - Male to an unspecified gender.
Multigender - An umbrella term for all people with multiple genders, including bigender, trigender, polygender and pangender, as well as genderfluid people who identify as multigender.
Muxe - More information here. (Definition not provided due to potential colonialist issues.)
Mx. - A gender-neutral honorific, analogous to Mr. or Ms.
Natal Man/Woman - A cisgender woman. This term is sometimes used by transphobic people to invalidate trans people, and as such, it is not recommended.
Neutrois - 1. Having a gender that is specifically neutral, or a neutral third gender that is neither male nor female. 2. Without a gender or gender identity, similar to agender. 3. A form of gender presentation without prominent sexual characteristics.
No Gender - Without a gender or gender identity. See also agender and genderless.
Non-binary - 1. Any gender, or lack of gender, or mix of genders, that is not strictly male or female. 2. “Non-binary is a term for people who are not men or women, or are both men and women, or who are something else entirely, or are some combination of these things, or some of these things some of the time.” –askanonbinary
Non-Gendered - Without a gender or gender identity. Similar to agender and genderless.
Packer - A prosthetic penis or similar tool, often used by trans men and transmasculine AFAB people.
Packing - The act of using a packer.
Pangender - Having or experiencing all genders, or many genders, either simultaneously or over time; may also include an agender or genderless experience. (Note: This term may have racist/colonialist implications if a person uses it to claim an identity from a culture they are not part of or are not treating with respect.)
Passing - The state of being perceived as the gender one wishes to be seen as.
Pathologization - The act of treating something as an illness or disorder, which is abnormal and needs to be fixed. Transgender status is often pathologized, especially for trans women.
Polygender - Having or experiencing several genders, either simultaneously or over time; may also include an agender or genderless experience.
Preferred Pronouns - The pronouns that a person wished to be called by. Using a person’s preferred pronouns is a key part of respecting their gender. Also called “correct pronouns.”
Presentation, Presenting - See gender presentation.
Primary Sex Characteristics - Anatomical organs that play a direct role in reproduction, such as the genitals.
Pronouns - Small words such as he, she, her, them, and us, which are used to refer to people. In English, there are four common third-person pronoun groups: he/his/him, she/hers/her, they/their/them, and it/its/it. Individual people may decide which of these pronouns they wish to be referred to as, or they may use pronouns that have been more recently coined.
Puberty Blocker - See hormone blockers.
Queer - An umbrella term for all people who are not heterosexual, heteroromantic and cisgender, and who self-identify as queer. A sensitive issue because of its history as a slur. Some trans and/or non-binary people identify as queer, and others do not.
Queering Gender - The act of playing with, deconstructing, transforming or reclaiming gender, moving it from a heteronormative, patriarchal and cissexist perspective into a queer perspective.
Radscum - Feminists who exclude, invalidate or attack trans people, especially toward trans women.
Rape Culture - The social expectations that make rape and sexual assault more socially acceptable, or which cause people to deny importance or recognition to acts of sexual assault.
Read - In trans discussions, to correctly perceive someone as their true gender, which may or may not be their assigned sex at birth.
Real Life Test - A requirement some gatekeepers require trans people to go through before they are willing to provide hormone therapy or surgery; may last anywhere from a few month to several years. This restriction can be dangerous or impossible for some trans people.
Secondary Sex Characteristics - Anatomical features that develop during puberty, and which are related to sex hormones but not directly involved in reproduction. Examples include facial hair and rounded breasts.
Sex Change - An outdated and inaccurate term for what is now called transitioning.
Dip stick curious- A term used for females pretending they are males and flucking up the car in the process
Sex Reassignment Surgery - An older term for what is often now called gender confirmation surgery or gender affirmation surgery.
Sexual Orientation - The group of people or genders to which a person can become sexually attracted, if at all.
Singular They - Yes, this is grammatical. “They” is a convenient way to refer to a person of uncertain gender, or whose preferred pronouns are unknown. Some people also adopt “they” as their correct pronoun.
Situational Genderfluid - Someone who is situationally genderfluid moves between genders based on their enviroment. As a sub-section of genderfluid, it implies a pattern. (From genderqueeries.)
Skoliosexual - Sexually attracted to gender-variant or non-binary people. Not to be confused with fetishization of trans or non-binary people. Some trans and/or non-binary folks don’t like this because of problematic etymology or fetishistic usage, so I don’t advise using this.
Social Dysphoria - In trans discussions, dysphoria that is caused by being perceived or treated by other people as an incorrect gender.
Spivak Pronouns - E(y)/eir/em/emself. A set of gender-neutral pronouns.
SRS - Sex reassignment surgery.
Stand-to-pee - A device used to enable someone to urinate while standing up, in the manner that people with penises sometimes do.
Standards of Care - Full name: “Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People.” These are non-binding guidelines that influence the decisions of many doctors and other gatekeepers in determining whether trans people are allowed to get transitional medical care. Often criticized for being overly strict, for preventing trans youth from transitioning, and for compelling non-binary trans people to hide or lie about their experiences in order to receive treatment.
Stealth - Living publicly as one’s correct gender without being open about the fact that one is trans.
STP - Stand-to-pee.
T - Testosterone
TCR - Thyroid cartilage reduction surgery.
TERF - Trans-exclusive radical feminist. That is, they exclude trans people from their feminist movement, and are transphobic and transmisogynistic. See also TWERF.
Testosterone - The main androgen hormone in the human body. Supplemental testosterone is sometimes taken by trans people, usually with the intent of achieving a more masculine appearance.
The Surgery - A mysterious and frightening transformation spoken of by cis people who don’t know anything about how trans people actually transition.
They (singular) - See singular they.
Third Gender - A phrase used in anthropology for genders and gender roles that do not fit the Western constructs of “man” or “woman.” The phrase is problematic because of its colonialist or Eurocentric associations.
Tomboy - 1. A woman, usually a young girl, who behaves or dresses in a traditionally masculine or boyish way. 2. Occasionally used as a non-binary gender or presentation.
Top Surgery - A colloquial term for surgery that corrects one’s chest area to better match one’s gender presentation.
Trans - Short for transgender, or (less often) transsexual.
Trans* - Variant of “trans” that specifically denotes inclusion of non-binary, genderqueer and gender-variant people. The asterisk is controversial.
Trans Exclusive Radical Feminism - A sector of the feminist movement that does not accept trans people, especially trans women.
Trans man - A man who is also trans.
Trans woman - A woman who is also trans.
Transexual - Alternative spelling for transsexual.
Transfeminine - Having a gender that is female or feminine-of-center, and being trans.
Transgender - An umbrella term for all people and genders that do not match the gender that they were assigned at birth, or which was imposed on them by society, or which they were raised as.
Transition - To change one’s presentation to reflect a gender other than the one assigned at birth. Transitioning may include, but does not require, any of the following: changing one’s pronouns, wearing different clothing than before, altering one’s legal gender, taking hormone therapy, and undergoing surgery.
Transman - Alternative spelling for trans man. Not recommended because it is sometimes seen as implying that “transman” is separate from “man,” a form of cissexism.
Transmasculine - Having a gender that is male or masculine-of-center, and being trans.
Transmisogyny - Transphobia and misogyny combined, forming an especially virulent form of oppression against trans women and other transfeminine people.
Transphobe - A person who acts, thinks or speaks with transphobia.
Transphobia - Prejudice, stigma, or discrimination against trans, non-binary and/or genderqueer people. Can occur as both an individual attitude and as a widespread social force.
Transsexual - 1. A person whose gender does not match their assigned sex (similar to transgender). 2. A person who has changed, or wishes to change, their anatomy to better reflect their true gender. This is a loaded term and should not be used to refer to someone without their permission. Some transsexual people do not identify as transgender.
Transtrender - A derogatory word used by some trans people to invalidate other trans people’s identities. Not recommended for use, as it is frequently associated with respectability politics.
Transvestic Fetishism - A kink in which one derives pleasure (usually sexual) from wearing clothes of a different gender. This phrase is discredited in trans communities because it has often been used to delegitimize trans identities, especially those of trans women.
Transvestite - Old-fashioned word for a person who wears clothing of another gender. Not to be confused with transgender or transsexual. A loaded term, not recommended.
Transwoman - Alternative spelling for trans woman. Not recommended because it is sometimes seen as implying that “transwoman” is separate from “woman,” a form of cissexism.
Trigender - 1. Not identifying as male, female or androgynous, but constructing one’s own distinct gender. 2. Having a gender identity that includes or shifts between three or more distinct genders, similarly to bigender.
Truscum - Trans people who invalidate or perpetuate prejudice against other trans people, often by claiming that others are not “truly” trans or “trans enough.” This is often related to respectability politics.
Tucking - Moving the genitals into place to make the presence of a penis less obvious.
TWERF - Trans woman exclusive radical feminist. That is, they exclude trans woman from their feminist movement, and are transmisogynistic.
Two-Spirit, Two-Spirited - More information here. (Definition not provided because of potential colonialist issues.)
Woman-Born-Woman - A cisgender woman. This term is sometimes used by transphobic people to invalidate trans people, and as such, it is not recommended

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