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Is my ex girlfriend a slut?


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Is my ex girlfriend a slut?

+---Topic: Is my ex girlfriend a slut? started by safewayseagull

Posted by: safewayseagull on June 09 2003,19:56

I discovered today that my ex girlfriend of nearly five years has been secretly seeing one of my so-called good mates for the last few weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bothered by this in so far as she can see who she likes. I just think this is a little close to home.

She's also just spent the weekend in Eastbourne, shagging me. Bonus for me, free sex. But she's also apparantly seeing some other bloke as well.

Her reaction when I took exception to this, IMO, slaggish behaviour was "why can't you be happy for me?" Errrrrr, right. So I should be happy because you're currently knocking about with THREE blokes? Okay then.

So what's the verdict? Am I just being bitter or is she in fact a trollop? All comments welcome.

(The 'mate', by the way, can f*** himself as well. I don't believe in any of this 'don't fall out over women' bullshit.)
Posted by: Danny Seagull on June 09 2003,19:59

She's taking the piss a bit there mate. Especially if she's anal probing these other two blokes as well
Posted by: Tazman on June 09 2003,20:11

Most definately taking the piss......a Good mate would've said no to her aswell....dodgy territory. Fcuk 'em both...not literally!
Posted by: Beach Hut on June 09 2003,20:16

But it is OK when a bloke does it ?

Live and let live - you got your free shag she got hers.
Posted by: Ben Andrews Girlfriend on June 09 2003,20:19

sorry mate, but she is a slut
Posted by: Tazman on June 09 2003,20:21

Yeah...But he may get some free creepy crawlies too!....
I'm not saying she's a tramp for having 3 blokes on the go...what i'm saying is that shes a tramp for having Safeway, Safeways "mate" and some crab infested chap from the arcade (you never know how true that might be! )
Posted by: EP Sam on June 09 2003,20:22

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(The 'mate', by the way, can f*** himself as well. I don't believe in any of this 'don't fall out over women' bullshit.)

I hope he isn't an NSC poster.

My view is that she is most definitely a trollop (and worse - completely unashamed by her behaviour) but that it shouldn't really bother you. It clearly does though which means you definitely still have feelings for her which are probably stronger than you are willing to admit.
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 09 2003,20:27

Ha ha fair play to her!
Posted by: bigc on June 09 2003,20:28

safeway, you're better off out of it. let her go back to the gutter
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 09 2003,20:37

Or maybe safeway is in the gutter
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 09 2003,20:38

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I hope he isn't an NSC poster.

My view is that she is most definitely a trollop (and worse - completely unashamed by her behaviour) but that it shouldn't really bother you. It clearly does though which means you definitely still have feelings for her which are probably stronger than you are willing to admit.

Don't psychoanalyse me!!

Like I said, what she gets up to is none of my business, and accordingly it doesn't bother me. I just think this latest stunt is beyond the pale. Anyone else and I really couldn't care less. Like I also said, I only slept with her because she was there, not because I needed to

And no, it's not an NSC poster.

Tazman, less of your cheek!

And BERKshire, the behaviour we are talking about is the type that you could only dream of exibiting. Now, go and have a wank (if you haven't already).
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 09 2003,20:40

Ha ha ha ha you gotta laugh old boy
I will save my wank til later o.k
Posted by: EP Sam on June 09 2003,20:41

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Don't psychoanalyse me!!

Don't start a thread like this then! Or would you prefer loads of inane comments rather than a serious answer? I stand by my argument.
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 09 2003,20:42

You are bitter and you no it!
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 09 2003,20:46

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Don't start a thread like this then! Or would you prefer loads of inane comments rather than a serious answer? I stand by my argument.

Of course I'd rather listen to what dickhead BERKshire's got to say.

Only joking mate, what you say is fair enough. I don't care for her as much as may appear, but I'd be lying if I said it hadn't rather f***ed my day up.

Posted by: EP Sam on June 09 2003,20:54

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I haven't got a f***ing clue.
Posted by: bigc on June 09 2003,20:57

a mate of mine said all girls were shallow. i said no, my gf isnt. she cheated on me, so i may be inclined to agree with him now. but i think i know a few non-shallow ones
Posted by: fatboy on June 09 2003,20:59

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I discovered today that my ex girlfriend of nearly five years has been secretly seeing one of my so-called good mates for the last few weeks.

Sorry mate.

I was going to tell you but she told me not to.
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 09 2003,21:00

Not all girls are shallow. They can't be with my length!! (sorry)

There are nice girls. My first proper girlfriend was excellent, totally devoted and would do anything for me. Unfortunately she was a fat **** so I dumped her.

Posted by: Ben Andrews Girlfriend on June 09 2003,21:00

there are a lot of nice girls around - dont let one slut put you down, it isnt worth it
Posted by: fatboy on June 09 2003,21:00

Most girls are sluts though.

Fact of life.
Posted by: Lucky_Boy_Farang on June 09 2003,21:13

Safeway, Best to get shot of her, If you are still riding the bitch then wear a plastic sheet.

As for your so called mate, hope the **** gets run over!
Posted by: dwayne on June 09 2003,21:16

some bitter and twisted people around here.

Let's face it some girls are slags and some are devoted 1 boyfrienders. Just as there are blokes who sleep around and sad losers who fall in love at the drop of a hat... they both serve their purpose.

The question still remains tho, have u unintentionally swallowed your mates come??
Posted by: bigc on June 09 2003,21:20

yes. i know not all girls are shallow, my last girlfriend was very, my previous wasnt, unfortunately i dumped her.
my friend who said that saw his girlfriend of over a year go off with his best mate
Posted by: fatboy on June 09 2003,21:22

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some bitter and twisted people around here.

Let's face it some girls are slags and some are devoted 1 boyfrienders. Just as there are blokes who sleep around and sad losers who fall in love at the drop of a hat... they both serve their purpose.

The question still remains tho, have u unintentionally swallowed your mates come??

The other question is Safeway..

..Would you have done the same to her?

Posted by: dwayne on June 09 2003,21:28

wash ya mouth out son and go get ya fathers gun and shoot ya mate whos scum, shoot ya mate who's scum...
Posted by: Danny Seagull on June 09 2003,21:51

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With all the complete bastards
Posted by: Artois on June 09 2003,21:57

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With all the complete bastards

There's no need to call me names.
Posted by: fatboy on June 09 2003,22:06

Posted by: NMH on June 09 2003,22:27

A sad indictment to your head, is the fact that you are having it simply f***ed with . She has successfully made you think about her with anguish about her sexploits, and deliberately went out of her way to let you know the gory details.

Why you would fall out with a mate over it is your business - but then why would you still have any relationship (in which you have expectations) with her when the two have apparently tangoed ? Should you not have treated the both of them in the same way? Why is he a baddy, and she is still worth dealing with?

If you go with a hooker, do you need to concern yourself with who her pimp is, and who are her other customers?

Silly stuff safeway, try to grow out of such low-level trifles and try to find a quality bird.
Posted by: Marshy on June 09 2003,23:37

Your both a couple of sluts....

Posted by: Cheshire Dolphin on June 09 2003,23:44

Coulda been worse - it coulda been me.
Posted by: Alex on June 10 2003,00:13

I guess as I'm in her Phone book Its me too!!!

good answer Cheshire
Posted by: bhaexpress on June 10 2003,06:16

Safeway, after your expoloits in the NSC BB House I think you're in no position to critisize !
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 10 2003,07:02

If it wasn't for birds opening there legs us men would have a very poor tally.
Posted by: gwylan on June 10 2003,07:11

Let's face it some girls are slags and some are devoted 1 boyfrienders. Just as there are blokes who sleep around and sad losers who fall in love at the drop of a hat

I don't get this: girls who sleep around are slags but blokes who stay faithful are sad losers. So presumably should f*** around as much as possible...

Hmm, think you're a bit mixed up, mate.
Posted by: Hamilton on June 10 2003,08:09

can I have her number?
Posted by: Albion Dan on June 10 2003,09:59

Safeway, did you split up with her 5 years ago, or just split up with her and went out with her for 5 years?

If you split with her 5 years ago you really shyould let her get on with whatever she wants and not give a toss.

If its the latter and youve just split then shes being a bit out of order seeing your mate so soon.
Posted by: Gritt23 on June 10 2003,10:05

She's bang out of order mate. However, you'll probably forgive your mate though. Did he definately know you two were still together, or did she spin him a line? Women can be devious like that.
I've been seeing this woman lately who has recently split up with a long-term boyfriend, then I find she has gone away with him for a last "dirty weekend" with him in Worthing, just to "get him out of her system". Yeah right!
Actually, was it Worthing? It may have ben eastbourne now I come to think about it.

Cheque please!

Posted by: dwayne on June 10 2003,10:09

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Let's face it some girls are slags and some are devoted 1 boyfrienders. Just as there are blokes who sleep around and sad losers who fall in love at the drop of a hat

I don't get this: girls who sleep around are slags but blokes who stay faithful are sad losers. So presumably should f*** around as much as possible...

Hmm, think you're a bit mixed up, mate.

There is a difference between a man who stays faithful and a sad loser who falls in love with with every girl he dates, no?
Posted by: Italiaseagull on June 10 2003,11:18

Sound like my ex flatmate. She was a complete slut! She has had more pricks in her than a dartboard.
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,11:27

No she is not. This is the story of Safeway Seagull. Did any of you lot know that he is a 26 year old, who goes round shagging 17 years old girls, Also he f***ed around with other trampy mamas to get his end away. And no she is not a trollop but a stunning girl who is in demand. Poor safeway seagull is very bitter, but then again if you see the girl you will all know that she needed a man not little boy. So tazman,Danny the Pri*ck, Beach hut, Ep sam who needs a shave and Bigc. All you Tos*ers need to get a life and stop fu*cking tripping. Have a good day. PJ
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,11:29

They have not even been together for 5 years, Safeways wishes. He just wants friends as he does not have any. Safeway you nasty Fucker
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,11:37

Safeway there is a nappy night at the Event, Full of 16-17 years old oh actually maybe thats to old for you. Ok and the following week there is one for 13-15 years old. But they are young so not very Experienced, BUT THEN AGAIN YOU SAID YOU WHERE.
Posted by: S5.BHA on June 10 2003,11:42

God this is going to get good !!!
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,11:48

Safeway only dated the stunning girl for 3 years. And as far as the whole my best mate and my ex girlfriend thing is a lie. They are only friends. All my days safeway you can enough act like hard done by. If only you actually had been.
Posted by: Mullers on June 10 2003,11:48

Why don't you and your mate talk her into a 3-some?
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 10 2003,11:50

OI! This is spamming! Bozza, are you gonna let her get away with this?

For the benefit of everyone else, Precious Jewel is my ex's sister. Fair play for sticking up for her, even if some of your accusations are somewhat misguided as a result of blind loyalty. 10 out of ten for passion though.
Posted by: Gritt23 on June 10 2003,11:57

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OI! This is spamming! Bozza, are you gonna let her get away with this?

Can you let her get away with this a little longer, as this has turned into a great thread!

Come on PJ, what else?

Sorry Safeway .....
Posted by: chemical brother on June 10 2003,12:10

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Also he f***ed around with other trampy mamas to get his end away.

I'd prefer it if you didn't talk about me like that. He's a fantastic shag and is very modest about the size of his length.

You're right though, I need to get a life and stop tripping.

Posted by: Albion Dan on June 10 2003,12:11

This has got top potential, do you remember the thread on the Watford board between that bird who went on about the fella who cheated on her and gave her vd?

Come on Precious Jewel keep it coming!!!

Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,12:13

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Ep sam who needs a shave

Why does EP Sam need a shave?

PS Its a shame you didn't get your sisters good looks!!

Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,12:16

Posted by: Italiaseagull on June 10 2003,12:17

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Or maybe safeway is in the gutter

Or maybe Safeway is in Gunter!
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 10 2003,12:24

Okay, time to get a few facts straight, as entertaining as this is getting.

My ex and I went out, on and off, for best part of five years, most recently at the start of this year. We lived together, went travelling together, and discussed marriage (well, she suggested it and I said no). We have been having sex continuously for the last five years (the longest period where we haven't has been a month).

The bloke she has been in cahoots with I lived with for over two years. We were best mates when living together and have remianed good friends since I moved out last December.

Those are FACTS, and the reason why I have been so aggrieved over the whole thing. To me your mates' birds and exes are no-go areas, you just don't do it.

The fact that she's been boning some other bloke recently is neither here nor there to me. We've been there before and it's never an issuse (I can't help it if I'm so damn good).
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,12:24

Safeway your friends on this are all very Gay. Oh thats why they are your friends. Watch out guys, Safeway is also known for taking it up the arse. A bum bandit in other words for the people who are not gay. Safeway its all coming out now. Fat Boy you sad tosser got a pic of one the girls from girls aloud. Looks like you are all after young girls. Prevs. You lot should be diced up into sections.
Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,12:26

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We have been having sex continuously for the last five years

Isn't that starting to hurt?
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 10 2003,12:27

It's alright, my fetish for anal probing is well documented in these parts! Girls' fingers you understand.
Posted by: Italiaseagull on June 10 2003,12:27

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Safeway your friends on this are all very Gay.

No! Only Gunter
Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,12:28

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Fat Boy you sad tosser got a pic of one the girls from girls aloud. Looks like you are all after young girls. Prevs. You lot should be diced up into sections.

You're right. I am a prev.

I am sorry that I have a picture of such a young girl who is five months and one day younger than me.

Feel free to dice me up into sections.
Posted by: Ben Andrews Girlfriend on June 10 2003,12:30

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Safeway your friends on this are all very Gay. Oh thats why they are your friends. Watch out guys, Safeway is also known for taking it up the arse. A bum bandit in other words for the people who are not gay. Safeway its all coming out now. Fat Boy you sad tosser got a pic of one the girls from girls aloud. Looks like you are all after young girls. Prevs. You lot should be diced up into sections.

ooh who's been on the bitch pills
Posted by: Gritt23 on June 10 2003,12:38

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Safeway your friends on this are all very Gay. Oh thats why they are your friends. Watch out guys, Safeway is also known for taking it up the arse. A bum bandit in other words for the people who are not gay. Safeway its all coming out now. Fat Boy you sad tosser got a pic of one the girls from girls aloud. Looks like you are all after young girls. Prevs. You lot should be diced up into sections.

ooh who's been on the bitch pills

Some harsh words there PJ. You haven't even heard from Gunter yet!
So Safeway may enjoy a lady slipping her fingers up his brown eye, no big deal, whatever floats your boat.

I think you have got us wrong, oh no, hang on, "Pervs", maybe your right! Are you coming round tonight for a good dicing???

Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,13:24

Safeway and my sister dated for 3 years, stop lying safeway. Then he went all twisted on her and she was like whatever safeway stop acting like a fool. marriage came up twice. First by my sster then the secong time safeway wanted to get married to him. By then safeway was on his way in toa mental home where he should be now. And she rejected, hence the reason why safeway is still bitter. Dom the friend was a good friend to safeway, but safeway being himself shitted on dom and generally never made the effort unless he wanted something-Uasally means he wants somewhere to stay. hence the reason why Dom does not care what safeway thinks. And just for the record and only for the record dom and my sister are friends nothing has happened except safeway making up things in his mind. Safeway has the tendency to do that alot and then starts to panic about change as he can never move on. Safeway sort your morals out. So everyone why dont you lot stop tripping on my sister and think about things in your own lifes. Safeway remeber not everyone is perfect atleast of all you. And oh yeah the whole travelling thing was like 3 years ago. And was not even travelling, It was holidays away. And she has to sleep with someone coz she needs someone to satisfy her needs coz you could not do it. So sit your folony little 3 inch dick down prick.
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,13:24

Safeway and my sister dated for 3 years, stop lying safeway. Then he went all twisted on her and she was like whatever safeway stop acting like a fool. marriage came up twice. First by my sster then the secong time safeway wanted to get married to him. By then safeway was on his way in toa mental home where he should be now. And she rejected, hence the reason why safeway is still bitter. Dom the friend was a good friend to safeway, but safeway being himself shitted on dom and generally never made the effort unless he wanted something-Uasally means he wants somewhere to stay. hence the reason why Dom does not care what safeway thinks. And just for the record and only for the record dom and my sister are friends nothing has happened except safeway making up things in his mind. Safeway has the tendency to do that alot and then starts to panic about change as he can never move on. Safeway sort your morals out. So everyone why dont you lot stop tripping on my sister and think about things in your own lifes. Safeway remeber not everyone is perfect atleast of all you. And oh yeah the whole travelling thing was like 3 years ago. And was not even travelling, It was holidays away. And she has to sleep with someone coz she needs someone to satisfy her needs coz you could not do it. So sit your folony little 3 inch dick down prick.
Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,13:28

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marriage came up twice. First by my sster then the secong time safeway wanted to get married to him.

Is your sister a man?
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 10 2003,13:30

Posted by: wombledinho on June 10 2003,13:31

in brunei we marry our sisters
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 10 2003,13:32

If I wanted to get married I would have proposed. As it is I didn't, so I didn't. Simple really.
Posted by: Italiaseagull on June 10 2003,13:34

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Dom the friend was a good friend to safeway, but safeway being himself shitted on dom

You dirty bastard safeway! Did you give Dom a golden shower aswell?
Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,13:37

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
So sit your folony little 3 inch dick down prick.

This could be one of the quotes of the century.
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,13:38

Why dont all of you lot go and look at your porn beneath your beds as thats the only amount pleassure you lot will be getting. Are all of you single or are your girlfriends blind. But then again you all could be batty boys of after the other, hey safeway more your style. ....
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,13:39

Fat Boy you aint bright enough to come up with shit so why dont you sit your arse back down as well.
Posted by: Italiaseagull on June 10 2003,13:42

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Why dont all of you lot go and look at your porn beneath your beds as thats the only amount pleassure you lot will be getting. Are all of you single or are your girlfriends blind. But then again you all could be batty boys of after the other, hey safeway more your style. ....

I can't look at my porn anymore, it's stuck together.

Yes my girlfriend is blind. It's great! She never knows when I'm about to cum in her face!
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,13:43

Fat boy is my sister a man-No, why is you mum- can you not tell by the topic " Is my ex girlfriend a slut". Unless you think safeway is a gay boy. You lot are not very bright are you. And I have I been on the bitch pills yes was on it with your sister and then your mum joined in as well. Where do you think you came from.
Posted by: Hamilton on June 10 2003,13:44

Is this a gold thread yet?
Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,13:45

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Fat Boy you aint bright enough to come up with shit so why dont you sit your arse back down as well.

I hope this is bright enough for you.

The person who had to use the toilet after me this morning would probably disagree with your statement.
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,13:45

Oops my bad, ben you came from the bastard pills....
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,13:47

Really is that bright in your books. My days i need to send you lot away for private lessons. Thick arse shit.
Posted by: chemical brother on June 10 2003,13:47

I would like to nominate this thread for NSC Gold. Never laughed at anything on NSC before but this is superb.

Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,13:50

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Safeway your friends on this are all very Gay. Oh thats why they are your friends. Watch out guys, Safeway is also known for taking it up the arse. A bum bandit in other words for the people who are not gay.

Tell us something new
Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,13:50

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Fat boy is my sister a man-No, why is you mum- can you not tell by the topic " Is my ex girlfriend a slut". Unless you think safeway is a gay boy. You lot are not very bright are you. And I have I been on the bitch pills yes was on it with your sister and then your mum joined in as well. Where do you think you came from.

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
marriage came up twice. First by my sster then the secong time safeway wanted to get married to him.

Fat boy is my sister a man-No, why is you mum- can you not tell by the topic " Is my ex girlfriend a slut". Unless you think safeway is a gay boy. You lot are not very bright are you. And I have I been on the bitch pills yes was on it with your sister and then your mum joined in as well. Where do you think you came from. quote]

Where I come from "him" usually implies the said person is a man.
Is your sister a man?
Posted by: Wozza on June 10 2003,13:50

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Did any of you lot know that he is a 26 year old, who goes round shagging 17 years old girls

Yes, I think he has mentioned this a few times.

PS NSC Gold, for sure.
Posted by: PreciousJewel on June 10 2003,13:53

Well I could chat all day and try and teach you lot ways of life but none of you lot seem to get it. So whats the point hey. Anyway better go. And remeber next time we may even be chatting about your sisters like this. One which aint got one it might even be about your mums.
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 10 2003,13:54

Does that mean it can be locked now?
Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,13:55

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Well I could chat all day and try and teach you lot ways of life but none of you lot seem to get it. So whats the point hey. Anyway better go. And remeber next time we may even be chatting about your sisters like this. One which aint got one it might even be about your mums.

I could chat all day and try and teach you the ways of the English Language but I have an exam on Saturday and I don't think I could teach it all to you by then.
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,13:56

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Then he went all twisted on her and she was like whatever safeway stop acting like a fool.

By then safeway was on his way in toa mental home where he should be now.

safeway making up things in his mind.

Safeway remeber not everyone is perfect atleast of all you.

We all know Safeway is twisted... 'Best way to kill a cat'

We all know he should be in a mental home.

We all know he makes things up in his mind.

I can asure you.. Safeway is perfect

And none of this changes anything... your sister is still a SLUT.

End of.
Posted by: Wozza on June 10 2003,13:57

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Does that mean it can be locked now?

Actually I was thinking about pinning it but I think this thread is gonna remain near the top anyway.
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:00

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Well I could chat all day and try and teach you lot ways of life but none of you lot seem to get it. So whats the point hey. Anyway better go. And remeber next time we may even be chatting about your sisters like this. One which aint got one it might even be about your mums.

You were trying to teach me something?

Go on, I'm a quick learner. Can't guarrantee I'll revise though.
Posted by: Albion Dan on June 10 2003,14:03

I hope this runs for days. Please dont go Precious Jewel, I think that horrible Safeway bloke deserves plenty more of what you think of him!
Posted by: -Rumbledinho- on June 10 2003,14:05

True love never dies
Posted by: Van der Gully on June 10 2003,14:05

Sorry mate but she displays all the characteristics of someone who is over-sexed, trouble is that you aren't the only one on the receiving end of her condition.

My advice would be to dump this girl before she passes on some life altering disease to you, unless of course you are happy to stir two other mens custard on a regular basis.
Posted by: Albion Dan on June 10 2003,14:07

Is this girl from Eastbourne Safeway?
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:08

Left to right: Danny Seagull, Safeway Seagull, Fatboy, Grin

Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:18

Sheebo says... Slut
Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,14:20

The tramp says?
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:20

Just in case you didn't quite get it the first time...

Posted by: 80's Seagull on June 10 2003,14:24

Precious Jewel does protest too much me thinks, must have a thing for Safeway herself.
Posted by: chemical brother on June 10 2003,14:26

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The tramp says?

The tramp wouldn't say anything. He'd tell an entertaining story with two swear words to every non-swear word about the time he rogered both Safeway's ex and her sister in their mum's bedroom a few years ago, got caught, jumped out the window and got the first train to Brighton to start his career as a whisky-seller/begger.

He would subsequently be aggressively asked to leave by Wetherspoon's management.

Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,14:27

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---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
The tramp says?

The tramp wouldn't say anything. He'd tell an entertaining story with two swear words to every non-swear word about the time he rogered both Safeway's ex and her sister in their mum's bedroom a few years ago, got caught, jumped out the window and got the first train to Brighton to start his career as a whisky-seller/begger.

He would subsequently be aggressively asked to leave by Wetherspoon's management.


Thats the wrong tramp mate.
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:28

I'm just giving the tramp a call. Another message from Cleethorpes for the time being..

Posted by: chemical brother on June 10 2003,14:29

Listen, I know you didn't like Laurence but some of us believe that a tramp is for life, not just for when you're pissed at away matches.

Where are the pictures?

Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:30

Beefy says 'Slut'.

Posted by: fatboy on June 10 2003,14:32

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Just out of interest why do you have a naked picture of BEefy when he was about 8?
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:32

Chemical says...

Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:34

Get the tart on here!

Posted by: TheLargeOne on June 10 2003,14:34

Safeway - back to your original point. I didn't even know you had a nob.
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,14:36

Yes, apologies. I just wanted to make sure the message got through.

Shame no one had a camera at the summer ball aye
Posted by: perth seagull on June 10 2003,14:41

In the spirit of the craziness of this thread, I think it's time Safeway's ex steps into the ring to defend herself. So Precious Jewel, quit hogging the computer and let big sister have a go...
Posted by: dwayne on June 10 2003,14:42

Safeway u are gonna have to stop hanging around with Pikies and 15 year olds. This thread is shameful and why the f*** was that precious bitch calling you "safeway". This has to be a wind up.
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,15:09

I don't think so.
Posted by: Gritt23 on June 10 2003,15:17

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
In the spirit of the craziness of this thread, I think it's time Safeway's ex steps into the ring to defend herself. So Precious Jewel, quit hogging the computer and let big sister have a go...

That sounds a great idea, as PJ is clearly on the blob at the moment and therefore not actually making a great deal of sense.

Safeway, what are the chances of getting back with your ex? It would be funny just to piss her sister off.

Go for it .......

Posted by: Albion Dan on June 10 2003,15:17

What you dont think your a pikie or you dont think this is a wind up?
Posted by: dwayne on June 10 2003,15:32

how many pikies live in Kensington baby?? how many pikies look this damn good??

that's right none!!
Posted by: fake slim on June 10 2003,15:36

dwayne is michael jackson
Posted by: dwayne on June 10 2003,15:39

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
dwayne is michael jackson

with animal size muscles yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Posted by: Gritt23 on June 10 2003,15:48

Nooooo, don't let one of the best threads of the year get hijacked by Dwayne and watch it turn into the old "Dwayne's World" crap. That's just so dull.

Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,15:50

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Nooooo, don't let one of the best threads of the year get hijacked by Dwayne and watch it turn into the old "Dwayne's World" crap. That's just so dull.


Here here
Posted by: dwayne on June 10 2003,17:04

here here

Posted by: Bozza on June 10 2003,17:16

Incredible - how did I manage to miss reading this today ?!?
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,17:27

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Incredible - how did I manage to miss reading this today ?!?

Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 10 2003,17:40

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Safeway your friends on this are all very Gay. Oh thats why they are your friends. Watch out guys, Safeway is also known for taking it up the arse. A bum bandit in other words for the people who are not gay. Safeway its all coming out now. Fat Boy you sad tosser got a pic of one the girls from girls aloud. Looks like you are all after young girls. Prevs. You lot should be diced up into sections.

Oi don't count me in the safeway clan!
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 10 2003,17:46

O dear safeway you rearly have made yourself look very stupid ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Nevermind me old china perhaps your cock was not big enough ha ha ha.
Posted by: _Giblet_ on June 10 2003,17:56

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
And no, it's not an NSC poster.

But you friend is...

Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,17:57

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
O dear safeway you rearly have made yourself look very stupid ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Nevermind me old china perhaps your cock was not big enough ha ha ha.


Posted by: EP Sam on June 10 2003,18:07

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Safeway and my sister dated for 3 years, stop lying safeway. Then he went all twisted on her and she was like whatever safeway.

And I was like, "oh my god don't even go there" and she was like "talk to the hand girlfriend" and it was like sooooo not cool.
Posted by: Ben Andrews Girlfriend on June 10 2003,18:08

Posted by: EP Sam on June 10 2003,18:11

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
I am completely prepared to admit that I am a total and utter buffoon with a dangerous cock-arrangement and everything I've said thus far is absolute shat town.

Well you said it.
Posted by: Brixton Gull on June 10 2003,18:36

9 pages in one day.Where have i been???

*marvellous scenes*

ps anyone know the poster on here who once went by 'The Jerk' name?
Posted by: Easy 10 on June 10 2003,18:39

Ahhh, its threads like this that make NSC such a joy to behold sometimes.

Safeway - all credit to you mate. I reckon you come out of this with flying colours in my book. To have so royally got up the nose of your ex-birds sister that she felt compelled to register and post on NSC is, quite simply, the stuff of legend. This is so much better than ANY soap opera - its real life, warts and all.

Precious Jewel, ranting with her semi-coherent half-arsed grammar, is an absolute joy - how old is she anyway, out of interest ?

I just can't wait for the next instalment...
Posted by: Bozza on June 10 2003,18:45

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------


A yellow card awarded to me on yet another Albion messageboard?
Posted by: Bozza on June 10 2003,18:47

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
that she felt compelled to register and post on NSC is, quite simply, the stuff of legend.

The thing I am wondering, is how did this bird's sister happen to know about this thread? This board, even...?
Posted by: EP Sam on June 10 2003,18:47

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Precious Jewel, ranting with her semi-coherent half-arsed grammar, is an absolute joy

Dunno about half-arsed. I think she's just thick really. And she comes about with loads of annoying Americanisms like some 12 year old.
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,18:50

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
that she felt compelled to register and post on NSC is, quite simply, the stuff of legend.

The thing I am wondering, is how did this bird's sister happen to know about this thread? This board, even...?

Indeed, although I don't think safeway's winding us up this time..
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,18:52

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------


A yellow card awarded to me on yet another Albion messageboard?

Your well on your way to a suspension!
Posted by: Paddy B on June 10 2003,19:03

I hope it's not a wind up - best thread I've read in ages better even than Easy's women thread
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 10 2003,19:10

Yeah its nice to see real bitter arguments appear on here.
Posted by: Danny Seagull on June 10 2003,19:45

PJ, is that Bhav!??

If so, you can hardly pass any judgement on Steve with your taste in men - Jelan Jelly Belly? Ricky?
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 10 2003,19:57

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
The thing I am wondering, is how did this bird's sister happen to know about this thread? This board, even...?

My ex has had a knowledge of this board for a while, mainly due the fact that I mention it probably more than I should do.

A couple of people who work with her also use NSC. One of those people, (who also happens to be a member of my family! Not PC Beard or Cheshire I might add), decided to tell her about this thread last night. She's obviously told her sister who then decided to embarrass herself royaly by attempting to slate me.

The words 'laundry', 'dirty', 'washing' and 'public' spring to mind.
Posted by: EP Sam on June 10 2003,19:58

Fat Brian? Kev the Lesbian? Tony four bollocks? Knackerless Jeremy?
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 10 2003,20:15

Posted by: safewayseagull on June 10 2003,20:19

A quality reply as usual from you, Berkshire. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 10 2003,20:40

Ha ha just keep me laughing and thats all what matters.

3 cheers for safeways
Posted by: Tazman on June 10 2003,21:15

What a fantastic thread....can't believe i didn't sign on earlier! may be twisted (apparently) but sounds like your making a well timed exit from that family! Thanks for the entertainment though!
Posted by: Lobsterisimus Bumakissimus on June 10 2003,21:23

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Well I could chat all day and try and teach you lot ways of life but none of you lot seem to get it. So whats the point hey. Anyway better go. And remeber next time we may even be chatting about your sisters like this. One which aint got one it might even be about your mums.


No, no, you must speak me English. Is good, I learn
Posted by: bigc on June 10 2003,22:08

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Fat boy is my sister a man-No, why is you mum- can you not tell by the topic " Is my ex girlfriend a slut". Unless you think safeway is a gay boy. You lot are not very bright are you. And I have I been on the bitch pills yes was on it with your sister and then your mum joined in as well. Where do you think you came from.

preciousjewel, u free at short notice?
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,22:23

Posted by: S5.BHA on June 10 2003,22:45

The problem now is that we need PJ back for the thread not to die.............kind of like when a bunch of blokes are getting pissed at a bar and a fat bird comes up and tries to chat one of them up,but gets a knock back and then the piss taken out of her by all present.She can not back down or walk away cos that would be seen as defeat !!!
So now please can we have some ideas as how to get her back on the thread.

Posted by: Cunninglinguist on June 10 2003,22:51

She'll be back in the morning-she's hooked Failing that, Safeway should send PJ's sister, his ex, an email to let her know that so far 75% of us think she's a slut
Posted by: slug balancer on June 10 2003,23:04

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Safeway and my sister dated for 3 years, stop lying safeway. Then he went all twisted on her and she was like whatever safeway.

And I was like, "oh my god don't even go there" and she was like "talk to the hand girlfriend" and it was like sooooo not cool.

And I was like, "Totally! Far out! Gag me with a spoon!"
Posted by: Cunninglinguist on June 10 2003,23:11

This thread has gone so, totally. you know, last century!
Posted by: Turkey on June 10 2003,23:12

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Safeway and my sister dated for 3 years, stop lying safeway. Then he went all twisted on her and she was like whatever safeway.

And I was like, "oh my god don't even go there" and she was like "talk to the hand girlfriend" and it was like sooooo not cool.

And I was like, "Totally! Far out! Gag me with a spoon!"

Ummmmmmmmmmm ok. So you think im a slut like, well why don't you like try and be me.. like.
Posted by: Brixton Gull on June 10 2003,23:18

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Really is that bright in your books. My days i need to send you lot away for private lessons. Thick arse shit.

get yer tits out
Posted by: NMH on June 10 2003,23:49

Quality ! .....oh....wait.....wrong thread .
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 11 2003,07:02

Goner keep this thread near the top as i no safeways is getting rather pissed off now and wishes he never started it ha ha ha ha ha.
Posted by: brighton_b0y on June 11 2003,08:48

if you've had a fit bird! and ur mate likes her!friendship will go out the window, trust me!!!i had a mate that i confided in when i broke up with a bird i really loved!!! and whilst i was confiding in him, he was txtin her and meetin her trying to get in her knickers!!! never trust anyone!!! even brothers!!!its sad to say but true!!!

Posted by: Dandyman on June 11 2003,09:08

Mods get this to the top.

PJ - a star is born !

Posted by: Beefy_ on June 11 2003,09:08

NSC gold,got to be?
Posted by: midlandseagull on June 11 2003,09:59

Had to join was slipping down the table.........come back PJ all is forgiven! We need an injection of venom to keep the laughs going!
Posted by: Simster on June 11 2003,10:04

Can't believe I've missed this thread - there have been too many boring sex related threads this summer but this breaks the mould of tedium.

Anyway, yes she's a slut. And a top drawer slut at that. No worries, we've all had them.

Safeway - knowingly stirring another man's custard aint nice. Time to move on instead of telling all and sundry about your private life on a message board. Not that I'm complaining mind.

PreciousJewel - put your knickers on and make us a cup of tea.

Posted by: safewayseagull on June 11 2003,10:15

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
if you've had a fit bird! and ur mate likes her!friendship will go out the window, trust me!!!.................never trust anyone!!! even brothers!!!its sad to say but true!!!


Agree totally, although I don't believe all girls are the same just like all blokes aren't all the same. If they were us 'good guys' would be f***ed.

Regarding your last sentence, have you ever considered writing sex books? That got me quite aroused.
Posted by: Ben Andrews Girlfriend on June 11 2003,10:20

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Oops my bad, ben you came from the bastard pills....

whatEVER girlfriend. talk to the hand coz the face aint listenin'!

P.S learn to read!!
Posted by: safewayseagull on June 11 2003,10:22

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Time to move on instead of telling all and sundry about your private life on a message board.

Take your point, it probably was a strange thing to do. The thing is though, trivialising the matter by putting it on a message board has actually made it a lot easier to deal with. A sort of therapy if you will. Yesterday I felt like f***ing shit over the whole affair. Today I feel great, it doesn't bother me at all.

NSC. So much more than a football chat site.
Posted by: dwayne on June 11 2003,10:24

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Time to move on instead of telling all and sundry about your private life on a message board.

Take your point, it probably was a strange thing to do. The thing is though, trivialising the matter by putting it on a message board has actually made it a lot easier to deal with. A sort of therapy if you will. Yesterday I felt like f***ing shit over the whole affair. Today I feel great, it doesn't bother me at all.

NSC. So much more than a football chat site.

where's our cash?
Posted by: JAMC on June 11 2003,10:38

Women should have a health warning stamped on them. Just like on the ciggie packets. Just to let you know what you are letting yourself in for!! It should go along the lines of HEAD f***!!!

Posted by: midlandseagull on June 11 2003,11:52

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
trivialising the matter by putting it on a message board has actually made it a lot easier to deal with. A sort of therapy if you will. Yesterday I felt like f***ing shit over the whole affair. Today I feel great, it doesn't bother me at all.

NSC. So much more than a football chat site.

and it gave us all a laugh as well
in precious jewel a star is born
Posted by: SM BHAFC on June 11 2003,11:55

All slags and whores and they all do it for money even my mum!!

(Only joking Mum)
Posted by: fatboy on June 11 2003,12:09

My ex girlfriend is a slag too apparently.

Posted by: Guinness Boy on June 11 2003,12:13

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
Can't believe I've missed this thread - there have been too many boring sex related threads this summer but this breaks the mould of tedium.

Anyway, yes she's a slut. And a top drawer slut at that. No worries, we've all had them.

Safeway - knowingly stirring another man's custard aint nice. Time to move on instead of telling all and sundry about your private life on a message board. Not that I'm complaining mind.

PreciousJewel - put your knickers on and make us a cup of tea.


Couldn't have put it better although I'd have tried if you hadn't beaten me to it. 2 days of ignoring this thread not realising we had our very own Brian the Watford Goat shagger saga here on NSC

I've just had to explain to my wife why I've spent the last 5 minutes with my shoulders shaking with laughter and tears rolling down my face. Slag.
Posted by: JAMC on June 11 2003,12:14

Come August 9th and you will forget all this shit with her because we will be with our true love BHAFC!!!

Posted by: Alex on June 11 2003,12:19

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
The thing I am wondering, is how did this bird's sister happen to know about this thread? This board, even...?

My ex has had a knowledge of this board for a while, mainly due the fact that I mention it probably more than I should do.

A couple of people who work with her also use NSC. One of those people, (who also happens to be a member of my family! Not PC Beard or Cheshire I might add), decided to tell her about this thread last night. She's obviously told her sister who then decided to embarrass herself royaly by attempting to slate me.

The words 'laundry', 'dirty', 'washing' and 'public' spring to mind.

Its alright you could name me Safeway after reading that what was I meant to do pretend I never read it... I sit 5 yards away from her and have done for over a year....

truth is i proberbly her than I do my cousin!
Posted by: JAMC on June 11 2003,12:24

f***ing hell!
I sound like a shrink!
Mate! Arrange a dirty weekend away with her in Wolverhampton.
Say you'll meet her up there and just don't turn up!
Let the Wolves fans have her!!!
What do you reckon to this cunning plan!!

Posted by: EastTerrace on June 11 2003,13:27

Suggest a foursome?
Posted by: Italiaseagull on June 11 2003,13:33

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
The thing I am wondering, is how did this bird's sister happen to know about this thread? This board, even...?

My ex has had a knowledge of this board for a while, mainly due the fact that I mention it probably more than I should do.

A couple of people who work with her also use NSC. One of those people, (who also happens to be a member of my family! Not PC Beard or Cheshire I might add), decided to tell her about this thread last night. She's obviously told her sister who then decided to embarrass herself royaly by attempting to slate me.

The words 'laundry', 'dirty', 'washing' and 'public' spring to mind.

Its alright you could name me Safeway after reading that what was I meant to do pretend I never read it... I sit 5 yards away from her and have done for over a year....

truth is i proberbly her than I do my cousin!

Shame on you, young Alex!
Posted by: Gritt23 on June 11 2003,13:34

Safeway, you need to get PJ back on NSC.

I really miss her, with her unusual approach to sentence construction.

Posted by: Turkey on June 11 2003,13:46

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
The thing I am wondering, is how did this bird's sister happen to know about this thread? This board, even...?

My ex has had a knowledge of this board for a while, mainly due the fact that I mention it probably more than I should do.

A couple of people who work with her also use NSC. One of those people, (who also happens to be a member of my family! Not PC Beard or Cheshire I might add), decided to tell her about this thread last night. She's obviously told her sister who then decided to embarrass herself royaly by attempting to slate me.

The words 'laundry', 'dirty', 'washing' and 'public' spring to mind.

Its alright you could name me Safeway after reading that what was I meant to do pretend I never read it... I sit 5 yards away from her and have done for over a year....

truth is i proberbly her than I do my cousin!

I actually guessed it was you. I know to much.

Posted by: Alex on June 11 2003,15:40

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
The thing I am wondering, is how did this bird's sister happen to know about this thread? This board, even...?

My ex has had a knowledge of this board for a while, mainly due the fact that I mention it probably more than I should do.

A couple of people who work with her also use NSC. One of those people, (who also happens to be a member of my family! Not PC Beard or Cheshire I might add), decided to tell her about this thread last night. She's obviously told her sister who then decided to embarrass herself royaly by attempting to slate me.

The words 'laundry', 'dirty', 'washing' and 'public' spring to mind.

Its alright you could name me Safeway after reading that what was I meant to do pretend I never read it... I sit 5 yards away from her and have done for over a year....

truth is i proberbly her than I do my cousin!

Shame on you, young Alex!

hey you Italian bastered

That Turkey is a wanker....

You know im going to my first cricket game next Friday...
hopefully its my last..... Boring
Posted by: -Dely Valdes- on June 11 2003,15:47

Je Suis Le Frontier...

That has no relevence to this thread whatsoever, i just wanted to say it.

Posted by: Brixton Gull on June 11 2003,15:56

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
NSC. So much more than a football chat site.

I know.Have i told everyone whats happening in the Tennis?
Posted by: Danny Seagull on June 11 2003,16:16

This could be as big as that Watford fan love triangle involving a goat on their rivals site! We need to spread the word
Posted by: Turkey on June 11 2003,16:26

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------
This could be as big as that Watford fan love triangle involving a goat on their rivals site! We need to spread the word

I think not. For a start I don't think they'll be any more replies from the slag or her sis.
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 11 2003,16:59

Nice to see this thread is doing well!
Posted by: -Dely Valdes- on June 11 2003,17:03

Posted by: Albion Dan on June 11 2003,17:10

This thread is losing it, unfortunately it looks like the girls dont want to play. BOOO!

Probably worth locking and stamping with NSC Gold before it get ruined?
Posted by: berkshire seagull on June 11 2003,20:02

Posted by: EP Sam on June 11 2003,22:09

---------------------QUOTE BEGIN-------------------

ha ha ha i HAt palarse ha ha ha
MMMMm the obest thing bout birds is wennn the get hahah ha thwier TiTS out aient it ha

Posted by: EP Sam on June 11 2003,22:11


For f*cks sake put this on NSC Gold!!
Posted by: Lush on June 11 2003,23:12

Also late to this thread and agree that the ex is a slut.

However has everyone on NSC seen her naked?
Posted by: Bozza on June 11 2003,23:30

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