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[Albion] Post win music?

Post match music?

  • Love freed from desire, keep it as it is

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • Change the music to something with a Brighton connection

    Votes: 50 56.2%
  • Get rid altogether, trust the fans to be able to generate their own post match atmosphere!

    Votes: 14 15.7%

  • Total voters

Sea Cider

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2012
I'm genuinely interested in the wider view on this. Whilst happy to see people enjoying the post win music and having a little dance, I can't help but feel sad (being diplomatic here) that the club have adopted this generic euro pop with no connection to the club, and by playing it at all prevent the fans properly connecting with the players at the end of the match.

I really think it would have made last night more special if we'd have been able to get everyone singing a proper song for young Jack at the end, rather than having to battle to be heard over the awful PA :mad:

Anyway, here's the official poll!

Joey Jo Jo Jr. Shabadoo

Waxing chumps like candles since ‘75
Oct 4, 2003
It should be Praise You by Fat Boy Slim, but I am sure I read somewhere Freed from Desire is the tune of choice cause the players like it.

I don't think it stops us connecting with the players at the end of the match, it's always seemed to get those that haven't already left singing or humming or what ever you want to call that na-na-na bit.

Jimmy Grimble

Well-known member
Don’t mind it. Although it’s best when it comes on immediately after the result, the minute or two delay last night killed the vibe slightly.
Depends on the game I think. Last night it definitely needed to come on straight away.

After beating Man U in the last minute like last season, for example, it should probably wait a bit to let the natural atmosphere play out.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
If the boys win the Europa quarters or semis, they should have what they like (even, God help us, that Neil Diamond thing) but for the bog standard, run of the mill premier league wins against Liverpool, City, Utd, Chelsea etc it should be FBS :wink:
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Nobby Cybergoat

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
Praise you.

If the players like Freed from Desire, nobody is stopping them from playing it in the dressing room.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2022
FBS - praise you. That's the Amex, that is :thumbsup:
This, it’s rare for a club to have an absolute legend in music as a proper fan of the club and so it’s mad that we don’t make the most of that and a shame for him as he would most surely be really happy to have his music played after a win. It’s not as though it’s not suitable, his music is brilliant.

Greg Bobkin

Silver Seagull
May 22, 2012
Don’t mind it. Although it’s best when it comes on immediately after the result, the minute or two delay last night killed the vibe slightly.
I don't know whether it's the actual reason, but they fact that the sign announcing 'there will be a light show shortly' appeared at the final whistle might have meant they couldn't do it straight away because of getting people out of the ground because of said light show? (I'm guessing that's why they announced it in the first place...?)


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2017
It should be Praise You by Fat Boy Slim, but I am sure I read somewhere Freed from Desire is the tune of choice cause the players like it.

I don't think it stops us connecting with the players at the end of the match, it's always seemed to get those that haven't already left singing or humming or what ever you want to call that na-na-na bit.
It should be Praise You (as it used to be) but Freed From Desire is in vogue at the moment, as was Sweet Caroline for bloody ages.

Got no issue with it at currently either, but we are really good at the moment so it is starting to feel a little less special when we have a celebratory light show and "ooh nananananananana" every week 😂

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