My commute to London, with the wonder that is SouthEastern, can be 2h. That's 4h a day. 20 h a week.
I only go in these days if I have contact teaching.
And I actually raised some competitive research funding a couple of years ago. Me? At my age?
I can be done....
Ah yes. Not having to interact with (and talk to, and worse, have to listen to) the other bastards. Avoiding the Cruciatus curse of working al fresco (not in doors).
Not me. I am on top of my shit and when I dodge a 3.5 h commute I get to work 3.5 h extra. With better quality coffee and ambient music. What's not to like?
Of course, there are plenty of skivers. I think that Darwin's notions will help ensure good workers float to the top, in the long run...