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[Football] Sin bin trial...


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2011
I had to click the link to see what picture the BBC used. Happy to see it was Chelsea v Spurs. I was worried they would use the same picture of Dunk whispering sweet nothings into Anthony Taylor’s ear the Guardian used. I think Dunk is getting a bit much overexposure for being (rightly) made an example of.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
It's all good in theory, but I can see teams that cop a sin binning getting everyone behind the ball for the next 10 minutes (with all the associated time wasting ploys being employed of course).
When I watch games as a neutral and someone gets sent off I let out a little groan as it invariably means a low block snorefest is on the way. Will we have 10 minute defendathons. Maybe.

-But then again Forest was excellent so what do I know.

I suspect most coaches focus more on what to do when you lose a man, than from when you're a man up.
Maybe it will encourage coaches to work on ways to make a single man advantage count.

Its still a fairly rare scenario, but with sin bins it's likely to happen pretty frequently.
It will become an area of the game that warrants specific attention.

I don't expect it to benefit us too much, at first.
But I reckon De Zerbi would come up with something.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
When I saw the thread title, I thought we were having a look at some kiddy from Saudi.


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
I wrote this piece about SIn bins when they were trialled in grassroots a few years back for that When Saturday Comes

Also reminded me that Lewis Dunk has perhaps swore once or twice at the ref on a football pitch before.

A Saturday lunchtime in November and the rain is falling hard in the Cardiff Stadium. Referee Martin Atkinson stands a few metres away as Brighton midfielder Dale Stephens dives into a second tackle, this time completely missing the ball. His captain; centre half Lewis Dunk on seeing Atkinson whistle and then reach for the inevitable red card, mouthes to the Sky viewers watching in close up, an obvious and very angry “F. OFF”. Atkinson doesn’t appear to notice , the commentators don’t consider it unusual enough to mention it, and the game just carries on. When broadcaster Jacqui Oatley shares the clip on Twitter a few days later asking, understandably, how this typical Premier League behaviour, looks to impressionable young fans and contrasts with the FA’s Respect programme, 10 years old this year, she inevitably gets a lot of “respect” back as replies into her feed.

On the same weekend, its the end of a under 16s league match in Sussex. One lad, after the ref has waved away his pleadings to give a foul, has just suggested loudly and heard by all of the 20 or so spectators huddled on a pitch near the South Downs, that he should’ve gone to “ Specsavers”. The ref picks up a yellow card. marches the player off to the sidelines for dissent, reducing his team to 10 men. The coach shakes his head. Yet this is a temporary dismissal only. The player comes back on the pitch 8 minutes later and the game continues.

Starting last season, the FA have been trialling Sin Bins across multiple grassroots and youth leagues. Its been revised after initial experiments were deemed unsuccessful with the FA general secretary arguing “There was an impact on flow of game and willingness of players to commit to tackles.”

Now deliberately focusing on dissent, its been almost universally received with FA surveys showing dramatic falls in backchat and swearing and a desire amongst managers and players for it to continue. As the guidelines put it “The philosophy is that an ‘instant punishment’ can
have a significant and immediate positive influence on the behaviour of the offending player and, potentially, the
player’s team”. The trial although being extended slowly will become mandatory in all Step 7 leagues and below starting in 2019/20.

Good news for our Specsavers averse ref from Sussex then who looks after a variety of adult and youth games ?

“Yes. I have used it on numerous occasions. I’ve been doing this for 6 years now. When I walk on the pitch the players often see me as an old man who hasn't got a clue about football so I get it all. But I can't recall once where that player has come back on the pitch and continued to show dissent. It works.”

In Rugby there’s a similar story. Sin Bins were introduced in the Six Nations nearly a generation ago. Parent and Brighton fan; Max Cooter argues . “It works a treat with young players, they learn when they're about 9 that gobbing off gets you nowhere. In six years of watching my kids play. I’ve only seen one yellow card.”

Change is still hard though, and one grassroots ref I spoke to said he was refusing to adopt them; “I haven’t time for any more of that FA bollocks” he laughed although he then made valid points about the complexity of managing the timings and being able to document multiple dismissals whilst still concentrating on the game for his £22 fee. The FA’s head of referees, Neale Barry, is nonetheless more bullish about their roll out and said to Sky earlier this year said he was “almost certain” that it would be introduced by the FA in professional leagues in the future.

Later on in November, in a grassroots game in Ireland, Daniel Comber has just finished officiating a 3-1 victory for Mullingar Town v Horseleap. In the car park after the match, he’s approached, allegedly by 3 players and a fan, and assaulted. Comber suffered a broken jaw, stitches in his nose and a black eye. The story provoked widespread condemnation, several national news stories and the sharing of similar stories of attacks on refs up and down the country in grassroots football.

Our Specsavers ref isn’t surprised and says, as a matter of fact that he’d been assaulted by a linesman a few years ago. “It can be a very lonely experience out there, as a player you have 10 other people on the pitch watching your back, but as a referee you are on your own”



Well-known member
Aug 4, 2010
The cynic in me says that this will be a cop out for refs - sin bin rather than a sending off.
As others have said, not sure if ten minutes is long enough for some of the dreadful challenges we have seen, cheating etc. I would hope that anyone who gets binned also gets a yellow.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
Astley, Manchester
Surely you're not saying that when a Fulham or Villa player gets sent to the sin bin for 10 minutes that his team mates will then spend 6 of those 10 minutes rolling around with 'head injuries'?? Surely that wouldn't happen??!
My wish for a change in the rules would be a retrospective one game ban for any player who is classed as feigning a head injury to stop the game. It would need recorded evidence that the player didn’t take contact on the head but would hopefully eradicate the feigning of head injuries.
It’s just wrong that players and managers use this technique to stop play when the rule was brought in to protect players.
( yes, Silva and Emery, I’m thinking of you when I say this as Fulham and Villa are the worse culprits.


Well-known member
May 3, 2012
I had to click the link to see what picture the BBC used. Happy to see it was Chelsea v Spurs. I was worried they would use the same picture of Dunk whispering sweet nothings into Anthony Taylor’s ear the Guardian used. I think Dunk is getting a bit much overexposure for being (rightly) made an example of.
Bit cheeky really as they caption it "Players surround referee Anthony Taylor after Lewis Dunk’s red card for Brighton on Saturday." Whereas in fact - they are all in front od of him, not surrounding him. There is only Dunk and Van Hecke from Brighton - which is understandable - as the captain is no longer the captain, so can't be the captain who questions the ref (and other clips show JPVH was asking 'what for' - which Taylor calmly answered. The other was a Forest player.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2004
Great another rule that can be applied inconsistently from match to match to give us even more to be raging about

Nah not for me thanks


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2017
Sorry but No. Teams on the receiving end will just fake injuries, take even longer to take throw ins etc.

The principle is ok, but clubs will find a way to bend the rules and then we will also have endless debates on why player 'A' was sent to the sin bin, and player 'B' didn't get put in it for the same offence. Just like kicking the ball away. We got a booking at Forest for this but I counted 6 occasions when Forest players did this and no action was taken.

Too many changes will just complicate the issue.

Ditch VAR or have off sides drawn by the line of players feet, and keep goal line tech. That's it.
I'm for it. Simple to understand and police. I'd make it 10 mins of ball-in-play time... to avoid the timewasting


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2017
It will only work if they have some sort of clock stopping, or it will just lead to more time wasting.

The cynical 'take one for the team' fouls need to be punished more heavily. Personally, they are trying to deny a goal scoring opportunity, so I would like to see, as well as the booking, a direct free kick awarded from wherever you like outside the box -giving the attacking side the opportunity they have been denied. Simple.
Yes to clock stopping 👍. Sin bin for 10 min ball-in-play time would be nice!


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2022
Finally learning from hockey. Next on the list needs to be the self pass rule to cut all the mucking about. Get fouled and jump up and start dribbling. If someone is not ten yards then they go to the bin. Perfect. It removes the disadvantage at things like corners where attacking side effectively loses a player.
I really like the idea of that

Paulie Gualtieri

Bada Bing
NSC Patron
May 8, 2018
New fan experience;

“Absolutely Star-bin”

Get closer to the action than ever before with an exclusive seat in the official home sin bin. Pre game relax in plastic paradise whilst random small plates are delivered in authentic plastic sacks.

Shortly before kick off you will be the envy of everybody and star of the Tunnel Club, as you are literally wheeled out via the players tunnel adjacent to the home dug out in your exclusive club bin. Mock mattress will be supplied pre
Kick off to fend off some light hearted imitation refuge luzzing courtesy of Richie Reynolds, Gully and the team before the start of the big match.

A selection of food and beverage will continue to be luzzed towards you during proceedings with the very real chance you will be joined for a short time by a member of the match day squad*

* Luzzing cannot be guaranteed whilst the bin is occupied by club employees.

Johnny RoastBeef

These aren't the players you're looking for.
Jan 11, 2016
People worried that any team down to 10 men will just fake injuries are forgetting that injured players are held back for 30 seconds before returning to the pitch after receiving treatment.

The threat of being down to nine men for even as little as 30 seconds should be enough to deter most teams, excluding Villa, Brentford and Newcastle.


'The' Yaztromo
No, it’ll add more time to the already ridiculous amounts of ‘injury’ time being played, whilst players argue, take ages to walk off, fanny about etc.

It’ll break the game up even more than VAR is already doing, in no way in this a good idea… it’s in actuality an absolutely shocking idea given the current mucking about already ruining the game.

Arghhhhhh we need to stop fixing something that wasn’t, until recently, that broken :/

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