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Trump..... How did it happen ??..

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
I know full well the antifa and have seen it first hand. I wrote in my post about my time dabbling with the anti-fash, it was bang on those marches. let's just say there's two sides to every story eh. I stopped marching with the antifa because I didn't like the violent element that was just there looking for a fight and nothing else. Until orgs like mfe get rid of the same element on their marches, it's always going to end the same. I don't mind you calling out the left or the antifa, I've seen it, I don't agree with it. But let's not act all innocent like the right are all buttercups and peaches. They've got a long precedent and it was more than a few fists. there's also pretty hard evidence that mixed in with mfe was NF, EDL and the more loosely affiliated right wingers like the P&M, NA etc. and that was always the mfe problem in my eyes after those first two years. Tommy Robinson said the same thing himself, he might not have had anything to do with mfe, but edl were certainly heavily represented and he has said on numerous occasions that until the right disown the violent hate groups (you can't throw a seig Heil and expect to be called anything else, sorry) that tag along rather than patting them on the back, it's always going to descend to violence and the point is lost. Its a common theme recently for the right to play victim, but they're not looking in their own back yard. I'm not posting links but anyone who searches March for England can find the blog posts from these groups and their agenda is clear as day. They don't try and hide it.

Anyway, I'm not dragging up mfe history, we all know how it turned out. My point about it being nonsense is that the police do not go lightly with the antifa, it's easy to feel victimized and the argus was defo not on the side of mfe, but the police? from my point of view, they didn't give a **** which side it was, it was chaos and they were having the lot I'd expect.

And that's all I'm going to say on the matter, I oppose racism and hatred, and I oppose the violence equally, from both sides.

Those other groups you mention like the EDL ect only came along after the 2nd march, up until then it was mainly families with painted faces etc, as i keep saying and i don't wish to get in to an argument with you over this but "we were the victims here one else", as i already said before hand the police even admitted so themselves, just before the third march got given the go ahead and just to prove to the police that we were absolutely genuine and committed about keeping our side of the bargain i.e. keeping this event peaceful and family oriented we put it to the police..can we have ANTIFA sitting around this table with us so that we can discuss terms in a civilized and behaved manner . the officer on hand thought this to be a good idea but when he contacted the group.. both ANTIFA and SWP declined and said that they do not and will not discuss anything with fascists. so to sum this up we tried everything that we could possibly do (as did the police) in order to keeping this a happy and peaceful event.. but the lefties declined... the very same lot who started the trouble from the very beginning. and still it's us who get the blame every single time from all sides..police media everyone and just because we are slightly to the right.. it does infuriate me:angry: had it not been for the likes of ANTIFA etc the EDL most definitely wouldn't have been involved and the march would most probably still be taking place today. are you proud of that ?

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
I'm calling bullshit on this. I went to observe the few marches you lot did. First ever one, goose stepping down queens road, telling bystanders to **** off. My personal highlight was the skinheads giving the Nazi salute to an Asian photographer while the police looked on and did nothing. Sorry, you're version of events is utter rot. I was there and I saw the aggression you came with and how you treated the residents of Brighton. You mob were foul.

I't is classless comments like this which infuriate me, you have the brass neck to call our lot foul yet totally dismiss the disgusting behavior from your very own. and how you can just sit there and lie through.your teeth is beyond me. it is because of liars like you that the right have attracted such a name. do doubt you are proud of yourself.for doing so ..people like you always are.
This is the very last time i shall be replying to you so, tah te tah.. .


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2014
Those other groups you mention like the EDL ect only came along after the 2nd march, up until then it was mainly families with painted faces etc, as i keep saying and i don't wish to get in to an argument with you over this but "we were the victims here one else", as i already said before hand the police even admitted so themselves, just before the third march got given the go ahead and just to prove to the police that we were absolutely genuine and committed about keeping our side of the bargain i.e. keeping this event peaceful and family oriented we put it to the police..can we have ANTIFA sitting around this table with us so that we can discuss terms in a civilized and behaved manner . the officer on hand thought this to be a good idea but when he contacted the group.. both ANTIFA and SWP declined and said that they do not and will not discuss anything with fascists. so to sum this up we tried everything that we could possibly do (as did the police) in order to keeping this a happy and peaceful event.. but the lefties declined... the very same lot who started the trouble from the very beginning. and still it's us who get the blame every single time from all sides..police media everyone and just because we are slightly to the right.. it does infuriate me:angry: had it not been for the likes of ANTIFA etc the EDL most definitely wouldn't have been involved and the march would most probably still be taking place today. are you proud of that ?

I think you're blinded by your politics tbh because I largely agree with your post and said as such in the post you quoted. I didn't counter protest the original mfe with uaf because I didn't see the point as it wasn't violent and chock full of racist hate groups like the following years were. The antifa won't deal with police full stop, another reason I'm not their biggest fan anymore. Furthermore you ask if I'm proud? If you'd read my post properly is obvious I'm not, I stated I don't agree with them or march with them anymore. Calling victim is bull though. The lead ups to mfe after the first years being counter protested by uaf were full of Internet hype akin to a wrestling match on the relevant left/right blogs and Fb pages. No one came "first" and to deny that mfe did anything to stop the violent and racist elements getting involved just because you had a chat with the police is disingenuous at best. It was fully promoted to the edl which was absolutely going to promote it to the splinter far right groups in turn. There was not a peep from mfe asking them to stay away, because mfe was run by a guy who was involved with most of them anyway and has history enough worth some very far right groups. The march turned into a farce. If, as you say you were one of the mfe marchers who just wanted a nice day out waving a few flags, that's unfortunate for you, but you simply can't deny that the the event was embraced by the far right. Golden Dawn members were there FFS. The far left responded. If that's not an obvious outcome if don't know what is. And if this is really news to you, I would suggest not going to marches without researching who you're walking with.

Like I say, the first year or two, there were counter protests by the uaf, I didn't go as I didn't agree. If people want to have a peaceful knees up for St Georges, knock yourselves out. I'm not even really saying I disagree with everything you're saying, but I take issue when you act like the mfe shit didn't stink. It did. The palace bus driver would've been proud.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
I't is classless comments like this which infuriate me, you have the brass neck to call our lot foul yet totally dismiss the disgusting behavior from your very own. and how you can just sit there and lie through.your teeth is beyond me. it is because of liars like you that the right have attracted such a name. do doubt you are proud of yourself.for doing so ..people like you always are.
This is the very last time i shall be replying to you so, tah te tah.. .

My very own? Who do you think I associate with? Never been on an anti fascist march or meeting or anything else of the sort in my life. I went along to observe because a poster on here was telling us all it's a family day out and not to comment until we have seen it. So I went and saw it. It was a bunch of fascists.
And you wonder why people don't wish to discuss things with you. I reported what I saw. You called me classless and a liar. If antifascists attacked you, I didn't see it. I followed you lot at from the station to the clocktower. In that short time I saw what I described above. There was certainly an element there, with your march, that were Fascists. I saw goose stepping and Nazi saluting. I didn't see anyone attacking you. The odd shout, that was it. I have also seen the anti-fascist bunch in action and they are equally as unpleasant.

What is funny is while you lot were stamping around town claiming to be celebrating St George the majority of normal patriots were in pubs up and down the land with loved ones and friends, enjoying beer and a laugh.

Calling me a liar doesn't change the facts or what I observed. I think we all know the real reason your march got halted.

Nice chatting.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2004
So in summary 'lefties' (which now seems to mean anyone from Hilary Clinton to full on anarchists) are both snowflakes scared of any confrontation and like violent conduct on the street.

Quote a contradiction we have here.

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
Orange County. California.
You don't have to live in the US to have an interest in or understand what is going on. What a stupid thought process. That's like saying a university professor can't be a professor of medieval history because they never lived in the medieval period. See how ludicrous that sounds?

You literally displayed all the traits of the phenomenon of the triggering.

I love Americans, I dislike their liberal left. I'm allowed to rail against their ****ing idiot ways and thoughts.

Why you ask?

Because that shit lordery thanks to social media now makes its way to these shores far quicker and starts permeating through other cultures including mine.

Look where your location is, the heartland of Liberal stupidity, the celebrity Californians, the ones that are so full of their own self importance they thought they could make a plea in their echo chamber world and everyone would give a crap about what they said about the elctions. What exactly gives you such a great insight into the thought and machination of people from mid west when you're in Liberal lala land?

So, I take that as a no then.

First off, I was born and raised in Seaford, lived and worked in Brighton for 31 years. I am not American, I choose to live here for family and business reasons.

Secondly, I am married to a girl born and raised in Indiana, which is the heart of the mid west. I have in laws that pray to Trump before we eat dinner. Also, we don't stay in one place, we travel a lot, to all corners of America and the world, meet and talk to people from all beliefs. By the way, 50% of the population where I live from speak Spanish, 20% speak an Asian language and the remaining rich white people voted for Trump, you really do not know how CA is made up,

Finally, I lived and wandered around Australia for 2 years, but you don't hear me spouting off pure shite about the problems and politics that go on where you live. I could quite easily, having witnessed some of the worst racism towards a minority race than anywhere on the planet.

May I suggest you get out from behind your keyboard, and go see the world for what it is, go to places that you find challenging and see for yourself.

Who knows, you might actually open your mind.


Nov 2, 2009
Brighton / Hove actually
If all Trump does is bring to a halt the regime change policy and stops all the Russian fear mongering when they are not a threat to us, I will be happy. Does NATO really need to build up its presence in Europe to protect itself from Russia? Or does NATO want Ukraine and Crimea to deploy their own bases? Yes this is probably closer to the truth.

Edit: The US has blindly been working towards the New World Order and they are convinced that this has to be achieved at all costs, and anyone who doesn't agree with them is wrong. Getting Crimea to become part of NATO would have given the NWO policy maker's wet dreams 70 years ago.
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Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
So, I take that as a no then.

First off, I was born and raised in Seaford, lived and worked in Brighton for 31 years. I am not American, I choose to live here for family and business reasons.

Secondly, I am married to a girl born and raised in Indiana, which is the heart of the mid west. I have in laws that pray to Trump before we eat dinner. Also, we don't stay in one place, we travel a lot, to all corners of America and the world, meet and talk to people from all beliefs. By the way, 50% of the population where I live from speak Spanish, 20% speak an Asian language and the remaining rich white people voted for Trump, you really do not know how CA is made up,

Finally, I lived and wandered around Australia for 2 years, but you don't hear me spouting off pure shite about the problems and politics that go on where you live. I could quite easily, having witnessed some of the worst racism towards a minority race than anywhere on the planet.

May I suggest you get out from behind your keyboard, and go see the world for what it is, go to places that you find challenging and see for yourself.

Who knows, you might actually open your mind.

First off I've been following US culture for 35 years. Being a high level basketball player I was immersed in the US and it's sports and music culture long before it became popular.

Secondly I've been to the US several times on trips with friends. That's probably why I can talk about Massachusetts sports teams going back 30 years. Because golly gosh we went their to watch the Mass. teams play.

Thirdly ever year over here we celebrate thanks giving with my best mate and his Coloradan wife and family.

Your final point means nothing, You can do whatever the hell you want I don't care. If you choose to not engage in something that's your call.

May I suggest that when people travel the world they aren't all going to end up with your views of the world.

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
So in summary 'lefties' (which now seems to mean anyone from Hilary Clinton to full on anarchists) are both snowflakes scared of any confrontation and like violent conduct on the street.

Quote a contradiction we have here.

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They are quite the contradiction.

Tell everyone part of the reason they were all protesting Trump was his views on the environment, next minute...



Well-known member
May 23, 2004
They are quite the contradiction.

Tell everyone part of the reason they were all protesting Trump was his views on the environment, next minute...

View attachment 81434

Have a look at the White House web site for Trump's policy on the environment.

At least you could if it hadn't gone the same way as racial and LGBT rights and been removed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
I think you're blinded by your politics tbh because I largely agree with your post and said as such in the post you quoted. I didn't counter protest the original mfe with uaf because I didn't see the point as it wasn't violent and chock full of racist hate groups like the following years were. The antifa won't deal with police full stop, another reason I'm not their biggest fan anymore. Furthermore you ask if I'm proud? If you'd read my post properly is obvious I'm not, I stated I don't agree with them or march with them anymore. Calling victim is bull though. The lead ups to mfe after the first years being counter protested by uaf were full of Internet hype akin to a wrestling match on the relevant left/right blogs and Fb pages. No one came "first" and to deny that mfe did anything to stop the violent and racist elements getting involved just because you had a chat with the police is disingenuous at best. It was fully promoted to the edl which was absolutely going to promote it to the splinter far right groups in turn. There was not a peep from mfe asking them to stay away, because mfe was run by a guy who was involved with most of them anyway and has history enough worth some very far right groups. The march turned into a farce. If, as you say you were one of the mfe marchers who just wanted a nice day out waving a few flags, that's unfortunate for you, but you simply can't deny that the the event was embraced by the far right. Golden Dawn members were there FFS. The far left responded. If that's not an obvious outcome if don't know what is. And if this is really news to you, I would suggest not going to marches without researching who you're walking with.

Like I say, the first year or two, there were counter protests by the uaf, I didn't go as I didn't agree. If people want to have a peaceful knees up for St Georges, knock yourselves out. I'm not even really saying I disagree with everything you're saying, but I take issue when you act like the mfe shit didn't stink. It did. The palace bus driver would've been proud.

woh woh woh calm down a minute mate, i am not suggesting for a single moment that some of the behavior coming from our side and in particular the latter marches were acceptable the anger had already boiled over by that point, especially once the EDL ect got wind of it. but what i am saying is weather you happen to agree or not and right up until the point where it became extremely dangerous we were like sitting ducks for ANTIFA ..literally thousands of them attacking small pockets of ours here there and everywhere at every given opportunity...was just like reliving the film zulu at times. and Yes we were being victimized, young kids and their mothers were crying their eyes out in absolute fear, which is why shortly after that they stopped going and were replaced by the EDL ect as said we wouldn't have had any need to get in touch with the EDL had women and children not been directly in the firing line.
Also and for the record mate i know exactly who i am marching alongside. the nastier elements arrived a lot later on and i knew many of them personally tool. and finally you refer to the fella who ran MFE as being involved with this group and another as if you know the man...again if you know him personally like i do by all means comment ...otherwise i would suggest that you keep your comments hidden under lock and key..especially if you are getting your facts from some made up load of nonsense which was written on some pathetic blog about him..


New member
Jan 3, 2007
woh woh woh calm down a minute mate, i am not suggesting for a single moment that some of the behavior coming from our side and in particular the latter marches were acceptable the anger had already boiled over by that point, especially once the EDL ect got wind of it. but what i am saying is weather you happen to agree or not and right up until the point where it became extremely dangerous we were like sitting ducks for ANTIFA ..literally thousands of them attacking small pockets of ours here there and everywhere at every given opportunity...was just like reliving the film zulu at times. and Yes we were being victimized, young kids and their mothers were crying their eyes out in absolute fear, which is why shortly after that they stopped going and were replaced by the EDL ect as said we wouldn't have had any need to get in touch with the EDL had women and children not been directly in the firing line.
Also and for the record mate i know exactly who i am marching alongside. the nastier elements arrived a lot later on and i knew many of them personally tool. and finally you refer to the fella who ran MFE as being involved with this group and another as if you know the man...again if you know him personally like i do by all means comment ...otherwise i would suggest that you keep your comments hidden under lock and key..especially if you are getting your facts from some made up load of nonsense which was written on some pathetic blog about him..

Nope, incorrect again. They made themselves very visible within the first few minutes of the very first march.


New member
Oct 31, 2011
They are quite the contradiction.

Tell everyone part of the reason they were all protesting Trump was his views on the environment, next minute...

View attachment 81434

Of all the crap you post this one is truly laughable. Climate change denial vs a bit of rubbish. Do you literally scour the internet looking for ways to 'show up' liberals or whatever term you want to use.

Still, respect to you for knowing about US music before everyone else [emoji23][emoji23]

Tom Hark Preston Park

Will Post For Cash
Jul 6, 2003
Four More Years of total global embarrassment looming for the US. Well at least until POTUS inevitably gets impeached. Actually make that Eighteen More Months.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
You'd find some old granny intimidating had someone pointed out to you that she was right wing.

Oh dear. I can't say I found any of the MFE mob intimidating, being mostly made up of an assembled bunch of 50 yr old pot bellied bald men with their fat families. However I dare say the Asian photographer who was being sig heiled and yelled at to F off by a pack of Nazi's in your mob was probably a bit intimidated. I wasn't even intimidated when you PM'd me two years ago with threats about what will happen to me when you get let off remand or some such waffle.
Anyway, I'm not having a serious discussion about these clowns, they were a laughable waste of space, as are you and they were quite rightly told to F off out of Brighton. Tah-te-tah.

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Oh dear. I can't say I found any of the MFE mob intimidating, being mostly made up of an assembled bunch of 50 yr old pot bellied bald men with their fat families. However I dare say the Asian photographer who was being sig heiled and yelled at to F off by a pack of Nazi's in your mob was probably a bit intimidated. I wasn't even intimidated when you PM'd me two years ago with threats about what will happen to me when you get let off remand or some such waffle.
Anyway, I'm not having a serious discussion about these clowns, they were a laughable waste of space, as are you and they were quite rightly told to F off out of Brighton. Tah-te-tah.

You worry for some unknown Asian photographer.on grounds of intimidation when the bunch who were supposed to be intimidating him were bald pot bellied 50' year old's sieg heiling him and telling him to F off . :ohmy:

Not even going to rise to that.

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