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[Albion] Fixtures moved around Christmas and New Year

Paulie Gualtieri

Bada Bing
NSC Patron
May 8, 2018
Always winners and losers. Mostly crap for me as probably won't be able to get to the Spurs game now due to work, which is a right pain in the a*se. Hate all the 1930 kick-offs too as that 15-30 mins makes a big difference when you're taking people who don't finish work until 6pm and sometimes can't get away on time.

On the flip side, was going to miss Wolves but will now be able to see that one. Would rather have been able to go to the Spurs game though.

Was hoping a for a Brentford to move to Thursday 7th and Burnley to the Sunday as a result as looks like I will be missing at least one or maybe both.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
To be fair, we get a whole week over Christmas with no game (21st to 28th), that's going to give us a huge advantage over some other teams around that time


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
On the Border
To be fair, we get a whole week over Christmas with no game (21st to 28th), that's going to give us a huge advantage over some other teams around that time
Agree, The PL have been rather kind to us in terms of rest periods over Christmas/New Year.

It should also mean that RDZ can get spend the time fine tuning our pattern of play and DNA, to ensure we have a strong second half to the season.

Deadly Danson

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Don’t speak on behalf of everyone but…..they are the shittest festive fixtures I could possibly have dreamt up
I agree. One match over the festive period and that's on a Thursday evening. Two nice away games moved to a Thursday and Tuesday evening. I thought I'd foreseen all eventualities when planning time off work for the games but Palace on the Thursday and West Ham moving from Sat to a Tue were not part of the plan. Never mind, no excuse for the players to be too tired now.

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Actually that works for me as would have had to rush back from north London seeing my youngest and her husband over Christmas on the 26th. Moving the spuds game is good.

Official Old Man

Uckfield Seagull
Aug 27, 2011
Oh no!
When we got knocked out of the FL Cup I was happy as we could go away for our anual trip to the Euro Xmas Markets that week.
Now they've moved a match to the Thursday, even worse it's Palace, a game I cant miss.
What chance is there of fitting it in on the 10th Dec and getting back on the 14th for Marseille?


Well-known member
Absolutely bull.
We only had one home game in January which was Wolves on 13th.
My wife wanted us to go away that month so we booked a trip on 16th for a week away.
How can they move Wolves from 13th to 22nd? Live on TNT
I'm guessing its to do with this winter break? Well pissed off.
We could still have 3 home games in January though


Coffee Buyer
Jul 5, 2003
No Arsenal away for me then as I'm at Jack and the Beanstalk with grandkids! :rolleyes:

We already knew Arsenal would get moved as we are playing Marseille at home on the Thursday

mile oak

Well-known member
May 21, 2023
Looks like engineeering work after Tottenham game so any replacement busses will be rammed.

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