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[News] Alistair Darling RIP


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2017
He always seemed to be on top of things with good judgement and sound policies. He handled the financial crisis well: intervening when he needed to for the national good and stepping back when it was better for the market to resolve issues. He reduced VAT temporarily which was derided as a waste of time but which seemed to stimulate the economy in its hour of need.

I just wish we had that level of competence from the current batch of politicians from both sides.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2005
I stand to be corrected but at the time of the banking crisis was it actually genuine that the line of the cash points were about to run dry of cash it was Darling who intervened and kept the cash flowing ?


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
Blimey, another one gone today....busy day , Shane, Alistair, Henry, and now Jimmy Corkhill ! RIP all but, maybe not Henry.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2013
A politician with gravitas. Not exactly overburdened with them at the moment. Honest, good communicator, and we're lucky that we had him in the run-up to and the saga of the financial meltdown, not forgetting its aftermath. Very early but maybe a relief after a long struggle.

Randy McNob

Now go home and get your f#cking Shinebox
Jun 13, 2020
He liked printing money, we're still paying the price for that now
Is the right answer

Interesting ted talk which debunks the myth governments saved the banking sector when in fact they made it worse

Oh yeah....RIP

Sid and the Sharknados

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 4, 2022
Is the right answer

Interesting ted talk which debunks the myth governments saved the banking sector when in fact they made it worse

Oh yeah....RIP

It's not "the right answer".
I haven't watched the talk (because I'm in a pub very cheerful that we just won), but I know enough about economics to know that anybody who says a government should have done X with any degree of certainty is talking out of their ARSE.

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