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[Albion] What time will you be eating Christmas Lunch?

What time will you be eating Christmas Dinner?

  • Before 12

  • 12-12:30

  • 12:30-1

  • 1-1:30

  • 1:30-2

  • 2-2:30

  • Later than 2:30

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jan 17, 2005
Lyme Regis

After all of the mornings festivities and activities the main event is approaching, so what time will you be settling down for christmas lunch just a month and 3 days from now?


Judd Trump
NSC Patron
Jul 15, 2009
Timed to watch Her Majesty's speech at 3 o'clock over Christmas pudding drowned in custard while swallowing a £1 coin. :facepalm:


Judd Trump
NSC Patron
Jul 15, 2009
Timed to watch Her Majesty's speech at 3 o'clock over Christmas pudding drowned in custard while swallowing a £1 coin. :facepalm:
I could have copped out and said my tablet said HER majesty instead of HIS Majesty but I can't get used to Charles being on the throne instead of our beautiful late Elizabeth. :cry:


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
2pm…early start to hit that but do a turkey in oven, followed by potatoes / etc approach so
7.30- 830 prep
8.30-12ish - turkey roasted
12ish - 145 - pots / stuffing
2pm sit down
(And lots of hob stuff in parallel - sauces, green veg, puddings)


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2005
Thanksgiving. What the firk is all that about? And I have yank relatives.

Followed by Black Friday where they beat the shit out of each other to save a bit of dosh.

2.30 onwards for me.

portslade seagull

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2003
Will have a bacon roll at home early morning then walk the dogs for a couple of hours followed by a drive to my sons for a mid afternoon Christmas dinner

The Antikythera Mechanism

The oldest known computer
NSC Patron
Aug 7, 2003
One of my local pubs is making a very kind gesture. Never seen anything like this before.


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