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[Football] When did replica shirts become really popular?

Jesus Gul

Well-known member
Feb 23, 2004
Early 80s I’d say.

All the sports shops used to sell kits. David Rose up the dials with exotic St Etienne kits. Swifts sports with their kits on show behind a yellow tinted window film! Wisdens with a great selection but the real action was upstairs with the Italian /French casual sportswear. Got my British Caledonian kit from David Rose.

There was a store down the open market that sold Le Coq Sportif seconds so I managed to have ‘82 Villa and Chelsea away kits as a young kid after badgering my mum into submission.

Pogue Mahone

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
Face magazine did a great Italia ‘90 spread with a very young Kate Moss on the cover and models wearing a load of colourful Brazilian team shirts and ‘No alla violenza’ tees. Halcyon days!
I had a lovely long sleeved No Alla Violenza T shirt bought for me by my brother, who has lived in Bologna since 1983.

Wish I still had it…


Dangerous Idiot
Jun 21, 2012
Born In Shoreham
I remember having a replica England shirt during the 82 world cup, which was bought from a jumble sale so presumably was older than that. I was 7 though. so don't remember loads about it but from my memory of the material I doubt it was a "genuine" replica. Pretty sure my mate had a yellow Liverpool away one around the same time. Looking on ebay it seems they did exist.
Jumble sale, haven’t heard that in years

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