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Is Keir really credible?

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Randy McNob

Now go home and get your f#cking Shinebox
Jun 13, 2020
Let's just hope that all those who are right behind Boris Johnston follow him off the scene when he goes...... the British people deserve better.

After that we can assess the alternatives......

I think in Mouldy's case there aint no incompetence grand enough, aint no death toll high enough, no corruption brazen enough to shirk his slavish support.


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
The Opposition can stand by for the moment; Corrupt tories are committing political suicide. It's best to let them get on with it for the time being....

Downing Street staff reportedly held two 'boozy parties' the night before the Queen sat on her own at Prince Philip's funeral.

The Telegraph tonight claimed that two leaving events were held at on the evening of Friday April 16 last year during a period of public mourning as well as lockdown.

The Queen's husband had died the previous week and his socially-distanced funeral would be the next day.

Eye-witnesses said 'excessive booze' was drunk, at points guests were dancing and one witness said the gathering ended 'well beyond midnight'.

According to witnesses the two parties were held in different parts of Downing Street before joining together as the night went on.

Around 30 people are said to have attend the combined gatherings, one source told the paper.

In the basement of No 10 a source said there was a 'party atmosphere' with music blaring out.

Later in the night one person was reportedly sent to the Co-op to return with a suitcase full of wine for the party.

At that time the country was in step two of the roadmap out of lockdown, meaning indoor socialising was banned and only a group of six could meet outdoors.

A spokesperson for No 10 said Boris Johnson was not in Downing Street that day as he had departed to his country house, Chequers.

The following day the Queen sat alone, wearing a face mask,. for a socially-distanced goodbye to her husband of 73 years.

Number 10 has been contacted for comment.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
I don't think this man instills either fear or confidence in anyone.


PPF? No, I agree with you, there.

Starmer? Well he seems to be frightening the bejesus out of some people if they are willing to gleefully embrace the paedophile trope. I mean, smirking about paedophilia? If that isn't shot to peices, I don't know what is.

Inspired by Starmer, I'm not.

There again I'm suspicious of politicians that stir the blood. Thatcher, Galloway, Paisley, Benn, Heseltine,'s a 'no' from me. I like my politics dull :wink:

Cheers. :thumbsup:
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Randy McNob

Now go home and get your f#cking Shinebox
Jun 13, 2020
I don't think this man instills either fear or confidence in anyone.


what is it you want to see? Seems to me you are in the 'mind made up' catagory and therefore unreachable


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
Johnson is doing his best to unite the country, by forcing everyone to agree that he is ****ing useless and a self serving ****. Starmer is far more credible than anyone on the Tory front benches.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
Judging by the increasingly desperate attacks on him by the Government and their far right fanboys, I think we have to draw the conclusion that the answer to the question is "yes"

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