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[Football] Holmesdale Fanatics Press Release


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Seriously though, whilst most people I know find them laughable, very often the media, and commentators on both TV and radio fawn over them, seemingly loving their efforts creating a fantastic atmosphere at Selhurst Park.
That's because the media like pretending everything is great and worth watching. It's insincere and irrelevant.


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
I personally like the energy they bring to the games at Selhurst, but I am not sure they should always get the special treatment they deserve, with reserved seats for away games. However, there is a significant number of the fans who are not black clad hoodie wearers but middle aged men that just try to bring something extra to the team.
Roy's return is certainly polarising, I dont personally know whether the HF are for or against, but they will still be there for the remaining games, trying to inspire the team
My Palace supporting mates fall in to the “middle aged men” category and we all seem to have grown up - recognising that we all were probably in the “ hooligan black hoodie w*nker” group a few years ago ( and would love to be there again if only our arthritis would permit). I admit to having a few sniggers at what’s happening at Selhurst, but feel that at BHA we have more in common with Palace supporters than the likes of Arsenal, the Mancs, Chelsea and Liverpool who are entitled to win everything - and not forgetting Spurs who are also entitled to win everything whilst having won nothing for 20 years.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2017
As much as I dislike Palace, they're not tinpot. Reading and Bournemouth on the other hand...
I wouldn't call them tinpot either to be honest. I really hate that term anyway and I'm pretty sure there'll be a lot of fans of other clubs who call us tinpot - I mean if palace had utter shit music blaring out straight after a win against us like we did last week I'm pretty sure folk on here would be calling them tinpot just for that. Pot, kettle and all that.

As for the Fanatics... Palace fans I know absolutely detest them and find them an embarrassment to the club - rightly so


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
My Palace supporting mates fall in to the “middle aged men” category and we all seem to have grown up - recognising that we all were probably in the “ hooligan black hoodie w*nker” group a few years ago

Fair enough, each to their own. If I'm being generous to myself, then I'm also in the middle aged group, but the Brighton and Palace fans I know would never have wanted to be part of a fake ultra group. It's just embarrassing, and I don't think I've ever been young enough to not realise that.

at BHA we have more in common with Palace supporters than the likes of Arsenal, the Mancs, Chelsea and Liverpool who are entitled to win everything - and not forgetting Spurs who are also entitled to win everything whilst having won nothing for 20 years.
Well compared to those clubs, yes, we do, but we have more in common with other smallish clubs.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
I wouldn't call them tinpot either to be honest. I really hate that term anyway and I'm pretty sure there'll be a lot of fans of other clubs who call us tinpot - I mean if palace had utter shit music blaring out straight after a win against us like we did last week I'm pretty sure folk on here would be calling them tinpot just for that. Pot, kettle and all that.

Don't they play music after a win? I guess no one knows. But they used to play music after a home goal, and when they scored the tannoy would shout 'scored by Glenn Murray - Glenn...' and the crowd would have to shout 'Murray' (although they didn't do it for his last goals at Selhurst Park for some reason). Now that's tinpot.

As for the Fanatics... Palace fans I know absolutely detest them and find them an embarrassment to the club - rightly so
Exactly. Proper fans don't want that sort of crap.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
I've just read in the Athletic that Steve Parish had a meeting with the Always Ultras last week (seriously!), and they expressed their dissatisfaction with Vieira being replaced by Hodgson. Which frankly makes it all the more astonishing that he's appointed Uncle Roy. Has he ever gone against the will of the AUs before? I thought whatever they say goes. Surely he can't survive as chairman after such an outrageous slight on his personal board of advisors.

(c) Matt Woosnam, The Athletic
Many fans, too, are unconvinced. There was a smattering of boos among away fans at Arsenal when Parish’s image was flashed up on the TV screens on the Emirates concourse, and at a meeting with the Holmesdale Fanatics ultras group last week – rescheduled from earlier in the season – Parish was told that Hodgson’s reappointment would not be welcomed.
The idea that an actual grown up - never mind a “successful” one - would consult 50 black clad 16 year olds high on baking powder on ANYTHING to do with a multi million pound business is, frankly, astonishing

Paulie Gualtieri

Bada Bing
NSC Patron
May 8, 2018
Don't they play music after a win? I guess no one knows. But they used to play music after a home goal, and when they scored the tannoy would shout 'scored by Glenn Murray - Glenn...' and the crowd would have to shout 'Murray' (although they didn't do it for his last goals at Selhurst Park for some reason). Now that's tinpot.

Exactly. Proper fans don't want that sort of crap.

Last Christmas, wasn’t it?

Not Andy Naylor

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2007
Seven Dials
Seriously though, whilst most people I know find them laughable, very often the media, and commentators on both TV and radio fawn over them, seemingly loving their efforts creating a fantastic atmosphere at Selhurst Park.
Which is baffling, because from the Selhurst press box their fans are no louder than those of any other club. I reckon it's because the TV gantry is between the black-clad 16-year-olds and the away fans, so the TV commentators get the illusion that it;s relatively noisy.

West Upper Seagull

Well-known member
Oct 31, 2003
Just curious why you consider us to be a tinpot club. Are there any clubs that are not tinpot compared to the Albion
Not tinpot - just the gift that keeps on giving ! :lolol:



Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Don't they play music after a win? I guess no one knows. But they used to play music after a home goal, and when they scored the tannoy would shout 'scored by Glenn Murray - Glenn...' and the crowd would have to shout 'Murray' (although they didn't do it for his last goals at Selhurst Park for some reason). Now that's tinpot.

Exactly. Proper fans don't want that sort of crap.
I must admit that I was kind of erring on the side of them being a proper club with proper fans and the tin pot label was a little inaccurate and childish.

However your points here are very very convincing, add in all that desperate guff about being the oldest club (they didn't really change their badge did they - not the first mistake they have made on that front is it?) and the consistent recoiling on the job of trying to play football that actually entertains their fans over the last few years. Boring roy again drafted in to save their shit after attempting to play some decent football.

Without even going into the name change and the Always Ultras, the evidence is compelling.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
I must admit that I was kind of erring on the side of them being a proper club with proper fans and the tin pot label was a little inaccurate and childish.

However your points here are very very convincing, add in all that desperate guff about being the oldest club (they didn't really change their badge did they - not the first mistake they have made on that front is it?)
Yes, they did/are changing their badge:

Of course it's not the historic fans of the club, who support them as we support Brighton, but it's decisions made by beaky and the like that are making them tinpot. The goal music and name singing was toe curling. Allowing the Ultras to have a say in the running of the club, removing decades long STHs from their seats to let the ultras take their choice is a disgrace to proper fans. Nicknaming your club the Eagles is also hugely embarrassing for a town that has no connection with Eagles (see also the Hull Tigers). It's all very American and marketing based crap, rather than an English football club.

Now pretending that they're the oldest league club is typical Palace and offensive to the clubs that actually are the oldest.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
The giants of Charlton meet the titans of Ipswich, making them both seem normal sized...


Unlike Mr Mitchell, I'm a fan of football, but he's exactly right about how the media will try to hype up everything. If the media had their way, people would see the Always Ultras as the equivalent to Italy's ultras, creating an intimidating cauldron, but it's just a bunch of misfits playing dress-up.
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Well-known member
I personally like the energy they bring to the games at Selhurst, but I am not sure they should always get the special treatment they deserve, with reserved seats for away games. However, there is a significant number of the fans who are not black clad hoodie wearers but middle aged men that just try to bring something extra to the team.
Roy's return is certainly polarising, I dont personally know whether the HF are for or against, but they will still be there for the remaining games, trying to inspire the team
Who cares? sorry but this is a Brighton forum.

Garry Nelson's Left Foot

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
That's a joke, right? They can't seriously be changing their badge to reflect some made up bullshit? I know they're delusional and desperate for something, anything to make them unique/give them an identity but this? Seriously?!

f***ing hell. They're an embarrasment not just to themselves but football in general. Can we disown them as rivals?

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