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[Football] Sin bin trial...


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex

Plans for football to introduce 10-minute sin-bins for cynical fouls and dissent have been recommended for trialling in the professional game.

The game's lawmakers, the International Football Association Board (Ifab), said it will "identify which levels are best to test".

The trial will also include a rule allowing only the team captain to approach the referee during a game.


Hove / Παρος
Apr 7, 2006
Hove / Παρος

Plans for football to introduce 10-minute sin-bins for cynical fouls and dissent have been recommended for trialling in the professional game.

The game's lawmakers, the International Football Association Board (Ifab), said it will "identify which levels are best to test".

The trial will also include a rule allowing only the team captain to approach the referee during a game.

As long as the VAR make sure the players are out of the game for EXACTLY 10:00 seconds and not 9:59 or 10:01 I'm HAPPY! If it's not clear they can go back and watch the 10m over again several times just to make sure they've got it right.

Nobby Cybergoat

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
All sensible.

If these laws are applied well and, crucially, refs are given clear guidance on when and how to follow them, they will all improve the game


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
It will only work if they have some sort of clock stopping, or it will just lead to more time wasting.

The cynical 'take one for the team' fouls need to be punished more heavily. Personally, they are trying to deny a goal scoring opportunity, so I would like to see, as well as the booking, a direct free kick awarded from wherever you like outside the box -giving the attacking side the opportunity they have been denied. Simple.


Well-known member
May 3, 2012
It will only work if they have some sort of clock stopping, or it will just lead to more time wasting.

The cynical 'take one for the team' fouls need to be punished more heavily. Personally, they are trying to deny a goal scoring opportunity, so I would like to see, as well as the booking, a direct free kick awarded from wherever you like outside the box -giving the attacking side the opportunity they have been denied. Simple.
Surely you're not saying that when a Fulham or Villa player gets sent to the sin bin for 10 minutes that his team mates will then spend 6 of those 10 minutes rolling around with 'head injuries'?? Surely that wouldn't happen??!


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2012
Finally learning from hockey. Next on the list needs to be the self pass rule to cut all the mucking about. Get fouled and jump up and start dribbling. If someone is not ten yards then they go to the bin. Perfect. It removes the disadvantage at things like corners where attacking side effectively loses a player.


Active member
Aug 5, 2011
North Sussex
Sin bins work well and have been used in the southern combination league and below for a number of years. If this is applied correctly then it gives referees a little extra that can be used for match control. Well worth giving this a go.


Jul 9, 2003
Sorry but No. Teams on the receiving end will just fake injuries, take even longer to take throw ins etc.

The principle is ok, but clubs will find a way to bend the rules and then we will also have endless debates on why player 'A' was sent to the sin bin, and player 'B' didn't get put in it for the same offence. Just like kicking the ball away. We got a booking at Forest for this but I counted 6 occasions when Forest players did this and no action was taken.

Too many changes will just complicate the issue.

Ditch VAR or have off sides drawn by the line of players feet, and keep goal line tech. That's it.

Greg Bobkin

Silver Seagull
May 22, 2012

Plans for football to introduce 10-minute sin-bins for cynical fouls and dissent have been recommended for trialling in the professional game.

The game's lawmakers, the International Football Association Board (Ifab), said it will "identify which levels are best to test".

The trial will also include a rule allowing only the team captain to approach the referee during a game.
That one was already brought in, worked for a week or two and then seemingly got completely forgotten about!

As for sin-bins in this form, I don't think that goes far enough. If the PGMOL is serious about getting tough on these sorts of measures, they should stick to the rules they introduce (as above, but also bookings for time-wasting and dissent) and there would be less need to even HAVE sin-bins. The inconsistency between referees and 'gameweeks' for applying these laws/rules is staggering. One minute players can't do anything without getting told off and the next minute, it's a free-for-all.

Time-wasting is another classic example of where a complete overhaul is needed. Book the keeper the first time they dare to fanny around with the ball for too long before kicking it and they'll think twice about doing it again for the next 60 minutes or whatever there is to play.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
The next logical one is to try physios treating injured players while the game continues. I'm not sure of the unintended consequences but the effect on reducing time-wasting could be immense. Got to be worth a try.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
IFAB met today to look at various rules and regulations...

The use of sin-bins is to be expanded in football, part of a series of measures designed to help protect referees from abuse.​
The International Football Association Board (Ifab), football’s rule-making body, announced on Tuesday that sin-bins would be used at “higher levels” after successful grassroots tests. It also confirmed a second set of trials under which captains will be the only people allowed to approach the referee during certain important moments.​
Whether the proposed [sin-bin] trials will feature as high as Premier League level has not been decided, with details likely to be confirmed at the Ifab AGM in Glasgow in March.​
Competitions can also apply to trial the process involving captains acting as sole interlocutor with the referee, and English football is likely to be keen​


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011

Plans for football to introduce 10-minute sin-bins for cynical fouls and dissent have been recommended for trialling in the professional game.

The game's lawmakers, the International Football Association Board (Ifab), said it will "identify which levels are best to test".

The trial will also include a rule allowing only the team captain to approach the referee during a game.
It would be good if the cynical foul trial was exclusively in Man City games.
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Van Cleef

Well-known member
Jun 17, 2023
It's all good in theory, but I can see teams that cop a sin binning getting everyone behind the ball for the next 10 minutes (with all the associated time wasting ploys being employed of course).
When I watch games as a neutral and someone gets sent off I let out a little groan as it invariably means a low block snorefest is on the way. Will we have 10 minute defendathons. Maybe.

-But then again Forest was excellent so what do I know.

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