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Plenty of tasty TEAR UPS in store next season


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2004
The seaside.
don't put yourself in them situations dickhead! i've been to MANY football matches and found myself to have had NO trouble at all... funny how some fans can walk away and others always end up in violent situations isnt it?... use your loaf once in a while... if you've got one.

I've got a loaf, thanks. Only difference is, mine is white and bleeds the Queen's blood, yours is wholemeal and smells of sandals. And you, moosh (is that how you spell it - mush, mooch? f*** it, whatever), are starting to f***ing annoy me. And you don't want to see me annoyed, it ain't pretty and it ain't fun, like the shot put. You reckon we deserved what them Hartlepool lads did to us? Like hell we did. What the hell do you mean "don't put yourself in those situations"? For your information, since you seem to know so much about what we did or didn't do, we didn't always go looking for trouble. Well, we did, but often we got trouble before the part of the trip where we'd started looking for it. Or sometimes, after we'd stopped looking for it. I bet you've never had a few beers on the way to a game? Something as simple as taking a slash (ie a urinate not a kniving, no knives was always the rule) could get your head kicked in.

Here's just one example: On our way up to a game at Leeds in '84 or '85, a carload of lads from the Sidcup Sofa Bed Boys (so called 'cause a few of our bigboys had sofa beds, which were the height of casual style back then and pretty expensive as they'd only just been invented, the name let other firms know we weren't pikeys, we could afford to get our shirts washed if they got claret - blood not wine, dig54, you nonce - on them in a dust-up). Me, Moggers, Julian Drakeford and Racist Steve. None of us amongst the bigboys, but certainly no trainees either, all strictly middle management in the firm.

We'd been knocking back tins of Skol (it's a beer, dig54, that drink mummy says you're not allowed) all the way up there. We were getting near their ground and Moggers desperately needed a piss. Usually we'd tell him to go out of the window, but there was a few OB sniffing around and you don't want to get lifted for something silly before you've had the chance of some toe to toe. We pulled up outside a pub, no Elland Road Bastard Brigade spotters that we recognised outside it, so we assumed it was a scarfer pub. Moggers rushes in to use the loo.

Ninety seconds later, he comes running out, blood everywhere, one of his ears hanging off, some wanker had even vomited down the front of his shirt. Behind him is half the pub, waving pool cues, table mats, some psycho even had a telescope (believe me, they f***ing hurt). We dragged what was left of Moggers into the car and the Leeds firm managed to take out a brake light, half the back window and our Baby On Board sign as we sped off. [NB We didn't really have a baby, dig54, before you start calling Social Services. That sign had got us out of a fair few scrapes in the past. For a while we even used to keep a baby-sized doll under the seat and Racist Steve learned how to do a pretty authentic crying noise.] My point is, were we looking for a trouble? No. Not at that point, anyway. Moggers got a proper shoeing, and for what? Just for wanting to use a pub's loo. You reckon he deserved it for putting himself in that "situation", dig54, you mug?

Later in the season, when we were arranging the rematch, one of our bigboys heard back from one of the Bastard Brigade's about what happened. Moggers was very, very drunk and it seems he'd accidentally gone to the toilet on some elderly scarfer in the pub. In Moggers' defence, Leeds had an all-white kit that season, and the bloke was sitting down in the full kiboosh (shirt, shorts, socks), so he would look a bit like a toilet if you were too drunk to know where you were. I suppose it didn't help that Moggers was apparently singing "dirty Nothern bastards" at the top of his voice, but we always sing that on our way to games North of 52.8 Latitude (and Leicester) to get us in the mood.

I can understand it if he'd done a shit on the guy, as that shows a lack of respect and would deserve a slap or two, but to give him a full-on pasting for what was just a piss take is OTT. The Leeds lads are animals, dig52, and if you've been to games up there without getting into any grief then you lived a charmed life. Well done, Cinderella. Now do one, you muppet.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Have I been had? At first I thought Pompous was kosher. He mentioned Longpockets, who was one of the known Brighton boys in the early 80s. But the more Pompous posts, the more I think he's a fantasist (ie bullshit artist, scuse my French). He probably only knows about Longpockets from reading about him in a Cass Pennant book or something. As for his latest post, no f***ing way would Albion and Palace firms settle a score over a game of Cluedo. With a game of punch poker (like strip poker, but with punching instead of stripping) maybe, but even that's pushing it.

So this is me calling you out, Pompous. Prove to me you're kosher. Answer me these five questions that anyone who was active on the early 80s scene would know. No Googling or asking a toughnut friend. Get 'em right I'll admit I was wrong. Get them wrong and everyone one on here will know you wasn't there, and you're just trying to big yourself up to get some respect and gash that you don't deserve.

1. How many times did Blackburn get run at Ewood Park in the 83-84 season?
2. What did Bam Bam from the Hullbellies end up getting sent down for?
3. How did Freddie Foureyes of Oxford's Biscuitshitter Crew lose one of his (actual) eyes?
4. What's a 'Grimsby smile'?
5. What sort of people were banned from joining Walsall's 8.53 To New Street Firm?



Deleted member 18477

I've got a loaf, thanks. Only difference is, mine is white and bleeds the Queen's blood, yours is wholemeal and smells of sandals. And you, moosh (is that how you spell it - mush, mooch? f*** it, whatever), are starting to f***ing annoy me. And you don't want to see me annoyed, it ain't pretty and it ain't fun, like the shot put. You reckon we deserved what them Hartlepool lads did to us? Like hell we did. What the hell do you mean "don't put yourself in those situations"? For your information, since you seem to know so much about what we did or didn't do, we didn't always go looking for trouble. Well, we did, but often we got trouble before the part of the trip where we'd started looking for it. Or sometimes, after we'd stopped looking for it. I bet you've never had a few beers on the way to a game? Something as simple as taking a slash (ie a urinate not a kniving, no knives was always the rule) could get your head kicked in.

Here's just one example: On our way up to a game at Leeds in '84 or '85, a carload of boys from the Sidcup Sofa Bed Boys (so called 'cause a few of our bigboys had sofa beds, which were the height of casual style back then and pretty expensive as they'd only just been invented, the name let other firms know we weren't pikeys, we could afford to get our shirts washed if they got claret - blood not wine, dig54, you nonce - on them in a dust-up). Me, Moggers, Julian Drakeford and Racist Steve. None of us amongst the bigboys, but certainly no trainees either, all strictly middle management in the firm.

We'd been knocking back tins of Skol (it's a beer, dig54, that drink mummy says you're not allowed) all the way up there. We were getting near their ground and Moggers desperately needed a piss. Usually we'd tell him to go out of the window, but there was a few OB sniffing around and you don't want to get lifted for something silly before you've had the chance of some toe to toe. We pulled up outside a pub, no Elland Road Bastard Brigade spotters that we recognised outside it, so we assumed it was a scarfer pub. Moggers rushes in to use the loo.

Ninety seconds later, he comes running out, blood everywhere, one of his ears hanging off, some wanker had even vomited down the front of his shirt. Behind him is half the pub, waving pool cues, table mats, some psycho even had a telescope (believe me, they f***ing hurt). We dragged what was left of Moggers into the car and the Leeds firm managed to take out a brake light, half the back window and our Baby On Board sign as we sped off. [NB We didn't really have a baby, dig54, before you start calling Social Services. That sign had got us out of a fair few scrapes in the past. For a while we even used to keep a baby-sized doll under the seat and Racist Steve learned how to do a pretty authentic crying noise.] My point is, were we looking for a trouble? No. Not at that point, anyway. Moggers got a proper shoeing, and for what? Just for wanting to use a pub's loo. You reckon he deserved it for putting himself in that "situation", dig54, you mug?

Later in the season, when we were arranging the rematch, one of our bigboys heard back from one of the Bastard Brigade's about what happened. Moggers was very, very drunk and it seems he'd accidentally gone to the toilet on some elderly scarfer in the pub. In Moggers' defence, Leeds had an all-white kit that season, and the bloke was sitting down in the full kiboosh (shirt, shorts, socks), so he would look a bit like a toilet if you were too drunk to know where you were. I suppose it didn't help that Moggers was apparently singing "dirty Nothern bastards" at the top of his voice, but we always sing that on our way to games North of 52.8 Latitude (and Leicester) to get us in the mood.

I can understand it if he'd done a shit on the guy, as that shows a lack of respect and would deserve a slap or two, but to give him a full-on pasting for what was just a piss take is OTT. The Leeds lads are animals, dig52, and if you've been to games up there without getting into any grief then you lived a charmed life. Well done, Cinderella. Now do one, you muppet.

hahaha ok if you insist.

did i ask for your life story? or any story for that matter?
if the answer to that is no, which i think you'll find is correct, then go and cry in a little corner by yourself as noone cares. I'll even provide the tissues, or better still don't cry about it? p.s. i dont think you should have gone to leeds...


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
hahaha ok if you insist.

did i ask for your life story? or any story for that matter?
if the answer to that is no, which i think you'll find is correct, then go and cry in a little corner by yourself as noone cares. I'll even provide the tissues, or better still don't cry about it? p.s. i dont think you should have gone to leeds...

You're not playing with a full deck, are you?


Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 6, 2003
Haywards Heath


In London village.
Some of the lads are coming out of retirement just in case you young pups need a bit of direction. We've forgotten more than most of you know, but once you've got the taste for some toe to toe, dodging the OB, keeping it ITK, and STILL using the gentleman's code (don't hit any scarfers, women or babies) then you can have a bit of fun.

God bless the Queen Mum.

Respect. HACC are still the guv'nors.

Rule Britannia.


Premiership please !
Jan 20, 2011
I've got a loaf, thanks. Only difference is, mine is white and bleeds the Queen's blood, yours is wholemeal and smells of sandals. And you, moosh (is that how you spell it - mush, mooch? f*** it, whatever), are starting to f***ing annoy me. And you don't want to see me annoyed, it ain't pretty and it ain't fun, like the shot put. You reckon we deserved what them Hartlepool lads did to us? Like hell we did. What the hell do you mean "don't put yourself in those situations"? For your information, since you seem to know so much about what we did or didn't do, we didn't always go looking for trouble. Well, we did, but often we got trouble before the part of the trip where we'd started looking for it. Or sometimes, after we'd stopped looking for it. I bet you've never had a few beers on the way to a game? Something as simple as taking a slash (ie a urinate not a kniving, no knives was always the rule) could get your head kicked in.

Here's just one example: On our way up to a game at Leeds in '84 or '85, a carload of lads from the Sidcup Sofa Bed Boys (so called 'cause a few of our bigboys had sofa beds, which were the height of casual style back then and pretty expensive as they'd only just been invented, the name let other firms know we weren't pikeys, we could afford to get our shirts washed if they got claret - blood not wine, dig54, you nonce - on them in a dust-up). Me, Moggers, Julian Drakeford and Racist Steve. None of us amongst the bigboys, but certainly no trainees either, all strictly middle management in the firm.

We'd been knocking back tins of Skol (it's a beer, dig54, that drink mummy says you're not allowed) all the way up there. We were getting near their ground and Moggers desperately needed a piss. Usually we'd tell him to go out of the window, but there was a few OB sniffing around and you don't want to get lifted for something silly before you've had the chance of some toe to toe. We pulled up outside a pub, no Elland Road Bastard Brigade spotters that we recognised outside it, so we assumed it was a scarfer pub. Moggers rushes in to use the loo.

Ninety seconds later, he comes running out, blood everywhere, one of his ears hanging off, some wanker had even vomited down the front of his shirt. Behind him is half the pub, waving pool cues, table mats, some psycho even had a telescope (believe me, they f***ing hurt). We dragged what was left of Moggers into the car and the Leeds firm managed to take out a brake light, half the back window and our Baby On Board sign as we sped off. [NB We didn't really have a baby, dig54, before you start calling Social Services. That sign had got us out of a fair few scrapes in the past. For a while we even used to keep a baby-sized doll under the seat and Racist Steve learned how to do a pretty authentic crying noise.] My point is, were we looking for a trouble? No. Not at that point, anyway. Moggers got a proper shoeing, and for what? Just for wanting to use a pub's loo. You reckon he deserved it for putting himself in that "situation", dig54, you mug?

Later in the season, when we were arranging the rematch, one of our bigboys heard back from one of the Bastard Brigade's about what happened. Moggers was very, very drunk and it seems he'd accidentally gone to the toilet on some elderly scarfer in the pub. In Moggers' defence, Leeds had an all-white kit that season, and the bloke was sitting down in the full kiboosh (shirt, shorts, socks), so he would look a bit like a toilet if you were too drunk to know where you were. I suppose it didn't help that Moggers was apparently singing "dirty Nothern bastards" at the top of his voice, but we always sing that on our way to games North of 52.8 Latitude (and Leicester) to get us in the mood.

I can understand it if he'd done a shit on the guy, as that shows a lack of respect and would deserve a slap or two, but to give him a full-on pasting for what was just a piss take is OTT. The Leeds lads are animals, dig52, and if you've been to games up there without getting into any grief then you lived a charmed life. Well done, Cinderella. Now do one, you muppet.

Is Racist Steve black or white ?


Seaweed! Seaweed!
Apr 24, 2011
Brighton? yeah,they got some right tasty geezers-you boys ave got some boys-


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2004
The seaside.
Is Racist Steve black or white ?

No idea, to be honest. I only saw him when we were going on a mission, and he always wore a balaclava. I thought he was being clever in case there was cameras, but many years later I heard on the grapevine that he was embarrassed by his excema. Have also since heard via Moggers' seventh ex-wife that Racist Steve sits in the House of Lords now, but again I can't be sure as I never knew his surname. And apparently Steve was just a nickname.

London Pompous

Active member
Feb 16, 2008
1. How many times did Blackburn get run at Ewood Park in the 83-84 season?
2. What did Bam Bam from the Hullbellies end up getting sent down for?
3. How did Freddie Foureyes of Oxford's Biscuitshitter Crew lose one of his (actual) eyes?
4. What's a 'Grimsby smile'?
5. What sort of people were banned from joining Walsall's 8.53 To New Street Firm?

1. Trying me with a trick question sonny? Those in the know know that it was 3.5 times. Leeds, Middlesboro, Burnley had them on full runs, but afteer Fila introduced a limited edition trainer that only was sold in left shoes, the Blackburn Gravy Gang all bought them, and wore them at home matches. When Grimsby took them on after the match at Ewood, Blackburn's finest had to hop on one leg away from the bifters, hence the half that was given when totting up skirmishes at the end of season awards.

2. Sniffing Dean Windass' mum's bicycle seat when she was 14 and smearing it in balti sauce to make it taste better.

3. Drilling a hole in the ladies bogs at the Goldstone to peer through, unfortunately Big Sarah then came in for a dump, and what he saw there caused instant blindness and three years in a psychatric ward.

4. It's when your sister noshes you off in the aforementioned town, but forgets to put her teeth in.

5. It was the Beano Bandits. They got into a fight amongst themselves arguing about how many stripes there were on Dennis the Menace's jumper.

God Bless the Queen Mum.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
1. Trying me with a trick question sonny? Those in the know know that it was 3.5 times. Leeds, Middlesboro, Burnley had them on full runs, but afteer Fila introduced a limited edition trainer that only was sold in left shoes, the Blackburn Gravy Gang all bought them, and wore them at home matches. When Grimsby took them on after the match at Ewood, Blackburn's finest had to hop on one leg away from the bifters, hence the half that was given when totting up skirmishes at the end of season awards.

2. Sniffing Dean Windass' mum's bicycle seat when she was 14 and smearing it in balti sauce to make it taste better.

3. Drilling a hole in the ladies bogs at the Goldstone to peer through, unfortunately Big Sarah then came in for a dump, and what he saw there caused instant blindness and three years in a psychatric ward.

4. It's when your sister noshes you off in the aforementioned town, but forgets to put her teeth in.

5. It was the Beano Bandits. They got into a fight amongst themselves arguing about how many stripes there were on Dennis the Menace's jumper.

God Bless the Queen Mum.

Seriously mate, the world is crying out for a comedy piss take hooligan book. You should start writing.

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