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[Misc] The Award-winning official "More Snow Tomorrow?" Thread [2023-24 Season]


Boing boing boing...
Aug 3, 2015
We're going into another ice age. Global cooling. Who knew? ???
For us here in the UK, "global warming" could indeed induce colder conditions. There's a not insignificant risk that the ocean currents that currently help to keep the UK warmer could break down - if they do, the UK will get colder.



Well-known member
Oct 20, 2003
Couple of inches here

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
For us here in the UK, "global warming" could indeed induce colder conditions. There's a not insignificant risk that the ocean currents that currently help to keep the UK warmer could break down - if they do, the UK will get colder.

In seriousness....that film, The Day After Tomorrow was based on that. The first 20 minutes (when it turned into a dull Disney 'I must find my wife and family' romp) was jaw-dropping and quite disturbing. Our average temperature in the UK is, what (?) 5 degreed higher than it would be without the GS? Here is the weather for the next week in Blanc Sablon, eastern coast of Canada, our sort of latitude:


Calling @Papa Lazarou who has a weatherly bent, for sage and onion comment.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
9 degrees increase in temperature tonight. In just 4 hours. Unbelievable.
We went out for dinner last night, leaving home at 7:45. I had to scrape thick frost off the car for the drive into town. We went to Perch on the Pier and the pier itself was like an ice rink - I nearly stacked it three or four times.

By the time we came out, it had rained and it had all melted and the car was frost-free.

I was a bit too cocky when I got home though. I guess the small amount of altitude that Findon sits at was enough to keep surfaces frozen, as I couldn't get the car up the drive - it started sliding sideways, so I had to carefully take it back down to the road and then try to reach the front door on foot.

Usual autumnal conditions this morning though, and after a few lovely crisp frosty mornings making for a clean dog post-walk, it was a muddy quagmire on the downs and he took quite some cleaning when we got home.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Looks like another non event of a Winter, just mild southerlies for the rest of the year and beyond

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