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[Politics] George Galloway MP

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Surely it's for, y'know, the people of Rochdale? :shrug:

On a related note, how do these politicians think that anything they say, do or vote for – whether it's a pause, ceasefire or 'just carry on as you are' – will have ANY kind of bearing on the atrocities that are being carried out over in the Middle East? The whole thing is a joke and just an excuse to play party politics and try and get one up on whichever party or person they are against.

A point I have made repeatedly to persons on the (far) left who have never been more angry about anything, ever, than traitor Starmer's failure to instantly, completely and utterly, and utterly completely condemn Israel for their wicked genocide that was complelety unjustified and came totally out of the blue, er, after Hamas, er (something, something, something).

As I facetiously posted on here after Labour's bill was passed, 'rejoice, the conflict is now over'.

The stupidity of the electorate, and the pathetic attempts made by politicians to please the electorate, is sometimes quite embarrassing.


Feb 23, 2024
It depends on which particular Palestinian cause you support , the one to establish a state alongside Israel or the Hamas one which is to wipe out Israel and the Jews there in or could it be the one where you go with the Jewish state and the enjoy the benefits there of as many have done.

Galloway fills the moral void left by Tory and Labour policy on Gaza. On that topic he speaks the truth. Delighted he won.

The UK Govt. should sanction not support or sell arms to the genocidal, apartheid, colonial oppressor state of Israel, purveyors of indiscriminate collective punishment ( persistently breaching international law and serially in defiance of previous UN resolutions (
Well said, me too


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2011
But the effect of this is that Labour councils get blamed for the cuts. One of the reason why so many in the north swallowed Johnson's lies about "levelling up" is that they have been ruled by Labour councils all their lives and polling showed they blamed local politicians for it. The true naivity is thinking you can just be middle-men passing on shit policies and people won't care, they do very much and the data shows it
I'd agree that people will care and will blame their local politicians, but in the current financial climate, councils have little, if any choice:

The austerity policies of Cameron and his successors have fallen hardest on local government because, as you indicate, they are convenient patsy for complaints about under-investment. Demand led services are generally pushed into local government because this deflects responsiblity from Whitehall. Demand for, and cost of, things like social care has increased massively as successive governments have starved support services, mental health services and the NHS and played the populist strongman over desperately needed immigration.

However the deck is stacked because the National electorate repeatedly voted in these chancers and refusing to admit to this reality will just take us back to taxis handing out redundancy notices to workers.* One in the eye for the government maybe, but an empty gesture that fails to protect employees or what little services are left for those in desperate need.

Apart from a bit of fiddling around the edges, Councils are just middle-men passing on central government's underfunding. Our only hope for the kind of massive Keynesian turnaround that we need seems to be that Josie Long's now near decade old routine about Ed Miliband has been Starmer's secret strategy document all along. I won't hold by breath.

* - For me, Galloway is cut from the same cloth as Hatton - Loads of words, but just self serving. They both remind me of someone I was on a union reps' course with once who spent all morning lecturing everybody on socialism only to dive in first and snaffle all the best biscuits for himself come the coffee break.


Feb 23, 2024
A point I have made repeatedly to persons on the (far) left who have never been more angry about anything, ever, than traitor Starmer's failure to instantly, completely and utterly, and utterly completely condemn Israel for their wicked genocide that was complelety unjustified and came totally out of the blue, er, after Hamas, er (something, something, something).

As I facetiously posted on here after Labour's bill was passed, 'rejoice, the conflict is now over'.

The stupidity of the electorate, and the pathetic attempts made by politicians to please the electorate, is sometimes quite embarrassing.
We should all think like you yeah you're right

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
I’m torn old love, long before she went into Love Island Amy was a card holding Labour Member since the age of 16, and a Union Activist at BA. She remains the only Lover Islander to ever appear on Question Time and address various meetings at Party conferences.

Prior to the arrival of my Grandson last year, she’d been asked to be the Labour Candidate for one of the Worthing seats, something she still would like to pursue further down the road.


I consider Sir Peter Bottomley a friend, the way he conducted himself in the wake of the Shoreham air crash with the relatives etc, showed the measure of the man, a number of people on here probably disagree with his political stance, but if they actually got to know him, they would see he’s an all round good egg.

So come GE night, my cross still has to go with personal experience, he still remains the right man to represent the people of Worthing.

That said maybe Kier Starmer will be a good fit for the whole country?
So, from 'all the same' to some of them on each side are decent humans?

My guess is most of them in labour, tory, lib dem and green are decent. Politics is however the art of the possible. You cannot get elected if your slogan is 'no compromise with the electorate'.

That does require pandering both to the party line and to the focus groups. If you are happy to be not elected then of course you can watch the exciting events unfold from the comfort of our own living room.

As for Starmer, it is too soon to say. I think it would be madness to not vote out the tories at the present time, however.


Well-known member
May 3, 2012
Ignore the later post, you were on the right lines.

Corbyn delivered Labour‘s worst general election defeat since 1935 with just 202 seats. The 32% share of the vote only beaten by Foot in 1983.

Being an apologist for Putin the mass murderer and helping to hide anti semite mates in the LP in the end a huge turn off for the UK.
But @ClemFandango said it was the Tories 'greatest ever landslide' - which is what I was challenging.

It wasn't - they have had higher majorities in the past. Notably 144 in 1983, and 102 in 1987. Both more of a 'landslide' than Johnson's 80.

It may have been Labour's fewest number of seats since 1935 - but that's a different question. And also, by definition - 'worst since 1935' doesn't mean 'worst ever' either.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2011
A point I have made repeatedly to persons on the (far) left who have never been more angry about anything, ever, than traitor Starmer's failure to instantly, completely and utterly, and utterly completely condemn Israel for their wicked genocide that was complelety unjustified and came totally out of the blue, er, after Hamas, er (something, something, something).

As I facetiously posted on here after Labour's bill was passed, 'rejoice, the conflict is now over'.

The stupidity of the electorate, and the pathetic attempts made by politicians to please the electorate, is sometimes quite embarrassing.
This ^
All of it


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2011
I’m torn old love, long before she went into Love Island Amy was a card holding Labour Member since the age of 16, and a Union Activist at BA. She remains the only Lover Islander to ever appear on Question Time and address various meetings at Party conferences.

Prior to the arrival of my Grandson last year, she’d been asked to be the Labour Candidate for one of the Worthing seats, something she still would like to pursue further down the road.


I consider Sir Peter Bottomley a friend, the way he conducted himself in the wake of the Shoreham air crash with the relatives etc, showed the measure of the man, a number of people on here probably disagree with his political stance, but if they actually got to know him, they would see he’s an all round good egg.

So come GE night, my cross still has to go with personal experience, he still remains the right man to represent the people of Worthing.

That said maybe Kier Starmer will be a good fit for the whole country?
I'm lucky enough to know people from across the political spectrum. Many on the right I'd consider to be good eggs, honorourable, caring, trustworthy and loving people irregardless of their politics. However, although I'd still be proud to be friends with them, I wouldn't vote for them if their voting record was like this:
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portlock seagull

Why? Why us?
Jul 28, 2003
1 If Israel is not committing a genocide and targetting civilians, then why are they scorching fields and tearing up crops?
  1. Why are they banning water desalination
  2. Why did Israel bomb water pipes and reservoirs?
  3. Why did they bomb bakeries and why so many?
  4. Why not let in medicine? (Over 1000 children have had amputations without anaesthesia)
  5. Why is Israel only allowing 100-200 trucks a day (it was we over 500 before the conflict)
  6. Why do they insist only on manual inspection when before they used state of the art x-rays (don’t say Egypt Israel controls that border)
  7. Why when a single item is rejected (e.g tents with metal poles) do they reject the whole truck starting the 3 week process all over again
  8. Why do they bomb hospitals
  9. Why is the entire population experiencing famine? (IPC level 5)
When Yehiel Moshe "Hili" Tropper apart of the IDF intelligence cabinet was asked by Havertz last week why Israel doesn't "Flood Gaza with food seeing as food can't be used as a weapon" he responded "We are at war with all of them"
Er, because that’s not genocide? If you’re going to use labels then use them properly. Half the problem with this debate is people using labels they truly don’t understand and just use because they have a sense that’s what they think it should be or should be used as. So scream away with bold, italics and long lists but…it’s still not genocide. Genocide means something different and altogether more serious / hundreds of thousands would been killed by now if not millions as I said.

Wardy's twin

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2014
Sorry, it isn't a straight line - but Horseshoe (or circle) political theory is horseshit. It's just a way for centrists to distance themselves from either end of the political spectrum.

A case in point. A 'centrist' in Israel would be viewed as being a 'right wing extremist' in other countries.
That depends on when the survey is taken. Post October 7th many moderates moved to the position where they believed Hamas must be punished , in simple terms that is seen as moving to the right because the right have always been 'strong' on dealing with Hamas. In reality like this its not about left or right , its a reaction to the country being attacked and a brutal atrocity unparalleled in Israel's recent history.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
But @ClemFandango said it was the Tories 'greatest ever landslide' - which is what I was challenging.

It wasn't - they have had higher majorities in the past. Notably 144 in 1983, and 102 in 1987. Both more of a 'landslide' than Johnson's 80.

It may have been Labour's fewest number of seats since 1935 - but that's a different question. And also, by definition - 'worst since 1935' doesn't mean 'worst ever' either.

I said right lines. Your post and graphic didn’t highlight Corbyn’s catastrophic result.


Not awoke
Feb 3, 2008
Absolute bollocks mate
Galloway fills the moral void left by Tory and Labour policy on Gaza. On that topic he speaks the truth. Delighted he won.

The UK Govt. should sanction not support or sell arms to the genocidal, apartheid, colonial oppressor state of Israel, purveyors of indiscriminate collective punishment ( persistently breaching international law and serially in defiance of previous UN resolutions (
galloway filling moral void …loooool

That depends on when the survey is taken. Post October 7th many moderates moved to the position where they believed Hamas must be punished , in simple terms that is seen as moving to the right because the right have always been 'strong' on dealing with Hamas. In reality like this its not about left or right , its a reaction to the country being attacked and a brutal atrocity unparalleled in Israel's recent history.
Not unparalleled in Palestine's history, brutal atrocities have been constant since the Nakba in 1948

Cheshire Cat

The most curious thing..
Galloway fills the moral void left by Tory and Labour policy on Gaza. On that topic he speaks the truth. Delighted he won.

The UK Govt. should sanction not support or sell arms to the genocidal, apartheid, colonial oppressor state of Israel, purveyors of indiscriminate collective punishment ( persistently breaching international law and serially in defiance of previous UN resolutions (
Galloway couldn't fill a moral void with a fleet of impeccably clean and moral JCBs

Galloway IS a moral void

He *threatens* the most. Laughably so. Barely aware of more than that though
He's won millions in the libel courts and out of court settlements for damages/costs, he's quite well known for this really, Google/Wiki is your friend


Feb 23, 2024
Er, because that’s not genocide? If you’re going to use labels then use them properly. Half the problem with this debate is people using labels they truly don’t understand and just use because they have a sense that’s what they think it should be or should be used as. So scream away with bold, italics and long lists but…it’s still not genocide. Genocide means something different and altogether more serious / hundreds of thousands would been killed by now if not millions as I said.
UN def: "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group"

Israel has cast mass starvation and famine across Gaza whilst destoying all infrastructure and healthcare. 30,000 (found bodies) have been murdered from the sky, genocide has nothing to do with numbers... It does not mean they all have to die.

But Israel are playing the long game, as people continue to starve (Gaza is already at IPC level 5; the worst measurement of famine) the numbers will rise. And this will unfortunately happen. Israel is committing, has committed and will continue genocide against the civilians of Gaza. You are wrong.
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Feb 23, 2024
UN def: "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group"

Israel has cast mass starvation and famine across Gaza whilst destoying all infrastructure and healthcare. 30,000 (found bodies) have been murdered from the sky, genocide has nothing to do with numbers... It does not mean they all have to die.

But Israel are playing the long game, as people continue to starve (Gaza is already at IPC level 5; the worst measurement of famine) the numbers will rise. And this will unfortunately happen. Israel is committing, has committed and will continue genocide against the civilians of Gaza. You are wrong.
The extensive damage to civilian infrastructure in Gaza suggests that the line between targeted "humane" bombing and indiscriminate bombing, observed in conflicts like Syria and Chechnya, has eroded significantly. This observation becomes even more pronounced when considering the additional element of settler colonial "slow genocide" and its "eliminationist logic against the native" in the context of Palestine. Here, the concept of slow violence emerges as a potent force capable of achieving outcomes comparable to those of nuclear weapons.

Wardy's twin

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2014
Not unparalleled in Palestine's history, brutal atrocities have been constant since the Nakba in 1948
I did say Israel's recent history , totally agree the history of the area shows a lot of terrible actions on both sides .

The 7th October is the day that the most Israeli's have been killed in a single 24hour period since World War 2 and that includes fighting 5 or 6 wars. So it has turned Israeli thinking around , they want to destroy Hamas for what it did and that includes the thinking of many people who would have been against it 6 months ago.

The comment is not about the right or the wrong of the matter , its an observation why Israel is hell bent on destroying Hamas.

Galloway couldn't fill a moral void with a fleet of impeccably clean and moral JCBs

Galloway IS a moral void
I genuinely can't believe you've seen the images of the brutalised Palestinian civilians. Don't look away

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