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  1. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    It's on all of us Health Secretary Matt Hancock has warned the government's timeline for unlocking coronavirus restrictions won't be sped up - and could even be slowed as ministers remain "vigilant" against infection rates. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has set out a four-stage roadmap for...
  2. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    It is concerning, we're still in winter, we've only got a quarter of the population vaccinated and we're going ahead with a big bang opening. Giving pupils three weeks to mix and spread the virus around schools and then another two weeks during the holidays to then spread it to other family...
  3. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    I don't blame them, six and a half thousand Fulham fans going absolutely bonkers would strike the fear if dread into any opposition team. I wouldn't worry if I were them, I think the first lockdown step with all schools returning and still in late Winter will push up infections and mean the...
  4. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    With a variant that was 50-70% less transmissible and with the benefit of summer (nothing was relaxed until June), we're still in Winter and I'd be amazed if Spring is as kind to us weather wise this year. Plus the vaccine has only been currently distributed to a quarter of the population...
  5. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Five weeks gives enough time for any change in circumstance to register in terms of number of cases and hospitalisations, thats how long it will take to judge. If the government grants a set of easing measures if in 5 weeks time it has not resulted in an increase in cases and hospitalisations...
  6. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    I think we should feel confident from what is going to come out is this is the last national lockdown, at least until much later in the year and only then if another variant comes around which renders the vaccine all but useless (not impossible but unlikely), what we can expect to see is local...
  7. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Italy and France are both showing signs of increasing infections, and their hospitals are also under pressure. We're winning this fight at the moment, lets not throw away all that hard work by repeating past mistakes and letting things reopen too quickly, otherwise we'll be back in retreat very...
  8. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    There isn't much if any risk with golf, I guess in the grand scheme of things though golf is still very much a rich white mans sport, what big benefit to society does it give reopening golf clubs? I've noted quite a few celebrities banging the drum on reopening golf clubs and they all seem to...
  9. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Totally agree and I have long advocated for a harsher longer lockdown, this lockdown compared to the first lockdown is poor, espite that we have seen substantial improvements in a fairly rapid decline in all the key metrics. In hindsight though with a proper lockdown, with places of worship...
  10. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    According to BBC sources, there are four steps to reopening and there will be FIVE weeks between each step, time to allow real statistics of the impact of that unlocking on cases and hospitalisations at least, which gives the government the opportunity to push back the next stage of unlocking if...
  11. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Seems a fairly balanced, sensible approach, the government have really got a grip if things in 2021 when it appeared at the end of the year they were spiralling out of control. Having decent breaks between each set of easing restrictions means the impact can be measured before any further...
  12. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    I agree. It seems most of scientists are bamboozled by BJs desperate attempts to get schools back on 8th March after he foolishly announced that a several weeks ago. Perhaps we can see primary schools return on that date and then we can review the data on what it does to the R rate and then it...
  13. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Your point is typical of the press, trying to pick a fault and a hole in every argument, the spirit of the lockdown is very simple, stay at home unless you absolutely have to leave the house, if everyone would follow this we'd have plenty less cases than we already do and would be able to...
  14. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Sage is made up of a lot of scientists who are far more talented and knowledgeable about this than your or I. They will all have varying opinions on such matters but the consensus has been from the beginning of the pandemic we've locked down too late and not harshly enough. There is no doubt...
  15. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    The general gist seems to be so long as cases, hospitalisations and deaths continue to fall at similar rates to now schools will begin a gradual reopening from March 8th, teaching unions are demanding not all pupils back right away though so I suspect it will only be part time for many. Then...
  16. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    I agree it should be wholly in data but it is encouraging it seems the majority of of the country is behind a continuation of lockdown whixh should persuade BJ to wholly trust the advice of SAGE on the best way forward.
  17. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Big poll in the I tomorrow shows the majority of the public are very much in favour of the current lockdown. Most believe that schools should begin to reopen from 8th March but non essential shops should not open until April at the earliest and it should be are not convinced that hospitality...
  18. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    That's far too quick, there are already very early signs the rate of decline us beginning to slow and that's in lockdown, reopening schools will very likely on their own begin to see rates climb again so there seems very little wriggle room to open anything else yet until the data supports it...
  19. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Scottish Education Minister has confirmed that part time in school learning for secondary schools will continue indefinitely when secondary schoold do return in Scotland possibly in April. As good a sign as any that social distancing is here for at least the rest of this year and possibly beyond.
  20. crodonilson

    Roadmap out of Lockdown - Feb 22nd

    Schools reopening will affect that, I'd be absolutely amazed if we're down to those levels by then unless the extra number of people vaccinated and with some protection cancels out the uptick in schools returning.

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