Well, yes. But it's always best to get the full story. MPs can be very much on edge considering two of them have been murdered in recent years. So whilst it doesn't look good, I'd always wait for the facts. The Daily Mail somehow managed to add taxation issues to their article. Just odd...
Yes, ironically there are pensioners who live in larger houses but would suffer if they moved. It wouldn't be uncommon for some to be struggling. Some have downsized to smaller flats and are cash rich.
I hadn't thought about this. My own thoughts is that WFA should be scrapped, yes, because too many have it as a windfall. But I do worry about those who aren't in a position to apply for help as he says. The government has a duty to protect the vulnerable.
It is important to protect the most vulnerable whilst realising that millions of pensioners own their own homes, have plenty of savings and other incomes. The whole thing was badly constructed in the first place. To get votes, successive governments have given constant freebies to millions of...
Now listen, I am the most Stupid of the Wooshed. I am King Woosh. I have been wooshed more times than the most wooshed person in Wooshland.
But I am not falling for this one.
Rational thinking would assume that it will take months to get things get things working. And no-one would want the government to rush into new policies and practices like, off the top of my head, sending them to a foreign country, paying millions, and no-one actually going.....
The mood must have changed over a few weeks before. Bowden was the last Tory I voted for. I met him at an event at our church a couple of weeks before the election and he told me he didn't think he was going to get elected.
It was, indeed, The Sun wot won it.