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Eurovision 2012

Iggle Piggle

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2010
I think Eurovision is brilliant, mainly from a gambling event perspective although was severely let down by the chirpy Finnish bloke last year having piled in at 50-1. I was also bricking it having bet against the Moldovans with the stupid hats who turned out to be 'so bad they are good'

This year Sweden have been piled into - I'll be betting against.

#Eurovision on twitter on Tuesday had me laughing. Looking forward to tonights. My wife always thinks I've turned mental at this time of year as the house only has XFM / Kerrang / Planet rock on but then morphs in Cheesy Euro pop fest for a few nights.


Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
May 3, 2006
I think the guy performing for Malta at present will get a lot of votes from the Brighton area.


New member
Sep 15, 2007
Worth watching for just the girls...

Like this lot you mean?



Good to see there's at least one other country that realises what a load of old shite it is. At least I hope this isn't a serious entry!


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Dont know who will win overall but I bet the 2 top scores of 10 & 12 from the uk will go to Jedwood & the singing Grannies.


Barndoor Holroyd
Dec 1, 2005
Kitchener, Canada
Denmark gets my vote. For the second year running Moldova could be a dark horse!


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2003
Thames Ditton
Its a good laugh the eurovision... use to hate it... but now i go to my old dears and have a few drinks and a laugh.. Harmless fun with some fit birds thrown in ...

I wasn't too keen on many so far...

I did like the performance last night with the 5 previous winners....

Alexander Rybeks was good.. very catchy


Sep 28, 2004
Izmir, Southern Turkey
Turkeys entry this year is shocking. We are certian the only reason we got through with the golden ticket Thursday is because of our economic support for Azerbaijan.

Sweden should win but wont because of the eastern bloc vote and Turkey will still get points only because of the emigre tele vote.


New member
Dec 9, 2006
Good Old Sussex By the Sea
Turkeys entry this year is shocking. We are certian the only reason we got through with the golden ticket Thursday is because of our economic support for Azerbaijan.

Sweden should win but wont because of the eastern bloc vote and Turkey will still get points only because of the emigre tele vote.

I like the Turkish entry! The UK always gives Turkey a good few points. Helped, as you said, by the Turkish population living in the UK.

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