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Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
However many times you repeat yourself as your mentor would say "You know it" is racism at issue, not fascism.

I guess your family view in the Second World War was to align with Nazi Germany rather than oppose or have you let them down as an individual?

Yes I realise it's racism. Thus I've pointed out both groups are anti-semitic previously.

My family opposed the Nazis and those equally vile Communists. The anti-Communism was strong in my family.

What you're doing is setting up a scenario that shows exactly why the Middle East is stuffed.

You have two extremist groups both rotten to the core as each other. You tap one on the shoulder as tell them they are the good guys. Then they get to go around acting like complete pricks because you dubbed them the good guys despite them being anything but. You've given them agency however.

Then they start doing and saying things that make you realise they are cut from the same clothe as the other bunch of shitlords.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2010
Yes I realise it's racism. Thus I've pointed out both groups are anti-semitic previously.

My family opposed the Nazis and those equally vile Communists. The anti-Communism was strong in my family.

What you're doing is setting up a scenario that shows exactly why the Middle East is stuffed.

You have two extremist groups both rotten to the core as each other. You tap one on the shoulder as tell them they are the good guys. Then they get to go around acting like complete pricks because you dubbed them the good guys despite them being anything but. You've given them agency however.

Then they start doing and saying things that make you realise they are cut from the same clothe as the other bunch of shitlords.

One thing we can agree on is I'm a fascist, anti neo Nazi. Where do you stand? Liberal?

Stat Brother

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
West west west Sussex
King Donald the First:-



Well-known member
May 19, 2009
Nazis of any kind: Bad
Antifa and left wing terrorism: Bad
Terrorism in general: Bad
Not being a terrorist or supporting terrorism behaviour: Good.

I learned that as a child, it was pretty obvious, but seems to be different these days.

Yes it's all black and white :-

Black pride is a movement in response to dominant white cultures and ideologies that encourages black people to celebrate black culture and embrace their African heritage.[1] In the United States, it was a direct response to white racism especially during the Civil Rights Movement.[2] Related movements include black power,[2] black nationalism,[2] Black Panthers and Afrocentrism.

White pride is a motto primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations in order to signal racist or racialist viewpoints.[3][4] It is also a slogan used by the prominent post-Ku Klux Klan group Stormfront and a term used to make racist/racialist viewpoints more palatable to the general public who may associate historical abuses with the terms "white nationalist", "neo-Nazi", and "white supremacist".


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2010
Charlotte, NC
Yes it's all black and white :-

Black pride is a movement in response to dominant white cultures and ideologies that encourages black people to celebrate black culture and embrace their African heritage.[1] In the United States, it was a direct response to white racism especially during the Civil Rights Movement.[2] Related movements include black power,[2] black nationalism,[2] Black Panthers and Afrocentrism.

White pride is a motto primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations in order to signal racist or racialist viewpoints.[3][4] It is also a slogan used by the prominent post-Ku Klux Klan group Stormfront and a term used to make racist/racialist viewpoints more palatable to the general public who may associate historical abuses with the terms "white nationalist", "neo-Nazi", and "white supremacist".

I have no idea what any of this has to do with what I posted.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2010
He usually just posts racist links and nonsense so I'm confused too.

Maybe he is a defector and left the racist, neo Nazi, Fascist thug side to become a non racist, neo Nazi Fascist thug. We're winning! The Liberal, Australian immigrant will defect next.


Mama said knock you out.
Oct 14, 2009
These are the people that Tyrone Biggums thinks should go unopposed when they gather.

Parental guidance required.

Thank goodness that some people have the wisdom and the courage to stand up to hate.
If these Nazi scumbags rocked up in my manor then I'd be on the streets opposing their "right" to protest whatever they're protesting (they're not, they're just trying to increase hatred and violence). Along with every single person I know, regardless of their politics.

They're filth and the people wanting them out of their town are correct. One person wanting them out was murdered, Trump says they're the same. There's no comparison.

Tyrone is just digging himself a BG style hole as even Bush senior and Dubya disagree. The bloody liberals that they are.

Trump both helped to create this environment of hate and is fanning the flames. Not because he's necessarily a racist himself (hmmm) but because he's a ****ing idiot who will do whatever he thinks is best to assist him. At the moment, that's "not pissing off the few who still support him".

And the likes of ex (and current) KKK members, "alt-right" moron teenagers, anti fact conspiracy nut jobs, plain old dimwit racists and the terminally stupid are all he has left.

So he's playing to the audience as ever, despite the fact that it's a pretty small (unfortunately still relatively big in the USA but percentage wise, dwindling) one now.

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Trump both helped to create this environment of hate and is fanning the flames. Not because he's necessarily a racist himself (hmmm) but because he's a ****ing idiot who will do whatever he thinks is best to assist him. At the moment, that's "not pissing off the few who still support him".

From Vanity Fair, July 2015. Originally from 1990.

Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil Hitler,” possibly as a family joke.

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.

“Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” I said.

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)

Later, Trump returned to this subject. “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”

Is Ivana trying to convince her friends and lawyer that Trump is a crypto-Nazi? Trump is no reader or history buff. Perhaps his possession of Hitler’s speeches merely indicates an interest in Hitler’s genius at propaganda. The Führer often described his defeats at Stalingrad and in North Africa as great victories. Trump continues to endow his diminishing world with significance as well.


5 millionth post poster
Mar 4, 2004
I do struggle to take seriously a group of people marching with garden torches in their hands. I use to have them in the garden to keep away flies when we had a barbeque.

Stat Brother

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 11, 2003
West west west Sussex
Trump has been President for 208 days.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
Had this forwarded to me a couple of days ago.
Potential next battleground after Charlottesville at The University Of Florida as "alt-right" activists (Spencer) are seeking to hire a venue for a rally.
The President of the university is seeking a different path though from the anti organisers at Charlottesville who were seeking to shut down the protest with violence. Seems he is asking people not to engage with these loons and give them the media oxygen they crave.
I doubt the lunatic element of Antifa will heed this common sense advice.

Dear Campus Community,

The National Policy Institute has reached out to the university to reserve space for a speaking event featuring white nationalist and “alt-right” activist Richard Spencer on September 12.

This organization is unaffiliated with the university, and no student groups or other groups affiliated with the university are sponsoring this speech. This event is not finalized and it is still under discussion.

Per university regulation 2.004, non-university groups, organizations and persons may rent space on campus, provided they cover rental expenses and security costs like all other third-party renters.

UF administration, staff and campus police are developing a security plan for the potential event and are working with colleagues across the country who have had similar events on their campus.

For many in our community, including myself, this speaker’s presence would be deeply disturbing. What we’ve watched happen in Charlottesville, VA. in the last 24 hours, is deplorable. I again denounce all statements and symbols of hate. The University of Florida is a community of learners, educators and scholars. We encourage open and honest dialogue, and we strive to build an inclusive environment where hate is not welcome.

While this speaker’s views do not align with our values as an institution, we must follow the law, upholding the First Amendment not to discriminate based on content and provide access to a public space.
Though we have a responsibility as a public university, we also have a vital duty to our students, faculty and staff to uphold our educational mission.

Instead of allowing hateful speech to tear us down, I urge our campus community to join together, respect one another and promote positive speech, while allowing for differing opinions. These types of groups want media attention. I encourage our campus community to send a message of unity by not engaging with this group and giving them more media attention for their message of intolerance and hate.

It is up to every student, faculty member, staff member, and myself to demonstrate our university values of respect and inclusion in all that we do. We have an opportunity to lead the way.
We will continue to keep you updated as more information develops through email and our information line: 1-866-UF-Facts.

Warm Regards,
W. Kent Fuchs
University of Florida


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly
Kermit is still supporting Trump it seems

. Capture.JPG

Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Had this forwarded to me a couple of days ago.
Potential next battleground after Charlottesville at The University Of Florida as "alt-right" activists (Spencer) are seeking to hire a venue for a rally.
The President of the university is seeking a different path though from the anti organisers at Charlottesville who were seeking to shut down the protest with violence. Seems he is asking people not to engage with these loons and give them the media oxygen they crave.
I doubt the lunatic element of Antifa will heed this common sense advice.

Dear Campus Community,

The National Policy Institute has reached out to the university to reserve space for a speaking event featuring white nationalist and “alt-right” activist Richard Spencer on September 12.

This organization is unaffiliated with the university, and no student groups or other groups affiliated with the university are sponsoring this speech. This event is not finalized and it is still under discussion.

Per university regulation 2.004, non-university groups, organizations and persons may rent space on campus, provided they cover rental expenses and security costs like all other third-party renters.

UF administration, staff and campus police are developing a security plan for the potential event and are working with colleagues across the country who have had similar events on their campus.

For many in our community, including myself, this speaker’s presence would be deeply disturbing. What we’ve watched happen in Charlottesville, VA. in the last 24 hours, is deplorable. I again denounce all statements and symbols of hate. The University of Florida is a community of learners, educators and scholars. We encourage open and honest dialogue, and we strive to build an inclusive environment where hate is not welcome.

While this speaker’s views do not align with our values as an institution, we must follow the law, upholding the First Amendment not to discriminate based on content and provide access to a public space.
Though we have a responsibility as a public university, we also have a vital duty to our students, faculty and staff to uphold our educational mission.

Instead of allowing hateful speech to tear us down, I urge our campus community to join together, respect one another and promote positive speech, while allowing for differing opinions. These types of groups want media attention. I encourage our campus community to send a message of unity by not engaging with this group and giving them more media attention for their message of intolerance and hate.

It is up to every student, faculty member, staff member, and myself to demonstrate our university values of respect and inclusion in all that we do. We have an opportunity to lead the way.
We will continue to keep you updated as more information develops through email and our information line: 1-866-UF-Facts.

Warm Regards,
W. Kent Fuchs
University of Florida

He's been banned from there now. The next flashpoint is in Kentucky.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2010
Had this forwarded to me a couple of days ago.
Potential next battleground after Charlottesville at The University Of Florida as "alt-right" activists (Spencer) are seeking to hire a venue for a rally.
The President of the university is seeking a different path though from the anti organisers at Charlottesville who were seeking to shut down the protest with violence. Seems he is asking people not to engage with these loons and give them the media oxygen they crave.
I doubt the lunatic element of Antifa will heed this common sense advice.

Dear Campus Community,

The National Policy Institute has reached out to the university to reserve space for a speaking event featuring white nationalist and “alt-right” activist Richard Spencer on September 12.

This organization is unaffiliated with the university, and no student groups or other groups affiliated with the university are sponsoring this speech. This event is not finalized and it is still under discussion.

Per university regulation 2.004, non-university groups, organizations and persons may rent space on campus, provided they cover rental expenses and security costs like all other third-party renters.

UF administration, staff and campus police are developing a security plan for the potential event and are working with colleagues across the country who have had similar events on their campus.

For many in our community, including myself, this speaker’s presence would be deeply disturbing. What we’ve watched happen in Charlottesville, VA. in the last 24 hours, is deplorable. I again denounce all statements and symbols of hate. The University of Florida is a community of learners, educators and scholars. We encourage open and honest dialogue, and we strive to build an inclusive environment where hate is not welcome.

While this speaker’s views do not align with our values as an institution, we must follow the law, upholding the First Amendment not to discriminate based on content and provide access to a public space.
Though we have a responsibility as a public university, we also have a vital duty to our students, faculty and staff to uphold our educational mission.

Instead of allowing hateful speech to tear us down, I urge our campus community to join together, respect one another and promote positive speech, while allowing for differing opinions. These types of groups want media attention. I encourage our campus community to send a message of unity by not engaging with this group and giving them more media attention for their message of intolerance and hate.

It is up to every student, faculty member, staff member, and myself to demonstrate our university values of respect and inclusion in all that we do. We have an opportunity to lead the way.
We will continue to keep you updated as more information develops through email and our information line: 1-866-UF-Facts.

Warm Regards,
W. Kent Fuchs
University of Florida

Forward this to whoever forwarded that to you "It is off"

Incredible that the Donald has just made it impossible to have a white supremacist, neo Nazi weekend away on a campus.

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