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40 Note Fund.

Aug 11, 2003
The Open Market
That is a tad tenuous....we could have employed Anyone as goal keeping coach.

Not tenuous at all. Yes, in theory we could have had 'anyone'. We got someone who had an affinity with the club. That can count for a lot.

I would have though he had to improve as we had a Finnish international goalkeeper banging on the door to play.

He had to improve because he had to improve, whoever was next in line.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
I think that was about 6 years before?

Can't remember. I just have some very vague recollection that Rod Thomas was partly funded by the fans, but I might be completely wrong on that. It has been known, from time to time.

Guy Fawkes

The voice of treason
Sep 29, 2007
Can't remember. I just have some very vague recollection that Rod Thomas was partly funded by the fans, but I might be completely wrong on that. It has been known, from time to time.

I have a vague recollection of this happening too but can't remember any details.

Was it from a forerunner to the £40 note fund, like a buy a player fund ?

Jam The Man

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
South East North Lancing
Can't remember. I just have some very vague recollection that Rod Thomas was partly funded by the fans, but I might be completely wrong on that. It has been known, from time to time.

Yes Rod Thomas was definitely bought as part of a People's Player fund


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
LA...wishing it was devon..
i recall doing a sponsored walk for 5.3 miles... archer's total input into the club or whatever it was that contributed to rod thomas..

an ominous day for us eh Ward is God.... we all met Ex Plymouth Nige! and the rest is history!

Tom Hark Preston Park

Will Post For Cash
Jul 6, 2003
Might be mistaken but vaguely recall The Forty Notes Fund fizzling out when it went One Step Beyond and proposed putting contributions towards VERY expensive access to a Burke-esque database of players to put at the disposal of the manager du jour. I'm sure somebody will correct me if this wasn't the case.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
Might be mistaken but vaguely recall The Forty Notes Fund fizzling out when it went One Step Beyond and proposed putting contributions towards VERY expensive access to a Burke-esque database of players to put at the disposal of the manager du jour. I'm sure somebody will correct me if this wasn't the case.

Post 10.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
I'd have been surprised if Ben Roberts would have been Brighton's goalkeeping coach if he hadn't played here before. And people I speak to at the club are saying Stockdale's improvement this season is largely down Roberts (and himself of course).

What's the 40 note fund got to do with Ben Roberts - am I missing something?


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 13, 2015
Contribution to the acquisition of Chris Iwelemu was enough to justify the funds existence surely,.... his flounce of a dive for the match winning penalty in Cardiff 2004 was key to the maintenance of our mostly upward journey.

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